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【239】Princess: Balance should be praised!

Qipoche's plan is both simple and difficult.

The simple thing is that to untie the bell, one must tie the bell.

You, a princess, don’t have any ideas?

How can I fall in love with a slave?

Since you can keep Keya, why don't you use your authority to release him?

Maybe the princess had thought about doing this, but she was still young and didn't understand what the Pandora's box of power in her hand meant.

Qi Boche wants to help her open it.

The difficulty lies in two points...

As Oyer said, if Her Royal Highness the Princess only regards Keya as a plaything, then this move will not only fail to save Keya, but will also involve the three of Chiboche.

Besides, this is the process of meeting.

After a break.

The group continued to climb the long stairs.

The closer they got to the sacrificial temple at the top, the more solemn everyone looked. Panic was unavoidable, and they were inexplicably agitated because of the solemnity of this religious site.

When we came to the platform, the big city buildings turned into small square boxes, the people were like ants, and the lake outside the city was like a gem inlaid on the ground.

Qi Boche and others were stunned.

If it weren't for this opportunity, they would never have had the opportunity to be so close to the sky in their entire lives.

This is different from climbing a mountain and looking down at the earth.

Nature is God's creation.

But now everything is the creativity displayed by human beings.

The shock left them speechless.

The attendant of the sacrificial temple showed a proud look: "The sacrificial altar took 40 years to build, and it is far more magnificent than the Pyramid of the Sun of the ancestors of Otitihuacan."

He also did not forget to "perform a complete performance": "As long as the quality of your tribute this time satisfies the sacrifice, you can go to the high platform every day from now on."


Who doesn’t know what tricks you are playing?

It was precisely because of his face that the three of them woke up from the shock. They looked at each other and knew that the time for the last fight had come.

Oyer gave another translucent gemstone and handed it to the waiter: "Sir, please say a few more good words to the priest for us when the time comes!"

The waiter didn't even have any hair on his mouth.

As soon as I heard the address "Sir", my face turned red and my whole body felt happy.

If he couldn't make the decision in this matter, he really wanted to hand over the tribute business to them.

"I will help you say more good things, but everything depends on your performance!"

"Let's go, let me familiarize myself with a few temples first, and then go lay out the tributes."

From the outside, the Caotai Temple is one, but in fact it is divided into seven temples.

There are four seats on the surface.

There are also stairs going down, and on the second floor below the platform are three more buildings.

The scale is not large. After all, it is a high-altitude building. Being able to build a building on such a lofty platform is already the highest level of technology at the moment.

Everyone followed the waiter and walked through each temple, then began to place tributes.

At this time, the waiter was called, and he said: "I am going to serve the distinguished guests who are offering sacrifices and worshiping! When you have placed the tributes, I will wait aside. After the morning service, I will come to you."

The waiters were not worried that they would dare to do evil in the temple.

What's more, there are guards guarding the outside of each temple.

Therefore, even if the three of them have arrived inside the temple, they still don't think the plan will work. Their breathing is quick and they are restraining themselves...

"He's gone!"

"Which temple is the princess going to?"

"The Palace of Noble Women is in the middle of the underground building. I'll take you there!"

Oyer wants to lead the way.

But he was stopped by Qi Boche, "I just knew the location and everything is going according to plan."

Oyer was still uneasy and hesitated to speak.

Polypoma whispered: "Act as planned."

If all three of them were trapped underground, it would be almost impossible to escape. It's not that Poliboma was still afraid of death after reaching this point...

Because according to Qiboche's instructions, if an accident occurs, he will shout loudly. No matter what shouts are heard, the two Polibomas will cooperate to cause a commotion and then leave the tower in the chaos.

Afterwards, the two can go to Quema City on their own and find Quiztitco to reveal his identity.

Oyer's loyalty as a person, although his belief in balance is still wavering, but at this time he is still impressed by Qi Boche's courage——

"Praise for balance!"

Qi Boche smiled and also whispered: "Praise for balance!"

The words fell.

He turned around and walked towards the stairs leading down.

at this time.

The nobles who came to worship were still waiting outside. They had to wait for the temple to be ready before being released, and then lined up to come to worship.

Most of them are based on clan and family.

Therefore, all Qi Boche has to do is wait.

He came to the temple and placed all the tributes he had brought; he picked dried cotton balls, corn grains, fresh meat...

Most of them are raw products and there is no secondary processing.

After the tribute, there is a crudely carved 'statue of the true body of our lord', which was made with reference to the wood carving used by the sacrifice, but their art and craftsmanship obviously cannot reach the level of a "creation of the gods".

After finishing everything, Qi Boqie stood in the shadow of the corner.

He stared at the statue and began to praise silently.

Not long after, the news of clearance finally came from upstairs, and soon someone entered the temple.

The visitor ignored him.

Several noble women knelt before the statue, praying in a pious manner.

No matter whether the true God sends judgment and brings disaster, no one is not afraid of God.

These days, the whole city is closed down and rituals of worship are performed to find a way out.

Ziboche was a little trance-minded, thinking that the Tepanix people, who did not really believe in the balance, all feared the true God.

So what kind of grand scene is there in the Kingdom of God?

After being in a trance, he felt uneasy again.

Most people come in small groups.

How could he have a secret conversation with Mundaya if there were outsiders present?

If there is any movement, the guards from the corridor outside the palace will rush in!

"Are we going to give up?"

"Looking for another opportunity? Even if we miss this prince's mission, we still have a chance to leave the city."

If you act recklessly, there will be no results and you will get killed. This is not worth it.

While he was thinking about it, there were heavy footsteps coming from the corridor outside, and they seemed to have stopped outside the temple.

Then I heard a somewhat immature female voice: "Don't follow me, I'll go in alone!"

This moment.

Qiboche's heart was beating so fast that it almost reached his throat: "My Lord..."

He had a premonition.

The rightful owner is here!

A few breaths later, a short girl stepped in, wearing a golden hairband on her head, which was also embedded with gems of the same color and size.

It is difficult to find gemstones of the same texture and color, so aristocratic belts and hairbands are mostly of various colors.

But this girl's headband is the same color, and her dress has patterns of the sun and the moon.

That was the fervent worship of the ancestors of Teotihuacan, and it was the royal emblem of the Tezozomoc family!

"It's her, it must be!"

Qiboche trembled.

He glanced eagerly outside the gap in the door curtain, only the silhouette of the guard standing not far away was reflected on the ground.

Qi Boche swallowed hard and was about to step forward.

But at this moment, the praising voice of the girl kneeling down made him stunned again——

"True God, please forgive our sins!"

"I don't understand why my father, Grandfather of the country, doesn't want to listen to your call and lead all people on the road to salvation to your happy country."

"I can't influence their thoughts..."

"But I am willing to imitate the legendary 'Witch of the Kingdom of God', sacrifice my body and soul, and beg you to cast a merciful gaze on the people of Tepanix."

"My father only wants me to get the throne because of the favor of the king's grandfather! But how did he know that the king's grandfather had told me long ago that I should not become the queen? That is a throne full of thorns and thorns."

"If I inherit the throne, everyone will throw arrows at me and miss me with their sharp blades..."

"I don't want to be a princess either. I want to follow Brother Keya and visit his hometown. He will also take me to the distant sea..."

"I want to escape from here, but I don't know what to do. If you can hear my cry, please give me guidance..."

When the girl finished speaking.

She kowtowed deeply.

The moment she raised her head, she suddenly felt a shadow shrouding her head.

Her mouth suddenly opened, her face was horrified, but an old hand covered her mouth again——


"Do you want guidance?"

Qiboche's voice trembled because he was extremely excited.

He wanted to use Mundaya as a breakthrough point to rescue Keya, which was just wishful thinking and a gamble too big.

Because no one knows what the character of Her Royal Highness the Princess is and what kind of attitude she has towards Keya.

Now, she not only reveals her attitude towards Keya, but also shows her devout belief in balance.

A few days ago, when the 17 people brought the instructions of the "Fire Bearer", Qiboche believed that this rescue trip was the guidance given to him by Qi Boqi.

But now, he truly understands that the power of our Lord True God cannot be estimated by a mere mortal like him.

My lord, Heping, has already made arrangements for all of this——

"Do you want guidance?"

“I am your guide;”

"And you are also my guide!


He tried not to let his emotions fluctuate too much, tried his best to restrain himself, and showed his gentleness:

"Don't shout, I am a servant of my lord, Kinkou!"

"It was she who guided me to meet you!


The girl's eyes showed shock and doubt, but when she looked at the old man's eyes in front of her, she didn't see any malice. She was completely ecstatic.

As a child who was put on the stage by his father as a tool to fight for favor, Mondaya has already learned the ability to observe words and emotions.

Then, her fear subsided and she nodded slightly to indicate that she would not shout.

Qiboche then put down his hand, "You are Princess Mendaya, right?"


"I am Qiboche. The reason I came to see you today is to rescue Keya. As I just said, all of this is a balanced guide!"

Mendaya glanced outside the door to make sure no one was paying attention, and then said: "How can I trust you?"

Qi Boqie said: "My name is the 'Fire Bearer'. Since you have heard the legend of the witch from the Kingdom of God, you must also remember the instructions about the Fire Bearer given by those 17 people when they brought the news from Tadong City... "

"The messenger of fire who goes far away..."

He repeated the precepts.

He added: "Everyone thinks this is just a blessing from the true God to the two brothers Aha'ao and Kema."

"Actually, the fire bearer represents some people like me who are seeking salvation. We go far away, looking for the road to salvation, and deliver the fire of balance in the darkness..."

"This is the name of 'The Fire Bearer'!"

"Besides, Keya is from a hill city, right? If he tells you, in addition to his father, he has a younger brother in his family!"

"He was deceived by the name of conscription, and was sold as a slave, and finally sold to the garden official's mansion!"

However, Mundaya was still very cautious: "If you were sent by my father to deceive me, these things would naturally be clear to you!"

Qi Boqie also didn't expect that he could not convince her of what he said.

But at this moment, he suddenly woke up.

One hand reached into his arms, took out something, and handed it to the girl: "This thing should be able to prove my identity!"

"I seek a redeemer for my sins!"

"And this thing is the proof of my sin."

Mendaya took it, looked down, and her eyes widened suddenly.

She looked up at the old man again, then looked down at the old man, and repeated this process a dozen times...

After a long time, she said in a trembling voice: "What, what is this?"

Qiboche has long lost his fear of this thing.

Not only was he relieved, but he was also relieved that this thing had been shown in front of people several times and it had balanced their beliefs and it worked repeatedly!

"This is my 'soul seal'."

"Because I have committed sins, my true Lord God has imprisoned my soul. I can only find the path of judgment that belongs to me by seeking the way of redemption and passing on the fire of balance!"

"You must know that everyone in the world is guilty, and everyone's path to salvation is different."

"If you have a balanced heart, as long as you go to her, you will be saved!"

"As for me, I can only go far away as a 'fire bearer', and I don't know what the future holds!"

"But today, I saw you, and this is my Lord's guidance to me!"

At this point, although the girl's eyes were shocked, she was completely convinced.

She took another look at the "soul seal" and then carefully handed it back -

"Can you save Keya, and also... let me escape from here?"

Tsipoche was uncertain earlier.

If the princess supports him, this is only the first step. How to fish out Keya and his son and send them out of the city is the key.

And now, there is another princess who wants to run away...

However, this mysterious guidance at this time gave Qi Boche great confidence——

"I can!"

Qiboche looked at the statue on the altar, "Because she is watching us right now!


Upper Sanctuary.

Polypolma and Oyer were anxious.

The morning sacrifice was about to end, but there was still no movement from the ground floor.

And they cannot gather or move around.

They need to stay in the temples they are responsible for.

Polypoma had something in mind, and no news was the best news.

Either the plan succeeds!

Or Qipoche failed to implement it, but at least the risk was avoided.

But Oyer may not be so smart.

Polyboma was worried that Oyer would lose his composure and finally stepped out of the temple where he was.

Unexpectedly, the guards outside did not inquire, and just assumed that he was a waiter in the temple.

He then came to Oyer's sacrificial hall.

Oyer's expression changed drastically when he saw him: "Brother, are you going to take action? I, I didn't hear the signal coming from downstairs!"

Polypoma showed a dumbfounded expression, not only to comfort him, but also to comfort himself: "No signal is a good thing! Either it will succeed or it will not proceed!"

"With your character and will, how could you not proceed?"

When the two of them were whispering.

But they saw the waiter who had ushered them in running quickly, "Hurry, follow me to the main hall, the high priest wants to see you!"

As he spoke, he led the way.

At this time, Oyer was already panicking and might take action at any time, causing a commotion and fleeing, "Brother?!"

Polypoma frowned, but finally shook his head: "It shouldn't be a bad thing! Otherwise, it wouldn't be the waiter who came, but the guards surrounding us."

The two of them were suspicious and followed him.

As soon as they entered the main hall, they were shocked. The high priest in sacrificial attire came up with a big smile: "Are you the new tribute merchants here for evaluation? Okay!"

"Her Royal Highness Mondaya comes to worship every day. When I look at the tribute today, I know that you have put a lot of thought into it. Therefore... Her Royal Highness the Princess bestows grace on you."

"From today on, you will be responsible for delivering the tributes to the temple!"

The two of them were dumbfounded and at a loss.

But then I heard the high priest yell angrily: "Why don't you kowtow to the princess and thank me?!"

At this moment, they glanced out of the corner of their eyes and discovered that Qi Boqie not far away had already begun to kowtow and praise a young girl——

"Praise you, beautiful princess! We will not let you down and provide the best tribute to the true god, the Lord of Balance!


The princess showed a gentle smile: "You should... praise balance!


This chapter has been completed!
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