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[244] Prophecy and Guidance

"Tiers, have you had enough trouble?" The inexplicable search finally made the envoy team feel dissatisfied.

And just when a quarrel is about to arise...

Behind the distant hills, Qiboche and his party have embarked on a new escape journey.

Balance, main city temple.

Zhou Li'an sat on the throne, rubbing his chin and thinking deeply: "...to the south?"

The route choice of Qiboche and others was far beyond his expectation.

But it makes sense.

The princess's escape cannot be concealed for long. Once Tiers finds out, he will definitely send troops to pursue her.

The country of Tepanix is ​​located in the center of the valley, and what will happen next is that the road from the capital to Kema City will be completely blocked, and a wanted order will be issued.

If you want to walk in the wilderness without a suitable guide, you will die.

And once it emerges, it is a dead end and it is difficult to escape.

On the contrary, the pursuit force will not be deployed in the opposite direction. Although it is far from equilibrium, it can still survive.

The city-state alliance must be brought into balance.

So after a while, they can still return to equilibrium.

But this heralds the end of the "story" of Qiboche and his party, which is no longer dramatic and has been recorded in the Holy Scripture of Balance.



Zhou Li'an suddenly stood up, startling Xue Nu and Xiao Hua, who were discussing something under the throne.


"My lord..."

Zhou Li'an said: "I want to travel far and I can return in about two days."

Xue Nu wanted to follow, but the master and servant made it through a tacit understanding. Before she could speak, she understood what Zhou Li'an meant and said nothing.

Xiaohua said again: "My lord, Wu Zheng and I are planning to start a relocation plan to balance the cities. It is expected that the relocation will take place in the next few days."

"The people must be looking forward to seeing the glorious appearance and blessing of our Lord before setting off."

Although the city-state alliance has not yet arrived, balanced preparations can begin.

Each city dispatched 5,000 people to assemble in Texas' No. 12 city first, and also sent a vanguard team to Mississippi and other places to complete on-the-spot inspections of the city's construction.

It is impossible to wait for the arrival of the people of the city-state alliance before spinning around like a headless fly.

Zhou Li'an said: "I will return before the people in each city move."

After that, he left quickly.

The Piper M600 took off and headed south.

This time I didn’t bring the snow girl with me, because I wanted to complete a “secret divine descent”.

Qiboche has given too many surprises.

The escape of Princess Tepanix should not end here, otherwise would Tsipoche's efforts be in vain?

On the contrary, this story should be presented more completely, and finally fill in the background of balanced history like the redemption of the sinner king.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an planned to respond to Qi Boche's request.

But this time it's not really coming.

It's just that the "airdrop" gives guidance and will not show up, making it even more mysterious.

If Yuki-onna is present, the story that will be included in the "Bible of Balance" in the future will be——

My Lord was able to listen to the call of the fire bearer, so he came to them with the shaman and gave them guidance.

So here comes the question...

Our Lord has come, why not directly lead these people who are watched by the true God?

Of course, this question is easy to answer.

Because our Lord has given these people temper and test...

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Zhou Li'an does not want to make unnecessary efforts, and the effect of "Secret God's Descent" is better——

The lost man begs.

From the sky, her guidance fell.

Guidance is indirect help, and it also tells the world——

When you praise and pray, you will receive balanced guidance from our Lord. This guidance is not concrete. It may be something that can be seen, or it may be an invisible god in the dark.


And how can our Lord, the true God, be the supreme one and come down in front of people at will?

Only those who have been included in the "Balance Bible" as apostles and those who are chosen have that special glory.

Therefore, if Zhou Li'an's deity was too casual, his deity would appear to be too cheap.

It is even more unfavorable for later missionary work to various continents...

Otherwise, if thousands or tens of thousands of people cry out, but do not see the coming of Kung Fu to save them, who will still believe in Kung Fu?

And Jesus did the same thing.

You can never see the body of God, but when people need her, she will give help and guidance in any form or thing, and even judge ruthlessly.

In contrast, the Lord of Balance will really come.

This alone is enough to crush it.

Zhou Li'an did not land in Big City No. 12. After all, it was a "secret divine landing." This story will only exist in the oral accounts of Qiboche and Mendaya, and no one else can confirm it.

Not everything has to be proven by clues.

On the contrary, the more uncertain it is, the more mythical it is, giving the listener a rich space for imagination.

After flying 2000 kilometers.

Zhou Li'an landed in "Baja California Sur", where all the indigenous people had migrated and surrendered; now it is a no-man's land.

Take a short rest and replenish fuel.

Zhou Li'an was not in a hurry to set off, as there was still 1,000 kilometers to go to the Valley of Mexico.

It was already late at night when we arrived.

Airdrop accuracy is not high.

Returning to the present world for the time being, I turned on my computer and made some preparations for the "divine guidance".

I contacted Barbara on the phone again and confirmed the list of supplies. I just waited for Dash8 to arrive and then went to Juarez to take them away together.


It was already approaching noon.

Qiboche and his party followed the mission and escaped from the city without carrying much supplies.

Except for Mondaya, everyone only brought a small amount of dry food with them, and the weapons they used for self-defense were all small daggers.

The dry food had been exhausted during the day's escape yesterday, and starting from this morning, they were traveling on an empty stomach.

"Let's rest for a while."

"Lava, Keya, you said yesterday that hunting is allowed?"

All everyone can count on now is Lava and his son.

Tsipoche was previously a high-ranking aristocratic steward, and although Poliboma and Oyer traveled around the world, they also belonged to the small aristocratic class, and everything was done by slaves.

Not to mention Mundaya.

Keya looked at the flock of birds in the sky: "With luck, we can catch some passenger pigeons to eat."

Mondaya's eyes lit up: "I have never eaten passenger pigeon. Is passenger pigeon delicious?"

Oyer joked: "That's the meat and teeth sacrifice food of the lower class. How much meat can one bird have?"

Keya frowned and looked at him: "You said we are inferior people? Then I hunted the passenger pigeon, don't eat it!"

Koya still had a grudge against the two of them, and if it weren't for Polyboma and Oyer, he wouldn't have been sold to Tepanix.

At this time, even Qiboche had trouble smoothing things over, because he had also transported people for slave traders.

He didn't sell Keya, but Rava and Kumo did.

Oyer felt ashamed and angry: "If you don't want to eat, I won't eat. If I don't have you, can I still starve to death?"

"That's what you said!" Keya snorted coldly.

Kukumo took a deep breath. He was obviously the youngest, but he seemed stable: "Brother! Now we are one, and we are all balanced people!"

"You have to know that we would not have been rescued if it hadn't been for Oyer and Polybomar, even though they had sinned and now they have repented."

Keya turned his head and said nothing.

"Oyer!" Qi Boqie saw the situation and scolded Oyer before he dared to speak: "It will indeed trouble you to get food! But the most important thing is to find a place to stay..."

"We won't be able to hold on for long if we wander around in this wild jungle!"

Mendaya took out a handful of bright gems from her arms: "I thought we were going to run away, so I brought some jewelry with me. Can we buy some food, or find a small town and buy a house?"

Everyone looked dizzy when they saw the jewelry.

Poliboma said: "No, even if you find a suitable hidden town, these jewels cannot be taken out, otherwise you will be killed!"...

"What's more, we don't know where to find peace."

For a moment, everyone looked at Qi Boche again. He had become the backbone of everyone.

But Qi Boche also didn’t know where he was.

You can't go to the north.

And all the cities in the south also obeyed Tezozomoke's king's order and closed the big cities.

Several people must be wanted now. They will be questioned when they enter the city and will probably be arrested.

Even when they first set off from Kema City, more than a dozen fire bearers left behind communication methods, agreeing to leave a mark somewhere and transmit messages.

But in the current situation, those fire messengers can't help much. Instead, if they gather in one place, the target will become bigger.

However, even though he was confused, he was still confident: "My Lord, the True God, will definitely give you guidance!"

"Because our gathering now is her secret guidance!"

Oyer couldn't help but mumble: "I've already said it, if the true God is merciful, why doesn't he just send salvation? But we are reduced to this situation..."

"Oyer!" Polybomar scolded.

Oyer added: "Brother, isn't what I said the truth? I will put my words here today. If the true God really sends a miracle, my life...including my descendants in the future will be unwavering.

Believe in her and serve her..."

However, his words have not yet finished.


A whistling sound suddenly came from the air.

Before everyone could look up, they were looking for the location of the sound.


A huge thing landed twenty or thirty meters in front of them, creating a deep pit and causing earth and rocks to scatter.

The violent noise made everyone feel excited.

After seeing the situation, they all knelt down in fear——

"God's punishment, God's punishment is coming!

Rawa glared at Oyer: "It's all because of your blasphemous words that you have offended the true God!"

At this time, Oyer's face was already pale, his whole body was shaking, and he did not dare to refute even a word.

Qiboche, on the other hand, had begun to praise loudly and pray to the true God to forgive their sins.

It was not until a long time later that the praises died down and their minds became slightly calmer.

Mondaya said: "Sir, do we, should we go over and take a look?"

Qi Boqie swallowed hard, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "I don't know what it is, so don't follow me. I will go and investigate alone."

No one dared to question it.

He only watched Qi Boqie worriedly as he walked into the distance.

As I got closer, I saw scattered sawdust at first sight, sputtering and piercing into the damp ground, and even piercing deeply into the trunks of the nearby forest trees.

In the deep pit directly in front is a square box that reflects light.

With just one glance, Qi Boche recognized the material of this square box.

"Yes, it is the same quality as the divine weapons owned by the Army of Judgment..."

Before leaving the tower cave, he clearly remembered that the long sword and spear held by the divine envoy reflected the cold light.

He quickly stepped forward and touched it cautiously. After confirming that there was no danger, he dared to pick it up and wanted to investigate further.

But when he first picked it up, or due to the deformation and distortion of the square box, the lid naturally opened.

There was only a thin piece of skin lying inside, and nothing else.

And for this piece of skin...

Qi Boche's breathing almost stagnated...

He took out his own "soul seal" from his arms and compared it with it. It was exactly the same.

"God's punishment? Is this really God's punishment? Because we did something wrong?"

"Or was it because of... Oyer's blasphemous words that the True God also imprisoned his soul?"

But when he took out the thin thing and turned it to the other side, he was stunned again.

Because what that thing presented was no longer a person's "soul", but a magnificent city.

The entire city was sealed.

And in the square in the big city, there were two groups of people standing, as if telling each other something.

Qiboche distinguished carefully and was shocked to find: "This is me, this is Poliboma and Oyer..."

"Wait, there are Princess Mondaya and Keya."

"Have all of our souls been sealed?"

"Then, who is that person standing next to us?"

On the screen, another group of people were dressed in luxurious clothes and their appearance was clear. Unfortunately, Qi Boqie did not recognize them.

And at this time.

A call came from behind him——

"Sir, how's it going? Did you find anything?"

Qi Boche turned around because of the shout, thought for a moment and said: "You all come here!"

Everyone was impatient and ran over one after another.

The first thing they saw was the strange square box, but soon... they were attracted by the thing in Qi Boche's hand——

"Is this, is this a soul seal?"

Polypoma recognized it at first sight.

The rest of the people also saw Qi Boche's soul seal, and they all exclaimed.

"This is me..."

"It's not just me, you are all on top of it..."

"Why, why are our souls imprisoned?"

The mood of panic is widespread

The world began to fill up.

But at this moment, Mendaya’s words made everyone froze——

"This, this big city is..."

"This great city is Tenochtitlan...the Aztec city in the lake!"

"The person standing in front of us is 'Inzcoatl,' and his elder brother is 'Vezri Vittel,' the husband of the 7th princess of our country's grandpa!"

"This, this is not divine punishment!"

"This is--"

"The prophecy and guidance of our Lord God!


Not 7
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