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【252】Lake City

In the night.

The light of the town fire on the lake shore faintly reflected the outline of the big city in the lake.

It is enough to imagine the scale of "Tenochtitlan".

"This city in the lake is not smaller than the capital of the Kingdom of Panix... I once thought that the Sea Crow City was built on the river bank, which was a miracle, but compared with the city in the lake, it is not worth mentioning at all."

Rava was amazed.

Mundaya asked Keya in confusion: "Brother Keya, where is Sea Crow City?"

"On the large river southeast of the hill city, the Sea Crow people are hiding in the riverbanks and swamps. Below the city is a fast-flowing river flowing into the sea. They are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Because of this, they do not even need to pay annual tributes to other city-states in the valley.


At the same time, this was also another preliminary target before the army of judgment attacked Tadong, but in the end it was Tadong who got the "lucky" one.

At this time, even Chipoche was shocked: "The Aztecs are very ambitious! How could Tzozomoc allow such a city-state to rise under his nose?"

Mendaya didn't know about Sea Crow City, but he was very clear about the core affairs of the valley: "Of course my grandfather is not afraid. All the city-states in the valley have the blood of their ancestors, which was promoted by marriage."

"Like the King of Sin, my cousin, Chimal Popoca, is the daughter of the grandfather of our country and the son of the Aztec monarch."

Qiboche smiled and shook his head: "The marriage is not as stable as imagined. Just like the current city in the lake, wasn't it abandoned by the Tepanix Kingdom in times of crisis?"

"Similarly, if Tepanix is ​​in trouble, others will do the same."

Mundaya's face turned red. He recognized that this was a sarcastic comment on his grandfather, saying that Tzozomoc had abandoned the Aztecs.

But she had no way to refute, and she knew that this was the crime that her grandfather had committed.

Polypoma smiled and smoothed things over, returning to the topic: "How do we enter the city?"

"The entrance to the city must be blocked."

"Perhaps we can only sneak in during the night?"

Chiboche didn't care.

But before he opened his mouth, he heard the young man with whom he had another verbal battle say: "I heard that the city in the lake has been sealed off since the divine punishment came. It has been two and a half years."

"Although there are aqueducts in the city and farmland has been reclaimed, other supplies still need external support."

"Tezozomoc ordered the closure of the city in the lake, but could not close the "trade route". How could the merchants of various city-states let go of such an opportunity to extort the Aztecs?"

"They must have some secret dealings."

These words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone showed shocked expressions.

Cookmo was not timid and said confidently: "What? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Lava hesitated to speak and looked at his eldest son, then at his younger son...

I wonder why the two children are so different?

Qi Boqie said: "You are right."

Then, he looked at Polyboma and Oyer: "You still need to figure out how to enter the city."

"Tomorrow, you will enter the town market as merchants and see if you can find a way to enter the city."

"Mengdaya." He looked at the princess again, "Give them the jewelry you brought out..."

Finally, Qi Boche warned: "But remember, you have to act like a merchant, but you also have to make it obvious at a glance that you are not a merchant."

Oyer was confused: "What do you mean?"

Poliboma tasted the goods and immediately understood: "How can an ordinary merchant possess such precious jewelry? We want people to think that we have other motives for going to the city..."

"Perhaps the great nobles of other city-states wanted to plot something with the Aztecs, so they tried to enter the city; or maybe they wanted to take out their relatives in the city, which is why they spent so much money."

"Yes! Everything depends on you!"

Everyone took a deep breath, and after getting along with each other for a few days, they already had a tacit understanding, and they all praised together: "Praise for balance!"

The next day.

Poliboma and Oyer took Kumo and Lava down the mountain, and the father and son pretended that they

The slaves of the Lord are strong and powerful.

When we arrived at the town market, there was no identity check checkpoint in the town.

It was originally a garrison to blockade the city in the lake. Because of the presence of sergeants, the atmosphere of life was extended, and many merchants came to do business.

After several contacts, they found the right owner.

The leader of a small town garrison met them——

"You want to clear the road for trade into the city?"

Polypoma nodded hurriedly, looking eager: "Yes, I heard that the Aztecs are very profitable now, so I came here because of their reputation."

The garrison leader didn't waste any time and said directly: "Most of the goods are sold on consignment. Leave them to me first. After they are sold, I will share them with you and wait for the dividends. I will take 40% of them."

Polypoma looked even more anxious: "My lord? Can't we enter the city? We are not selling on consignment, but trading with the Aztecs in person."

Without waiting for the garrison leader to object, he stepped forward and took out a translucent gemstone: "Sir, I still need your grace and care! As long as you can let us enter the city, we will give you a big gift afterwards."

When this scene appears.

The leader's expression suddenly became complicated, and his eyes kept hovering over several people.

When Poliboma saw it, he felt mixed emotions in his heart, recalling Qiboche's instructions last night.

If he really showed his identity as a merchant, he would not be able to get the chance to enter the city.

It's better to "pretend to be a merchant" but make your purpose clear, which will give you a better chance of winning.

There was a brief silence, and cold sweat broke out on Poliboma's back.

Finally, the leader burst out laughing, hugged Polypoma and walked aside with an attitude of "I have seen through everything": "You are not merchants, are you? But you have relatives in the city?"

Hearing this, Polybomar knew that the matter was done, but he still pretended: "Sir, please don't talk nonsense, we are just doing business."

"Okay, I understand! I understand! You can enter the city tonight, but I still need five yuan for such a gem!"

"As for returning from the city, there are boats every three days, passing through the water gate of the waterway. Except for those entering the city, I want five gems for every person in the city who comes out!"

"This is not what I want to collect. Since you came here, you should have inquired about the market price. These properties will eventually fall into the hands of the real big shots."

"Of course, I see that you are spending a lot of money, so let me tell you the truth. We will not keep records of the people you bring into the city. If you are willing to let them stay and bring people out of the city, I will not stop you."

"If you have made up your mind, come and find me before sunset today... go ahead."

Both parties agreed to end it soon.

The four Polypoma left the town in a hurry and took several detours to make sure no one was following them before returning to their hiding place.

You will then be informed of the situation.

Oyer said: "Sir, is there any fraud in this? Our trip went very smoothly!"

"If it's so easy to get out of the city, then what's the point of this blockade?"

"And he also gave us some advice, so that we can switch the people who enter the city and those who leave the city, so as to save unnecessary expenses? How could that person be so kind?"

Clues were revealed everywhere, and even Mendaya frowned.

However, Qi Boche smiled brightly: "Is it easy to get out of the city? How many people can really get so much wealth and jewelry?"

"What's more, they are deliberately letting down their guard."

"Deliberately letting down your guard?"

Everyone was at a loss.

But I heard Kuk Mo snort coldly: "These powerful people are all polluted by sin! Just like you deceived me and my father back then."

"Obviously we have brought you information about the hill city, but you still sold me and my father into slavery."

"What good intentions can this garrison general have?"

"The Aztecs who fled from the city must have been great nobles. As fugitives, they must have brought more treasures with them!"

"As long as we take people out of the city, they will catch us all, steal all the treasures, and then give the Aztecs to their superiors to take credit."

"This is a bird-catching cage. The delicious grains in the cage are fatally attracted to the birds. However, under the cover of the cage, the newly-fed birds become food for the hunters."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone gasped.

Indeed, if the blockade had been so lax, the Aztecs would have escaped long ago.

But in fact? I have never heard of any Aztecs in the valley!

On the contrary, the noble who fled with a large amount of property fell into the hands of the sergeants and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Everyone looked at Qi Boche in embarrassment.

However, Qiboche did not take it seriously. He had long recognized his sins, and instead praised Kukmo: "When you return to the Kingdom of God and receive education, you will definitely become a great wise man."

"As Cookmo said, we are the bird food, and their real purpose is to capture the fleeing Aztecs and their treasures."

"So, don't worry about entering the city."

"It's just that they didn't expect it. They didn't expect it after we entered the city!"

"Everyone, pack up and prepare to enter the city."

Qi Boche's magnanimity made the young man's tit-for-tat confrontation become nothing.

Kumo calmed down, sighed, and silently recited the holy name of Balance.

He also knew that he was able to escape because of Qi Boqie, but the young man's will made him suddenly unable to control his emotions.


The group of seven people walked calmly into the town market.

But he didn't even pretend to be a merchant, and he didn't carry any goods.

Because even if they want to bring goods, they have nowhere to search.

When he met with the garrison leader again, he saw how empty they were and was convinced that their purpose was to enter the city to pick up their relatives in the city.

As long as they come out as agreed, the garrison leader can make a huge profit.

Everything went extremely smoothly.

But the mental battle involved can only be understood by each individual's heart.

By dusk.

Two small boats floated on the lake.

The bridge road into Lake City has long been blocked, and even the garrison cannot approach it at will.

The boat will pass through the water gate behind the city. This is where the Aztecs introduced water from the lake to irrigate the farmland in the city.

Mundaya also disguised herself as a slave.

Fortunately, her figure has not grown and it does not arouse any suspicion.

before sunset.

Two small boats entered the narrow waterway.

There were a few people dressed in luxurious clothes on the shore to meet him, but there was no negotiation between the two parties.

The people on the shore snorted coldly at the boatman, then looked at Qi Boche and others: "Who are you here for?"

Obviously, this is not the first time such exchanges have occurred.

Even though the Aztecs hated these garrisons who resold supplies at high prices, they still had to continue to maintain trade relations.

It's certainly not the first time someone has come to pick someone up.

That's why I ask this question.

Qi Boqie said: "Let's wait until we enter the city."

The people took them ashore without asking any questions, sent them off with two small boats, and closed the sluice.

At this point.

Everyone's faces were full of joy.

Seeing their joy, the Aztecs shook their heads slightly: "I don't know who you are, but I hope those who come to take your relatives out of the city must be friends of the Aztecs..."

"But if we really have to leave the city in the lake, how can the Aztecs live?"

"The soil for our survival has long been gone outside! But there are still an endless stream of people who want to escape."

People in the city also knew that they had a bad fate after escaping.

But the fact is that Fengjue will also be cut off from life in this city.

Therefore, they have nothing to stop someone from escaping, they can only hope...

The one who fled could leave fire for the Aztecs.

This is when we really face a disaster, and at the same time

The tolerance and consideration of the tribe.

At this time, Mendaya had already planned to reveal her identity and purpose of coming, but Qi Boqie had already noticed it and secretly pressed his hand to ask her to calm down.

Who knows if there are people who can communicate with the outside world?

If Mundaya's identity was leaked and the Tepanix State put pressure on the Aztecs to hand him over, they would have no choice but to do so.

Therefore, the only way to do that is to meet Nayinzko Atel.

Mendaya took a deep breath and finally suppressed her anxiety.

Seeing that they were unwilling to speak, those few people were too lazy to say any more.

When he came to the city, he said: "Since you have relatives in the city, we will not welcome you. There is one meal a day in the city, and your relatives will arrange it for you."

"The boat from outside comes once every three days, which is also today's time. When you arrive, wait here in advance and we will come to open the sluice for you."

After that, several people left.

At this point, the group of people really breathed a sigh of relief——

"What to do now?"

Everyone looked at each other and then looked at Qi Boche.

Qiboche pondered for a moment and said: "If you reveal Mondaya's identity, you will definitely be able to see Yinzicoatl immediately, but the princess's identity will also be exposed."

"So, we can only find ways to see him as ordinary people."

"Find a place to stay first, find out the situation in the city, and then make plans."

Several people headed towards the inner city, seemingly aimlessly.

And soon, the scene in the city left them shocked and speechless.

The legendary "Water Garden" is no longer green, and the flowers and plants in the houses, pavilions, and courtyards are mostly sloppy and withered, with no one taking care of them.

Most of the people in the city looked hungry and thin, some looked like walking corpses, and some looked like rotten meat sitting on the roadside, with dull eyes.

"I thought I could get enough food when I entered the city, but now I see... the people in the city only have one meal a day, which is far inferior to me waiting outside and hunting!" Keya exclaimed.

Cook said: "But at least we don't have to worry about chasing troops!"

"What's more, this is the balanced guidance of our Lord. Since she gives guidance, it must have deep meaning!"

The confidence in a few people's hearts all comes from balance.

Go to the inner city gate.

There is no blockade.

It can be said that the order of the entire city has collapsed and has become so rotten that it no longer needs management.

Compared to the outer city, city residents can be seen everywhere.

The inner city seemed even more lonely, empty, and full of death.

After all, a large amount of farmland is located near the lake in the outer city, and food is the most precious thing now.

But this large city building that once made countless Aztecs proud has become a useless decoration.

"That's the palace. I've been there before..."

Mendaya pointed into the distance, "How about we go directly to summon him and try to see if we can see Yinzicoatl? After all, this city is already like this!"

However, he didn't wait for anyone to answer.

They saw a group of figures suddenly appear at the corner of the street in the distance, walking towards them.

Poliboma said: "Looking at their clothes, they are all nobles. Although the order in the city is broken, the nobles are not easy to mess with... let's avoid them for now."

Several people wanted to get out of the way.

But at this moment, Qi Boche squeezed his eyes and looked hard into the distance.

When the person came closer and closer, he suddenly took out the "divinely inspired object" and compared it constantly, and then exclaimed -

"The prophecy, the prophecy came true!


"Mengdaya, Mendaya..."

"Look, look, that's coming, is it Inziko Atel?!"

The words fell.

The seven people immediately gathered around.

Lower your head, raise your head, lower your head, and raise your head again.

Their faces turned red.

And the people who came also walked in, stopped, looked at them doubtfully, and the middle-aged man in the leader called out:

"Why are you here in the inner city? It's almost time to put out the meal. Shouldn't you go to the barn and wait to receive today's meal?"

"You have come here several times to cause trouble, and you should know that the food in the city has long been insufficient, and we have no leftovers!"

Qiboche was trembling with excitement. He walked over quickly, but was blocked by the guards.

So, he waved the divine object in his hand: "We have just entered the city from the water channel..."

"I have brought balanced prophecy and guidance!"

"It is she, the only true god in the world, who ordered us to come and meet you!"

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