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Dedege fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood from his teeth, and wanted to shout.

Loboda had recovered from his panic, and looking around, dozens or hundreds of Aztecs were coming, and the situation was threatening.

If the conflict is allowed to intensify, people will die.

It can be seen from the conversation between the old man and the sergeant that the life of the Aztecs was worse than imagined.

Today's Aztecs don't care about valley laws.

"Don't do it! Drop the weapon!"

"Dedege, shut up! Stop talking!"

He scolded the guards repeatedly, asking Dedege to stop irritating them.

At the same time, Loboda was also thinking...

Does the city in the lake already have a divine envoy?

If this matter is true, it is impossible for Quiztitco not to mention a single word when giving him the oracle and trial.

Could someone want to take advantage of the breakdown of order in the city to deceive the Aztecs with false divine authority?

But what can he gain?

Balance will be a taboo in the valley. Once the army of judgment leaves, if this person dares to cheat in the name of "Bidding", he will only die.

In a short time, Loboda could not find an answer.

And the Aztecs had already rushed in front of them and imprisoned them all.

Someone started to search me and soon found something——

"This is a feather coin."

"And the noble stone seal!"

"They're from Meadow City!"

The young man who beat Dedege sneered: "He is indeed a fake angel!"

"Just now I dared to say that I came from Tadong, and then I changed my story to Kema!"

"If you are really an envoy of God, how can you make a slip of the tongue?"

Dedege held his teeth and stuttered in pain, and wanted to argue, but was stopped by Loboda's eyes.

It was not a slip of the tongue, but he was afraid that the Aztecs would not know the outside world, so he named it "Tower Cave" to facilitate communication.

But now, the misunderstanding has deepened.

As for the noble stone seal, it was the identity arranged by Loboda for the dead man.

Whether it is this escape or the secret scandal in the past, the identity of the Tepanix country cannot be exposed naturally.

Coming from Meadow City, just pretending.

The old man ordered: "Take them back and let them be judged by the gods!"

Go up the stairs.

The scene in the city unfolds before your eyes.

The huge city that was once the treasure in the lake looked deserted and dilapidated, with overgrown weeds on the streets.

They did not enter the inner city, but walked toward the villages in the outer city.

As I got closer, I saw smoke curling up in the distance.

More and more people came after hearing the news, and followed and cursed.

Dedege was confused and could only look at Loboda: "Your Highness, what should we do now? That fake envoy will definitely not let us go and will kill us to silence us!"

Loboda said: "You don't know the divine things?"

"I have never heard of any divine thing!" Dedege exclaimed, "If there really is such a thing, how could the teacher hide it from us?"

"And for more than a month in Kema City, I often met with the chief judge and inspectors; they never mentioned this kind of thing, so it must be false."

Loboda knew it well, "If it is false, it will be exposed! Although we don't have any 'divine revelations', we do have something more convincing than 'divine revelations'."

All the way to the village community.

The people marched them into a huge tribal council hall.

Although the city-state alliance has the foundation of urban civilization, it does not yet have the concept of urban planning. The villages under its jurisdiction exist in tribes and clans as one of the main productive labor forces.

In the council hall, all the clan elders were already in place.

Loboda and others were escorted to the center of the hall and forced to kneel down.

Countless people poured in again, making the scene extremely chaotic.

Until a group of people dressed as nobles stepped in, the clan elder yelled: "Quiet!"

There was silence in the hall.

The leader was none other than Izcoatl, and he felt familiar just by looking at the figures of more than thirty people.

——Death warrior.

Even though they were in a critical situation, these people's expressions did not change, and even their eyes were still looking around, trying to find a way to survive.

Could these people be divine messengers?

Stop joking!

He was about to say something, but his eyes glanced at another person and suddenly froze.

The person he was looking at also slowly spoke: "Izcoatl, is this your etiquette for entertaining guests from afar?"

"Your Highness Loboda?!"

"Why are you here?"

Loboda is the great prince of the Kingdom of Tepanix, how could Izcoatl not recognize him?

There is a subordinate relationship between the two countries.

Loboda's status was especially above him.

At this time, Loboda also stood up slowly, wiped the dust from his knees, and got straight to the point: "I have already said that I came with the Angel of Balance to bring you the Aztecs the oracle and judgment of Balance.


Izcoatl was shocked and his thoughts were complicated, but he did not reject it in a hurry.

He just frowned and looked at the other person next to Loboda.

Loboda added: "He is Dedege, the divine envoy of balance."

The words end here.

There was another commotion in the venue.

As soon as His Highness Loboda was called, some people were aware of this person's identity.

But to say that he is the Angel of Balance? How is that possible!

The Tepanix people are all rebellious. How could Loboda, who is the great prince, submit to the balance?

But even so, Izcoatl still asked: "How do you prove it?"

Loboda took out something from his arms.

It was a piece of bone ornament, not decorated with much jewelry, and it was quite common in civilian homes. It was quite ordinary.

But as soon as this thing was taken out, Izcoatl suddenly exclaimed——

"This, this is the token I gave to Didimar!!"

"That's right!" Loboda said, "The divine messenger told me that the King of Sin and Didymar have already arrived at the kingdom of God. They surrendered to the balance and begged for forgiveness for you and others. Our Lord will ask the Aztecs

Cast a kind gaze!"

"Is this enough to prove our identity?"

The words fell.

The murmurs in the room turned to boiling.


"The King of Sin, the King of Sin has arrived in the Kingdom of God!"

"The King of Sin actually succeeded??"

A group of clan elders stood up excitedly. They still clearly remembered that the Sin King was crowned two years ago.

At that time, the famine was not there, and nearly two hundred thousand people in the city smeared the young king with their blood to bless him.

If the King of Sin has arrived in the Kingdom of God, then the Aztecs' misfortune will truly be over.


Don't wait for people to cheer.

However, Izcoatl trembled with anger, strode up to Loboda, and scolded: "Do you still want to deceive me?"

"More than a year ago, the people I placed outside the city sent a message!"

"The road to salvation has been destroyed, and the pilgrimage missions composed of soldiers from various countries have all been annihilated in divine punishment!"

"Only a few people can return!"

"And the Sin King and Didymar are both dead!"

"The road to salvation is all driven by your father Tezozomok!"

"Yes, I gave this token to Didimar. It was given to me by my mother when I was a child. No one else knows its meaning."

"Because of his ordinary nature, he will not be coveted and snatched away by those sergeants!"

"But I still underestimated your cruelty... I have no doubt about Didimar's loyalty, but if you use the Sin King as a coercion to force him to reveal my conspiracy, he will definitely not be able to bear the Sin King's suffering!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, the angel of Balance has arrived in advance to bring the glory of Balance and illuminate the falsehood, otherwise I would be deceived by you today!"


"The envoy of God has told me that you should take the envoy to Kema City to seek peace!"

"Now that you have returned from seeking peace and learned that the army of judgment will no longer go south to bring divine punishment and judgment, you can take out this token and come to deceive us!"

Loboda was confused, and the depression in his heart made him angry: "Deceive you? What is my intention?"

"I asked you to submit to the balance, but it turned out to be a deception?"

Izcoatl laughed loudly: "Don't I know your trick? In the name of balance, make us obey your words, and you can plot the throne of the valley in the hands of your two brothers!"

"You have been dormant for decades, and all you do is look for such a good opportunity!"

Loboda also laughed, even to tears.

"Ha ha ha ha."

He found it funny and ironic.

"I know that this road to trial is full of difficulties! But I still walk on it resolutely..."

"I would rather not look at the ignorant people in our country who are deceived by lies, but I would also obey the oracle and save you, the Aztecs."

"But you, the Aztecs, were deceived by the 'messenger' who appeared out of nowhere!"

"To be honest, you are no different from the people in our country!"

"Even if He even comes in front of you, you won't be able to uncover the falsehood and see His true face!"

"Izcoatl, please bring your divine envoy out! Even if you die, let us die clearly!"

Loboda gave up.

He even took out the Sin King's token, but he couldn't prove it to himself, so what else could he do?

On the side, Dedege could no longer hold back——

"Yes, ask that god to come out and confront me!"

"If I can't expose his lies, there is no need for me to return to the Kingdom of God and bring shame to my Lord and my teacher!"

The two shouted hysterically.

Let the hall fall into silence again.

And Izcoatl also hesitated.

With Loboda's pride, after being exposed, he should have admitted the fraud and forced himself to send them out of the city.

But he looked fearless and broke the jar.

After a brief moment of silence, he looked sideways at others and said, "Isn't the envoy here yet? Go ahead and urge him!"

"No need to rush, we are here!"

Outside the house, a shout suddenly came.

The crowd naturally spread out a path.

Qi Boche and others entered together.

Everyone in the audience immediately shouted: "It's them who are the envoys of God, pretending to be the name of Balance!"

Qi Boche snorted coldly. He heard the end of several people's words outside and said loudly: "Who wants to confront?"

He strode to the center, looking menacing.

Because he had already thought about it on the way...

If a few fraudsters were allowed to cause the Aztecs, who had finally settled down and surrendered, to have doubts again, things would be difficult to handle.

Therefore, he must completely destroy the fraudster's disguise.

When his piercing eyes stared away.

But I saw a familiar face.

Qi Boche could hardly believe his eyes. He suddenly raised his hands to rub his eyelids before looking again——


Dedege had the same reaction and exclaimed: "Father?!"


Izcoatl and Loboda also looked at each other immediately, and each saw the confusion in the other's eyes.

But in the next moment, their eyes were pulled back by the father and son.

"Dedege, you, why are you here?"

Dedege said: "His Royal Highness Loboda led the delegation to Kema, and the teacher taught him the balanced teachings of His Highness, so that he could see the true knowledge..."

"Therefore, Your Highness also surrenders to the balance!"

"Before leaving, the teacher ordered me to follow His Highness and bring the oracle of Balance to bring salvation to the Aztecs!"

After hearing this, Qi Boche burst into laughter and hugged his son, "Okay, okay..."

He turned to the crowd again, all showing off—

"Look, this is my son! This is my son!"

"He has now taken on an important role and is the envoy of Balance, hahahahaha!"

Dedege quickly said: "Father, why are you here?"

Qiboche said: "...that day, we escaped from the country of Tepanix with the mission. We originally wanted to return to Kema, but we were worried that we would be pursued!"

"As expected, not long after we left the mission, someone came to search the mission, and we had to leave in the opposite direction."

"We didn't know where the vitality was, but we didn't expect that the 'divine revelation from heaven' was our Lord's true god, guiding us to the city in the lake and passing on the teachings of balance to the Aztecs!"

At this point, everything has become clear.

People were not expecting this change of situation, and were even more stunned.

But there was one person, whose face gradually turned into a joyous expression, until he reached the critical point of accumulation of emotions, before he completely exploded and turned into a madman——

"That is to say..."

"That means the King of Sin is not dead!"

"The King of Sin is not dead?!"

Izcoatl raised the token in his hand and shouted.

Hot tears poured out like a bursting dam.

When these words came out, everyone really woke up.

God's messenger is not false.

Then what they said that the King of Sin has already reached equilibrium is not false!

"It is the King of Sin, it is the King of Sin who has begged the merciful gaze of our Lord for us!"

"The King of Sin is our hero and the savior that the Aztecs will always remember!"

Two years later.

The name of the Sin King has long been forgotten.

Not mentioned again until today...

Who would have thought that the young monarch could really find the holy land of the Kingdom of Balance and seek salvation and forgiveness from the gods?

And, it all makes sense!!

"Lord Qiboche..."

"Your Highness Loboda and your son are what we mean by 'waiting', right?"

"They will bring us balanced glory! Bring the disaster to an end!!"

Qi Boche suddenly came to his senses and asked loudly: "Dedege, can you and His Highness Loboda bring about a balanced will?"

Dedege nodded solemnly, looked around, and said loudly: "This bone ornament is a token of my Lord's forgiveness and acceptance of you!"

"If the Aztecs are willing to surrender wholeheartedly to the Balance of Faith, they can embark on a pilgrimage to the city of Aha'okma, the city of brothers!"

"The balanced people will regard you as brothers and sisters, and we will walk together towards the joyful pure land of the Kingdom of God!"

"Forty thousand armies of judgment, riding beasts and wearing armor, will protect you;"

"Anyone who blocks your return will be turned into a dead soul under the iron heel and sentenced to eternal annihilation!"

"If your mind has been made clear, then call with me and praise His name!!"


In the parliament hall, the mood was already exciting.

One after another, figures spontaneously knelt down and the shouts almost lifted the roof——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

(End of chapter)

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