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[265] Three Wills

For a moment.

These Swahili beliefs have been subverted.

But it's not because their faith is weak.

A very simple truth.

There is only one throne...

The late emperor has passed away, and it is impossible for his subjects to pay tribute to his spiritual status;

But when the new emperor takes the throne, he stands in front of everyone and can continue to create great achievements.

Perhaps some old subjects were disheartened and unhappy because of the death of the late emperor, and left the court and returned home.

But this emotional bond comes from "the late emperor once existed."

But what about Allah?

Allah never appears.

The supreme throne of God is always vacant, and the concept of her existence only stems from the personal fantasy of believers.

But one day, a being easily stepped onto the "Supreme God's Throne" they had built out of their spiritual fantasies, and then this God's Throne had a real owner.

This also extends to another question——

What exactly are gods?

In fact, it is the spiritual sustenance that satisfies people's beautiful expectations.

The world's fantasies about gods are always positive, leading people to do good, being kind and generous, and being fair and just.

But there has never been an evil existence that can gain a lot of faith.

Because there is a basic logic here.

Evil existences are really that powerful and have already ruled the world. Couldn't a being that is superior to the human race not be able to do this easily?

If not, then the evil god is false and does not exist.

But when it came to the true God, humans began to have double standards again.

There is a special reason why the true God does not appear.

If the true God does not bless us, it is because we have not done well enough to satisfy Him.

But they never apply the theory of "evil exists". If true God really existed, the world would have been peaceful long ago.


What Zhou Li'an has always done is to satisfy people's fantasies about primitive worship.

Bless and create.

First, salt, weapons, chariots and horses.

Then go to the gift of knowledge, broaden the horizons of the people, and outline the ultimate goal of "balance will create a perfect world."

Once you have a goal, you will have subsequent desires to pursue.

To achieve all this, people cannot do without balance.

at the moment.

It probably goes back to when it first came to North America.

The Kingdom of Malindi is a high-end version of the Modocs; as long as Zhou Li'an satisfies their fantasies about gods, it is enough to subvert their beliefs.

Falling from the sky, waving his hand to create things.

Who doesn’t get lost in the lake after watching this scene?

In the garden.

Everyone knelt down and worshiped. Snow Girl stood beside my lord, raised her hand and said, "Get up!"

A group of people could not understand the words of the snow girl, but they could roughly understand the meaning of this action.

However, they did not dare to act rashly without the will of the true God.

Zhou Li'an then smiled calmly and said: "This is the Snow Lady, my favored one, my steadfast apostle, the saint who has been resurrected from the dead! She shows you mercy."

"And the rest are the servants who followed me for this trip, the people of my kingdom of God! They are all human beings just like you."

It is a pity that no one in the Kingdom of Balance knows African languages, so all communication can only be completed by Zhou Li'an himself.

After hearing this, those people praised him and stood up one after another.

Zhou Li'an asked again: "Which of you is the king of this city?"….

An older man said respectfully: "True God, I am Aliaka Luban; I am the master of Malindi!"

He then enthusiastically introduced the young man who was the first to praise him: "This is Jolan, my favorite son and the heir to the kingdom."

Zhou Li'an looked at Qiao Lan.

A belt was slung under his side, and two short blades were stuck in the belt.

Zhou Li'an stretched out his hand and pulled it out, causing the audience to

Shocked and nervous.

But again, we can see the true God creating things out of thin air.

A dagger that reflected light enough to reflect everyone's appearance appeared in her hand.


There was a crisp collision sound.

The short blade and the dagger smashed together, and the short blade broke with a sound, and the blade fell to the ground.

But he saw that the dagger only had a white mark on the surface.

With a gentle touch from Zhou Li'an, the white marks no longer exist.

He handed the dagger to the young man: "This dagger is my gift."

Such a scene.

It caused an uproar around him.

The young man knelt down tremblingly and took the magic weapon with both hands: "True God, Qiaolan praises your generousness and is willing to dedicate everything I have to you!"

"Then you should always remember to call my name."

The young man was very clever and praised happily: "Balance! Praise the balance!"

The whole process.

Snow Girl and others said nothing.

Lu Baan took them to the palace, naturally gave up the throne, and knelt beside it like a servant.

All the officials from the kingdom also arrived.

Gather together and wait to hear the will of the true God.

Zhou Li'an did not directly state his purpose of coming, but first said: "Did you know that there are merchants and travelers in this city who have traveled far away, and have reached the far east, Qin!"

[To be honest, I’ve been using @ lately

The faces of the people were full of panic.

Zhou Li'an still looked dull.

Because he had anticipated everyone's reaction.

The so-called "polka dot plague" was originally named from the Mediterranean region and was later brought to North Africa by the Arabs.

It is also commonly known as "pox" and "smallpox"!

Patients often suffer from herpes and abscesses, and survivors who are lucky to recover will also have round scars of acne on their skin.

Today, smallpox is taboo around the world.

It is highly contagious and will quickly lead to the spread of plague in a city-state or kingdom, ranging from decline in mild cases to the destruction of the country in severe cases.

The elderly Lord of Malindi, Luban, trembled with fear and said, "True God, why are you looking for the source of disaster?"

Zhou Li'an's expression suddenly became indifferent: "My will and will have come, do I still need to explain to you the reason?"

Lubaen was horrified and shook his head hurriedly: "No, True God! Your servants have no intention of blaspheming the True God."

Everyone in the hall also tried their best to control their emotions and not let them spill out.

At this time, Zhou Li'an stood up from the throne.

The snow girl was stunned for a moment, but did not ask any questions. She followed her master closely and came to her side.

Zhou Li'an glanced around the palace: "This is the test I will impose on you. If you obey my will, you will become my people!"

"But if you are a betrayer, KINO will also betray that person!"

"And I still have a prophecy——"

"In the near future, a voyage fleet from the east will arrive in your maritime territory!"

"They are the favored ones whom I have set my eyes on..."

"If you see them coming, I will send you my instructions and let them wait in your kingdom for my summons!"


Wave again.

Mountains of gold fell heavily to the ground, while on the other side there were snow-white salt forming sand dunes.

The arrival of three decrees already overwhelmed everyone.

Seeing this gift of creation out of thin air, everyone in the palace was dumbfounded and could no longer speak.

Before they come to their senses...


In front of the throne, the two noble figures had disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, the hall was shaking.

But this was not excitement due to the gold that blessed creation, but panic caused by worries about not being able to fulfill the "true God's will."

at the same time.

Others were stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed——

"My lord and the shaman have left?"

“Then, what should we do?”….

Tiaoyu and others were deceived.

They don't understand the language with the people in this old African land, so how should they communicate and get along with each other?

Only Zhou Ruonan remained as calm as before, with a childish look, but he followed the example of the chief and frowned: "This should be my Lord's test for us!"

"How can we do nothing when we follow our Lord and patrol the earth?"

Zhou Ruoyu said: "But what should I do if I don't understand the language?"

Zhou Ruonan glanced at him: "The "Bible of Balance" once recorded the story of the Chief's meeting with Balance..."

"Back then, when the chief met with the Balance Cavalry, they were not taught the rules of language. It was the deputy chief judge who enlightened the chief, and they were able to communicate with each other!"

"The deputy chief judge can learn the language of that tribe, and the chief judge can master the language rules, why can't we?"

Zhou Ruonan's words made everyone wake up.

And among those present, there was a true witness to history——

Tiaoyu said: "What Ruonan said is right! If we don't move forward because of difficulties, we will be blaspheming God's grace!"

As soon as these words came out, people felt at ease.

Zhou Ruonan took a deep breath, walked to the center of the hall, and dipped his fingers into the snow-white salt.

She came to Qiao Lan and first put her finger on his lips.

Qiao Lan was a little panicked at first, but when he tasted the salt, his expression suddenly became wonderful.

Don't wait for him to exclaim.

Zhou Ruonan said: "This is salt! Our Lord's balanced grace and blessing! Salt!"

Qiao Lan: "...%¥#..."

Zhou Ruonan took a deep breath, pointed at the sand dune, and said again: "Salt! Salt!"

Qiaolan probably understood it and learned to pronounce the syllable: "Salt!"

Zhou Ruonan immediately laughed, "Yes, salt! Salt!"

Qiaolan shouted again: "Salt! Salt!"

And closely followed.

Zhou Ruonan picked up another piece of gold and put it into his hand: "Gold! This is...gold!"

Turning around, he showed the salt again: "This is...salt!"

"Salt, gold!"

This situation.

Everyone was watching the conversation between the child and the prince. Whether it was Tiaoyu and others, or the princes and nobles of Malindi, they were all looking forward to it.

And Qiao Lan's intelligence is far beyond everyone's imagination. He learned a novel pronunciation, "This... is... salt!"

"Is this gold!"

It is not difficult to teach two terms when there are real objects for teaching.

The development of trade in the primitive world started with dancing gestures and gradually developed.


With just these two words, it is almost impossible to achieve communication in a short time.

The focus is still on finding people.

As for why Zhou Li'an left in a flash...

Or to maintain the power of the gods and create a sense of mystery.

In the Kingdom of Balance, our true God is not easily accessible to everyone.

After arriving in Malindi, did they arrange step by step how to find the person and explain the reasons?

The three decrees are issued and executed in order.

Zhou Li'an was not too worried about the search for translators and smallpox recoveries.

Arab merchants have traveled all over the world, and many of them have set foot in the East...

Taking the Northern Song Dynasty as an example, Guangzhou alone was home to tens of thousands of Arab merchants, not to mention the world-class port of Quanzhou as the starting point for trade...

Back to Yuan Dynasty.

Private maritime trade flourished, and not only Arabs traveled to the East, but also Easterners arrived in Arabia and Africa.

There was a man named Wang Dayuan in the Yuan Dynasty.

As early as 80 years ago, he had already traveled around the world and visited Mogadishu, Malindi and Kilwa.

The official journey to the West began with Zheng He.

The course and goals originally set by Zheng He were based on Wang Dayuan's "Daoyi Zhilue".

Once you have a big goal, you can search for a guide during the voyage and listen to information and precise directions about distant continents.

Before Zheng He, "Dao Yi Zhi Lue" was written as a folk book and was not taken seriously by people. It was even criticized as a false compilation based on imagination.

But after Zheng He's fleet actually arrived, Ma Huan, who was a translator and lecturer, sighed: "Then I learned that the author of "Dao Yi Zhi" was not false."

Ma Huan's "author" did not mention Wang Dayuan's name, which shows that the official does not pay attention to private explorers.

Facts have finally proved that the content of Dao Yi's Zhilue is highly consistent with what Zheng He's fleet saw and heard.


If you really can’t find a translation, that’s normal!

But Zhou Li'an cannot stay in Malindi for a long time, lest he make too many mistakes and collapse his godhead.

Only distance produces beauty.

Leaving Tiaoyu and others behind was a hint.

The true God is only temporarily gone and will come again.

And a divine messenger stayed behind to watch them obey God's will.

Finally, recovery from smallpox is not uncommon in Africa, where the disease is common among African tribes.

Therefore, every once in a while in the old land, there is always a place filled with disasters of plague.

As long as people can be found, the germs contained in the recovered people may not be able to infect these old natives.

However, the people of Balance, who have never been exposed to smallpox, are a high-risk group.

When Spain invaded the Aztecs.

The entire ship was safe, but the Aztecs were infected with smallpox, which quickly spread throughout the city-states.

Otherwise, how could the hundreds or thousands of people who landed on the ocean destroy millions of people in China and the United States in a short period of time, and change the ownership of the earth?

Not 7

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