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【27】Listen to the name of my god

Headed by the mountain climbers, the elders of the tribe came to worship.

Everyone's face was filled with unspeakable excitement, intertwined with fear. Among them, the elders of the Tushi Tribe were the most uneasy.

They are sinners who have offended God and punished them. It is still unclear whether God will allow them to accept punishment.

In their eyes, the former patriarchs and shamans must have lost their souls and eliminated the possibility of reincarnation; for the aborigines, a large part of their belief attributes is the hope for reincarnation in the next life.

The girl introduced everyone one by one.

And subdivide the elders of Chishui, Shanhua and Tushi.

Wait for her to finish speaking.

Zhou Li'an looked at Shanshan: "How is your injury?"

Shanshan said gratefully: "It is all because of the mercy and salvation of the Supreme Wind God that I have been resurrected. Shanshan is willing to dedicate his soul to serve you forever."

Zhou Li'an walked over and checked his injuries.

Don't die unexpectedly in a few days and make your 'Great Resurrection' useless...

That leaves God a little bit at a loss.

At that time, we will have no choice but to repeat our old tricks and take him to another world without pain.

Fortunately, the injury is recovering well, new skin tissue has pushed through the dead skin, and the degree of muscle healing is very gratifying.

After viewing.

Zhou Li'an forgave Elder Tushi's crime and asked: "Xue Nu told me, you want to use the salt I rewarded for trade, right?"

The elders unconsciously looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Some people are sincere and fearful: "We dare not tarnish God's reward, so we ask God to send down divine punishment."

Zhou Li'an said calmly: "I support trade."


Everyone was suddenly surprised and looked up with pious gazes.

Zhou Li'an gradually became serious again, and said in a low tone: "When I come, I will do something. I have felt it..."

"A hundred years from now, a group of humble, ugly evil spirits will poison and kill the creatures on this land, and you, the weak, will not be able to compete."

"Perhaps you still don't know that the realm of the natural gods has collapsed long ago. The dusk of the gods is coming, and everything will fall into nothingness!!"

"What?" everyone exclaimed.

The snow girl beside her couldn't help but tremble.

And a mean voice couldn’t be suppressed anymore——

【Ward Falk?!】

[What the hell are you doing? The natural realm has collapsed? Ragnarok is coming? You must be careful to get yourself out of here!]

Zhou Li'an ignored the system and glanced at everyone indifferently: "I am not the God of Wind. I came from ancient times and created all things in nature..."

"My true body once exhaled a long breath, thus giving birth to the wind god."

"When I saw that the sky and the earth were dark and thousands of living beings were suffering from cold, I said that there should be light, so there was a scorching sun in the sky."

"I heard the whispers of your ancestors about the long night, and they said that there should be stars and a bright moon, so there were stars and rivers and a bright moon."

"I waved my hand to raise mountains and rivers, sprinkled them on lakes and seas, sent down thunder to give fire, and blew wind and rain to nurture all living things..."

"However, what did you do?!!"

Zhou Li'an suddenly stood up and glared at the people who had been dumbfounded.

The snow girl who was standing aside just now knelt down in front of her in fear, moaning and sobbing.

"You don't want to make progress. For tens of thousands of years, you have continued to drink blood and enjoy the peace and tranquility I have given you. You have stopped moving forward."

"In a hundred years, evil spirits will completely destroy you."

"Kill your men, cut off your scalps for reward, and use your skulls as the glory of your achievements!"

"Insult your women and become their slaves..."

"Bury your children alive and cut off the inheritance of your descendants!"

"There will no longer be a place for you in this land!!!"

Zhou Li'an's voice ended here.

Everyone in front of them was pale, their bodies were shaking, and their eyes were as blank as if they had lost their souls.

The girl seemed to have seen the tragic scene a few days ago again.

Rivers of blood flowed.

The witches were killed, Missing Tooth was pierced by a spear, and the corpses of the tribesmen were piled up in mountains.

She cried loudly and shouted: "No, God, the Snow Maiden doesn't want that to happen! I beg you, beg your mercy and protection, and bless our people to survive forever!"

As she cried, the elders in the area also neighed in grief and anger.

"God, save us, save us!!"

Zhou Li'an glanced at everyone and said solemnly——

"I will establish laws, are you willing to abide by them and abide by them?"


"I will conquer the earth and unify all living things. Are you willing to follow me?"


"I will establish a powerful and invincible golden empire. Are you willing to surrender and become the subjects of the empire?"


Zhou Li'an turned around, sat on the stage and looked down at everyone——

"Those who betray their oaths will have their bodies separated!"

"Those who violate my holy will will never be reincarnated for eternity!"

"At this moment, you can listen to my divine name——"

"I am the true god who created nature, the leader of the gods; the ruler of all things; the emperor of the golden empire; the master of all the precepts, rules, and laws in the world!!"

"Lord of Balance!"

"Listen to the silent recitation, my oracle -"

"Balance exists among all things!"

"I am everywhere, omniscient and omnipotent!"

"Those who praise my name are my people, and I will lead my people to witness endless glory and glory!!"

At this moment.

When everyone heard the name of the gods, their eyes filled with tears, and their whole bodies were filled with heat. Their voices were trembling but high-pitched——

"Balance exists among all things!!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

“Balance exists among all things!!”

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

Their voices attracted the attention of the tribe, and people kept coming to worship. There was no need for anyone to teach them, they just followed the elders of the tribe and silently recited the praises over and over again, with tears flowing down their cheeks.

Zhou Li watched all this quietly, and felt a little hot in his heart.

Brainwashing is actually very simple!

Mainly because uncivilized civilization has given itself enough convenience.

And when the crowd gathered more and more, almost filling the narrow passage outside the house, Zhou Li'an strode out and shouted——

"My people, follow my footsteps!!"

The girl followed him out.

The clan leader and elders followed closely behind.

Behind them are groups of tribesmen.

Zhou Li'an led them to the valley altar. He was the only one who stepped onto the high platform and looked down at all living beings proudly.

"I will give you a reward!!"

He waved his hand.

Everyone saw that something was born out of nothingness...


It fell heavily onto the high platform!

One pack, two packs, three packs... countless.

People gazed at the miracle, and the passionate tears flowed unstoppably, as if washing their souls, making them become more pure and sincere.

The voice of praise never stops, and becomes more and more loud and moving!!

When Zhou Li'an retracted his arm, he opened a package of food, and the snow-white salt flowed down like fine sand...

He swung it out casually, and people rushed to take over.

"Those who take the Holy Communion are my devout people."

"Taste it and have a party!"

"My people, play music and dance for me, and dedicate your loyalty and admiration!!"

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

As the war drums beat, people turned familiar songs into words of praise and praised them involuntarily.

They gathered around the altar, held hands, and danced.

Zhou Li'an sat down with a smile and looked at everything in front of him happily.


What he spit out was not relief, but contentment.

【Are you sure you were just a doctor before?】

[Biography/#Whenever I see you, I will call you Grandmaster...]

[Anti-fraud app will freeze when you log in!]

【That’s so outrageous!】

[The leader of the gods? The Lord of balance?]

【Does balance exist among all things?】

[I would like to ask, what is your relationship with Akali? 】

[Can you please give me her deduction number? It’s urgent, waiting online!]

This chapter has been completed!
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