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Chapter 276 [275] Still not kneeling?!

Chapter 276 [275] Still not kneeling down?!

Fei Xin and Ma Huan were very polite.

They already have the experience of visiting many countries, and as they just "sung", the Ming Dynasty came from afar to demonstrate the virtue and benevolence of a great country.

How to show it specifically?

Be polite first and then fight!

Anyone who respects our Ming Dynasty will also be rewarded by His Majesty the Ming Emperor.

On the contrary, the Nanyang countries have tasted the taste of letting the Ming fleet flex its muscles.

Su Qianla, who killed his father and usurped the throne in the small country called "Sumatra", is now in the ship prison and has become a criminal.

This scene would seem familiar to any living person.

Is there a world police?

A small country in Nanyang was in turmoil. Only a fleet of the Ming Dynasty passed by, which influenced the change of power in other countries.

He also turned the prince into a sinner of the Ming Dynasty.

I would like to ask, how can the laws of the Ming Dynasty be applied to Sumatra?

But the fact is that strength comes first.

The Ming Dynasty fleet is now on its fourth mission to the West, and wherever it goes, there is no obstacle.

This is not just because of the current prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, but also because of the influence of previous generations.

Among the many small countries in Southeast Asia, the "Qin people overseas" are the highest.

If a local commits the crime of murder, he must pay with his life; but if an "expatriate" commits a murder, he can be exempted from the crime as long as he pays money.

Of course, the small country was not afraid that the ancient oriental country would send troops to attack because of a few foreigners.

Because the overseas Chinese controlled the channels for maritime trade, the Eastern natives from the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties were definitely willing to do business with these overseas Chinese.

Silk, porcelain, and tea in today’s world;

It is similar to the lithography machines, semiconductors and chips of later generations.

Whoever controls the economic roots has potential influence.

It's just that from the perspective of people in this era, there is no such far-reaching consideration.

But even so...

Underneath the "politeness" of Ma Huan and Fei Xin, there was also a hint of arrogance.

Because they know that Ming Dynasty is invincible.

The so-called Naruhito is a "high-sounding" that only the strong can claim.

"I don't like them."

Zhou Ruoyu frowned slightly, always feeling an inexplicable discomfort.

His whisper was met with nods of approval from all the law monks, because everyone had a similar feeling.

Tiaoyu caught the inspiration and said: "It's hypocrisy and dishonesty!"

Everyone suddenly became enlightened upon hearing this.

Isn't it hypocrisy to say Deren but imply arrogance?


Gaza was shocked when he heard these words.

Don’t the envoys like the people of Ming Dynasty?

So what should they do?

However, before Gaza could speak, he heard Dioyu whispering: "Tell His Highness the Prince and everyone else not to reveal our identities!"

"Only in this way can we see the true knowledge of Ming Dynasty."

Gaza breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and gave instructions to Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan was also shocked after hearing this: "Uncle Wang, what does this mean?"

"It's too late to explain, but we must strictly instruct everyone not to go against the will of the divine envoy!"

"As for the matter of trade with the Ming Dynasty, don't mention it now. Everything will be decided with a balanced will after the arrival of our Lord True God."

"Which is more important or less important? Your Highness should understand."

Qiao Lan gasped...

I was astonished in my heart.

It is true God's will to welcome and wait for the Ming Dynasty, but don't want to encounter a reversal now?

But even without Gaza reminding him, he would make a decisive choice.

After all, it would be blasphemous to compare the True God with the Ming Dynasty.

"You must obey the order and must not reveal the identity of the envoy. Anyone who violates this will be severely punished."

The words were shouted three times and spread to the five boats.

People were in an uproar and immediately fell into nervous silence.

And such a scene.

Fei Xin and Ma Huan saw it all.

They didn't understand Qiao Lan's scolding order because...

"What are they talking about?" Fei Xin frowned.

Ma Huan shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be a food language, but their local aboriginal language."

Fei Xin suddenly became nervous: "Does this Malindi man have malicious intentions?"

The words between the two also reached Gaza's ears.

Seeing that the situation was gradually turning weird, he knew he couldn't neglect it, so after asking Qiao Lan for instructions, he took a step forward——

"On behalf of the Lord of Malindi, I extend my sincere greetings and welcome to the envoy of the Ming Dynasty."

"And the person beside me is the prince of the country, His Highness Qiaolan!"

"The Lord and His Highness heard that the Ming Dynasty's envoy fleet was approaching, and they have arranged a banquet in the palace to entertain the distinguished envoys from afar!"

After Gaza opened its mouth.

Everyone in the boat was blinded.

Since traveling to the area around Mugudu, they have never seen an Arab who knew the Ming language.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were of course a large number of Arab merchants who were fluent in both languages, but their footprints were mostly limited to Guli and Ceylon.

After arriving in East Africa, communication with the Arabs relied solely on their interpreters.

"You know the language of the Ming Dynasty? But have you ever been to the Ming Dynasty to do business?"

The tension between Fei Xin and Ma Huan was instantly dispersed, and their favorability levels increased significantly.

Gaza said: "My father was once a slave of the Yuan Dynasty. Later, he was exiled here due to the turmoil. I have settled in Malindi to this day. Everything I learned when I was young was taught by my father. I will never forget it."

"Now, I have been promoted by the king to serve as a consultant to the kingdom."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Tiaoyu and others.

Seeing them nodding slightly, I felt calmer.

Fei Xin laughed: "Okay, I didn't expect that in this far west land, I can still find people who can speak my Ming language. Come on, follow us on board the treasure ship and meet the envoy!!"

The small boat led the way and led them to a medium-sized ship.

Climb up first.

Who would have thought that this boat was used as a "ladder"?

A group of people walked across the deck to the other side, and there was another second-class large ship alongside. All they had to do was step firmly on the sampan to get to the larger ship.

After passing the big ship, another sampan was lowered, which happened to connect with the cabin of the third treasure ship.

The people of Malindi were shocked.

Tiaoyu and others were also amazed at the ingenious design of its orifice.

"I didn't expect they had such a plan?"

Jumping Fish opens "encrypted communication".

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then smiled, knowing that he probably spoke "Modoc".

Jumping Fish is a Mono, but he was the first to surrender to Balance, and later became a cow shit guard. He not only learned the rules of the language, but also nearly learned the Modoc language.

There were more than a dozen people present, mostly monks from the Great Lakes region and southern Utah who spoke the Aztec language.

But even so, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Ruoyu's mother came from a tribe surrounding Hohokam City and had been taught "three languages" since she was a child.

Linguistic rules apply to both Modoc and Aztec languages.

He switched to Aztec and translated, and then said: "Let's not talk about the steel warships for now, but this Ming Dynasty giant ship is indeed powerful!"

On the other side, there were Dharma monks from the central region who spoke both languages ​​and translated for Zhou Yusheng from the Great Lakes region.

Zhou Yusheng said: "I am not contemptuous of the Ming Dynasty's shipbuilding skills. Today's Ming Dynasty is indeed much more powerful than us. We should learn from the advantages of the Ming Dynasty and compensate for our own shortcomings."

"Like..." Some people almost lost their words, but immediately held back.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, silently praising Balance in their hearts.

It seems that such multi-lingual communication translation is extremely complicated and cumbersome.

In fact, all the law cultivators have long been used to it.

The Kingdom of God is a great fusion of various tribes.

Most of the monks on the Holy Temple Mount have the experience of serving the "Supreme Elder Temple" and serve as translators and communicators for the elders of the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, this kind of "super encrypted communication" is readily available to them.

The actions of more than a dozen people also attracted the attention of others.

Gaza was secretly shocked, could this be a more profound divine word?

However, Gaza, Qiaolan and others did not dare to pay too much attention and tried their best to divert their attention to cover the identity of the divine envoy.

But this is what they did.

It also made Fei Xin and Ma Huan realize something was wrong.

Fei Xin said: "Brother Ma Huan, can you find that those people look different?"

Ma Huan nodded deeply: "I found it!!"

"They are very similar to... Yuan Ren!!!"

Fei Xin took a deep breath: "And consultant Malindi said that he served the Yuan Lord when he was young..."

"Then he went into exile here."

“But I don’t think so!!”

Ma Huan also gasped: "Brother Fei is saying... they are the remnants of the Yuan clan?"

Starting from Zhu Yuanzhang, people in the Ming Dynasty recognized the status of the Yuan Dynasty as the unification of China.

Because only in this way can there be what Zhu Di later said: "Heaven is disgusted with his virtues, and the dynasty will change."

This dynasty is of course the Chinese dynasty.

Bringing the Yuan Dynasty into the orthodox category, Zhu Yuanzhang raising the flag can be said to have "taken the world from the hands of the heroes of the world, not from the Mongols."

In a sense, this is a forced show of respect for the Han people.

The entry of the Yuan into the Central Plains does not mean that the Central Plains became the Mongolian Yuan, but that the Mongolian Yuan became part of China.

Of course, after the mid-Ming Dynasty, the orthodox emperor order of the Yuan clan was still removed.

The early "ZZ purpose" has been achieved, and you can do hidden modifications.

Then to the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Mingqing also followed this method to conquer the world, because only by being close to the Han people can the country be stable.

At this time, the two of them were shocked.

After Ma Huan exclaimed, he looked back.

Fei Xin, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed his arm again, shook his head secretly, and signaled him not to act rashly.

"We traveled throughout the Western countries, and occasionally met the Mongol general, who was in charge of a country and was the lord of a foreign country."

"I just didn't expect that Malindi also has the footprints of the Yuan family."

Ma Huan added: "But if Malindi was created by the remnants of the Yuan clan, why did the envoys from the country such as Mu Gudushu not mention it at all?"

"And what's going on with that Malindi prince?"

Fei Xin frowned and thought deeply, and said: "The Yuan family has learned the essence of our Chinese civilization and won the position of unification!"

"And after their defeat, they have to reflect on themselves."

"When establishing a foothold in a foreign country overseas, one must naturally be cautious and support puppets in power, so that one can hide the traces of the Yuan family and protect oneself."

"But the more this happens, the more it proves that their intentions are very big."

"Do you remember that when I was waiting in the Guli Kingdom, I heard rumors that there were Mongol merchant ships that went overseas but never returned."

"If you think about the author of "Dao Yi Zhi Lue", why was he able to set foot in the Mugudu area and write down his travels and experiences decades ago?"

Hearing this, Ma Huan thought carefully and became very frightened.

Although Wang Dayuan is a Han, he lives under the Yuan family.

The Yuan Dynasty opened up territory and operated overseas, but corruption was prevalent in the military, and there were many people who established themselves as leaders in foreign countries.

Wang Dayuan's visit to Malindi proved that someone had used this route during the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

And now...

With more than a dozen Yuan people in front of them, everything made sense!

"Brother Fei, if we capture the remnants of the Yuan clan, we will be able to accomplish great feats!"

Fei Xin added: "The remnants belong to the remnants, but the Yuan clan is dead, and the roots of the Yuan clan have been sorted out long ago."

"Even if Malindi is really built by the remnants of the Yuan clan, it is just some branches. Otherwise, how could the palace books know nothing about it?"

"It depends on what they have planned!"

"If you want to surrender, let me, the Ming Dynasty, take the lead. This is also a good thing."

"But if there is a conspiracy... just like you said, this is the credit of Po Tian!"

"You will act according to my eyes later. You can appease everyone, and I will inform the envoys to decide this matter based on your wishes."

Ma Huan trembled with excitement: "Okay!"

They led everyone through the middle cabin and all the way up.

While plotting, he also listened to the whispers of the "more than a dozen Yuan people".

The more obscure and incomprehensible they heard, the brighter their eyes became——

"It's true. Although we can't understand the words, it must be Mongolian."

"Just now, the prince was shouting at the people around him, obviously hiding the identity of their Yuan Ren master."

"And the Malindi people also vaguely respect those dozen people."

Ma Huan said: "Do they dare to board the ship so openly?"

"So it depends on what their intentions are!"

Finally arrived at the upper deck.

Along the way, everyone saw how huge the cabin was and how it was equipped with all necessary facilities. A giant ship was like a palace on the sea.

Of course, although it is not magnificent, it is still amazing the magic of this creation technology.

When about to step out of the cabin.

Fei Xin paused in his steps, turned around and said with a smile: "Your Highness, you asked me to announce your arrival, the envoy, to demonstrate the courtesy and courtesy of the Ming Dynasty envoy. I hope you will forgive me."

Fei Xin said while staring at Gaza's expression.

As expected, Gaza glanced at the "more than a dozen Yuan people" first, and some of them nodded slightly before he began to translate.

In this regard, Fei Xin and Ma Huan's suspicions were confirmed.

Prince Qiaolan certainly had no objections.

Both parties reached a consensus.

Fei Xin quickly went to deliver it.

Ma Huan was protected by a group of guards and soldiers, but he was not afraid, only full of expectation...

The tricks of these Yuan people will be exposed.

"Something doesn't seem right!"

Tiaoyu noticed something was wrong, mainly because Ma Huan's eyes were too naked.

"He seems a little hostile to us!"

"Why?" Zhou Ruoyu looked confused, "Did they recognize our identities? But since they recognize that we are the people who serve our lord, Balance, they should be friendly to us."

Tiaoyu felt uneasy, but on the surface he calmly reminded everyone: "If something unexpected happens, don't be impulsive, I will handle everything!"




That Fei Xin left and came back again, bringing several middle-aged men with him.

It's just that these middle-aged men have no facial hair and appear to have a strange feminine temperament.

When those people entered the door, they immediately looked at Tiaoyu and others, then looked at each other and nodded.

At this point, not only Tiaoyu, but also Zhou Wangshan, Zhou Yusheng and others began to become nervous.

Fei Xin continued to pretend: "Okay, my lords, I will wait on the deck. Please come with me!"

His gesture of invitation.

The hatch to the deck is also open.

Zhou Wangshan said: "What should we do? Should we go or not?"

Tiaoyu said: "We are already on the boat, how can we escape! Huh! I want to see what tricks these Ming people are going to play!"

As soon as he took a step, he walked directly in front of the Malindi people without any disguise.

Zhou Ruoyu and others also quickly followed.

At this time, the man with a feminine temperament said: "If we see through it, you are not going to pretend it anymore? That's right! This is a wise move."

No one responded.

When you step onto the spacious deck, your eyes suddenly become brighter.

While they were still adjusting to the light, they heard the thundering footsteps around them.

Another glance——

The entire deck was surrounded by nearly a hundred sergeants.

In the middle, another twenty or thirty people stood proudly, looking at them indifferently——

"Sure enough, he is a remnant of the Yuan clan!!"

"I am personally gifted by His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty as the "Eunuch General of the Imperial Envoy"! I led more than 20,000 Western soldiers to patrol overseas, not only to proclaim the virtues of the Ming Dynasty, but also to wipe out the name of our great unification of China.


The burly middle-aged man was extremely oppressive, and his angry shouts were deafening.

And when he finished speaking.

Another person stepped out from behind him: "Meeting the imperial envoy is like meeting His Majesty the Ming Emperor!"

"You are waiting for the remnants of the Yuan clan, why don't you kneel down?!"

(End of chapter)

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