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Chapter 285 [284] God's Taboo

Chapter 285 [284] God’s Taboo

July 22.

Qi Boche and others have been walking for two days. It seems that the journey is smooth, but in fact, there are undercurrents around them, and countless people are following and watching.

Morning time.

The scouts sent out returned in panic.

"Master God Envoy, there is a large army blocking the front. They are holding high the royal flag of the Kingdom of Tepanix!!"

The hundred-man team was in chaos, and a leader shouted: "The entire army is wearing armor! We will use our flesh and blood to build our path towards balance..."

"Aztec, never be a slave!!"

There were waves of roars.

But on the side, Qiboche and Loboda were not nervous at all, they were both calm.

Qiboche said: "Loboda, you guessed it right, they really came and blocked our way!"

Loboda smiled and said: "Now it depends on whether you can guess correctly, whether they will let us pass..."

When a hundred people were wearing armor, the team set out again.

Soon after, they encountered the large army.

Qi Boche shouted to stop everyone.

Everyone then saw Loboda stepping out alone and walking towards the front of the army formation.

"Sir..." The leader of the team panicked and tried to stop him.

But he was interrupted by Qi Boche with a wave of his hand.

The crowd was restless and just watched Loboda go away, at a loss what to do.

Loboda came closer step by step.

A group of people arrived.

When the middle-aged man with his head tilted to the side saw him, he roared angrily: "Loboda, it was you who kidnapped my daughter Mondaya, and you still won't hand her over now!"

Lobo Daton looked puzzled: "You are waiting here for my arrival, how can you not know the situation in the team?"

"Mengdaya is not in the team, but in the city in the lake."

"If you want to find her, you should go to Lake City."

"What's more, it's probably not because of Mendaya that prevented me from being here, right? The third prince..."

Loboda's eyes fell on another person, the person who officially held military power in the kingdom.

The third prince took a deep breath and said: "The king ordered you to return to the country, listen to his words, and come with us."

Loboda said: "Now I am a citizen of Koujiang, and I want to go on a pilgrimage to Koujiang..."

"Are you sure you want to stop me?"

"The punishment of God's wrath has come to the city in the lake, and every city-state has witnessed it..."

"This is no longer a warning. The will of the true God has come, and we will take it to Kema City, and let the army of judgment step into the valley to judge this evil land!"

"Killing me may only make you vent your anger, but in other words..."

"This may not be the final test for you, our true lord!"

"Otherwise, with the power of the true God, why would we wait for these mortals to go to Kema to spread His will?"

"The choice between life and death is for me;"

"The same goes for you!"

The words fell.

The third prince trembled all over, with a look of confusion on his face.

Beside him, Mundaya's father, the seventeenth prince in the kingdom, howled like crazy: "If we are annihilated by God's punishment, do you think you can survive? You will also be buried with us, and we will all die!!"

Loboda laughed directly: "Do you think that threatening my life can shake the true God's will?"

"That is a god, the only true god in the world;"

"He has given you countless opportunities for redemption, but you have failed to grasp them."

"He went even further and blasphemed the true God."

"Half a month ago, if you had let us go, why would you have gone through everything now and attracted the wrath and punishment of God!!"

The seventeenth prince had no words to argue, only hysterical, and even pulled out a short blade in his hand: "The king has an order, whoever can stop you from killing you will be the next lord of the valley..."

He stepped out, ready to make a move;

But Loboda clearly noticed his vulgar movements and did not move at all.

It was at this time.


Another sharp blade stabbed out and penetrated the seventeenth prince's chest.

"Third, third prince?!"

He looked at the others in disbelief, "Didn't we agree that no matter who kills him, you will inherit the throne?"

"Mundaya... may be given to you as your wife, and the children you bear will be..."

Before he could finish speaking, the third prince pulled out the short blade and let the blood spurt out like a pillar.

Poof, the seventeenth prince fell to the ground dullly.

Just before his consciousness was about to dissipate, he received a response from the third prince: "Royal power? Valley scepter?"

"That old guy has gone crazy, are you going crazy too?"

"Have you ever seen anyone in the royal family who sent death soldiers to dare to stop His Highness halfway?"

When he finished speaking.

There is no response from the people on the ground, and their vitality is gone.

At this time, he looked at Loboda again: "First Prince, I would like to make an oath here..."

"I make you the lord of the valley."

"I only hope that you can pray for the merciful grace of the gods to restore peace to the valley, and all the countries in the valley will also believe in Balance and be his devout believers."

Loboda looked at him quietly, remained silent for a long time, and then said: "Do you think it was me who prayed for divine favor to seize the throne of the valley?"

The third prince shook his head: "No, I know what my brother has done in the past ten years. He has long since lost his desire for power."

Loboda frowned: "Then why do you say that?"

"Because you are the only one who can communicate with and balance the divine envoys so that the royal family can continue to exist... Do you want to watch the foundation created by the ancestors be destroyed in one day?"

Loboda shook his head and smiled bitterly, then asked seriously: "Do you fear the true God?"

The third prince nodded: "Awe, He is the only true God in the world!"

"Then do you know His supreme power?"

"I know, I have witnessed the divine punishment coming with my own eyes."

"Then what you are doing is the inheritance of the ancestors and passed on to the descendants?"


"Well, let me ask you again, do you believe the prophecies that the gods have brought disasters? A few decades later, evil spirits will arrive and everything will be annihilated!"

The third prince was stunned and suddenly became silent.

Loboda continued: "You believe it, but what should we do in a few decades? When I am about to die, praying for the gods to come and save me is like being in trouble?"

"No, God will not come again, because He once gave the way of salvation today, but we chose to turn our backs and turn a blind eye to Him."

“When that time comes, to whom shall the people of the valley turn to for supplication?”

"You understand these principles, including our father."

"But you all chose not to look at the balance for a moment and indulged in falsehood..."

"If you are angry because of my words, you can kill me on the spot... I firmly believe that our father will keep his promise and pass the throne to the person who stopped me."

"But in fact, he also understands that this royal order is the last power he can exercise."


"Just as the messenger of our Lord gave me the right to choose, I also give the right to choose to you."

"If you really want the scepter of the valley, take it."

Say it.

He opened his arms, looking like he was ready to be slaughtered.

Behind the third prince, there was an uproar.

Farther away, more than a hundred Aztecs also trembled with anger and let out bursts of cathartic roars.


Time passes.

The third prince remained motionless, his face filled with anger, as if all the strength in his body was accumulated in his facial expressions...

But then, it suddenly leaked out and turned into a daze.

He suddenly spoke and asked: "What if I make the second choice? What will I get?"

Loboda did not hesitate and shook his head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" The anger that had dissipated just a moment ago gathered again. Because of this answer, he felt that he had been tricked.

Loboda nodded: "I really don't know, but..."

"I was going to see it!"

"Another example is the Aztecs, who have more than 100,000 people. They actually don't know it, but they are also going to see it."

"But we all firmly believe..."

"The Lord of Balance, who possesses supreme power, can bestow endless joy if he can deliver world-destroying divine punishment."

"And when decades later, the prophecy of disaster comes true..."

"We are no longer the ones wailing miserably; instead we laugh and watch the evil spirits crying and begging in the punishment of God, regretting that we should not disturb the paradise of God's kingdom!"

At this point, silence came again.

After a long while, Loboda heard the third prince's response: "Let's go."

"Go?" Loboda was puzzled, "You still want the Valley Scepter?"

But the third prince roared angrily: "I'll go with you! I'm going to Kema and begging for life!"

"Whether it's disaster or joy in a few decades, it has nothing to do with me!"

"And I only know..."

"I don't want to die now!!"

The words fell.

He turned around and gave the order: "Let's go, make a pilgrimage to Kema, and worship Balance!!"

There was great chaos in the army.

But when people discovered that the third prince and his entourage were the first to take the step towards the north, and it didn't seem like he was being hypocritical, they followed him at a loss.

Some people left the group in panic and fled towards the capital of Tepanix.

In the end, only Loboda was left standing there, staring blankly.

Soon after.

Qi Boche and others came after him, and everyone was shocked by the situation.

Qiboche exclaimed: "Your Highness, have you persuaded them? But they are not returning to the country of Tepanix..."

"Persuade?" Loboda chewed the words, then turned into crying and laughing: "No, I failed to persuade, I only gave him two choices, let him choose, kill me, or let us go.


Regarding "choice", Tsiboche and Loboda's will resonate.

Both of them needed Quiztitco's sermon to decide whether to take on the important task of being a fire bearer.

Now, Loboda used the same method to persuade the third prince.

Qi Boche sincerely praised: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"It was the guidance from the underworld that made him choose the latter."

However, Loboda simply shook his head: "No, he did not choose the latter."

"What's the meaning?"

"He gave a third answer."

"The third type?"

"Yes, he said that he didn't want to die, so he wanted to go to Saint Kema, worship Balance, and beg for... a glimmer of life!!"

The words fell.

A group of Aztecs were in an uproar and exclaimed——

"This is disobedience!"

"This is ungodly!"

"This is blasphemy."

But at this moment.

Loboda and Qiboche said in unison——


"When a person comes to equilibrium, that person is already in His way..."

"Just like you Aztecs, don't you also surrender to the balance in order to survive?"

"Everyone in the world is trapped in the shackles of life and death..."

"However, only those with balanced beliefs can break the shackles and gain the grace of eternal life!!"

July 25th.

The thousands of troops who were originally intended to stop Loboda had become pilgrims.

On the way, hundreds of people scattered and left.

The third prince did not stop him, because the sergeant also had to think about his family and relatives.

about this scene.

In the past few days, Loboda and Tsipoche often praised him for having secretly aligned with the will of Balance and given his subordinates the power to choose.

As for the more followers, they all believe in the Third Prince.

These people are all his cronies.

They had always believed that the valley scepter belonged to the third prince, but when the third prince was only one step away from the valley scepter, he resolutely chose to give up.

Then the thing that shakes him is more precious than the scepter of the valley.

More than a month has passed.

Loboda returned to the narrow valley road of Naxma City.

Now my mood is not as good as before.

Qiboche was even more excited and whispered beside Loboda: "A few months ago, I was determined to sacrifice everything for sinners, embarking on the road of redemption, and seeking happiness for my children and relatives.

The glory of the Kingdom of God…”

"But I never thought that I would be able to return home safely and make more contributions to my lord, Balance."

Just when Loboda was about to respond.

Boom boom boom.

A familiar roar and vibration came from the depths of the canyon;

Thousands of troops were also panicked.

The third prince's face turned pale, and when he saw Qi Boche and Loboda's excited expressions, he quickly asked: "Do you know what happened?"

Loboda nodded and said without any further pretense: "It's a cavalry, a balanced cavalry!"

"They can use the rumored beast as an aid to conquer the land in all directions, without looking back!"

Hearing the answer, the third prince felt fearful and hopeful at the same time, so he shouted an order——

"All troops, stop!"

"Worship the arrival of the God of Balance, don't be blasphemous and negligent!"

When an order is given, it is spread over and over again.

As soon as the army was stabilized, countless eyes witnessed the legendary scene with their own eyes.

The legion of gods, riding beasts, rushed towards us.

Their bodies were covered with unknown hard helmet shells, and when wild beasts ran, shook, and collided, they made the sound of gold and stone.

The sharp spears and blades reflect the cold light in the sun, but they make people more frightened than the descriptions in the legends.


A shrill whistle sounded.

The cavalry lined up and formed a formation in the valley.

Hearing the shouts from behind, he made a straight path out of the queue.

At this point, Loboda and Qiboche did not dare to neglect. If they did not verify their true identity, there would be no guarantee of a conflict.

When the two of them came to the front, the person coming from the opposite side also took off his helmet...

Everyone saw a slightly green face revealed under the helmet, forming a strange contrast with the majestic cavalry regiment.

And when the other party saw the two of them kneeling down, a warm smile appeared on their young faces——

"Your Highness, it is indeed you!"

"Are these the Aztecs who are willing to submit to the Balance?"

Loboda also made a surprise: "Loboda met with the deputy chief judge... I am already a citizen of Balance, so I am not a prince."

"As for these sergeants..."

"He is a sergeant under my young brother, and he is also the strongest legion in the Kingdom of Tepanix!"

"He is willing to lead his soldiers in submission and balance, and pray to our Lord for mercy and the way to salvation."

The words end here.

Loboda turned around and shouted: "Littetel, why don't you come and see the deputy chief judge?!"

The third prince trembled. He originally thought that Loboda would express his words tactfully and speak nicely for him in front of the divine envoy, but he didn't expect that the opening would be so pale at this moment.

But now, he had no choice but to accept his fate, bravely walked forward and knelt down: "I, Litttel, the third prince of Tepanix, would like to surrender to the only true god in the world, the Lord of Balance."

As his voice came out, cold sweat also fell on his forehead and down his back.

He has thought of countless words and methods along the way, just to pray for life.

Or use thousands of troops to fight for balance; or come up with strategies to make the countries in the valley surrender...

Now, just wait for the instructions from the divine messenger to come down and you can respond.


The young man sitting on the beast jumped down, came to him in a few steps, and helped him up.

Literte clearly touched the cold and hard armor, but all the chill in his body was swept away.

He heard the person in front of him laugh and slap his arm: "Littetel? From today on, you will be my brothers and sisters and a balanced people!!"

Little was confused.

He raised his head in astonishment and said in disbelief: "But I heard...all nobles in the valley must go through trial!"

The young man in front of him nodded: "Yes, anyone who commits a crime will be judged;"

"Even I have experienced the test of life and death."

"I don't know what kind of crimes you have committed and what kind of judgment you will face..."

"But I know..."

"As you come to equilibrium and stand before me now, you are already in His Word..."

"Then you will be a balanced brother and sister!"

"Another example is your brother, Loboda... He is also a sinner, but he still shoulders the balanced will of our Lord."

"Perhaps, they will point you to your path to salvation!"

Hear this.

Not only Little was stunned.

Loboda and Qiboche also looked at each other...

Do we show the way for Little?

But our path is...

Fire Bearer!!!

So, can we also protect Little from his sins and pave the way for him to be a fire bearer?!

Just like how Ziboche once delivered the fire of equilibrium to Poliboma and Oyer?

So, are the two Polybomar brothers now considered members of the Fire Bearers?

But the problem is...

If everyone is handed down the name of "Fire Bearer", wouldn't all those who commit crimes in this world be able to avoid punishment and judgment???

This is the thought——

The pupils of both of them were shocked, and they seemed to feel something, as if they had touched an incredible restricted area of ​​consciousness, maybe even... it might be the "taboo of God".

The two of them could no longer think about it any longer...


Loboda suddenly stood up and nervously changed the topic: "Deputy presiding judge, this matter needs to be reported to the deputy inspector, Lord Quiztitco..."

“In addition, we also bring the true will of God!”

"Five days ago, our Lord True God came to Tenochtitlan, and even punished those who blasphemed God with divine wrath..."

"My Lord ordered us to come here to report this matter!!"

"The army of judgment shall be in the name of our Lord Balance..."

"March into the Valley!!!"

(End of chapter)

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