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[288] God Proverbs

Equilibrium 14, July 27.

The army of judgment began to divide its troops, and headed towards the core area of ​​the valley, guided by the sergeant of Meadow City who had surrendered to the Balance.

at the same time.

The Aztecs in the city in the lake are also about to go north.

Before embarking on the pilgrimage, they buried the corpses of tens of thousands of dead souls, praying for the rest of their relatives in the holy name of Balance, and finally being guided by the "Gate to the Rebirth".

The rebellious armies of each city-state killed no more than a few thousand people;

But more Aztecs died suddenly of hunger, and their deaths were often miserable.

Children are skinny, and adults have sunken bellies;

There are countless people with few arms and shoulders.

Where did the missing limbs go? It can only be buried in the deepest part of their memories.

When they stepped out of Tenochtitlan.

No one looks back with nostalgia.

For them, this is a place of death. They only look forward, looking forward to the joyful Kingdom of God.

The carriage, which took a month to build, was used to carry the young and old; the young and the strong were guarded by the magic soldiers, and the team also had a carriage to transport armor.

Scouts are sent out early, so that if they encounter danger, the sergeants can wear armor to fight.

July 30th.

In just three days, the army of judgment shook the valley with its iron hooves.

Go down four cities in a row.

Whenever the army approaches the city.

Our Lord will come, the wrath of God will fall from the sky, and the divine punishment of burning will cause the high walls to collapse.

Whenever a miracle occurs, the army of judgment is excited and excited; they are moved by the glory of our true God, and they also seem to see that the time of victory is approaching.

But in major cities, there is also an endless stream of "escapees".

The few nobles who knew they could not avoid the trial fled during the siege and went to other countries for help.

In fact, they all know in their hearts that there is no way to stop God's army and God's punishment from coming.

But just like Tezozomok has always been unwilling to surrender to the balance and give up his royal power, how can he be willing to put down his scepter until the last moment and be overthrown by lowly civilians and slaves?

As for the city-states that have not yet been conquered, they are filled with panic and chaos.

No balanced army of judgment is seen;

They could only hear one-sided words from the "fugitives" describing the brutality and cruelty of the army of judgment.

Those with wealth and power took their families and families with them and continued to migrate southward.

Everyone places their hopes on the most powerful country in the valley, Tepanix.

The poor have nowhere to go.

July 31st.

High in the sky, the gods return.

"I said..."



The divine punishment that destroyed the world fell, causing the strong walls to collapse, and the shock wave swept the earth, rolling up sand and dust, shocking everyone's hearts.

At this moment, the fear has been wiped away;

People are just confused.

Another example is Zheng He and others...

For four days, they witnessed with their own eyes that the army of judgment was overwhelming, while mortals appeared weak and insignificant under the power of the gods.

More than a dozen people were completely numb, and their understanding of the world in their hearts gradually collapsed and then was rebuilt.

The next day.

The armies from the two places gathered together, surrounded by uniformed sergeants from each city, and assembled 70,000 infantry.

"Master God Envoy, Tepanix claims to have an undefeated army of 30,000, but in fact there are only more than 7,000 main combatants among them, all of whom are under the command of the third prince Litertel."

Climbing the mountain: "Are they the thousands of troops brought by the royal family who went to Shengkema that day?"

Niu Shi nodded: "It should be them!"

"So, so Tepanix is ​​no longer capable of fighting?"

All the war group leaders now know the composition of the city-state alliance's sergeants.

Tepanix dominated the valley. In addition to its own strength, it relied on the vassals of several surrounding countries.

Like the Aztecs, the Aztec Leopard Guard would be called upon in time of war.

When the Aztecs were abandoned two years ago, Tzozomoc also made readjustments and merged into two small countries to fill in the gaps.

Niu Shi continued: "The army of judgment conquered various cities in just a few days, and the people in the city also said that nobles and sergeants went to Tepanix to gather strength."

"So looking at it now, the strength of the Tepanix country should be even greater than before."

But, even so.

There was no trace of embarrassment on everyone's faces, instead everyone was smiling.

Those who blaspheme offend our true God.

Our Lord God’s punishment is coming everywhere, how can mortals be able to resist it?

As long as the high wall is broken, the cavalry of the Army of Judgment will be invincible.

"Then we will launch a general attack tomorrow?"

At this moment.

Several people on fast horses came to report: "The inspector and deputy inspector have arrived with the family and army of King Natpanix!"

Everyone was stunned, and Dou Crocodile said: "Isn't the trial scheduled to take place after the war in the valley subsides? Kema City also needs to retain manpower."

Niu Shi said: "There must be law monks in charge of Kema City, and the people are all pious, but judging from the wrath of our Lord now..."

"The day of the general attack will be the day when the blasphemers will be annihilated."

"The trial of the blasphemer should have been presided over by two inspectors."

Someone asked: "What are the Royal Tepanix doing here?"

Niu Shi smiled faintly: "When the people come, won't the truth be revealed?"

Soon after.

Zhou Weiguo, Quiztitco and brother Loboda arrived.

Everyone has known Loboda for a long time. He once served as an envoy to Kema and was entrusted with an important task by Deputy Inspector Quiztit.

The remaining person is Little.

Zhou Weiguo arrived at the scene, smiling and saying nothing.

Quiztitko also stepped aside, and saw Littletel taking out a feather and offering it with both hands——

"Dear envoys, this is the eagle feather military order of my eagle guard. With this feather, you can command the entire army."

"I am willing to do my part to sweep the valley for the army of judgment."

Everyone then listened to the translation by the monk, and then they understood.

However, Dou Crocodile joked again at this time: "The armies from all the cities are under my command. What's more, even without you people, do you think the army of judgment will not be able to sweep the valley?"

The law monk also acted as an interpreter.

Literte suddenly looked embarrassed and felt angry in his heart; he was a prince, and since he took over the military power, who could ridicule him like this?

But after just a moment of trance, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly: "Although we have little power, we still do it out of pious surrender."

"I know that I am a sinner and may also be judged, but now...I want to stand on the side of justice."

"Hahahaha." Dou Crocodile laughed, walked up to him, and gave him a bear hug: "The fact that you are not angry at my words proves that your will is the same as mine."

Everyone also came forward to say hello.

Seeing this scene, Loboda breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

This is a good start.

Even though he wholeheartedly surrenders to the Balance of Faith, he still has the selfish intention of preserving the royal bloodline.

Qiboche had been watching from behind, and at this moment he also understood Loboda's thoughts, and said: "If Littletl can 'attain the Tao', everyone will be happy;"

"If you can't, show your piety now, and maybe you can have a good death."

The so-called attainment of the Tao is naturally the Tao of the "those who spread the fire".

Qiboche added: "And don't forget, there are also 'those who are under the gaze of divine grace' in your royal family."

"Aristocrats often commit crimes and punishments, but there are also those with pure hearts like Mondaya."

When Loboda heard this, his eyes lit up.

Also used as a whisper——

"As we walked along the way, we heard news from various cities; those who responded to the gaze of our Lord God were surrounded by all the people."

"Perhaps Mundayak can preside over the affairs of the capital city of Tepanix..."

However, at this point, Loboda hesitated again and shook his head violently to refute the previous sentence: "No, it can't be like this!"

Qi Boche was confused by his reaction: "Why not?"

Loboda said: "What if it were you? Would you rather Dedege stay in the valley, or go to the Kingdom of God?"

"The teaching of the profound principles of the supreme law in the Kingdom of God is the greatest grace."

"Mundaya is still young, and Dedege is only twenty. They should worship the true God and bathe in the glory of the Kingdom of God."


Qi Boche took a breath, and instantly distinguished which was more serious.

Taking charge of the affairs of the big city is only temporary.

How to compare with the grace and blessings of gods?

"I understand!"

"It depends on what kind of decree the true God will send down after the Judgment Day!"

the other side.

Zhou Weiguo stood beside the cow dung and whispered: "We have heard news from various cities along the way, but my lord and the witch have actually arrived?"

Niu Shi's expression suddenly became solemn and pious: "Our Lord God is angry and punishes the heavens with unprecedented punishment; but the shaman is kind and compassionate to the world, so he gives the precepts of redemption, ordering them to stay away from destruction and save thousands of living beings."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them were so blessed that they praised together.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Also praise her, the great witch!"

The next day.

It's not bright yet.

The cavalry army went out for battle; because tens of thousands of city-state foot soldiers were accompanying them, they no longer rode fast.

In the final battle, only three cities remained.

Even though there are still several city-states further south in the valley, once the Kingdom of Tepanix is ​​destroyed, all countries will no longer have the will to resist.

Above the sky.

Zhou Li'an led everyone to overlook the earth.

More than 100,000 troops marched out in a mighty and mighty manner.

The voice of the god spread in the cabin, asking Zheng He and everyone: "How does your Ming army compare with it?"

Everyone was used to miracles appearing. Wang Jinghong looked flattering and shouted: "You can't compare with the gods' heavenly soldiers and generals."

However, the god said: "If we compare it with military and administrative matters, these armies of judgment cannot compare to your Ming Dynasty."

"As you can see, when the army of judgment goes out to battle, there is no food and grass to accompany it, because from the 'God-revealed land' to the 'redemption land', there is plenty of water and grass, and herds of wild cattle numbering tens of millions."

"But if you go to the old land, the mountains and rivers are full of strange phenomena, but you don't have the ability to fight in a blitz, regardless of the cost."

"Of course, if you want to plunder on the spot, you can also continuously replenish your fighting power, but this is not a salvation for the suffering people of the earth, but an infringement."

As the words of God are revealed.

More than a dozen people fell into silence.

Their minds couldn't help but compare themselves to the cavalry of the previous Dynasty, Dayuan Dynasty. They burned, killed and looted wherever they went to share the rewards of military merit.

From the perspective of future generations, the success of the northern herders was entirely due to this simple and crude reward and punishment model, which united people and saved military supplies.

But the problem is...

The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty cannot be compared with the equilibrium.

Zheng He said: "The gods are above us. With the power of the gods, why should we care about these trivial matters?"

Zhou Li'an said: "You mean, just by creating things and blessing them, I can be exempted from the responsibility of armament?"

More than a dozen people were confused, with several big words written on their faces——

Isn't it?

Zhou Li'an didn't look back, so he could probably guess the expressions on everyone's faces and burst into laughter: "Hehehe."

"Know this, that I give you a way to the kingdom of joy."

"And the travelers are still themselves."

"Only by putting in hard work, hard work and blood and sweat can you finally achieve something."

"At the same time, this is also the power I give you and other mortals to choose;"

"Whether you want to follow my path is up to you."

"If not, my will has already come to the old land and made millions of mortals surrender. But without faith and piety, it would not be a happy country."

The voice fell.

There was silence in the cabin for a long time.

After Zhou Ruonan confirmed that there were no more instructions from my master, he said to Zheng He and others: "Don't you understand?"

"On that day I will tell you and others the story of how witches redeemed all people."

"It is precisely because of my lazy heart in life, Modoc, lost in false prosperity and joy, that the true God is angry and wants to abandon us."

"But now, everyone in the Kingdom of God is working hard. The fish, rice and dishes we eat are all cultivated by ourselves. Everyone has to work hard to get a balanced contribution point, which can be exchanged for the things they need and like."

"But this city-state alliance, or your Ming Dynasty..."

"Hehehe, a country that bullies others for its own selfish desires makes a child like me look down upon it!"


Everyone's minds went blank and their scalps went numb.

Either his face is pale, or his face is flushed with embarrassment.

When the truth of the Great Dao was presented, they were irrefutable, and there was no need to conduct a deeper analysis. They only needed to look at what they had seen and heard in the past few days to directly come up with the answer.

God gave righteous authority to the people in the great city for justice and righteousness.

But the city-state alliance is unfair.

The nobles are extremely rich.

The common people are hungry and poor.

In the cabin, a commander was in a state of confusion and subconsciously confided his thoughts: "But our Ming Dynasty has reached a prosperous age, everyone is prosperous and healthy, and all the people in the country praise the merits of His Majesty the Yongle Emperor..."

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of Zheng He, Wang Jinghong and others all changed drastically, and they looked at the man in extreme horror, as if to say...

Are you crazy?

Just contradict the divine messenger;

But you are disobeying the will of God!!

The next second.

The voice of the gods appeared again——

"The prosperous Ming Dynasty?"

"Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di should indeed be praised for their achievements; but looking at the long river of time, what were the reasons for the turmoil and changes in the previous dynasties of the Ming Dynasty?"

"The Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty all declined. The Yuan Dynasty was once great, but it was replaced by the Ming Dynasty."

"How dare you say that you, Ming Dynasty, will not follow in the footsteps of your predecessors?"

"What you need to know——"

"The only lesson that mortals learn from history is that mortals never learn lessons!!"

"You have been deceived by lies, but you don't know it."

"That's why I give you the balanced way to open the eyes of reality for you!!"



Inside the cabin, deathly silence filled the air.

But Zheng He and others felt turbulent in their hearts;

Including the snow girl, everyone couldn't help but glance at the driver's seat on one side, and couldn't help but murmur that sentence...

at the same moment.

Zhou Ruonan opened his backpack, took out a pen and paper, glanced at the date on his watch, and then wrote quickly——

[Equilibrium 14, August 2.]

[The envoys of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He, Wang Jinghong... and others received grace and played antithetical verses with our Lord in the realm of the sky...]

【The proverb given by our Lord——】

[The only lesson that mortals learn from history is that mortals never learn lessons!!]

(End of chapter)

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