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Chapter 295 [294] Follow the example of the witch

Chapter 295 【294】Imitating the Witch’s Action


"Damp your face towel with water and protect your mouth and nose!"



The sound of orders resounded throughout the army;

Since Zhou Li'an passed on the secrets of Zhou Wangshan's medical principles and established a health center, there were naturally health soldiers in the cavalry army.

When welcoming the King of Sin, Didymar's serious injury treatment was a wake-up call for the army of judgment.

At this time, my Lord Ganlin poured out a path in the flames, but also caused the smoke to rise.

When the balanced cavalry smells the thick smoke, they know the meaning of protecting their mouth and nose.

Not to mention that there are orders and prohibitions in the military, and everyone follows order.

Two rows of heavily armored infantry set off, their uniform and heavy footsteps sounding like the roar of war drums.

Everyone turned around suddenly and saw several palace servants raising their horns, and three more people worked together to blow the buzz.

Boom, boom.

"The witch once said that if the people do disobedience and blasphemy again, they are willing to personally pray for His divine punishment to come and destroy the people!"

Seeing that they didn't speak a word.

"Evil spirits cannot harm us because His majesty is unrivaled!"

The shouts fell.

Zhou Weiguo was equally calm, took another step forward, and spoke coldly: "Walking with the blasphemer is to gain his accomplices and minions!"

It was as if I felt the majesty of the Lord of the Valley again, and I couldn't help but want to surrender to him.

They are standing in the wrong position!!

Not to mention the two auxiliary cities, the main city alone has more than 30,000 garrison soldiers.

"Break the door!"

The shield bearer is in front.

"Kill without mercy!"

The holy weapon in the sky gradually approached and reached above their heads.

Confident and arrogant, Tezozomok continued to shout: "Those who serve my people should be my helpers!"

"If one person offends, the entire army will be punished!"

"The army of judgment obeys the order——"

Heaven asked again: "Then you are showing yourself to gain godliness?"

Outside the palace gate, the sound of orders echoed——

Zhou Li'an pointed the way for everyone.

"Go and do what you have to do!"

After a while.

Mendaya finally woke up. She knew that the situation was urgent and she could not neglect it. She didn't have time to think, so she responded loudly: "Because you are the first person in the world to see balance!"

royal palace.

The noble princess is now willing to sacrifice herself for these soldiers to seek peace?

There was chaos.

A scepter as tall as a person was held by his side.

"If after today, they only commit disobedience and blasphemy, the punishment of divine punishment they suffered will also come on me..."

Now, they are all safe and sound.

For a long time, she was speechless.

Not long after, the cavalry arrived at the foot of the stairs, and after a few short whistles, they naturally formed a formation.

"Mundaya, the person you want to imitate is right next to me, watching you."

The audience was filled with excitement and shock.

"Whoever is willing to come to you, you will lead him into equilibrium and abide by today's promise!"

"But she doesn't feel sad at all now. I don't know... I don't know if this is a disguise."

Until the heavily armored infantry looked for the path guided by the true god and stepped into the ruins.

Mendaya was stunned: "Oath?"

Balance, sun.

"Capture him. As long as we capture Tezozomok and sacrifice this sinner to the True God of Balance, we may be able to wash away our sins! Let us seek salvation."

Could it be that all those 20,000 people were burned to death in divine punishment?



"This is the Valley Scepter..."

He slowly woke up and murmured: "Why?"

It also looks like a scepter and a spear.


Hua Hua Hua.

Zhou Li'an only needs to guide them to the route of a small fire, and then extinguish it with sweet rain, and he can quickly open a road to the palace.

"Your will resonates with my Lord's will, and I follow your virtue, which is to follow balance."

The deeds of the witch are known to everyone on horseback, and are praised by everyone in the Kingdom of God.

Perhaps 7,000 Eagle Guards were taken away by Little and defected, but where are the remaining 20,000 people now?

The number of soldiers gathered in the palace was less than two thousand.

"What?" Loboda couldn't understand for a while, but what he looked at was Mondaya following the two inspectors, and then he realized, "You don't understand why she didn't die for her father's death.


However, before everyone could recover from their daze.

Tenochtitlan was a laggard. They absorbed knowledge and crafts, developed and innovated, and then they had the pavilions and hanging gardens.

The buildings in the city are not densely populated. Most of the residential courtyards are one-story, and two-story buildings are rare.

One end of the scepter touched the ground, and as he turned slightly in his hand, the goose egg-sized gem made red light and shadow rotate on the ground.

There was another huge wooden box beside him, and he took it out without haste.

The sergeant at the bottom of the stairs was at a loss again.

As a result, the few palace servants dispersed and fled in all directions.

Boom, boom!

Everyone raised their arms and slapped their breastplates.

"Wrong, wrong!"

The cry woke everyone up. Even though the cry was incoherent, everyone had the same idea in their mind.

Only he, less than two thousand people, stood on the opposite side of the gods.

"I envy her. Our father gave all his love to Mondaya. Who among the royal family can match the affection between their grandfather and grandson?"

The voice changed, and a female voice came -

"No one can stay out of this!"

"Are you sad? Countless souls have fallen into misery because of the sins of the blasphemers. The sadness she has seen is unforgettable."

Mendaya's expression changed and she was shocked and speechless. She didn't expect that the legendary figure was actually watching her.

"If she can exchange her own sadness for the true joy and tranquility of the valley, everything will be worth it, and that is what she is willing to do."

Isn't this the most beloved princess of Tezozomok, Mondaya?

Just when Zhou Weiguo was about to give the order, his mouth had already opened...

On the side, Little was still at a loss...

It's not that I feel offended, but that these two thousand people have already sided with Tezozomok, and as a result of divine decree, they are guilty of the same crime.

Behind them came the loud sound of trumpets, which resounded throughout the palace.

When they saw the sacred weapons of the gods flying in and the heavily armored infantry lining up, some of them lost control of their emotions and burst into tears——

"It's the king!"

"He is a blasphemer, he deceived them!"

"It's all wrong..."

It's just that the head of the spear is not sharp. Instead, it is inlaid with a huge round gem made of molten gold.

She shouted: "Inspector, Deputy Inspector, please give these people a chance to redeem themselves!"

"People voluntarily gave food to Mundaya and endured hunger alone. Even children who knew nothing would pick unknown grass roots and beg her to bring salvation to the Aztecs from the gods."

The two sides faced each other in a dignified and majestic manner.

After hearing his words, Loboda truly understood and replied: "Of course this is not a disguise, on the contrary, this is her true expression."

Therefore, a heavy bombardment did not completely block the city in front of us.

"And she is different from you and me. She doesn't need to hold high the flag of judgment to prove her piety. Isn't she a favorite of God?"


Among the two thousand soldiers, some were already crying and couldn't help themselves.

Even if there is no intention of landing, just hovering high in the sky will put everyone's heart under heavy pressure.

Precisely at this time.

"The whole army obeys the order——"

"I would like to teach them a balanced will and enable them to see true knowledge..."

At this time.

The sergeant who was about to rush up the stairs slowed down and finally stopped.

"I ask, you answer."

Two thousand people panicked and instinctively raised their weapons to defend the cavalry.

"For more than a month, Mundaya lived with the Aztecs, enduring the same hunger."

"The one who holds this scepter is the Lord of the Earth!"


But these two thousand people were still staring blankly.

Because of this, all the soldiers were at a loss.

A dialogue between mortals and gods was once again witnessed by countless people.

"There is a great witch in the kingdom of God who sacrificed herself for her people, begging for the true God's merciful gaze to come."

Quiztitko waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, they have no intention of fighting anymore. Our Lord is in the sky, how can we let them show their fangs?"

"I feel pity for these two thousand creatures!"

A rickety old man stood behind them.

"What are you waiting for?"

At this point, the two of them had no words.

Balance, sun.

People were eager to look at the heavily armored infantry, but they did not dare to approach rashly because they did not have the will of the true God.

Just in time——

More and more people knelt down and prayed.

"You asked her why she wasn't sad?"

"Mundaya is the one who has received divine favor." Quiztitko sighed, obviously undecided.

Never thought...

On the high platform, only the old Tezozomok was left.

Tepanix was the first to be established, and the overall style in the valley is more classical.

"Break the door!"

Suddenly, a female voice was heard.

Then there was another sound in the sky——


Above the sky.

"The Rod of the Valley has emitted the fire of the sun. He has protected us and is about to come!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Her voice was hoarse from the scream.

A figure that was only half a head shorter than the cavalryman jumped out from behind and blocked the two opposing sides.

The second row of infantry held up their spears and could launch them at any time.

Mendaya shook her head quickly: "No, piety is my true intention! There is no need to prove anything..."

The trumpet sound that was originally blown suddenly stopped;

"Hehehe." Loboda raised his hand and pointed to the Aztecs in the distance, "The city of Tenochtitlan was starved to death, and tens of thousands of Aztecs were starved to death by Tezozomoc's ban.


"Spear up!"

"Although they are soldiers, they are no different than the people in the city. They are all deceived by falsehoods and do not know that there is our true God in the world!"

"It's the Lord of the Valley!"

High in the sky, the snow girl's voice comes again: "You must remember your words today and provide them with examples and guidance..."

His rickety body gradually straightened up, the madness on his face disappeared, and he became as calm as ever.

The garrisoned soldiers had all retreated into the palace city. They happened to be overlooking the ruins and the outside of the city from the high ground, and they were already in a state of being out of body.

"Arrange military formations to defend against foreign enemies!"

Such a scene left the Aztecs and Tepanic people speechless in shock.

"They committed a crime, but they were also the ones harmed by the crime!"

Just then!

After a sudden shout of frustration, they saw figures moving around outside.

Outside the ruined wasteland, the noise gradually boiled over.


Countless soldiers rushed towards the palace stairs.

"Although this big city has been destroyed, only the palace where I am is intact. Don't you know what it means?"

Because they can't figure it out...

"The holy weapon given to the ancestors of Teotihuacan by the true god of the sun!"

Just looking at the size of the crowd gathering outside the city, one can know that most of the soldiers have already flowed out of the city along with the people in the city.

"Mundaya is willing to swear an oath to vouch for these sinners."

Full of holiness and magic.

Boom boom boom boom.

Mendaya looked up to the sky again: "My lord is above, Mendaya has heard..."

Those who held up the spears all carried the spears on their shoulders. The sharp spearhead reflected the warm sunlight, but it was frightening.

When this idea gradually becomes clear.

There was a sudden thunder.

Heaven asked again: "You have heard about my achievements, but do you remember the oath I made?"

"The gunpowder team is ready-"

And all the two thousand soldiers recognized him.

He leaned on the scepter and took a step forward——

Their eyes frequently wandered between the sky and the earth.

But from high in the sky, His response came -

The door, which was originally blocked by layers of heavy objects, was blown into a huge hole, burning with flames and smoke.

Zhou Weiguo and Tezozomok walked to the top;

Zhou Damin was shocked and stopped him: "You two supervisors, please don't stand in front of the army!"

"Your relatives are all outside the city. Our Lord and the witch have given us grace, allowing you to enter the kingdom of joy together!"

Zhou Weiguo couldn't help but frown when his words were blocked.

Mendaya stood up and strode towards the two thousand soldiers: "Drop your weapons, go shirtless, and walk alone..."

Weapons were scattered all over the floor.

"Why don't you answer?"

"Although Mundaya cannot be compared with witches, she is willing to sacrifice herself so that they will no longer look at falsehood and truly enter your happy kingdom!"

This situation.


"Why do you want to imitate me?"

“Because these people are unworthy of being enveloped by God’s grace, they will be abandoned and exiled by God forever, and become the people abandoned by God!”

Both the iron cavalry and the two thousand soldiers were all moved.

Now this girl actually wants to follow suit, which is touching.

His voice was unusually loud and full of energy, which did not match his age of nearly 100 years old.

No longer waiting for the voice from heaven to come, Mendaya kowtowed fiercely: "My lord is above, the wizard——"

There was no more sound in the sky that day.

There seems to be a voice asking in the dark, touching the soul.

The figure of the heavily armored infantry truly appeared before their eyes.

The breeze blew, causing the old man's robe to tremble.

"No?" Little shook his head, his eyes still hovering over the girl's back, "I know there is no relationship between father and daughter, but what she is about to face now is her grandfather."

At this moment.

"If you continue to be disobedient and blasphemous..."

"I, Tezozomok, am the only master of this valley!"

She was confused at first, but reacted in the next second: "I remember!"


"The people in the city all respect and love her, because her arrival represents balance."

"Praise my Lord, praise Balance, and praise her, the great and merciful witch..."

"I am willing to take responsibility for today's actions, even if my soul is destroyed and I am not allowed to die..."

The gem was bright red, and when sunlight penetrated it, it refracted a large area of ​​fiery red, casting a large area of ​​fiery red light and shadow under the floor beside him.

The footsteps were uniform, unhurried and unhurried, walking towards the palace heights.

It was clear that the gods high in the sky had not sent down divine punishment, so how could the palace gate be broken open in an instant?

How can a mortal master the power of a god?

As soon as these words came out.

People took off their military uniforms, became shirtless, and knelt down to the sky and the girl in front of them——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Praise to the great and benevolent witch..."

"Also praise you, our princess, Mondaya!"

I’m finally done with my work and have resumed normal updates. There will be more updates later!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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