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Chapter 302 [301] Vaccination

Chapter 302 [301] Vaccination

"Polka Dot Disaster?"

"What is the polka dot plague?"

Daming and others can naturally understand the words of the gods, but they do not know the connotation of the thing called "disaster".

On the sidelines, Gaza's expression suddenly changed...

The plague of polka dots is the Swahili and Arab name for smallpox.

Although Gaza has never experienced it personally, it has heard countless legends about the "Polka Dot Disaster."

Once a disaster spreads, corpses may appear all over the land, or a city or country may be wiped out.

He immediately translated to the Malindi people.

When he finished speaking, the crowd exclaimed loudly. Some people subconsciously wanted to retreat, but they saw the old king kneeling down and worshiping——

"O supreme Lord Kyoumei, your people pray to you to capture disasters and prevent the haze of death from spreading, because Malindi is the place of your glory and blessing."

There is no such thing as becoming a disciple, joining a family, or getting started.

In ancient times, Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, and today they can also imitate the ancient sages.


While Zhou Wangshan was putting on his clothes, he shouted: "According to my Lord's will, everyone should retreat fifty steps away."

In fact, variolation became popular after the mid-Ming Dynasty. It is not difficult to vaccinate acne. It is rare to choose acne.

In front of him, a group of medical officers gathered around him.

The remaining hundreds of doctors were unfamiliar with their skills and were not qualified for the job, making them difficult to use.


Zhou Wangshan was so excited that he immediately took out the injection and started operating it.

Also at this time.

To receive this kind of grace from my bishop, you must dare to speak and act without fear of mistakes or omissions, so that you can testify.

"We are all determined to die."

My Lord's question has almost revealed the question, and he has stated the answer first.

Zhou Wangshan knew their intention.

Lu Zhirang had already made mental preparations: "By the grace of God, I am willing to test acne with myself."

A figure happened to walk out of the crowd and came to Zhou Wangshan and others: "Master Zhou, can you tell me what the dot disaster is?"


"Smallpox, is it actually smallpox?"

This is why, even though they are old, they are still willing to address themselves as Master Zhou.

Several medical officers and doctors beside him also knelt down: "We all want to see the wonderful method."

Zhou Li'an was not in a hurry to enter, but instead examined the open space in the courtyard and prepared to build a cattle pen and isolation area.

The previous words were meant to open up their way of thinking and to show off.

Even though they had seen the power of gods many times, they were extremely shocked by this magical method of creating a living cow out of thin air.

"My Lord's balanced power is supreme. If Lu Zhirang and others have devout faith, they will be able to return home safely."

Jumping Fish also came over at this time and said: "You don't need to panic, this smallpox is my master's special trip to catch it to bring disaster."

Snow Girl doesn't know much about medicine, but she knows how to study.

Hearing this, several medical officers were moved and shouted: "Can God really give you a magical method?"

Several people suddenly gasped.

Zhou Li'an does not have the heart of the Bodhisattva who wants to spread the wonderful Dharma to the world. At least before surrendering to equilibrium, the European barbarians should suffer as much as they want, so they should just endure it.

However, Zhou Wangshan was not afraid of making mistakes. What he learned about medicine was still very superficial, let alone being able to comprehend it thoroughly and draw inferences from one instance to another.

Even if Lu Zhirang and others bring this method back, they are not afraid of losing the technology.

However, now that things have happened, there is no room for regret.

The so-called native method is also an extremely complete prevention experience summarized by the great Eastern countries in modern times.

Everyone was helpless about this.

Zhou Li'an said: "Then you must know that if you enter this house, you will definitely feel trouble."

As soon as these words came out.

Zhou Zhijun on the bed seemed to be feeling something, and he could still recognize the existence in front of him in the hazy state——

However, at this moment.

at the same time.

A living calf appeared out of thin air.

"But if this wonderful method has been known for a long time, why hasn't it been spread?"

The group stood excitedly and without protective clothing, they followed Zhou Wangshan and other medical practitioners into the hospital.

"But why are those indigenous people okay?"

Several people were speechless, and their faces showed confusion. They were unwilling to retreat, but they did not dare to disobey the will of the gods.

Or maybe it was the chaos outside that caused a moment of noise and murmuring.

"If the strong become stronger and the weak become weaker, evil thoughts and greed will breed endlessly."

At the same time, Zhou Li'an looked at Xue Nu: "Follow me in. You have to see the horror of the epidemic and disaster to know how to deal with it in the future."

As long as it develops and develops in the direction of bacteriology, it will not become lost.

"If Lu Zhirang and others really have the chance to be given a wonderful method, even if it is only superficial, it will be a great blessing for the Ming Dynasty!"

The nesting doll's endless cycle appears.

Yuki-onna has an unwavering belief in balance.

Up to this moment.


"Don't be afraid, I will see the wonderful magic and I will have no regrets in this life!"

On one side of the relatively clean soft couch, Zhou Zhijun looked like he was dying.

Zhou Wangshan couldn't make up his mind, so the matter was not something he could decide.

"Immunity means immunity?"

Zhou Li'an was the calmest.

And here we are.

"The specific mysteries have to be understood and practiced in the future. I will only propose a concept today."

I saw Him waving his hands to create things.

Therefore, take precautions and have a clear understanding of the epidemic first, so that you will not take it lightly in the future.

Zhou Li'an said: "Take the acne!"

After all, those few survivors of the Dot Disaster were the ones they searched for for my lord.

"Wear protective clothing and conduct wearing checks on each other."

Several medical officers looked at each other.

Zhou Li'an didn't blame him, and turned to look at Lu Zhirang and others: "What about you?"

But then, Zhou Wangshan frowned and said, "If people take the initiative to contract smallpox, how should we treat it? This exploration of prevention methods has turned into a treatment method."

Seeing the magic of the mysteries of medical laws, a group of Ming medical officers certainly did not want to miss the opportunity to envision divine magic.

My Lord has put a medical research team in place, and what they are doing must be to solve the pathological problem.

But now that the person who asked this question was a god, he could only say slowly: "Three years to become a disciple, two years to become a disciple, and if you have talent, two more years to become a disciple, which is seven years."

A young supervisor said: "Lu Zhirang and others are the leaders of the hospital ship. Nearly 200 medical doctors need their leadership and guidance. If something happens to them, I'm afraid..."

This is not to say that modern medicine can solve all ancient illnesses.

"With your ability, there is no solution," Zhou Li'an said, "But what if it's for prevention?"

"During the Yuan Dynasty, a city was plagued by plagues and plagues, to the point where all life in the city was barred. The Yuan army burned the city to prevent the spread of the plague."

"The strong should support the weak, so that there will be joy in this world and no sorrow!"

"I have a thorough knowledge of the world and know that your Ming Dynasty does have a way to prevent it!"

Although everyone in the Ming Dynasty was still in the dark, the fear in the atmosphere made them know that something was unusual.

"When the glory of equilibrium comes, how can it cause devastation to all living beings?"

Wang Jinghong is now a fanatic believer in Balance, and of course the fourteen people he visits are no exception, but they don't show their temperament like him.

Lu Zhirang was stunned for a moment, with embarrassment on his face. If anyone else asked him, even Zheng He would avoid answering and maintain his dignity as a doctor.

Inside the courtyard, it was silent.

Bang, the door is closed.

Furthermore, Lu Zhi asked several people to test the samples, which also increased the error tolerance rate.

He held his head high and his chest high, looking tragic.

"My lord, forgive me. Wangshan is stupid and ignorant."

It's just that this method is mostly kept secret.

This is a rule in the industry, and it also extends to the unspoken rule that medical families look down on wandering warlocks.

Zhou Li'an smiled and shook his head: "The second lesson I want to teach you today is called biological clinical trials."

The prince also led the princes and ministers to kneel down and pray.

Most apprentices are waiters, and when they enter the family, they have to serve the master's family, and only then can they pass on their medical skills.


"What you need to know is that the human race has a community with a shared future!"

This is consistent with modern medicine.

The Medical Law Research Group has been established for some time.

"This person is seriously ill!"

"Humans can get sick, and so can animals. Many diseases can even affect both humans and animals. However, the same disease can kill one person but cause a mild illness in the other."

Lu Zhirang hurriedly replied: "Report to the true God, no! Those who are infected with smallpox and sores will die in ten cases; or those who survive will be cut off from the epidemic city and will not be able to be rescued and die."

Zhou Li'an asked him again: "Then why don't you teach Zhengshu?"

Before I got the system, I was on duty in the hospital and never saw any big scenes.

However, at this moment, the figure of a shaman appeared at the courtyard door: "Those who are not afraid of life and death, just come in! But when you step into this courtyard, you must verify the mysterious magic with your own body. Are you willing?"

If smallpox is prevented by variolation, then wouldn’t some of them be the ones who try to get variolation?

Several things that no one had ever seen appeared, and Zhou Wangshan and others had already been trained.

Without the assistance of sterile medical equipment, the infection rate is high.

Several of his disciples were also confused and anxious, and did not dare to look at my Lord's appearance.

Seeing their appearance, Zhou Wangshan sighed again and revealed the truth: "The plague of dots is the name given to a terrible plague in East Africa and northern Arabia."

Everyone was shocked and confused. They only kept some truth in their hearts for later understanding.

"Smallpox is also a form of sores, which can spread all over the head, face, and body. Those with severe symptoms are more likely to die..."

That’s all.

She didn't need to think about the consequences, she just took the first step and opened the courtyard door for Zhou Li'an.

"The pathogen is spontaneously dangerous. Doctors can take the patient's sores and take the initiative to plant them on the body of a healthy person. The disease may weaken, and when the person recovers, the immune conditions can be achieved."

Follow the steps and you will generally not go wrong.

This is true for any discipline, there is no progress without sacrifice.

Remove the vaccinia.

Over time, it was lost among the people.

"Let's go."

His words were astonishing, and Lu Zhirang and others were also enlightened.

The Malindi people quickly dispersed.

"Have I arrived at the door of the afterlife and been guided in a balanced way?"

The door of the house was opened, and a strong stench hit the nostrils, making everyone frown.

Jumping Fish said: "If you want to catch it, then you will destroy it."

Several natives were so frightened that they shrank in the corner.

Selecting acne with weaker pathological components to remove it can greatly reduce the outbreak of the disease.

The eldest among them was over fifty, with white beard and hair, but he was called "Master Zhou" in a humble and respectful manner.

"Oh, it's just a mystery!" Zhou Li'an concluded.

Zheng He was stunned: "What does this mean?"

"Why don't you say anything? Even if you say something wrong, it doesn't matter. Only when you are wrong can you gain true knowledge."

Although there is modern medical treatment and material support, the occurrence of the plague is completely unreasonable.

Zhou Li'an showed a subtle smile and asked: "Lu Zhirang, you also have disciples and apprentices, so let me ask you, how many years did they start before you taught them the right skills?"

By this time, the discussion outside the hospital was still abuzz.

"No matter whether they live or die this time, these people should be promoted to the Imperial Hospital!"

"So, if you can make people get smallpox in advance, it can be prevented?"

People often say that the ancient Eastern countries chose the wrong technology tree. From gunpowder to traditional Chinese medicine, their development went against the modern line.

The words fell.

He went to various cities to consult and collect cases, and also conducted dissection and practice on some people suffering from serious and incurable diseases.

"What should we do now? The city of Malindi is densely populated. We need to purchase supplies for the ships from the local area. There are overlaps. If one person is infected on the ship, 20,000 officials and civilians will be infected, and not one out of ten will be saved!"

If you want to spread it to Europe, with today's information dissemination capabilities, even if the method reaches Europe, it may be forgotten and buried for hundreds of years.

at this time.

"That's natural."

Zhou Li'an is no longer trying to sell things off.

Lu Zhirang and others also woke up suddenly.

When his eyes came together, he said: "Mortals can't understand the evil disease of sores, but my Lord, Balance, has already appeared!"

"This is not the time for you to wait and learn. My Lord has already made it clear and ordered you to stand back fifty steps away."

"Removing and inoculating acne is indeed a wonderful method!"

Zhou Wangshan suddenly became nervous, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead.

Zhou Li'an did not answer him, but turned to look at Zhou Wangshan: "You have learned the law of immunity. As you can see, how should you deal with this disease?"

Zhou Li'an said: "If you get infected with smallpox once, you will be immune for life. They are smallpox survivors."

Zheng He, for example, actually doesn't think the problem is big. The entangled emotion on his face is actually a kind of expectation...

The words fell.

"It is indeed smallpox!"

In fact, it can be seen from the practice of acne surgery. In the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, acne selection has become more mature. Those who have mastered acne surgery know how to distinguish between "evil acne" and "good acne".

Zheng He scolded sternly: "Silence!"

Go to the door.

The medical officer immediately knelt down and said, "Master Zhou, I beg you to allow me to go into the hospital and observe from a distance. Even if I don't find the magic method, I still want to see the miracle of this law."


Compare the two and make a judgment.


It is difficult to treat such a serious disease, so how can it be prevented?

But at this moment, Zhou Wangshan, who was troubled in his thoughts, caught a flash of inspiration.

"If this method can be implemented, it can save people!"

On the soft couch, Zhou Zhijun was already unconscious.

But everyone knows that since the gods have broken this joint, the solution to the problem lies here.

Zhou Li'an finally said: "I teach the secrets of the law to the world, enlighten them and enlighten them, and I never hide it, because the fate of all mortals in the world is the same."

"My lord, my lord..."


Lu Zhirang and others were all ashamed, because they also knew that in recent months, Zhou Wangshan had doubts about them, told them everything, and never concealed it.

"Inoculate cowpox, wait for the calf to get infected, and observe its pathological signs. If the disease is mild, then take the cowpox and inoculate it into the human body!"

When Xue Nu took Zhou Wangshan, Lu Zhirang and others entered.

Lu Zhirang shook his head: "Report to the True God, there is no cure for smallpox sores, but I heard that some great sages in the mountains may have learned secret techniques, but this kind of technique is either passed down from ancestors or inherited from teachers, and has never been spread to the public."

Zhou Li'an nodded: "Go away, disaster will not come to Malindi."

Transparent blisters appeared on the neck and cheeks, and they were so densely packed that it was enough to drive viewers crazy.

"After you named it Ming Dynasty, it is smallpox."

Extracting cowpox is not stable. Zhou Li'an does not intend to bring virus samples to the world for isolation and analysis, and will only use local methods.

In the crowd behind, the expressions also changed suddenly, and exclamations broke out——

Zhou Wangshan was speechless: "Aren't you afraid of catching the epidemic?"

We have endured many hardships since we were young to acquire the right skills. Most of you wandering practitioners are people who give up halfway and are unsightly.

Lu Zhi gave way: "I'm afraid that people in the world will underestimate his skills."

"We can't completely understand it this way, but when it comes to smallpox infection, they can be synonymous."

He then came back to his senses and said, "Have you ever been infected with smallpox?"

Of course they knew the horror of the Polka Dot Disaster.

Ship doctors are mostly recruited from the private sector, but there are only a few famous doctors who are actually willing to take risks and go to the West.

Zhou Wangshan immediately said: "Those who are infected with smallpox can be immune for life."

Everyone was shocked——

Everyone was inexplicably excited and trembling.

Lu Zhirang and others knew that a disease problem that had plagued China for thousands of years was about to be resolved.

And this grace is all due to His blessing——

The only true God in the world;

Lord of Balance!!

(End of chapter)

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