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Chapter 306 [305] Crossing the Third Ocean

"Okay, that's the only way to do it."

The decision is made.

The ship's sailing slowed down and orders began to be issued.

Zhou Ruoyu, Zhou Ruonan and Adina were also invited to the "Zhengwei Hall", which is the largest hall on the treasure ship and is used for official business, meetings, judgments and other matters.

This is not the first time for many of them to come here.

The Ming fleet has been anchored in Malindi for more than two months. Zhou Yusheng wanted to observe the structure of the Ming ship. A group of law monks also boarded the ship to gain more knowledge.

The internal structure of a treasure ship is not luxurious.

Only the Zhengwei Hall is the facade for external reception, which was carefully built by hundreds of craftsmen.

Everywhere they went, they would invite people to visit to show off the great power of the Ming Dynasty.

In front of the divine envoys, Zheng He and others did not need to brag or show off.

"Haha, you also know that I have a bad temper, and I always treat things wrong and people wrong!"

"However, Lord Zheng discussed with the divine envoy last night and starting from this morning, we will go straight east to Ceylon and officially cross the 'Third Ocean'."

When they woke up the next day, Zhou Ruonan and Zhou Ruoyu were not in good condition.

"In the Kingdom of God, before rice was refined, it also had this rough-yellow texture and was rough in the mouth."

But before setting off, Zhou Ruoyu said hello again: "Tang Jing, what are you doing standing still? Come with us!"

In fact, Zheng He took the same route.

"Hiss." Wang Jinghong gasped and whispered to Zheng He: "Did the angels really say that just now, that the grandfather of the little angel master was offered immortality but refused?"

The fleet then set off again.

If the four divine envoys want to stay, they must stay on Zheng He's main ship. Even if Wang Jinghong wants to fight for it, he can't find a reasonable reason.

Tiaoyu said again: "Then you are thinking, what should they do if they care about you?"

Seeing that the two were arguing again, Tiaoyu had to interrupt and asked again: "Ruonan, have you determined your will?"

On the contrary, when I was in the glove compartment before, the sound insulation effect was good and I could sleep peacefully.

"..." Tang Jing's face was expressionless and motionless.

Wang Jinghong was in great spirits. He glanced at Zheng He gratefully and then quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Yes, yes, yes, men and women always have private defenses; what's more, the two ships are not far apart. Every three days, we have to gather at the Zhengwei Hall to discuss the voyage.


Tang Jing was puzzled: "It's the refined food reserved on the ship, specially for you adults!"

A group of eunuchs and eunuchs were hesitant to speak, as if they wanted to compete for the opportunity to receive the divine envoys, but due to Wang Jinghong's status and power, they did not dare to speak.

Tiaoyu's calm expression suddenly disappeared and he glanced at him: "Shut up!"

"This bird-feathered soldier is really lucky! He will succeed in the future! It's better to ease the relationship early!"

Only in this way can we achieve this amazing feat of crossing the ocean.

I also saw that Tang Jing was valued by Zhou Ruoyu...

This was just said.

"Why do you turn your back on me?"

Zhou Ruonan raised his hand to wipe away his tears, his eyes were particularly firm: "If grandpa knew my choice, he would definitely support me!"

He recounted the discussion just now and many "guesses".

Every once in a while in the ship formation, there would be the sound of drums, trumpets, orders, and shifts, making it difficult for them to sleep.

"Immortality, immortality! This is immortality." Wang Jinghong muttered absentmindedly for a while, "This matter must be made clear to me..."

Everyone present was shocked, but most people knew Wang Jinghong’s way of life...

The words fell.

"What are the consequences?" Zhou Ruoyu said carelessly, not even thinking about it. Anyway, he acted like he had nothing to do with me, and made up his mind not to go back.

"Although the rice on board is not as plump as the Shennong rice, the texture is the same."

When the two went out, they saw Wang Jinghong arriving "just in time". In fact, he ordered people to pay attention to the situation in the two rooms and report immediately if there was any movement.

This girl’s grandfather is the Great Elder of the Kingdom of God?!

This person just watched people serve food, and he had already perfected the shameless behavior of a palace servant.

As long as it is beneficial, he will never let it go.

"And the little angel, please don't neglect me!"

On the side, Zheng He and others also learned about the situation.

But in other words, it is understandable why this girl is particularly favored.

The leader was Wang Jinghong. He was full of surprise and ran towards Zhou Ruonan: "Oh, my little envoy, you are impulsive, impulsive!"

But Wang Jinghong didn't take it seriously. He was still full of smiles when he met the cold face: "Okay, okay, I won't scream, I won't scream, I will listen to the little... God's envoy."

On the one hand, I was frightened——

The journey back home can take as short as a few months or as long as a year;

Such a long time is enough to cultivate feelings. Whether it is to obtain information about the Kingdom of God for the Ming Dynasty or to pave a way out for yourself, there is a lot to do.

Rest overnight.

Zhou Ruoyu was also anxious. He didn't want to be controlled by Tiaoyu along the way, so he quickly whispered to Zhou Ruonan: "Hey, please say something. Brother Tiaoyu is a rigid person. If we really want to get along, you and I won't have an easy time."

At this point, there is actually no need to convene everyone to discuss, and the plan is finalized.

Zheng He just interrupted: "Okay, Mr. Wang, this matter has been clarified..."

Tiaoyu sighed, knowing that even if he wanted to control them, he couldn't control them.

The offshore winds and waves are not strong, so if any problems arise, it can take seven or eight days to dock for supplies and repairs.

But the problem is...

Zheng He also knew his selfish intentions.

He then looked at Zhou Ruonan: "The Great Elder is old. Our Lord once wanted to give him the grace of eternal life in front of everyone. But in the end, the Great Elder declined and prayed to our Lord to grant you a name."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, wondering: "Is there such a technique?"

Zhou Ruoyu shrank his arms, acting weak and powerless.

Just then.

Now that the upper-class cabin is full and there are two more divine envoys, he can naturally get his wish.

He was halfway through speaking.

About half an hour.

He finally found the opportunity, but it ended up because the divine messenger was unwilling. Wouldn't Zheng He get all the advantages?

As soon as Zhou Ruoyu heard the names of Damu and Ermu, the speed of chewing in his mouth slowed down, but he still said nothing.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in reprimanding them with words. It is better to let them understand the truth.


"Wang Jinghong, I told you, don't call me the Little God Envoy!" Zhou Ruonan was furious, and he still looked down upon Wang Jinghong's flattery.

Zhou Ruonan's grandfather was once blessed with the gift of immortality, but the old man declined and instead asked Zhou Ruonan to bestow his name.

"When I mature, I can be like the chief and contribute to the prosperity of the Kingdom of God!"

"Don't forget our agreement, you and I are still going to compete."

Tiaoyu's words should be as gentle as possible.


He could only gather his expectant eyes, waiting for Zhou Ruonan to speak.

Regarding this point, Tiaoyu and others also discovered: "Ruoyu and Ruonan are practicing law in the academy and do not do farm work."

It was precisely what Zhou Ruoyu said that they might have some kind of divine will, so they were tacitly allowed to go to the Ming Dynasty.

Tiaoyu had nothing to say, he could only say: "Ruonan, it's up to you to make your own decision."

With Wang Jinghong's recommendation that day, everyone got more and more drunk.

When the door opened, more than a dozen figures were swept in with the sea breeze...

As soon as he turned around, he turned against Zhou Ruonan faster than Zhou Ruonan. He raised his voice and was about to get angry: "I heard what happened..."

"Traveling through various countries and gaining true knowledge is also the way to practice the secrets of the law!"

Tang Jing suddenly frowned.

Having said that, Wang Jinghong bowed.

"Looking at each other across boats, we can also communicate with each other."

Although they don't know the rank and status of the Great Elder, there is one key piece of information that cannot be ignored...

As soon as a few people were seated, someone would serve tea and snacks.

Such heroic words came out of the child's mouth, which only made everyone present feel inexplicably shocked.

He was already willing to please Zhou Ruonan, but now he is even more enthusiastic.

But the order has already been issued, and it is time to notify the commanders of each ship.

"If you are really angry at me, as my brother, what's the harm in telling you that you're wrong?"

Involuntarily, tears welled up in his eyes.

Zhou Ruonan was dumbfounded.

Tiaoyu said: "Rice milling and polishing can separate the brown rice cortex and endosperm. The resulting refined rice is pure white and soft in the mouth. They are two completely different experiences."

After dinner, we went to the deck for sightseeing.

Wang Jinghong followed him all the time, and also talked about the next arrangements: "The main ship sent a message earlier. The original route was to return via the original route. First, go straight north to Mugudusu, and then make plans..."

Wait until they board the ship.

Adina is the one who is the most adaptable to the environment. Compared to the two darlings who were born in a balanced environment, what hardships has the little girl not suffered?

Only when the secret code of the "Third Ocean" presented the real outlines of land and ocean did they realize the dangers of crossing the ocean.

"Even if the Great Elder is blessed with a balanced glory and is in good health, are you mentally prepared for this trip that will last for several years?"

Let’s talk about Zhou Ruonan’s grandfather again.

Immediately after, Tiaoyu said: "If you want to regret it, you still have time to look back."

"Hahaha, that's right. Well, I will definitely be obedient, 100%!"

Unexpectedly, Zheng He said at this time: "The little divine envoy is a woman, is there anything wrong with it?"

On the other side, Zheng He also immediately said: "What the divine envoy said is true. If you want to return, I can send a few ships to take you back to Malindi."

If you first go north to Arabia, you can then drive all the way to South Asia and close to the coast.

But now when she thought of her grandfather, she truly realized the seriousness of the problem.

That is eternal life, how can you give it up so easily?

But now, Wang Jinghong only hopes to quickly bring the little envoy on board the ship, and the so-called grudges are not worth mentioning at all.

"It will take several years to leave the Ming Dynasty, which is far longer than the time when the chief judge and the teacher go to war..."

"As you and I work hard and gain true knowledge, we will surely achieve great success in the future..."

Zhou Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief and laughed again: "Hahaha, this is right!"

Zhou Ruoyu was also panicked, but he was not worried about his eldest mother and his second mother. Anyway, Wu and his third sister were still here. At most, he would go back in a few years and face criticism.

However, in their own concept, whether from East Africa to Ceylon or from the Arabian Peninsula to Ceylon, the two routes are not far apart and are parallel.

Everyone sat for a while, had dinner together, and then said goodbye to each other.

Tang Jing couldn't stand this, so he responded with a blushing face and agreed: "Then I won't bother Mr. Wang!"

Then he took the initiative and said——

"Take down this bastard Tang Jing for grandpa!!"

Zhou Ruonan took a deep breath and finally said: "Brother Tiaoyu, don't worry, this trip is of great significance. I will not act recklessly again, and I will control Ruoyu!"

But it was he who tricked Zhou Ruonan into boarding the ship!!

"Ruonan, this matter..."

Wang Jinghong's eyes were still spinning as he spoke.

Tiaoyu was not angry and continued: "The chief judge and the teacher are away on an expedition, and the chief is busy with work. There are only your eldest and two mothers at home. How can you not worry about them?"

How dare the Ming Dynasty be compared with the Kingdom of God.

Jumping Fish nodded: "It's still a long time before the boat sails. If we have time, I can teach you the refined method."

But Zhou Ruonan was not picky about where to live, let alone how could she refuse to jump into a fish?

How could she have thought of so many things? After Zhou Ruoyu's temptation, her mind was filled with the feats of traveling to various countries and gaining true knowledge.

"Breakfast is ready, just waiting for the two young envoys to go and have a meal."

The sailing is day and night, and the "helmsman" rotates every two hours, while the "steward" works in three shifts, listening to the helmsman's orders and adjusting the mast and sails at any time.

He doesn't care about the martial arts competition, but it's Wang Jinghong who does.

"I have no regrets!"

Wang Jinghong was even more confused.

Zhou Ruoyu ate the snacks and glared at Tang Jing: "What did you give us to eat yesterday? Rice is not like rice. If you swallow it, you will feel choked."

"My dear envoys, why not do this? I will take the two young envoys to my ship. There are still vacancies there!"

"Sailing on the sea is not as simple as you think... Small gods make big..."

"How could you sneak onto the ship?"

"Well, everyone has heard about it."

Then, he changed the topic and looked at the three little ones: "Even if it is as you said, my Lord acquiesces to your going to the Ming Dynasty, but have you ever thought about the consequences that you have to bear."

However, Zhou Ruonan glared at him again: "Shut up! I am really ambitious, what about you? You just want to have fun!"

This situation makes everyone happy.

The two of them have completely broken up with each other. If they get together, they will be tired of each other.

Two of them, one leader and one deputy, are the highest-ranking ones in the entire fleet.

Wang Jinghong led the way, first to the side of the middle cabin ship, then to the second-class ship to cross the bridge, and finally to another first-class treasure ship where he was.

Compared to Zheng He, he is more rigid.

"Several upper-class cabins on this ship are already full..."

Speaking of which.

After these words, Zheng He and others were surprised: "The reserves on the ship are already full of japonica rice, how can we refine it?"

When Tiaoyu heard about this situation, he immediately said anxiously: "How can we separate? The cabin is spacious, we can squeeze in a lot."

"Yes." She nodded solemnly, "sure!"

Wang Jinghong cursed in his heart for a while, then quickly changed his expression and said: "Master Tang, since we have made an agreement with the divine envoy, how can we break it?"

"Okay, then I won't say any more!"

Outside the Zhengwei Hall, the sound of rapid footsteps was heard.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that His Majesty paired these two people up. Zheng He would set the tone for big matters, and Wang Jinghong would handle small matters tactfully.

"Here comes someone!"

But if you want to go straight from East Africa to Ceylon, you have to complete the crossing from the upper edge of the "Third Ocean" and sail into the deep ocean.

Unless we successfully reach our destination, Ceylon, there will be no supply places left or right.

The original time and space may have been a coincidence, and the feat of crossing the Indian Ocean was accomplished.

But now, it is a real clear goal, and I know how difficult it is and bravely challenge it.

"According to the calculations made by the gods according to the ocean currents, wind direction and sailing speed, we can reach the Ming Dynasty within nine months at the fastest and see the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty... This is a feat!"

This chapter has been completed!
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