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Chapter 309 [308] Equilibrium for 15 years

Chapter 309 【308】15 years of equilibrium

Two days later.

Several law monks, represented by Xiaohua, completed the first pox vaccination.

There must be indications...

But taking Xiaohua as an example, it has been 9 years since she joined the kingdom of God in 5 years of equilibrium.

Since then, these children have become stronger and stronger after consuming dairy products.

The stronger your own immunity, the weaker your immune response.

Some people even had no symptoms of fever and were immunized against smallpox.

Therefore, after determining the advantages and disadvantages of the vaccinia, the elders of the Supreme Elder Hall started the "Disaster Trial".

Zhou Li'an Cheng pays attention;

The virus's aggressiveness towards the elderly has finally emerged.

We should remember today's suffering and hatred.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

When outside the cordon.

He took the snow girl through time and left.

Equilibrium 14, December 10th.

Outside the main city of Sanitation, the earth roared.

Zheng He's main ship.

In the past, it would have taken five days at the fastest for a messenger to arrive on horseback.

And the statistics of the trial results of the main city and No. 2 city——

Followed closely.

Our Lord's will has been issued long ago, and everyone in the Kingdom of God knows it.

Regardless of whether the only true God in the world has come or not, it does not prevent them from showing pious praise——

Xiaohua took a deep breath, then turned around and asked the secretary: "With the current vaccination speed and the addition of 20,000 Judgment Army, can the trial of the people of the main city be completed before the New Year on the Day of Recovery?"

Equilibrium 14 years, December 31st.

"I can do it too! When the evil demon of disaster enters my body, I will sing songs praising my Lord, and the balanced power will help me destroy it!"

The messenger said: "The scout team takes turns to rush back to report the news, so they still have to wait three days to reach the No. 9 city."

Dou Crocodile and others also expressed their admiration.

"Similarly, this is also the grace of my Lord to me, which allows me to relieve myself of the burden of responsibilities and truly enjoy a joyful and peaceful life!"

The crowd cheered.

"Disaster has swallowed up the lives of our people. Our balanced people should remember this hatred..."

It is also a pity that those elders failed to resist the invasion of evil spirits with their firm will and pass the test given by our Lord!

until night falls;

In the central square of the main city of Hexiang, people were buzzing, bonfires were lit everywhere, and singing, dancing and laughter were heard.

It is rare to climb a mountain and I feel a bit at a loss because the Great Elder himself is still in front of me.

Once the road is fully connected, this time may be shortened to one day and night.

"In addition, the army has returned with only 20,000 soldiers and horses, and the remaining 20,000 are still in the valley city-state alliance to stabilize the situation."

Speed ​​up time by two months and start.

Therefore, the communication time was shortened to three days.

After being exposed by the great elder, Xiaohua's cheeks finally turned red and she said: "Brother Niu Shi is now the commander of the first legion of the 'Salvation Land' and must bear the heavy responsibility of maintaining the stability of the valley. Although I am concerned, I also know what is more important.

Which one is lighter?"

"My Lord will send down grace and reward;"

"The witch said: The faults should not belong to the people, but all the faults belong to the disaster demon!"

On the third ocean, the sun was shining brightly in the morning and the sea breeze was smooth.

After a long time.

Later, he even visited the hospital bedside to cheer up those old brothers and sisters.

Zhou Li'an did not stay any longer;

"And in one month it will be Recovery Day and New Year."

Then I heard shouts from all the ships——


A new issue of "Balance News" was published, which comprehensively introduced the process of the disaster trial and reported the fact that seven elders of the Supreme Elder Hall were swallowed up by the disaster.


"Every city has become empty due to the large-scale development and migration in the east. Only the main city still has a full population, which is one or two times that of the other cities..."

This systematic isolation plan is all copied from the current world.

"We came together from Tushi Valley to establish the Kingdom of God. Everyone will keep your achievements in their hearts!"

Dou Crocodile and the others did not dare to show joy and just remained silent.

The holy instruments of balance descended on each city, miracles appeared, and grace was bestowed upon the people of each city.

The more than 130,000 citizens of the main city, as long as they are not seriously ill, do not want to miss the return of the victorious army!

"I, the Chief Judge of the Army of Judgment, climbed the mountain and returned in triumph with the Army of Judgment's 20,000 cavalry!"

City No. 2 mobilized the whole city, completed registration in an orderly manner outside the main city of health, and participated in the "Disaster Trial" test.

The main city of Balance has returned to its former glory, with a strong festive atmosphere and everyone's faces filled with joy.

The ceremony is completed.

“I wish the Kingdom of God good luck in the New Year and its people to live and work in peace and contentment!”

"To show firm faith and will;"

More than 20,000 troops came to the mountains and shouted——

He turned around and entered a small tent. When he emerged again a moment later, he was already wearing protective clothing.

This made the great elder laugh...

"The army of judgment returns in triumph!!"

The clerk thought carefully before confirming: "Absolutely!"

Every city is boiling, echoing in praise of balance;

Countless people are looking forward to——

It's December.

High fever, fatigue, and even fainting.

"Yes, yes, you are still our great elder!"

Countless people from the Ming Dynasty knelt down and worshiped, and Tiaoyu calibrated the balanced time, leading everyone to shout together——

"In the kingdom of God, there is absolutely no one who can compare with my army of judgment!"

The main health city shows prosperity.

What was clearly a primitive cowpox vaccination with a high risk of mortality has now developed into a city-wide competition.

At this point, large-scale acne vaccination for 2,000 people has begun.

The messenger said: "The people of the valley have not arrived. I heard that they are temporarily placed in the main city of No. 12 in Region 10."

Everyone's attention was focused on the Judgment Army, but the Great Elder looked at Xiaohua with a smile: "Is the Chief a little disappointed?"

In the distance, smoke and dust billowed.

"The cow dung has not returned, but is following the will of my Lord. I don't know how long it will take you two to see each other again."

The two messengers set out together to deliver the good news of the victory and the chief's orders to various cities.

Xiao Hua also said: "Father, you don't need to say anything more. The Great Elder has expressed his position on this matter on many occasions. It is natural for you to get this responsibility."

"When the disaster of the old land comes in a few decades, we will use the holy fire of balance and glory to burn it and purify it!!"


The signal horn sounded, spreading throughout the entire ship array.

On December 12, after two days of training, the Judgment Army began to conduct disaster trials in batches;

Until the 20th.

When they arrived at the town hall, Xiaohua explained the situation.

The main sanitary city, which was a trial site for disasters, was completely empty.

They strictly followed the entire series of isolation and disposal regulations.

More than 130,000 people in the main city and more than 20,000 people in the Judgment Army have all completed the pox vaccination;

The law monks have already set up tables and chairs and are waiting for registration.

And just from the beginning, everyone around Xiao Hua was surprised and screamed——

Xiaohua never hesitated about this matter.

"I will pass down an order that for this year's Recovery Day New Year celebration, cities are not allowed to gather in the main city. Spend the New Year with peace of mind to rest and recuperate, so that you can pass the disaster trial after the New Year!"

A total of more than 200,000 people participated in the trial, of which more than 580 people failed to resist the disaster.

"You lead the army of judgment to run around, establishing merit and glory;"

What's more, when the army of judgment returns in triumph, how can it not be rewarded?

"And counting from my departure time, today happens to be the third day, and the army should have arrived!"

Although Xiaohua was able to control her emotions very well, when she spoke, her voice clearly trembled: "When will the Judgment... Judgment Army arrive?"


However, before he took the initiative to speak;

A group of elders seemed to have been talking to each other for a long time, and they all said in unison: "Meet the great elder!"

"From today on, you will be the chief elder of the Supreme Elder Hall!"


The symptoms of the elder's infection were very mild. He only felt weak and lethargic for a few days, and then gradually improved.

After hearing the cause and effect, and knowing that it was my Lord's will, Climbing the Mountain and others were ready to prepare——

"We will all pass the disaster trial and prove ourselves!"

Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "Why did the Great Elder say this?"


"Balance exists among all things!"

In fact, everyone was mentally prepared for this. Zhou Wangshan listened to my master's instructions and gave the elders infusions to reduce their fever.

"The advance scout team of the Army of Judgment has arrived!"

"It may take a month to complete the disaster trial..."

Take the leaders such as mountain climbers and crocodile fights as the first to register and enter the big city, and you will be welcomed by the people.

Of course, all this happening now is also due to Zhou Li'an's patch update.

Boom boom boom.

at the same time.

A busy half month.

Children gathered around, wanting to hear the experience of the army of judgment conquering the valley.

The calamity trial in the Supreme Elder's Hall came to an end with the death of seven people.

Nowadays, the "Balance Avenue" has been built to the middle and rear sections. You only need to ride a horse to the intersection of the road, and then transfer to the motorbike group's motorcycle to go directly to the cities in the north.

And the good news is...

My Lord and the Witch have come.

They uniformly dismounted from their horses, raised their arms and patted their breastplates, and knelt down to the sky...

Just as the man was about to set off.

On the day after these tens of thousands of people left, more than 130,000 people from the main city of Balance set out to participate in the trial in the main city of Health.

"Finally, the valley is not exempt."

And starting in the afternoon.

Zhou Wangshan Yitong analysis;

Xiaohua also pondered, and then said: "After the trial in the main city is over, the trials in each city will be suspended!"

In other words, the people of the Kingdom of God are very open to marriage. If they can have more children, it will also strengthen the Kingdom of God.

"But when I arrived at City No. 9, I heard people talking about the 'Trial of Disaster'. What does this mean?"

They didn't stay out for long because they were hiking up the mountain and asked: "I'm in a hurry to come back in time for the Recovery Day and New Year's Eve to deliver the good news."

But compassion is not lingering in the Kingdom of God;

On the contrary, with the internal propaganda in the news, the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God are in full swing preparing to celebrate the New Year, and they will remember the words of the witch...

Because the patches were patched in advance, although people were sad, they were more deeply disgusted with the disaster in the old land!!

"After the disaster trials in the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God, the people of the 11th and 12th cities will have to go through the test!"

This situation.


The No. 2 Great City Disaster Trial came to a successful conclusion.

"I will definitely be able to resist the disaster and pass the test!"

at the same time.

Xiaohua looked at the messenger: "As per the orders of me and the Supreme Elder Hall, the army of judgment will set off immediately and rush to the main city of Health to complete the disaster trial!"

Xiaohua was sorting out the documents for the New Year arrangements and sending them to the gate of the city. Someone wearing a full-body strange protective suit took the documents outside.

The No. 9 city is in Palm Springs, the southernmost city in California, 800 kilometers away from San Francisco.

But I saw a fast horse galloping in the distance, and the little flowers inside the wooden fence also stopped to see what news the messenger would send.

"Report to the chief, a message from Big City No. 9..."

Now I'm just waiting for recovery and isolation.

And completely record their infection process to accumulate treatment experience.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Equilibrium 14 years, October 28.

Everyone has smiles on their faces;


The man on horseback first stopped in the distance, tied the reins in the stable, and then walked to the isolation reception area.


"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

The embarrassment in Shanshan's heart was resolved, and he took the elder's hand and said: "It is our greatest joy to see you in good health."

Then the messenger came.

As soon as she thought about this, Xiaohua asked: "Where are the people in the valley? Will they also follow the army?"

It's approaching midnight.

The great elder smiled brightly and joked: "I just hope that day will come soon so that I can send blessings to you two!"

"There are also copper valley mineral resources that need to be developed. The north and south of the Kingdom of God are interconnected. I always have the opportunity to go to the valley."

Hundreds of people gathered on the deck and placed tables, chairs and an altar in front of the Zhengwei Hall;

On the altar sits the "statue of the true body of our Lord".

Xiaohua, on the other hand, stood side by side with the Great Elder and others, waiting quietly.

The door opens.

The army suddenly stopped, and a whistle sounded in the military formation——

If they were disbanded on the spot, people would definitely rush into the No. 2 city where the pox vaccination had been completed.

Before Zhou Li'an left, he created hundreds of sets for the exchange of information and materials inside and outside the main city.

The law monks in each city passed the news to the people——

Boom, boom, boom!

Fireworks bloom in the night sky, colorfully illuminating everyone's happy and smiling faces.

The person who delivered the document was already familiar with this and knew that it was the smell of alcohol, which could kill germs and prevent the document from being delivered to various cities and causing disasters to spread.

The army was selected from various cities.

Because they are willing to dedicate everything they have to balance!!

The climbers and others walked through the sea of ​​​​people and came closer.

The people are simple and honest, and they are full of fighting spirit, wanting to compete with the evil demon of disaster.

Everyone wants to prove their firm belief and will;

Hundreds of thousands of people are counting down to welcome the arrival of the New Year in the Kingdom of God——

When the real disaster strikes decades later, it will be burned and purified with the fire of equilibrium!

at the same time.

The great elder took a step forward and took Shanshan's hand: "Why do you, the great patriarch, have to be so different from me?"

And don't worry about death coming at all.

The document exuded a unique fragrance, which was slightly pungent, similar to the smell of fine wine.

An overwhelming black and red wave is coming.

Those who recovered from the disease in the main city began to return in batches.

Xiaohua was overjoyed, but had to calm down and consider how to arrange the army of judgment...

Vaccination against pox has been given, and health regulations have been improved.

"Instead, He cast a merciful gaze on them, personally opened the door to the afterlife, and received their spirits."

"The newspaper said that our Lord was not angry because the seven elders failed to withstand the disaster..."

The people of the main city have spent half a month, and most of them have completed the disaster trial. Because they are in the recovery and isolation period, people do not need to work;

Parties are held everywhere in the city, singing and dancing, as if entering the New Year atmosphere early.

The people in the city also called out the Holy Name of Balance together with them, and the scene was boiling for a while.

Although they are not citizens of the Kingdom of God, it has been two months since their departure, and it coincides with the New Year's Day of the Kingdom of God, adding a bit of vitality and interest to the boring sailing life.

Jumping Fish, Zhou Ruonan and others looked to the west and couldn't help but sigh -

“This is the 15th year since the Kingdom of God was established!!”

"Equilibrium 15 years to come!!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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