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Chapter 319 [318] Great Fortune

Chapter 319 [318] What a great blessing!!

Bang bang bang bang.

Zhou Li'an only applauded in his heart, applauding this horse-catching drama.

From a few words in Ah Hui's mouth earlier, I could gather a general idea that wealthy families are entangled in grudges and inheritance disputes.

Now that I see it, it is like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

Sister Shi was obviously a talented person, and her husband had made great contributions to the Shi family, so the Xuanwei Division was established.

The Shi family cannot treat you unfairly, both emotionally and rationally.

Otherwise, how can the Shi family convince the public and gain a foothold in this chaotic place?

The more chaotic the place is, the more unspoken rules become established.

In short, everyone must abide by the rules of the world, and those who break the rules will not end well.

So looking back...

Sister Shi's face changed drastically and she became jealous.

She glared at the big shopkeeper, and only then did she truly vent her anger.

"Okay, don't say yes. Wanghai Pavilion will be closed from today and will serve as a mourning hall for my brothers. When will their spirits in heaven tell me why, and when will they be buried in the ground?"

"As long as I, Song Feiyin, am here today, no one can hurt the benefactor of the fourth girl!"

He had received the treasure earlier and went to visit his godfather at his house. However, as soon as he took out the gift, he was called away by the waiter of Wanghai Pavilion.

A big shopkeeper in the hall stood at a distance, not daring to take any side.

Shi Jisun couldn't believe it and was ecstatic: "Okay, okay, it's a deal."

He looked helpless and knew that he was no match for Second Sister Shi, so he said: "It's the general who didn't think carefully. Don't blame Second Sister Shi!"

But who would have thought that the four girls broke away from the snow girl's arms and stood in front of the two of them: "No!"

And there is no way of knowing whether the re-selected person is the secret son of Second Sister Shi.

No one in the hall answered.

During the scene, the fourth girl nodded: "Brother-in-law, Ah Si, please save them, they are not bad people."

In today's game, he lost completely.

"What's going on?"

"Go and listen to your second sister from now on and don't be bullied by evil people again!"

"Asi, is this girl really the one who saved you?"

She had worked hard all the way to reach her current position, and she never wanted to lose everything because of a small mistake.

Thinking of this, she didn't plan to take action.

Second Sister Shi had already drawn her sword and pierced his throat, causing the man to slowly fall down in disbelief, then covered the wound and struggled.

Snow Girl nodded, she also had no good impression of the Shi family at all, only hatred.

"Come here, check out his family. These rebellious people should be eradicated to avoid future troubles!"

Zhou Li'an shook his head: "I do want to meet you, but I have to see the roots of the Shi family tonight, so I don't think it's necessary!"

"My uncle has made great contributions to our Shi family. If he wants to take a concubine, I think the master and his wife will support it. It depends on whether Second Sister Shi..."

On the contrary, Lieutenant General Liang gritted his teeth in pain.

"How dare he! If Mr. Song knew this, he could skin him alive!"

"Third Young Master, why don't you admit your mistake to Second Young Lady?"


A voice came, attracting everyone's attention: "These five people are loyal and righteous people, and they have protected our young daughter, but their innocence has been stained by your third son. The only way to prove their ambition is to die."

Let’s look at it more plainly…

This scene left Shi Jisun stunned again.

It was as if at this moment, his manly pride was fully aroused, as if he had the power of a mountain, he said loudly——

Zhou Li'an sighed with emotion, and had new expectations for the "Fire Bearer" in his heart.

That’s the one who instigated!!

"Does he dare?"

"Such a human being, if balanced, would probably confuse my people until they are even stripped of their pants!"

Moreover, you can’t just report the information to one family.

"Five people are not timid at all against more than a dozen Zhenhai Military Academy!"

"See if Second Sister Shi is alive and chop him up!"

The guests in the hall were also confused.

Someone immediately took action and stepped forward to remove the waistband. After getting the name, they led the team downstairs.

The man's eyes were full of regret, and he still wanted to struggle to say something, but only blood flowed out of his mouth, and he was unable to survive.

Neither Mrs. Shi nor the third son-in-law could tolerate the second sister Shi and her son-in-law who were born from a concubine.

The mother-in-law of the Shi family gave birth to two sons. The eldest son died in infancy, and now there is only the third son left, and he is the male son of the Shi family.

Because once he showed his intention to suppress Shi Jisun, his father would definitely feel disgusted with him.

"Does he think that he is really the eldest son of the Shi family and can be hugged from both sides?"

As soon as he turned around and avoided the sight of everyone, he winked, but his words were still high-sounding: "My dear man, you have defiled me! I only want to maintain the integrity of the Shi family, how can I have dirty thoughts?"

After hearing this, Vice General Liang was shocked: "You said, he just wants to see me?"

Those official schools were the backbone of his command, and now that more than a dozen people had died at once, they had to be retrained.

That is a fairy in the sky.

The big shopkeeper was trembling, his lips were trembling, but he remained silent.

Because one day, Shi Jinqing will let the Song family choose a side to support firmly, so as not to let the Shi family and Palembang fall into the chaos of seizing the heir.

This is why, even if Shi Jisun made a mistake, she had no intention of reporting it to her father.

"And I, the Shi family, are by no means ungrateful!"

Song Feiyin took a deep breath and took one step forward.

In the hall.

More than a dozen Zhenhai military officers were shocked, and some even knelt down and kowtowed: "Second Miss, please spare your life! I, we all obey Third..."

She glared at her husband, and with Song Feiyin's usual alertness, he had already noticed it.

As expected.


"Song Feiyin is a son-in-law, how dare he mess around with women."

"Contaminate the loyal and righteous people under my sect and force them to die to prove their will!"

"How do you prove your loyalty to our Shi family!"

Song Feiyin could no longer hold back, rushed to the second sister Shi, and slapped her in the face——

If she wanted to create more trouble and protect this outsider, she would lose the bargaining chip with Mrs. Shi.

"Second Sister Shi is still here!"

The big shopkeeper visibly relaxed.

"Is this happening?"

But only Song Qi doesn't know...

"Who are you?" Vice General Liang asked again.

They won't survive today.

Song Feiyin was also anxious.

So isn't Song Qi just a fish in the pond?

at the same time.

As long as the old man of the Song family is a smart man, he will not arrange for his two sons to win, as the guests in the hall said.

"Then it's your turn!"

Immediately afterwards, Vice General Liang arrived to protect the third young master.

Lieutenant General Liang "strike while the iron is hot": "Second Miss, how dare I touch the people my uncle wants to protect? You must not!"

If his family had such strength, they would not have allowed their eldest son to marry into the family, and would have gone north to the capital to be Shi Jinqing's scapegoat!


"Now their passion has cleared away the false accusation..."

The so-called fight between gods and gods brings disaster to the fish in the pond.

But at this moment.

As Deputy Liang finished speaking, the smell of gunpowder suddenly filled the air.

"Otherwise, how can I, the Shi family, have the dignity to lead a group of rural parties in Srivijaya!"

"It's such a pity that I lost my pride."

The third young master looked at her fiercely, but because of the presence of Second Sister Shi, he dared not speak out in anger.

Uncle Shi doesn't seem to be a reckless person, so why does something suddenly seem wrong today?

And when everyone turned their attention to the woman, they suddenly realized.

He is just a bargaining chip in the hands of Mrs. Shi and the Third Young Master. Once Shi Jinqing decides on the inheritance rights, he will no longer have any value in existence.

The remaining dozen people saw this scene and all understood.

The pawn is naturally Bingtou Ah Hui.


Before she died, she did not forget to humiliate the second sister Shi, but the second sister Shi's face was just as smooth as the old well.

Wherever he looked, he saw the five people who had made their ambition known through death.

However, the sentence "Third Young Master" has not yet been fully revealed.


Didn't the words make it clear enough?

It is impossible to say that such a large restaurant does not have Shi family shares behind it.

Some people couldn't help but laugh, and there were even faint whispers——

"Second sister, Ah Si, please save them!"

"Even if they are Ah Si's benefactors, their origins are unknown. We need to let Vice General Liang get to the bottom of it!"

When the world dungeon is opened, a pioneer must conduct the "dungeon internal test" in advance.

Vice General Liang had this in mind and laughed: "Hahaha, fleas and maggots popping out of nowhere, how dare they slander the name of my Shi family in Srivijaya and Palembang!"

Swish swish swish.

What identity can match a fairy?

Then there are only gods and goddesses in the sky!!

Seeing that human hands are about to move.

He immediately whispered: "Brother Liang, you, please speak quickly, how can I let this son-in-law overwhelm me!"

Lieutenant General Liang pretended to be frightened and trembled.

Promote a balance.

While he was still alive, Second Sister Shi said, "This man is an unfaithful and unjust person, and he wants to slander my young brother's name?"

Either they themselves die or the whole family dies!

Someone stood up, looked at him with hatred, and shouted: "Everyone in the world knows that our name of loyalty must not be stained by a prostitute!"

Vice General Liang could hardly hold back his laughter, and turned around and replied: "Master, don't worry, since Song Feiyin has lost his mind and gone crazy, this is our great opportunity!"

Song Feiyin's face even turned red...

"Who are you!!"

Because he saw that the treasures were of extraordinary quality, and since he came to see them, he was no longer an ordinary maritime merchant.

Everyone drew their swords.

"Liang Xing, if you dare to say one more word, I will risk your life and fortune and strip you of the title of deputy general!"

She admitted that the kindness was not small, but today she had gone to the extreme.

"Capture this person, torture him severely, and ask him why he sneaked into Palembang!"

Second Sister Shi sighed in her heart.

"You are destined to meet the young master and me, but after today, you will not be so lucky!"

Zhou Li'an shrugged and was about to speak when he saw a soldier bowing and running to Lieutenant General Liang's side and whispering.

The big shopkeeper panicked, killing people with soft knives without showing blood. The corpse would be kept in morgue for many days. Even if it reopened, it would be difficult for customers to come.

In this way, it is a match between big shots, and they have nothing to do with fish in the pond, and there is no need to worry about Mrs. Shi and Second Sister Shi settling the blame.

"Xianzi, right?"


Lieutenant General Liang's questioning was self-defeating.

As long as my father doesn't know about this, everything will be easy to talk about.

It wasn't him who said it anyway, and he won't take the blame.

Second Sister Shi became jealous and shouted angrily: "Song Feiyin, why do you have the right to speak here?"

Still want to win every game?


"Even if Song Feiyin is obsessed with it, he shouldn't show it at this time."

Shi Jisun and Song Qi wanted to rob the fourth girl and create chaos, so he would definitely send someone to report the situation to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

The fourth girl was shocked: "Second sister!!"

Second Sister Shi turned back sharply.

But the second sister Shi was not angry, but smiled: "Vice General Liang is joking. If the eldest sister disciplines the younger brother, why does she need a whip from the family law?"

Ah Hui knew that no matter what Mr. Zhou's background was, he would have no chance of survival if he really fell into the hands of the Shi family.

But today, he seemed to have lost his mind and was obsessed with that woman, turning a blind eye to her.

"What's more, that girl has such immortal qualities that she doesn't touch the dust. How can someone like me desecrate her?"

"Come here, take them all for me. I want to see today why this fairy cannot be desecrated!"

How could my beloved wife, who used to be so well-rounded in the past, become so stupid at the critical moment?

The second sister Shi said: "You will be punished with a seven-day door lock. If you dare to break the ban, I will report everything today to your father. If you abide by it, this matter will be cleared away."

Maybe Young Master Zhou’s background is as high as the sky.

How can there be such a holy woman in the world?

Even though Second Sister Shi was on the scene, he still couldn't help but whisper to Lieutenant General Liang: "Kill this man, I want the woman next to him!"

"The eldest son of the Song family is in trouble!"

"When do I need others to tell me how to do housework?"



He could only try his best to see if he could be saved.

The snow girl smiled and rubbed the girl's head with love.

Second Sister Shi covered her face, her tough temperament almost destroyed, and her daughter burst into tears: "You, you hit me..."

When Shi Jisun heard this, he came back to his senses, but he was reluctant to give up: "What if, what if he gets there first..."

And so there was the scene at this time.

Shi Jisun breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of Second Sister. Since he could ease the situation, he might as well bow his head early: "Second Sister, I was wrong!"

"Ah Si has not yet left the cabinet, let alone the engagement is still under discussion, how can we allow them to have a private tryst?"

Shi Jisun was so anxious that his brother-in-law wanted to compete with him for beauty. How could he bear this?


Second Sister Shi was already in a frenzy of thoughts and ignored the wink——

But the second sister Shi was the first to attack: "Okay, okay!"

"It was this sister who saved me..."

Who is the Song family?


A loud noise was heard, and the whole place was in chaos and noisy.

You are crazy!

What does "it actually happened" mean?

A moment ago, Ah Si was protected in the arms of the woman. In full view of everyone, who could not see it?

It's too obvious for you to ask this unnecessary question.

Only Deputy General Liang's face twitched, secretly thinking something bad, and he was about to ask who this person was...

"And then, she's just a woman, not at your mercy?"

A whisper sounded.

"Ouch, Second Sister Shi, I, I..."

"Si Nuo, please return the child to me, we should leave!"

"Stand back!!"

"He's crazy!"

If he wants to say it, Third Young Master, even Mrs. Shi will not let him go. If he doesn't say it...well, now he can still delay it some more.

There was an uproar in the venue.

But what she didn't expect was that her husband next to her exclaimed -

The words came out.

With the talent of this woman, which man in the world would not be tempted by her?

Just looking at Shi Jisun, he was already possessed!

After killing more than a dozen officers in Zhen Haijun, she can put her secret son in power.

"You can't blaspheme fairies, only a fishing port village woman like me can be a good match for you!"

More than a dozen people died at the moment, blood splattered everywhere.


Naturally, factional opposition formed.

And the initiator...

Second sister Shi arrived first, rescuing the fourth girl from danger and completing control of the field.

"As soon as this matter is known to Sir Xuan comfort, he will definitely be furious! By then, her power over Sister Shi and her husband will be greatly weakened."

Swish swish swish.

The commanding heights were taken.

However, when Second Sister Shi turned her head, her face turned livid again.

At this moment, taking advantage of the boiling sound around him, Song Feiyin quickly whispered: "The point is not that woman!!"

"My beloved, believe in me..."

"Today is the fate of you and me as husband and wife!"

"If you can grasp it, even if the Shi family is powerful, they can only bow to you and me!!!"

(End of chapter)

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