Turn off the lights
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【320】I was wrong!

It's late at night.

In the deep garden of the Song Dynasty, the lights gradually dimmed, except for the flickering light of lamp oil and candles in the study on one side of the main hall.

There is a faint aroma of burnt oil and wax in the air;

In fact, the whole city is like this.

In the sky above the city that never sleeps, the exhaust gases produced by human beings for daily needs have gathered, and are refracted by the light in the city, forming a strange halo.

But in this era, if any literati see it, they will only sigh at the prosperity, beautiful scenery, and the feasting and feasting.

In the study room, Song Feiyin's voice fell.

Xue Nu asked in surprise: "According to what you say, you are the only one in Palembang who knows my... master's identity?"

Song Feiyin nodded deeply.

"Why?" Snow Girl asked again.

Song Feiyin said: "The villain accidentally saw something on the Ming Dynasty treasure ship..."

"At that time, I boarded the ship and wanted to see Grand Duke Xu Zexi of Shangbaojian. While I was waiting in the drawing room, I faintly heard... noises inside."

"When the door opened, the statue placed on the high platform of the incense burner was..."

Hearing this, Zhou Li'an interrupted him immediately: "Okay!"

"Why are you the only one going?"

Song Feiyin replied: "This is the meaning of Eunuch Xu, or the meaning of the Ming Dynasty court."

"Back then, I went north to the capital to receive rewards on behalf of my father-in-law. The person who received me was Eunuch Xu, the eunuch of Shangbao Eunuch."

Having said that, there is no need to ask any more questions.

Liang Daoming was recruited before because the Ming Dynasty was afraid of the Chinese forces living in Southeast Asia and intended to suppress him.

Later, as the exploration of the Western Ocean gradually began, and bandits were rampant at sea, Liang Daoming's deputy Shi Jinqing was supported to establish the "Palembang Xuanwei Division".

The Palembang Xuanwei Division was not only a supply transfer base for the Ming Dynasty fleet, but also a deterrent to the South Sea route.

However, the Ming Dynasty had to be on guard against the "Palembang Xuanwei Division".

Since a son-in-law of the Shi family has come to our door, we can naturally leave an insurance policy to support and suppress the Shi family in Palembang in the future.

Just like the disintegration of Liang Wang Liang Daoming.

To bring down the biggest one, the deputy must also stabilize the situation when he takes the throne. Not to mention a complete reset, he must also rely on the support of the Ming Dynasty and become a loyal dog of the Ming Dynasty.

Song Feiyin said it very vaguely, but also very straightforwardly.

Of course he could feel Daming's overtures to him, otherwise why wouldn't even his father-in-law receive him, and only he would board the ship secretly?

At this point, even Xue Nu understood the deeper meaning of his words: "Does Ming intend to support you?"

Song Feiyin shook his head and nodded: "Perhaps it's just a trial contact. My father-in-law is in good health. How can those things get to us juniors?"

"Then why doesn't Second Sister Shi know about this?"

"Do you still want the Song family to replace you?"

Hearing Xue Nu's question, Song Feiyin was startled and waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, Miss Si Nuo..."

"My second sister and I are in love with each other and we truly love each other."

"But you also know that my secret contact with the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty is a taboo."

"It's okay if my father-in-law doesn't know, but once he finds out, he will be furious!"

"Therefore, I thought about it and decided not to tell my beloved. If anything happens, I will bear the responsibility."

The snow girl stared at him with eyes that seemed to penetrate her soul.

She has been in a high position for a long time, and even if she did not cultivate it deliberately, she naturally developed the so-called self-restraint of a high-ranking person.

Song Feiyin couldn't hide things in front of her.

"You pass!"

When she finished speaking, both eyes looked at Zhou Li'an.

Zhou Li'an has long been worried about it——

Because he learned from Song Feiyin that when the Ming Dynasty fleet returned, they did not hold a grand celebration. Instead, they sealed off the ships and only took away the property stored by the Palembang Xuanwei Division.

This trip to the east is indeed to search for fire, oil and black mud.

And when the mission is completed, they will go directly north, take a new route, go directly north, and return to the Ming Dynasty.

This move must have been done by Zheng He to conceal what Malindi had seen.

Although he has a balanced belief, he has made a statement earlier and must still act as a loyal minister.

The impact that the balanced entry into the WTO will have on the world will be horrific.

Before getting Zhu Di's accurate attitude towards equilibrium, Zheng He could only close the news and give Ming a breathing space.

But in fact, it is still too early to wait for equilibrium to enter the WTO.

Zhou Li'an had no intention of reaching out to Nanyang so quickly;

And he wants it not to be a throwaway vassal like the "Palembang Xuanwei Division" built in the Ming Dynasty.

But a firm belief.

So, at this moment.

There was a great deal of light in the study, and the brilliance eclipsed the expensive whale oil candle wax in the room.

The condensed body of the true god almost filled the room.

Song Feiyin was stunned.

His whole body was shaking wildly, his mind went blank, and he even forgot to bow and kneel down. His body was no longer under his control and was weak...

He gradually slid off the wooden chair and collapsed on the ground.

"I am the only true god in the world, the Lord of Balance!"

"At this time, I will make a righteous contract with you..."

"If you do my will, you will receive my glorious blessing!!"



Song Feiyin's brain was dizzy and his thinking function was lost, but there was a voice in his heart telling him.

You must not faint, you must remember, you must remember this moment, and you must remember this god's will.

He was like a drunken drunkard, with only his willpower still running forcibly, making his brain continue to imprint images like a printing roller.

By the time he woke up, it was already late at night.

The sky will be bright yet...

The hustle and bustle in the city finally subsided.

The Great Elder and Cook Mo had been invited to the Song residence a long time ago, but they had not yet entered.

And at this moment.

A group of three people walked out of the study.

Song Feiyin took a deep breath of air, and when he saw the Great Elder and Mo Doc, he quickly engraved their faces in his mind.

Even he doesn't know if we will see each other again in the future.

Then Zhou Li'an's voice revealed, waking him up: "Young Master Song, how about we say goodbye?"

Song Feiyin suddenly woke up and wanted to worship, but was stopped by the look in the eyes of "Miss Si Nuo".

He took another deep breath, calmed down, and then said, "Everyone, please come with me..."

Song Feiyin led the way and there were no housekeepers or servants following him.

When he arrived at the waterside pavilion in the backyard of Song Mansion, he found a secret door leading to the underground. As he led the way, he introduced: "There are many secret escape routes in the mansions of the giants in the city, because Palembang was not peaceful in the early years."

"First there was chaos among the indigenous nations, and then Chen Daoyi's bandits wreaked havoc."

"The King of Liang, Liang Daoming, could not bear the humiliation suffered by the Chinese township party, so he took the lead in gathering thousands of people to establish the Three Buddhas Kingdom."

"It was later that the Shi family showed its power and relied on the Ming Dynasty to establish the Xuanwei Department."


He introduced the history of Palembang along the way. After walking through the secret passage, it suddenly became clear that he was directly connected to a grass pond waterway.

There are several small boats hidden in the shelter of water plants.

"From now on, the waterway can lead directly to the outside of the harbor. It's still early and there are only fishermen outside the harbor. No one should pay attention to the young master's whereabouts."

Zhou Li'an nodded: "Then let's say goodbye."

With his eyes restrained for the first few times, Song Feiyin knew not to bow again, so he had to bow his hands deeply.

"Okay, go ahead!"

"If you go through hardships, you will see true light."

When Xue Nu opened her mouth, Song Feiyin did not dare to pause for a second, turned around and disappeared into the secret passage...

Wait until the footsteps are far away.

The snow girl sighed again: "I thought I could stay in Palembang for a few more days, but I didn't expect that I would encounter these things in just one night."

Zhou Li'an saw through her little thoughts: "You haven't seen enough of that city-in-the-city market, have you?"

Snow Girl has never shown falsehood in front of my Lord. Just as she was about to admit her mistake, she was overtaken by Zhou Li'an: "Okay, this trip is a private visit incognito. Only when you walk among the people can you see the true appearance."

"If you hadn't gone to Wanghai Pavilion for dinner last night, how would you have known the true face of the Shi family and the Chinese people in Palembang?"

"Human life is like a piece of grass, just like those five guards and a dozen naval officers."

"They want wealth and honor, but they have to pay the price with their lives. They can only fight to the death. The strong one can plunder everything."

"But I didn't expect that there would be someone stronger standing with a butcher's knife..."

“Unlike the people of my kingdom of God, the strong support the weak, and everyone is happy and peaceful.”

"Song Feiyin naturally committed a crime, so I set up various ordeals to make him undergo baptism..."

"If he can really wake up, he can gain true knowledge from suffering and become a balanced believer."

The Great Elder understands this the most, because the Modoc people are like this. Each tribe fought against the war, and finally they were able to unite as one, move on to the road of hard work, and establish the Kingdom of God.

"Praise for balance..."

Zhou Li'an smiled and shook his head: "Okay, as I said before, traveling in the old land, I am the master, and you are my servants!"

"Next stop..."

“Let’s go straight to Daming!!”

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Snow Girl, the Great Elder and Kumo disappeared.

Zhou Li'an alone set off in a small boat, but instead of heading outside the harbor, he turned back upwards, looking for a dense forest, and went around the outside of Palembang City.

to noon.

He was truly far away from Palembang, and flashed away on a deserted hillside.

When it comes again, it will be late at night.

The city of Palembang swayed with lights in the distance, but in the immediate surroundings, there were only the chirping of insects and birds.

h225 appears.

It sounded like thunder in the dark night, gradually getting farther and farther away, only arousing the admiration of mortals in the distance, not knowing that the gods had arrived.

Time returns to dawn.

Song Feiyin seemed to be in a fugue, not realizing when he walked out of the secret passage until the sound in front of him woke him up——

"Young Master, I want you to go there."

Song Feiyin said "Hmm", and the butler was about to turn around to lead the way, but he held his shoulder.

"Lao Jin, are you the old man of my Song family?"

The housekeeper was stunned, nodded slightly, and counted on his fingers: "When the eldest young master was born, it was exactly 10 years since I entered the mansion. I have been taking care of the young master until you and Second Sister Shi..."

"Okay." Song Feiyin interrupted, "Do you still remember the distinguished guests I brought back last night?"

When the housekeeper heard this, he immediately understood that this was the young master's instruction. After thinking about it, he nodded silently.

Then he saw a smile on the young master's face and asked again: "Then do you still remember their appearance?"

This time, the housekeeper understood completely and answered calmly: "It was late last night, how could I see clearly with my old and dim eyes?"

"Yeah." Song Feiyin nodded with satisfaction.

But the butler added: "But the other few people..."

"Master, do you want me to cook?"

The butler's understatement was like cooking a few rotten fish and shrimps from the harbor.

This is too common in Palembang. Whose family is not piled up with bones?

However, Song Feiyin's expression changed, and he waved his hand and said: "Send them away from Srivijaya, give them enough finances, and find another place to live."

"Master, you absolutely must not do this."

The housekeeper said anxiously.

Because he knows that anyone who is kind-hearted and soft-hearted will end up extremely miserable.

If the young master wants to protect the whereabouts of those people, he must be ruthless.

But at this time, Song Feiyin was no longer the same person.

Invisible rules have enveloped him;

If you don't follow it, you are abandoning it.

"Do as I say in this matter and give them peace. If they remember my kindness, they will never come back!"

Say it.

Song Feiyin left quickly.

The butler was left alone, stunned on the spot.

When did the young master show the kindness of a woman? Didn't he risk his own life and go north to receive the title just to gain a great future?

Now that Second Sister Shi is on the rise, is she going to give up when she is about to reach a critical moment?

But after a while, Lao Jin still smiled in the direction of the retreating figure:

“Violence is ultimately reckless;”

"Benevolence can help the world."

“It’s just a long way to go!!”

The backyard of the Song Dynasty.

It has long been the place where the old man of the Song family spent his old age.

Since Song Feiyin returned from receiving the reward, he rarely showed up;

The old man is a smart man, and the eldest son is already the son-in-law of the Shi family. The Song family cannot make a fuss over Palembang and reveal its minions. This is the way to live in peace.

Therefore, even if something big happened in Wanghai Pavilion last night, he only learned about it this morning.

When Song Feiyin stepped into the hospital, his younger brother Song Qi was also there.

He was lying on the ground, his back was full of whip marks, and he looked like he had passed out.

After seeing this, Song Feiyin smiled bitterly: "Father, why are you doing this?"

Song Cheng sat on the chair and said calmly: "Do you think I did it for you to see?"

"My son doesn't dare!"

"Hmph." Song Cheng snorted coldly, "Since I have put this family in your charge, you should take good care of this beast!"

"The mother-son pair are trying their best to create internal strife between your brothers and distract the Song family's power..."

"On the outside, it is said that our Song family, big and small, will win, but in fact, when the dust settles, there will be no Song family in Palembang, and it will only be annexed by the Shi family."

"Only when the straw rope is twisted into one can the boat be towed for a long distance. You must remember this, Feiyin!"

Song Feiyin quickly responded: "I know!"

The old man knew that his eldest son was promising, so he didn't say anything more. He waved to his servants, and someone dragged Song Qi away who had passed out.

Only after people leave.

Two figures stepped into the rear hall.

When Song Feiyin saw it, he was immediately shocked: "Yaoer...Asi, why are you here?!"

The person who came was none other than Sister Shi, whose maiden name was Yaoer.

Song Cheng laughed: "Why, are you afraid that your tigress will think of you after hearing what I just said?"

"Since I said it in front of her, I also wanted to let her know that the power of the Song family is supporting you."

Second Sister Shi was not angry at the title of "tiger". She let go of Ah Si's hand, and Yingying stepped forward to bless her:

"I have been in love with Mr. Song for more than ten years. I have already seen from his character that my father-in-law is very upright. How can I have any doubts?"

"I think if it hadn't been for the princess taking a step back, today's Palembang would still have two different surnames: Song and Shi..."

Song Cheng shook his head: "Stop being sweet! If I could defeat your father, how could I not try? Because I know his ability..."

"Even back then, the King of Liang had to show courtesy to your father. This position of consolation envoy belongs to him."

"Okay, let's not mention these old things." Song Cheng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Song Feiyin.

"Tell me, what is the background of that distinguished guest that makes you not hesitate to quarrel with our Second Sister Shi in public, and even make you want to issue a letter of divorce?"

"If you, this wicked son, are really divorced, the name of our Song family will be stinky all over Sumatra!"

Second Sister Shi also looked forward to it.

She stayed up all night, tossing and turning and all she could think about was Song Feiyin's words——

If you get this good fortune, you will be able to reach heaven!!

Just as she believed in her father-in-law Song Cheng, she believed in her lover even more!!

However, when the two of them saw Song Feiyin's expression, they were not excited or excited, but rather calm.

Just a common sentence to conclude——

"I admitted my mistake!"

"That young man is just the son of an ordinary maritime merchant. I sent them away from Palembang last night."

This chapter has been completed!
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