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[323] Daming! Daming

Indonesia, Sumbawa Island.

The Ming Dynasty fleet docked in a natural deep-water harbor, which was later called "Pima Port", named after the indigenous kingdom established by the local Bima people.

According to the original plan, the Ming Dynasty fleet has already sailed into the South China Sea and will be able to return to the Ming Dynasty before June.

But because of the grace given by our Lord to the large atlas, Zheng He also had a desire to explore unknown places.

This is not the first time that Chinese people have set foot on Pima. As early as the Yuan Dynasty, the private navigator Wang Dayuan arrived here.

He also wrote a brief history of Daoyi, detailing his experiences during his travels.

After several months at sea, Tiaoyu read this book and became interested in a specialty product of Sumbawa Island——

Black oil.

It can be used for ink processing and can also provide a fire source for fuel.

After Wang Dayuan's on-the-spot investigation, he confirmed that this object was the raw material used by the army in the Song and Yuan Dynasties to manufacture the "Fierce Oil Tank".

This object can be understood as a flamethrower, which does not extinguish when exposed to water. It is used both in sieges and defensive battles.

But there are only a very small number of people who know about it.

Due to the small number of producing areas, only the locals in the producing areas know its characteristics, and it cannot be fully popularized among the military.

But for people like Tiaoyu from KIBL, they are very familiar with this thing.

"Oil, with the continuous flow of oil on the surface, there must be extremely high reserves underneath!"

Outside Big City No. 5, the petroleum plant area in charge of the petroleum research team has been operating for two years.

Countless law monks have made pilgrimages to the "Holy Artifact Creation Factory".

Now that the mobile team has been established, the value of oil has fully emerged;

Not to mention, the monks on the Temple Mount are all high-level low-level masters of the Law and Mysteries, so how can they not know what the future industrial development will depend on?


City No. 6 mainly produces coal;

City No. 5 mainly produces oil.

Only by learning to control and utilize energy can mortals truly transcend the primitive and enter a new era full of balanced scientific and divine laws.

When Zheng He and others saw the "black oil", they also marveled at its magical properties and were extremely excited.

But the excitement of both sides is completely different.

Zheng He was inspired by the navigation of the large atlas, which enabled them to set foot in unknown lands and verified that the description in "Dao Yi Zhi Lue" was true.

The fog of the world is being lifted bit by bit, allowing them to see the true outline of the world.

It turns out that not far south of the Ming Dynasty, there are endless islands, lands, and kingdoms that are unknown to the world.

The fleet stayed in Bima for 10 days.

The Kingdom of Bima warmly received the distinguished guests from the Celestial Dynasty, and in front of this powerful fleet, they swore their surrender to the Ming Dynasty and would visit the Ming Dynasty like envoys from various countries and offer gifts to His Majesty the Ming Emperor.

And at the same time.

Tiaoyu and others marked the oil location.

They had no knowledge about petroleum creation, so they could not detect the reserves, but they recorded the indigenous people's descriptions of the emergence of "black oil".

This black oil has existed since countless generations of their ancestors, hundreds and thousands of years ago and will never be exhausted.

Pima is extremely far from equilibrium.

However, Tiaoyu and others already know the will of our Lord and the future development of the Kingdom of God.

Joining the WTO is an inevitable result.

The Ming Dynasty has been able to travel far and wide, so there is no reason for equilibrium to stop moving forward.

While in Malindi, they had been listening to the ideas of Zhou Yusheng, the leader of the ship research team -

"The mobile team of the Kingdom of God uses fuel engines as its power source, so why can't ships?"

"After installing a fuel engine, the ship no longer depends on the wind direction and can sail through waves anytime and anywhere."

"Battery life is of course a big issue..."

"However, the secrets of the laws of the earth have long been described. The heaven and earth are vast, and resources are stored in all parts of the earth."

"You may wish to imagine that if I could have my balanced 'oil factory' all over the world, then when the ship goes to any place, it can refuel!"

Until now.

Doesn’t Bima’s discovery perfectly cater to Zhou Yusheng’s imagination?

"Although Zhou Yusheng has a simple and honest temperament, his understanding of studying the secrets of laws is much higher than mine."

"When I return to the Kingdom of God and tell him the news, he will be overjoyed!"

June 2nd.

The fleet of the Ming Dynasty will set sail again and will cross the Makassar Strait and sail along the west coast of Luzon into the South China Sea. According to Zheng He and Tiaoyu's calculations, it will reach the Ming Dynasty in mid-July.

On this same day.

dash8 is flying over Hong Kong.

The hilly and mountainous areas are deserted and deserted;

Villages and towns appeared only near the sea, and they all still inherited the legacy of the Yuan Dynasty Inspection Department.

The Ming Dynasty banned the sea, and pirates knew that there was no oil and water to find, so they stopped intruding. The Xiangjiang Inspection Department existed in name only and lost its former prosperity.

Continuing north, you will reach the mouth of the Pearl River.

Zhou Li'an controlled the flight altitude of Dash8 above 5,000 meters. Although the roar of the engine would still be transmitted to the ground, at least it was hidden in the clouds and fog, and what could be seen with the naked eye was very small.

And looking down from a high altitude.

The vast river rushes out to sea, which is a different feeling than sailing on the sea. The boundaries between land, rivers and ocean are clear, which only makes the three snow girls sigh at the magic of the planet created by our Lord.

Going north along the river, there are naturally few cross-river bridges, and there are no heavy cargo ships coming and going.

All I could see on the river surface were spots the size of sesame seeds, either densely packed or scattered randomly.

The snow girl had already taken out the telescope, looked down and exclaimed: "Those little dots are all ships? Hundreds and thousands!!"

"I thought Guangzhou was not as good as Palembang, but before we even got to the city, we could see the prosperity of the population just on the river."

He then passed the telescope to Kumo, the great elder, allowing them to see the most powerful country in the world today.


The city of Guangzhou is already at your feet.

Compared with Palembang, the ancient city is cramped and small. The city was only built on the north bank of the Pearl River, while the south bank is still deserted.

This was expected by Zhou Li'an. The development of Guangzhou would have to wait until the Zhengtong period, when wealthy smuggling merchants funded the construction of a new city and began to gradually expand.

During the Longqing period, the maritime ban was abolished.

The wealthy smuggling businessman jumped onto the stage and used his years of maritime business capital to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent foreign trade of Guangzhou Thirteenth Bank.

But as far as Zhou Li'an is concerned...

Guangzhou does not have to wait two hundred years for its development and rise.

Because the trajectory of history has deviated from equilibrium.

dash8 flies over Guangzhou city.

Zhou Li'an repeated his old trick and landed in the distant wilderness, then transferred to H225 and flew nearby, creating carriages and horses to go to the big city.

Before nightfall, we stayed at a merchant inn.

I thought someone would ask for travel documents, but during the Zhu Di period, household registration management was strict and local people were strictly prohibited from moving around.

But probably because the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, no one here pays attention to it.

Because Guangzhou is built on commerce, if the local government continues to make things difficult for merchants, it will be difficult to pay the full annual grain tax.

Yes, Guangzhou is not a grain-producing area. Even though the climate is suitable, the road out of the province is difficult.

Instead of growing grain locally and transporting it to the capital at a fraction of the cost, it would be better to settle with money directly, buy grain elsewhere, and hand it over together.

Therefore, Guangzhou focuses on business, which saved the group from the trouble of having their identities checked.

It was still dark the next day.

Zhou Li'an then entered the city with the merchants staying there.

The city gate was not inspected, and the two-carriage frame once again served its purpose.

The first impression after entering the city is probably that it is colorful and the fragrance of flowers is intoxicating.

Guangzhou is also known as Yangcheng and Huadu;

The former was due to myths and legends such as the Wuyang Immortal, and later the Wuyangmenfang City was established in the city, which became a prosperous commercial area and became famous far and wide.

The latter is very straightforward...

Since flowers are produced in all four seasons, Guangzhou people love flower art. They can arrange flowers in vases and place them on tables to cultivate their sentiments.

It is also a daily tribute to the gods and ancestors.

With extremely high demand, a booming industry will naturally develop.

Inherited from later generations, it has become a custom for Guangzhou residents to visit the flower market during festivals.

And now.

There are flower farmers all over the place, offering everything from fresh flowers to artificial flowers.

Zhou Li'an was aware of this situation, and such a scene had a huge impact on the three snow girls.

"Sir, can we still sell flowers?"

"What practical use do flowers have? They all wither in a few days."

"It's hard for me to imagine that if flowers were supplied in the Balanced Supply and Marketing Cooperative... the people would definitely not exchange them."

Zhou Li'an said: "Folk customs, regional customs, beliefs and legends, and even everyone's cognition are different, and their needs will be different."

"To give you the simplest example, you know that petroleum is precious and can be used to refine gasoline, diesel and many by-products."

"But others don't know that when you sell that dark crude oil, others won't understand..."

"Because you have different perceptions, they don't know how precious oil is! Only you know."

"Looking now, the flowers are fragrant and refreshing. Everyone has the vision to pursue beauty; but many beautiful things are difficult to perfect."

"But now, you only need to pay a copper coin and you can reap the wonderful things. Isn't it worth it?"

"In the Ming Dynasty, and even in old Europe, flowers carry the meaning of good blessings."

"It can even be used as a medium to convey friendship."

Having said this, Zhou Li'an walked to the roadside, made some random pieces of silver, and took away a bouquet of flowers.

Ignoring the flower farmer's grateful praise, he came to the snow girl and handed the flowers: "In my heart, our Sino is as beautiful as these flowers..."

The snow girl was stunned.

I was confused and my cheeks turned red, but I must have felt the transmission of friendship.

"Master..." Her voice was soft.

This provoked the great elder to smile kindly, and when he saw Cook Mo staring blankly, the great elder twisted his head away: "Do not blaspheme."

A group of people were visiting the city.

With the experience of Palembang in mind, we left Guangzhou City before the evening curfew.

The city of Guangzhou is still too small. Even though there are merchants everywhere, unfamiliar faces will still arouse suspicion.

June 4th.

dash8 goes east and arrives in Anxi County under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou Prefecture in one hour, which is one of the sources of Jinjiang River.

At this point, Zhou Li'an will stay in Quanzhou Prefecture for more than a month until the Ming Dynasty fleet returns.

Of course, Anxi is still some distance away from the capital city of Quanzhou.

Landing here is to learn about the folk customs and sentiments, and then go all the way south to the headquarters of Quanzhou Prefecture.

Only three days later.

Zhou Li'an met a tea merchant in Anxi County and purchased "Wen Yin".

The citation is similar to an ID card. It states the origin of the ancestors, where they come from, and where they are going. It also states their height, appearance, and the reason for their travels.

Like Guangzhou City, Quanzhou Prefecture also attaches great importance to commerce. Especially after Zheng He's three voyages to the West, Quanzhou Prefecture gathered many traders and travelers from Southeast Asia and even food.

It is true that the Ming Dynasty strictly enforced the sea ban, but these merchants were different and fell under the rule of the "Siyi Pavilion".

Zhu Di hoped that countries from all over the world would come to the DPRK, so he set up a Siyi Pavilion to recruit envoys from various countries and cultivate language and culture...

Then all countries will know the details of the Ming Dynasty, and the culture will prosper.

Since the Tang Dynasty, Dongtu has been a role model for neighboring countries to imitate and learn from, and it can be said to be the earliest representative of cultural invasion.

Under the Siyi Pavilion, a group of Nanyang and cannibals have a reasonable and legal identity.

Even if there is no mention of trading in name, they can travel between the two countries at any time, and the items they bring with them do not fall into the category of commodities.

The officials and merchants of the Ming Dynasty also took advantage of the loopholes in the law, conducted openly transactions, sold exotic specialties, and made a lot of money.

Therefore, in Quanzhou Prefecture, as long as you have money, it is not difficult to obtain "wenyin".

The tea merchant's surname was Dong. He was about to sell tea at Siyi Pavilion in Quanzhou, so he went with Zhou Li'an all the way.

Zhou Li'an was "open and honest" to him, saying that he was an overseas survivor and that he came back this time to find his ancestral roots.

If he wants to sell tea overseas, Zhou Li'an can also help him clear the way.

With the temptation of "business routes", Brother Dong was so enthusiastic that he paid for Zhou Li'an's expenses along the way.

After arriving in the capital of Quanzhou, he took them to a small courtyard in the city and said, "Mr. Zhou, you and I have known each other for several days, and we are in love with each other, just like Boya Ziqi, we are close friends."

"If you don't mind it, you can stay in my little dean. When the Western imperial envoys are making their triumphant return with the fleet, you and I will go together to watch the ceremony."

"For the first three times when the fleet arrived at the port, there were celebration ceremonies in Quanzhou City. All the directors of registered trading houses under the Quanzhou Chamber of Commerce are eligible to participate in the reception banquet."

"Last time, Master Zheng and I were only separated by a terrace. He was in the main building of the east building, and I was downstairs in the side building! Then I got to see Master Zheng's heroic appearance!"

This person's name is Dong Chengfeng.

He is not a wealthy family, just a small businessman with two tea shops in Quanzhou City.

As soon as Zhou Li'an mentioned that he wanted to meet Zheng He's fleet, he volunteered to make suggestions.

Because Zhou Li'an revealed some overseas foreign silver coins and jewelry, he believed it to be true. What kind of shipping routes could be opened to sell tea to faraway places?

Otherwise, based on his wealth, he would not be able to reach the threshold of Siyi Pavilion.


Zhou Li settled down peacefully, and would get together with Dong Chengfeng every now and then to chat about his overseas experiences.

Dong Chengfeng might have had doubts at first, but as the relationship deepened and the overseas affairs mentioned by Mr. Zhou were basically consistent with some secret documents circulated in the Siyi Pavilion, he no longer had any doubts.

He tried his best to maintain this relationship and strictly guarded Zhou Li'an's background to avoid being intercepted.

Because of his actions.

It also saved Zhou Li'an a lot of trouble.

Every morning, the great elder and Kukmo went to the market to do some shopping and prepared food after returning.

When the food is fragrant, my Lord and the witch will arrive on time.

After dinner, we either wandered around the city or went out for an outing with Dong Chengfeng. What a pleasant day!

Time is getting longer.

Zhou Li'an and the four of them seemed to have integrated into the Ming Dynasty and truly became members of Quanzhou Prefecture.

He did not activate time acceleration.

Because it's already July.

The Battle of Ceuta is already in the preparation stage, and the Portuguese army will capture Ceuta by August.

In addition, the traces of the Ming fleet were also re-locked by the [Eye of the Void].

Equilibrium 1415, July 18.


【Eye of the Void】Consciousness comes.

The Ming Dynasty fleet has passed through the Penghu Islands and is only 150 kilometers away from Quanzhou.

Even if it is night.

Each ship array is also brightly lit, and orders are constantly being sent, sails are being raised and lowered, and the route is being adjusted.

Because everyone knows...

Once you pass Penghu, the Ming Dynasty is right in front of you.

That night, there was no sleep on the boat.

Zhou Ruonan brought Adina to the deck early, and Wang Jinghong, who was as loyal and flattering as an old dog, was beside him.

He ordered someone to send him a cloak: "My dear little angel, little Adina, it's windy on the deck, so don't catch a cold."

After several months of getting along, Zhou Ruonan had already adapted to Wang Jinghong's flattering attitude. No matter how he tried to stop him, it was useless and he could only acquiesce.

A few hours later.

When the first light of day falls.

The clouds and mist on the sea dispersed due to the light, stretching from east to west, and the endless horizon came into view.

Even Wang Jinghong couldn't help but shout loudly——

"Land, it's land!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

“We are back!!”

"Master Little God Envoy, Master Little God Envoy... Look, that's me, Da Ming, that's Da Ming!!"

Zhou Ruonan was so shaken by Wang Jinghong that he was dizzy, but his heart was filled with joy, and he couldn't help but murmur -


(End of chapter)

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