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In front of the main building of the Siyi Hall, there was already a lot of noise due to the appearance of Imperial Master Malindi.

Seeing this ups and downs of arresting people again, I was immediately blown away.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't recognize..."

"What did he just say that made him favor the Imperial Master?!"

"Oh, no matter what he said, I guess he learned a foreign language from somewhere and came here to take advantage of it!"

"Now that it has been revealed that you only know one sentence, it is an act of disrespect and offends your noble envoy!"

"Humph, I really don't know how to live or die."

Dong Chengfeng was not that unfavorable. He was also a landowner in Qingxi County, owning a tea mountain, a teahouse, and even a spring for watering.

Qingxi is a tea-producing holy land in Fujian with a history of thousands of years;

Just mentioning Qingxi will naturally make it less famous. However, in later generations, Qingxi was renamed Anxi, and Anxi Tieguanyin was developed in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and its reputation has been growing ever since.

Dong Chengfeng also has three or two stores in Quanzhou Prefecture, supplying various goods.

But the problem is...

Seeing that he had offended the foreign envoy, even those who knew him had to pretend not to know him and quickly distance themselves from each other.

"National Preceptor, how should we deal with this person?"

The guards of the Ming Dynasty were extremely respectful, and everyone now knew that the noble envoys of the Malindi Kingdom were extremely important.

The Malindi people next to him only said, "Kill him," but they didn't understand the language, and it was up to the national master to make the decision.

Gaza looked at the people on the ground and frowned deeply...

He spoke Malindi.

Even the several translators in the Ming Dynasty fleet did not master this language, and the communication they used was still in Arabic.

Then this person's behavior is quite thought-provoking.

not to mention……

Praise for balance?

How does he know equilibrium?

Anything involving balance should not be dealt with hastily.

"Take him with you, let me go for the convenience first..." However, in a hurry, Gaza was still overcome by the need to urinate.

People around me want to laugh but dare not;

We can only divert our attention and look forward to the consequences of this bold collision and offending the foreign envoy.

Regardless of whether there is anything gained tonight, the scene just now is enough to become the talk of Quanzhou Prefecture in the coming months.

Seeing that the noble envoy was going to Gongfang, the chasing merchant did not dare to follow him and stopped in the distance.

Only one guard escorted Dong Chengfeng to the outside of Gongfang Courtyard.

One of the head guards looked at him jokingly and said, "Brother, it is quite original for you to gain a position in this way and attract the attention of adults."

"We all know the truth. Wealth can only be found in danger."

"But your dangerous momentum is like dancing on the tip of a knife..."

"Those who can attend tonight's banquet are either rich or noble. If you have connections in your family, you'd better clear them early."

"Do you want me to send someone to deliver a message to your home? At least you won't lack food and clothing even if you're in prison."

The soldiers around him started laughing, looking at him like a clown.

And everyone also understands what the leader means...

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. You can make a fortune from this person, and you can live happily for a few months.

As for his life and death, no one is optimistic about it. He must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, so that future generations will not know his life and death and imitate him.

Dong Chengfeng's face turned pale and his body was trembling.

His family didn't have any connections. His parents passed down the family to him, so he supported the family alone and worked hard to manage it.

Although there is a wife in the family who is virtuous, she usually stays behind the scenes. Her father-in-law is also a local wealthy landowner, so she can only drink tea and chat with the county government master.

Maybe, looking for Mr. Zhou?

Only Mr. Zhou is the glimmer of hope...

However, when the appearance of Zhou Li'an and Miss Si Nuo popped into his mind, he seemed to hear those last instructions:

"Brother Dong, tell the envoy what I just taught you, and he will talk to you..."

Young Master only creates opportunities for you, and you have to rely on yourself for the rest."

Of course Young Master Zhou had no intention of harming others, and as he said, Imperial Master Malindi was indeed agitated by those words.

However, how can you win the favor of the noble envoy with just this foreign language?

But the reality is now before our eyes, and he has been imprisoned.

Countless fragments flashed through Dong Chengfeng's mind.

They spent more than a month together, drinking tea and chatting, and going on outings outside the city. The three of them became like close friends, and they regretted meeting each other so late.

Brother Zhou has no reason to harm himself!

Moreover, at the banquet just now, Brother Zhou showed the way and gave people enlightenment. With that kind of insight, he could become a great sage.

"No, I overlooked something..."

Dong Chengfeng's brain was running at high speed, as if he was about to seize some opportunity and inspiration.

It was his expression that made everyone chuckle——

"Is this person scared out of his mind?"

"So brothers, take this as a warning and don't rush for quick success."

"The boss is right!"

But no one was aware of the factor.

Dong Chengfeng's face turned from white to red at this moment, and his hesitant eyes were focused again, bright and clear.

"Wealth is sought in danger. I have caught the eye of a big shot, and I have one more chance of reaching the sky than others!"

After a while, the noble envoy returned.

Gaza relaxed his sphincter, his mind became clear, and Dong Chengfeng's attitude softened when he saw her again: "What's your name?"

"My surname is Dong and my given name is Chengfeng. I am a tea merchant in Qingxi County under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou Prefecture."

"Yeah." Gaza didn't ask any more questions and just told the guard: "Take him to the main building."

All the guards looked at each other, and the leader said: "Master, there is no need for this. This person is trying to please the public and offending the noble envoy. Now he only needs to be escorted to prison, and he will be tried by the Quanzhou government office tomorrow.


Gaza said calmly: "Do I still need to explain to you what I want to do?"

The leader of the guards suddenly changed his expression, bowed and took a few steps back: "I don't dare, little man."

He waved his hand hurriedly: "Quickly, take him upstairs and listen to the instructions of the distinguished envoy of the State."

at the same time.

Dong Chengfeng also noticed some subtle changes. The softening of the attitude of the imperial master must be because of the "foreign language".

There must be a turning point.

After returning to the building, the group was surrounded by guests again, but Gaza ignored anyone again.

Walk into the door and climb all the way up the stairs.

Dong Chengfeng finally saw the appearance of the main building he had longed for, and the guests gathered there were all very noble.

People were paying attention to the movements of Malindi's noble envoy, and when they saw someone suddenly being led into the building, they raised eyebrows.

But compared to the wildness outside the building, the guests inside the building were very diligent in cultivating their energy. They did not ask any questions and only greeted Malindi from afar.

And in the blink of an eye, the servants were arranged: "Go out and ask what happened outside and why the imperial master brought in a person."

Everyone is taking action and does not want to fall behind others.

at the same time.

Everyone has arrived upstairs.

Compared with the excitement downstairs, this place seems quite quiet and leisurely, maintaining joy without being noisy.

Zheng He, Dioyu, and several "Fire Chiefs" were talking to a group of Quanzhou Prefecture officials, the Chief Secretary, about what they had seen when they returned from the trip.

Several gunpowder team members were also accompanied, learning novel drinking orders and having a great time.

Zhou Ruoyu is quite sleepy;

There were a group of old men at the table, serving a boring man. At first, there were dancing girls dancing swords, which aroused his interest...

Seeing that the Little God Envoy was about to "compete" with the dancer, he was caught by Tang Jing in an instant——

"That's a dance, a dance, not that she can fight you for 300 rounds."

The dancer was trembling. Although the person in front of her was only a young boy, she had seen the "power" of many young men.

In a high-end mansion, which family doesn't have a few maids die every year?

Not to mention

As for this young foreigner who was treated as the guest of honor at the imperial banquet, if he wanted to kill everyone on a whim, who could stop him?

Moreover, this young man is obviously a descendant of Meng Yuan...

Although the Great Yuan Dynasty died, shadow traces still remain in the hearts of the people.

Then, there were no more dancers, and only a few musicians behind the screen played ancient tunes.

"Boring, boring, Tang Jing, take me back to my room to rest."

Tang Jing was eager for him to leave quickly, so he stood up and took a few personal guards to accompany him.

That is, just arrived at the stairs.

It happened to coincide with Gaza.

Gaza should bow down and salute: "Your Majesty the Envoy of God, are you leaving?"

"Well, let's go. Tang Jing said that the Quanzhou Prefecture Army has a good horse, so why don't we get full energy and go horse racing tomorrow."

"We respectfully send off the divine envoy..."

Starting from Gaza, a group of Malindi people also imitated the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty and made a hand-over-hand gesture.

Zhou Ruoyu didn't take it seriously: "I told you earlier that it doesn't have to be like this. It's all lies!"

He was about to take steps forward, but his eyes were attracted by Dong Chengfeng, who was restrained by everyone...

"Hey, wait, what's going on? What crime did this person commit?"

When Tang Jing saw him, he secretly thought that it was not good.

Isn’t this the fun of bringing a little angel to your doorstep?

"Her Majesty, it's better to go back early. Tomorrow we have to go to the military camp to test the horses. There is still some distance to go."

"What's the rush?" Zhou Ruoyu's eyes lit up, "What's going on in Gaza?"

Gaza is also helpless about this.

He knows very well what kind of character Zhou Ruoyu is...

When he went upstairs, he wanted to report to Zhou Ruonan.

Not only because Zhou Ruonan is Adina's teacher, but everyone knows that although the little divine envoy is young, his status among the several divine envoys is second only to Jumping Fish.

Zheng He, Wang Jinghong and other eunuchs reached a consensus.

This little divine messenger follows them in their wanderings, and is extremely favored by my Lord and the witch.

Furthermore, after several months of sailing, they also had a preliminary understanding of the structure of the Kingdom of God.

Zhou Ruonan's grandfather is the great elder of the Kingdom of God...

Ji is the first person under the witch.

Of course, Zhou Ruoyu also has an astonishing background and is Wu's biological brother; but he is naughty and careless and cannot take the initiative in major matters.

"This..." Gaza was speechless.

Zhou Ruoyu became even more anxious: "You still don't want to say anything?"

"This matter should not be discussed by outsiders. Mr. Tang, please find a vacant room and invite a few divine envoys to come with you..."

Tang Jing was also doubtful, because Gaza made it clear that he only invited divine envoys, so he declined them politely.

"The Imperial Master, please come here..."

Zhou Ruoyu couldn't wait to shout loudly: "Ruonan, come quickly, there is something fun!"

His voice caused silence in the room and everyone's attention.

Gaza also said from a distance: "Please invite all the gods to come into the quiet room. Gaza has something important to report."

His serious appearance aroused everyone's curiosity.

Zhou Ruonan and Tiaoyu looked at each other and stood up together.

The latter begged for mercy: "I'll come as soon as I go."

"Please, envoy of God!"

Zhou Ruonan also pulled Adina up and entered the private quiet room together.

Then, all "unrelated persons" were isolated and the door was closed.

At the head table in the hall, Wang Jinghong lowered his voice and said, "Why don't you come over and explain the situation?"

The guards who had just escorted Dong Chengfeng went immediately...

"Reporting to your lords..."

"Just when we went downstairs, we met..."

He told the story in detail, but got stuck when Dong Chengfeng shouted out the "foreign language": "I'm sorry for my incompetence, but I really can't remember how those words were said."

Zheng He and others were greatly surprised after hearing this.

It is not uncommon for merchants in Fujian and Quanzhou to be proficient in foreign languages. Fei Xin, Ma Huan and others are also home to wealthy merchants. They have exchanged business with overseas merchants for generations, and foreign languages ​​​​have been established in the family.


The strange thing is...

Why did this one person attract so much attention and almost lead to a conflict?

What's more important is...

Why can this person be related to several divine messengers?

After thinking about this, Wang Jinghong did not dare to neglect: "Go and check outside the building. There are so many generals present. I don't believe that no one understands that foreign language!"

"Who is that person's name? Where is his ancestral home? How many people are there in his family? Even if he has a few moles on his butt, I have to remove them."

The officials at the scene looked at each other as if facing a formidable enemy.

I had seen Wang Jinghong furious over those noble envoys in the morning, and now I naturally knew that this matter was unusual.

All the guards also turned pale, feeling that they had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Tang Jing took a deep breath and said, "I'll do it myself."


at the same time.

In the quiet room, Gaza also explained what happened:

"This man was praying and praising in the Malindi language. I could never mishear him. The ministers and guards present were all shocked."

Another Malindi minister said: "Yes, yes, what he said is %%¥...!"

Adina raised her head and looked at Zhou Ruonan. Months of practicing the law have made her language skills greatly improved: "Sister, what uncle said is to praise balance!


When the four-character motto comes out.

Tiaoyu and others were all shocked, and countless eyes fell on Dong Chengfeng.

And Dong Chengfeng understood the situation after listening for so long.

The words delivered by Mr. Zhou should be some kind of words of praise to worship the gods.

I heard that there are many religions overseas, and the foreigners are even more fanatical about their beliefs and abide by their dogma.

Or maybe it was because of this that these noble envoys became interested in him.

It becomes your own opportunity.

at this time.

A girl stood up, stared at him and said, "Say those words again..."

"No one else can interrupt!"

"Adina, listen carefully, what exactly is he saying!"

Zhou Ruonan doesn't trust others, but he absolutely trusts Adina's translator.

Adina nodded: "Go ahead."

On the side, Gaza smiled kindly. He didn't care about Dong Chengfeng's origins.

Adina is so favored, which makes her happy.

Dong Chengfeng was reciting different words: "%%¥..."

Everyone in Malindi was moved, but they still remembered the divine envoy's instructions and did not dare to speak.

Adina turned her head and said seriously: "Sister, it is indeed the language of the Malindi people. It means praising the Lord of Balance, which means praising balance."

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At this point, Zhou Ruoyu, who had remained silent for a long time, finally couldn't bear the loneliness, rushed to Dong Chengfeng and said: "How do you know Malindi?"

"Do you know what this Lord of Balance means?"

Dong Chengfeng was forced by the pressure of everyone and almost blurted out, reading that taboo...

However, huge pressure swept over him, making his mind extremely clear.

Those instructions rang in my ears again——

Don’t reveal anything about the young master and me!

Whenever anyone asks you where you got these words, you must say...

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes were magnanimous, and he scanned the whole place, his voice was low and steady:

"Dong has some feeling..."

"It's like seeing a ray of light coming;"

"There was a voice in the light——"

"%%¥......(Praise for balance)!


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