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【38】Must buy horses

This is a battle with extremely wide disparity in strength.

The battle between iron tools and stone tools is like a duel between adults and children. When the latter intends to teach the other a lesson with the stone ax in his hand, the steel knife in the former's hand has already cut off the hand holding the stone axe.

The precious dagger made of red copper was unable to pierce the enemy's body. It only left an inconspicuous dent on their unknown chest armor and failed to pierce it.

Instead, the enemy's blade pierced their throats.

All the strength in his body was quickly lost along with the wound that spurted blood, and then he collapsed.

This is no longer a battle, it is turning into a massacre.

The leader of the Red Deer clan collided with an opponent with a copper knife. The once invincible weapon was suddenly broken. But before the death butcher knife fell, the fighting consciousness in his bones prompted him to kick the opponent to the ground and then retreat in fear.

I walked several steps away from danger.

However, the tribesmen on the side were not so lucky.

One by one, they fell into a pool of blood. The fighting spirit on their faces a moment ago turned into extreme terror and ferocity. They began to cry. It was the will to survive that made them cry out for mercy, a cry belonging to the weak.

In contrast, the three hundred warriors of Tushi were like soldiers descended from heaven, covered in blood, and became braver as they fought. They were killing like crazy!!!

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"Please, mighty warrior, forgive our disrespect!"

Behind the scenes, the elders of the tribe led everyone to kneel down, choosing to surrender in front of the powerful enemy.

The leader of the Red Deer clan looked back with cracked eyes. He was angry and unwilling. The unprecedented humiliation made him extremely angry. The timidity he had towards the enemy a moment ago was instantly wiped away——

"The brave Red Deer warrior will never bow his head!!"

He rushed forward again, losing his mind.

Two sharp spears had been prepared for him.

The body smeared with bear fat, like copper skin and iron bones, was easily pierced.

The spear shaft passed through his back, causing him to let out a shrill roar. However, despite the severe pain caused by the spear stirring in his body, he came to the two enemies and inserted the broken copper knife into one of them.


"Hahahaha." He let out a satisfied laugh, and was eventually beheaded by another person.

At the last moment of consciousness, the tribesmen fell to their knees, begging for forgiveness.

The only thing left standing on the battlefield is the enemy.

Shanshan looked around with a grim expression. More than a dozen of his soldiers fell under the feathers of arrows, and several had their heads smashed.

Compared to the tragic deaths of dozens of opponents, it was still an overwhelming victory.

He picked up the head of the Red Deer clan leader and held it high——

"Those who blaspheme the holy will of our Lord will have their bodies separated and will be rejected by the door of the afterlife! Eternal destruction!"

"Those who surrender, under balance, are all my Lord's subjects!"

The warriors' fanatical roars destroyed the last resistance of the Red Deer tribe.

"Surrender! Surrender! Surrender!"

They controlled the prisoners, surrendered their weapons, and were guarded by a dozen people with steel knives and spears. They entered the tribe and did not carry out a mopping up of the victors.

The elders of the Red Deer tribe looked at this scene with astonishment and confusion.

Until he climbed the mountain and came to them, he smiled and said: "We are never enemies, but we bring the kindness and glory of the gods to you and others."

Then, his expression suddenly became solemn and pious:

"The true god who created the natural god realm has arrived. He is the leader of the gods, the controller of all living things in the world, and the master of balance in charge of all rules and laws."

"Under balance, everyone is a citizen."

"Are you willing to surrender? Follow the footsteps of the true God and conquer the earth for my lord?"

The elders looked at each other. They thought they would become prisoners and slaves of the victor, but the other party actually only wanted to accept their submission.

The clan leader was dead, and his broken body caused his soul to collapse. The elders could only look at the shaman of the tribe, but the shaman stared at the armor and weapons of the Tushi warrior, and pondered...

Don’t be in a hurry when climbing the mountain, just wait silently.

Soon after, the witch withdrew his gaze, and his old and profound eyes fell on the face of the mountain climber: "Are there really gods in the world?"


"The true God has arrived?"

"I am in my tribe, waiting for your worship and service."

"What do we have to pay?"

"With piety and sincerity, accompany me, the Stone Warrior, to spread the light for my Lord, and lead more Modoc people to become the people of my Lord."

The witch's eyes trembled, and he could clearly see the piety and fanaticism on the expressions of the others when the warrior leader mentioned the True God.

Gods are not to be offended, and no one dares to tarnish the name of the gods.

He didn't have much patience when climbing the mountain. He swung the hunting knife in his hand and shook off the blood on the blade: "These magical weapons are my lord's reward for every warrior. I know what you are thinking..."

"Gods are invisible to humans!"

"Tushi Department has had this idea before!"

Having said this, he turned to look at the warriors of the Tushi Department: "Tell them what you have done!"

The warrior looked embarrassed, but he still said: "The Tushi Department once caused divine punishment, and our Lord came for the true God, but we were ignorant and offended the divine power!"

"The mountain-climbing leader was originally a warrior of a small tribe, but he was captured by us."

"When our Lord came, our Tushi tribe knew the grace of God and received the oracle. Our Lord forgave our sins! He also gave me Tushi grace..."

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

When he told about the past, the other warriors were also moved.

Someone stood up and said: "I was once a member of the Shanhua Tribe, and I saw the true God. It was my Lord who released us humble people from the prison of the Tushi Clan, gave me a place to live, returned my wife and children, and gave me divine weapons!"

Another person said: "I, the Earth Snake tribe, were once ignorant. When the tribe leader met the true God, he actually offended the divine power and uttered the blasphemous words 'God is invisible'! And my Lord sent down divine punishment and annihilated the blasphemer from the world. This is

Countless people witnessed it with their own eyes!”

Someone took out the skin bag, grabbed a handful of pure white sand, and swayed it toward the kneeling crowd——

"O ignorant people, taste the God-given salt given by our Lord. Have you ever seen such pure white salt, and have you ever thrown it around like I do?"

"The salt I have eaten now is longer than the streams you humble people have flowed through, and more mountains than you have climbed!!"

Someone caught the spilled salt, licked their palms, and exclaimed: "It's really salt, not bitter!"

The people of the Red Deer tribe were completely shocked. They looked for salt grains on the ground and tried them one after another.

"It's salt."

"I have never seen such white salt."

"Yes, there is no bitterness, not at all!"

Gradually, people began to commotion and their hearts were shaken.

And after a young warrior stepped out, the scene was completely boiling——

"Grandpa, it's me."

He came to an elder of the Red Deer tribe, knelt down on one knee, took the elder's old hand, and stroked it gently.

The elder looked at him in astonishment and exclaimed: "Are you a 'forgetful ear'?"

Others may not recognize this person, but when they hear this title, many old people can't help but feel moved.

Because this child had lived in the Red Deer Tribe when he was young, and her mother gave birth to him within the tribe, and his father was a warrior from the Chishui Tribe and had come to the Red Deer Tribe to seek marriage.

"Forgetful Ear" nodded with a smile and said: "Grandpa, the Chishui Tribe was also conquered and enslaved by the Tushi Tribe. It was my Lord who rescued me."

"My father was killed in the war, but my mother is still alive. She is tanning cowhide for my lord in Tushi Valley, and she has received my lord's approval."

"My child is now at the knees of my lord and the shaman, listening to instructions and learning the words of the gods!"

"Grandpa, please persuade everyone to surrender. Our Lord is tolerant and merciful. He has also given us salt and weapons to make our lives abundant."

"When mother came, she told me that she must persuade you to go and worship the true God!"

The elder trembled unconsciously and asked: "'Forgetful Ear', then why didn't you come to convince us in person, but instead killed your former brothers and friends?"

The young warrior looked firm: "How can the Red Deer tribe be convinced if they haven't seen our bravery? Even I never believed that the true god would come before I saw my Lord."

"Grandpa, believe in the Lord of Balance! Balance exists among all things, and the glory of our Lord will shine on the earth!"

At this moment.

The people of the Red Deer Tribe did not dare to say they believed it completely, but they were also greatly shaken.

What's more important is that they have no second choice.

Soon, they began to pack their bags, dismantle their tents, pack all the supplies, and hand them over to the disarmed tribal warriors to carry on their backs.

The huge tribal settlement quickly disappeared, like a piece of moss being pulled out on the plain, leaving only a piece of clean land.

People lengthened their queues and moved in further directions.

The Tushi Ministry does not require the captives to participate in the next war. They only need to carry the baggage and follow them, and then witness their victory again and again, and finally go to the Tushi Valley to worship the true God.

No one will run away, because even if they run away, their relatives cannot follow them.

Four days and nights later.

They once again witnessed with their own eyes the ferocity of the Tushi warriors, successfully defeating a tribe of 400 people at a very small cost.

Those who dared to resist died, while those who were willing to surrender were included in the army of migrants. The men carried the baggage, which wasted their physical strength.

There were several turmoils during this period, but they were quickly quelled by sharp steel knives.

In the process, people also witnessed the bravery of Tushi tribe in hunting bison.

They didn't even need to set traps. Ten people formed a battle group and threw sharp spears to pierce the body of the bison. Then they chased and drove the bison continuously, consuming the bison's physical strength. Finally, they stabbed the bison's neck with a long knife.

Finished last hit.

They had never seen such a terrifying weapon before.

If it was not given by the gods, where did they get it?

The elders of the tribe began to persuade some restless tribesmen, "The true god may have arrived. Every warrior of the Tushi tribe is extremely pious. They worshiped their master under the moon, and their heads shed blood when they hit the ground.


"They treated our people well, gave us food and drink, and gave us pure white salt without any bitterness; and told us that they would treat all people who believe in the true God equally."

"If there is no true god in this world, with the strength of the Tushi tribe, they will become the new masters of this land!"

"Even the guards of the tribal chief will never be their opponents!"

"Let them witness and witness the coming of the true God!"

"If they cheat, the true God will definitely bring disaster to them and punish them for defiling and blaspheming the name of the gods."

The last day of June.

Zhou Li'an inspected the newly completed housing project of the tribe.

It took the Tushi Department less than half a month to complete the construction of tents that could accommodate thousands of people. If you look down from the valley, the entire valley is filled with densely packed tents.

The bison hides hunted before became the main building material, but only more than two hundred pieces were spent.

When the warrior group returns, it will only take two days to make up for this number.

Not to mention they will also bring countless loot supplements.

In addition, the valley has been strictly planned into areas, manufacturing areas, and living areas; the manufacturing area is responsible for fur tanning, weapons processing, and cooking. Fire is prohibited in the living area and is only for accommodation.

Zhou Li'an also had people dig a deep pit about 500 meters outside the valley. The pit was covered with strong wooden boards and turned into a public toilet for the tribesmen.

Anyone who dares to defecate in the valley will be severely punished. Children will fast for one day and adults will be expelled from the tribe and left to fend for themselves if they commit the crime more than three times.

And from the time the rules were set, no one dared to violate them.

Not only does it respect the gods, but it also spontaneously believes that the valley where the gods live should be kept absolutely clean.

People use sweat lodges more frequently, hoping to keep their body and mind pure while worshiping gods.

The tribe has never been short of meat, but the crops that Tushi tribe planted behind the valley were far from enough. These crops were originally only enough for the tribe's powerful people.

The way ordinary tribesmen obtain vitamins is through picking wild berries, but recently the wild berry meadows outside Tushi Valley have been plundered.

After Zhou Li'an discovered the problem, he immediately went to the present world, found a vegetable growing farm, ordered fresh vegetables, and conducted a large-scale tribal blessing.

Rewarding food is not something that should be done, as it can easily breed laziness among the tribesmen, but nowadays, the population base is still small, and Zhou Li'an only needs them to fill their stomachs, and then complete the barbaric expansion.

Even if they unified the entire Modoc tribe, they would still be able to feed more than 10,000 people. The position of these people is very clear, turning them into the purest war machines, fighting to support war.

Agricultural development should not be considered until large city-states were established.

The Great Elder originally expected that the Tushi tribe's battle group would return in fifteen days, but considering the migration of hundreds or thousands of people, this time may be extended to twenty days, that is, until late July.

Because the only way they can travel is on foot and they have to carry heavy baggage, their speed is naturally slow.

In this regard, Zhou Li'an had some thoughts: "We still need to get some horses over."

Even if you rely on the system, it is impossible to step into industrialization from scratch. In the future, large tribes will migrate southward to dig for gold, carrying large quantities of materials. It will be very time-consuming to rely on manpower alone, and it will also cause casualties due to fatigue.

Including combat in the cold weapon era, the role of cavalry needs no elaboration.

Animal power was also extremely important to the development of primitive society.

At least, the theory that America has no wheels can be broken in this parallel time and space.

"System, how much does your smuggler organization charge for bringing a horse?"

[Also $9999.]

Zhou Li'an's mouth twitched twice: "All living things have the same price?"

【Yes, that's right.】

"What if I get a rhinoceros? That weighs several tons!"

[Haha, dear, you also need to pay attention to practicality when collecting wool. Do you plan to open a zoo in North America in the 15th century? 】


The selling price of an ordinary horse is at most 1,000 US dollars, and the transportation cost across time and space is outrageous if it is ten times that.

If you build 100 horses, the horse purchase cost will be 1.1 million US dollars.

But in comparison, the return on investment is very high.

These 100 horses can breed offspring. The gestation period of a horse is more than 11 months, and one litter can be doubled in a year. If you choose to buy young horses, you can have eight or nine litters in your lifetime, and you will have thousands of horses in ten years.

If you are really willing to invest, if you build 1,000 horses at a time, the number will be very scary.

When the time comes, use the [Time Flow Configurator] to accelerate for 10 years, directly obtain a cavalry regiment of tens of thousands of people, and easily unify the continent.

The required investment is only 11 million.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an made up his mind: "We must buy horses!"

This chapter has been completed!
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