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【49】Problems and Thoughts

It's another early morning.

Under the altar in Tushi Valley, the commotion continued.

Countless warriors gathered together, holding their heads high, like students in a primary school class who are looking forward to receiving a red flower from their teacher, with only one emotion revealed in their eyes:

'Choose me, choose me!'

The patriarch who climbed the mountain was the teacher, standing on the altar, looking down at everyone, and making selections.

Finally, his eyes fell on a warrior with a slender face——

"If you have too much salt, come out!"

The warrior named "Salt Man" stepped out, his eyes proud and proud.

The warriors around him all showed envy, but no one was dissatisfied with him. The "Salt Man" was once a warrior of the Earth Snake Tribe, but now everyone has become a member of the Tushi Tribe.

And he was never called "the salty one"...

Aboriginal people will have many names in their lifetime.

For example, when a baby is born, the Wen woman who delivers the baby will often hold the baby in the clear stream and wash away the blood and stains, so that the baby can come into the world in a clean state. What happens on the way may become the first name of the baby.

‘Howling wolves in the night’, ‘crying ugly children’, ‘stumping logs’.

The way of naming is a bit hasty, so when the baby grows up, he will get a second name, which comes from the descriptions of him by his tribal friends, such as "bow-legged", "crooked nose", "curly hair" and "crazy wolf".

However, if you want to get a really good name, you need to work hard for it.

The best way is to gain merit and glory in hunting and war, and get the name given by the elders of the tribe.

This time the naming is more like some kind of assessment, with grades divided into three, six and nine.

The brave will be rewarded with glory.

Cowards will be given nicknames that will humiliate their lives.

Today, the most popular slang in the valley comes from this "salt man", because his favorite saying is: "The salt I have eaten is longer than the streams you flow through, and longer than the mountains you climb."

Still high..."

This symbolizes a kind of glory, because everyone knows that the salt everyone eats is a gift from our Lord.

Therefore, in a sense, the "man with more salt" not only represents him, but also represents the self-praise that everyone in the Tushi Department hopes to express to the outside world.

——We are a clan favored by the gods and a balanced people.


Climbing the mountain one after another selected several "influential figures" in the tribe recently. They were either famous like the "salty ones" or they had made contributions in the war.

A total of 30 people will become new knight candidates.

Although there are only 10 horses left, there are always substitutes, not to mention that our Lord has said that He will give more horses in the near future.

When the selection is over, the selected ones hold their heads high, while the warriors who were not selected are dejected.

Everyone knows that becoming a knight of our lord is a symbol of glory and bravery; almost all warriors do not think that they are inferior to others, and they are unwilling to admit defeat in their hearts.

For example, the dozen or so "Chief's Guards" who truly returned home yesterday, and their ability to hold positions in the Chief's tribe proves that they are the bravest people in the entire Modoc tribe.

However, in today's selection, none of them were selected.

At this time, what they felt in their hearts was not discouragement but anger, but anger did not mean disrespect to God, but dissatisfaction with the patriarch for climbing the mountain.

Not far away.

The door of the stone house.

Zhou Li'an was holding a thermos cup, with a few wolfberry grains floating in the cup and the aroma of tea.

He saw this scene of all living things in his eyes, and then he couldn't help but glance at the snow girl next to him who was also watching all this.

Feeling the gaze, the snow girl raised her little head and timidly asked: "Master, is there something wrong?"

Zhou Li'an asked her with a smile: "Do you think there is any problem with the choice of mountain climbing?"

The snow girl was stunned.

Even though the owner had a smile on his face, she could feel the underlying dissatisfaction in his words, perhaps not 'dissatisfaction' to be precise.

But there must be something wrong with my father's behavior this time.

Otherwise, why would the master ask himself?

The snow girl wrinkled her nose and looked into the distance. She thought for a long time and finally discovered the problem. She was so shocked that she immediately knelt on the ground——

"Master, it's my father who didn't choose a braver warrior for my master."

She didn't know what fairness meant, but she knew very well that the knight should be the bravest person in the tribe.

However, the dozen or so chief guards were not selected for mountain climbing.

"Master please punish me."

Zhou Li'an was actually not angry at all.

Nepotism is normal.

"Get up."

"The snow girl doesn't dare."

"You don't even listen to what I say?"

"Well." Xue Nu looked up at Zhou Li'an and found that his face was indeed lifeless, so she stood up, "Then, what does the master mean..."

Zhou Li'an took a sip of tea and said calmly: "I'll leave you with a question. Think about it slowly. Is climbing a mountain right or wrong? If it is right, why is it right? If it is wrong, why is it wrong?"

The snow girl looked confused: "Master, the snow girl doesn't know."

Zhou Li'an continued to smile and said: "You don't need to give me the answer now, you just need to remember this question and then observe it from the life of the tribe;"

"It's not just mountain climbing, but also what each elder did. You have to learn to think about why they did it, whether it was right or wrong, and why it was right or wrong."

The snow girl continued to be confused, but she silently recited the master's words, silently wrote down all these, and then said: "Master, I remember it, I will think about it carefully..."

But when he looked up, he saw that noble figure beside him. Zhou Li'an had quietly left.

The snow girl pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed, then frowned and looked at the mountain climbing in the distance.

There was an impulse in her heart to tell her father all this, as the master might be dissatisfied with him.

But this impulse quickly subsided.

In her heart, she was extremely firm in her choice of master and father.

"There must be something hidden in the master's will. The snow girl must understand it carefully."


Zhou Li'an flashed back in the basement, took off his tactical belt, went up the stairs to the first floor, and locked the basement door.

Then, he drove off towards the city.

The reason why he was "late" yesterday was to order equipment, and today noon was the day to pick up the goods.

On the way, he was also thinking about what happened just now.

It is human nature to be nepotistic, and there is nothing wrong with giving the best to those close to you.

Those in power cannot take good care of the people around them, so what is the purpose of being in power?

At least among a group of primitive people who have not received modern ideological education, they would never be able to put forward the great concept of "selflessness".

Even in modern America, corruption is still the norm, and people always have selfish desires.

However, Zhou Li'an is not worried about corruption in the tribe.

At least there is no need to worry at this stage.

In the period of primitive accumulation, nepotism is a good thing. Giving those in power more rights can greatly improve their combat effectiveness and execution ability.

Yuki-onna was the main reason why he gained power by climbing mountains, but he also proved himself many times, made meritorious deeds, and defended the glory of the true God;

Therefore, everything he has is deserved.

Today's primitive tribes have nothing, and people are still worried about food and clothing.

He descended as a god and led them to progress and development. This was the accumulation of material things from scratch.

To put it simply, all tribal people are now in a stage of material scarcity. They still have nothing, so how can they talk about "enjoyment".

Only when the tribes in North America are unified and they have real stability and stability will people's material desires increase from the baseline and they start to become greedy.

The emergence of this trend is obviously not conducive to subsequent development.

At that time, the system will be perfected and the implementation of the law will begin.

Zhou Li'an just planted a seed for Snow Girl in advance today, and he doesn't expect her to take root and sprout in a short time.

But under the crazy development and changes in the subsequent period of primitive accumulation, she will witness the rise of an empire, and according to the thinking proposed by Zhou Li'an, she will discover problems and then solve them.

Those who have committed crimes can only be erased.

It is not unreasonable that most of the founding heroes of the ancient dynasties did not end well.

However, Zhou Li'an's control over the tribesmen was much higher than that of those emperors.

Because, he is the true God.

They can perform miracles, create things, and control their life and death.

And it is very simple to solve a period of slackness.

Don't let them stop.

Go forward, go forward, go forward again!

To unify North America, the establishment of an empire is only the first step. Next, there will be the development of technology and industry, the southward conquest of Central and South America; and finally the face of the group of enemies who are about to come ashore, and the endless wealth and fertile land possessed by these enemies.


There are bound to be various problems in the establishment of an empire.

However, Zhou Li'an looks at all this with a modern view of history and values, which is like opening up a "God's perspective", which allows him to avoid troubles, bypass detours, and go straight towards a truly bright future.

Come to the city.

Zhou Li'an successfully picked up the goods.

Two sets of 'double 15' audio equipment, a mixer, a power amplifier, and four speakers with eight built-in sets of 15-inch speakers are enough to handle a small to medium-sized music festival performance.

and two 20kW diesel generators.

Without electricity, no matter how good the audio equipment is, it is just scrap metal.

When passing by a gas station, I bought enough diesel before returning to the farm.

Start the generator outside the farm, connect the power supply and start testing.

In fact, one generator is enough to drive two sets of 'Double 15' audio equipment. However, considering that the internal components of these things are delicate, it is easy to burn the box if the power supply is unstable, so two generators are connected to each other to ensure that the equipment will not be damaged.

I recorded the sound source with a microphone and plugged it into the mixer.

Zhou Li'an pressed a mobile remote control and walked to a place four hundred meters away before clicking play.


Strong bass tremors came from the four speakers and hit you.

It only made him feel the beating of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the voice recorded in the Modoc language clearly spread throughout the farm.

At this point, he smiled.

This is much more advanced than using a loudspeaker to speak, and more importantly, it can be played back automatically after recording.

Not to mention the primitive tribes of the 15th century, even if they brought these devices to Europe at the same time, they would not have any room for survival.

God’s words come from the void and can only shock people’s hearts.

After the test, Zhou Li'an threw each object into the system space one by one. One speaker weighed more than 40kg; the entire set of equipment was overweight when brought into the space.

It is impossible to pay for the dog system.

I'm serious about whoring for free.

Even though the assets now exceed the terrifying 10 million US dollars, the problem is that when the tribe is unified, the purchase cost of 500 horses alone will be as high as 750,000 US dollars.

If you put it into the tribe, the time and space smuggling fee will be a huge sum of 5 million US dollars.

My savings were cut in half, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Horses are a necessity.

It not only involves the construction of cavalry and sweeping across the continent; future road infrastructure and industrial development will require the use of animal labor.

Even three to four hundred years later, horses will still be an important means of transportation in Europe.

The world's first automobile was not produced until 1886;

Of course, in today's parallel time and space, as long as the road infrastructure is completed, Zhou Li'an is confident that the birth of the car will be advanced three hundred years.

Using the system to double travel with the present world, from 1400 to 1550, it would take 150 years to reach the industrial age, so we might as well commit suicide and apologize.

[System time: August 15, 1400]

Zhou Li'an led the tribesmen to see off the 10 people who climbed the mountain.

According to what the chief's guards said, the chief's army will arrive in three days, but this time is not necessarily accurate and may be earlier or later.

Therefore, he will send mountain climbers and others into three teams to explore and guard the three must-pass roads.

If something is discovered, one person will ride back to the tribe to raise the alarm, while the other two members of the team will go to other scout teams to notify them, and then return together.

Of course, Zhou Li'an didn't have the slightest concern about the chief tribe.

Sending mountain climbers and others is just to let them experience and exercise the role of cavalry scouts, and it can also be regarded as a riding performance assessment.

As for the remaining 30 people, they have passed the basic learning stage in a few days and can complete the training on their own, not to mention that there will be no problems with Zhou Li'an guiding them.

In the entire Tushi tribe, no one was afraid of the incoming army.

On the contrary, there is some impatient expectation, hoping that the chiefs will arrive soon so that the warriors can make contributions and the glory of balance can envelope the entire Modoc tribe.

Everyone in the tribe is of the same mind.

The people who climbed the mountain worshiped our Lord and rode away on horseback.

The children were chasing each other in the smoke and dust raised by the horses' hooves as usual, shouting.

At this time, even the Snow Girl was looking forward to it. When no one was paying attention, she whispered to Zhou Li'an: "Master, when will the Snow Girl be able to ride a horse?"

Zhou Li'an took a look at her height, which was about 156, and it was obvious that she was growing taller these days.

Her mother is very tall.

Maybe she can grow to 165 or 170.

Well, the premise is to fully absorb nutrients and drink more milky white...milk.

Only when you are tall enough can your legs be long.

Fun legs are beautiful...ah, no, beautiful legs are fun.

"When the war is over, I will take you on a horseback riding trip."

This is not just for fun, Zhou Li'an plans to go out to explore the road.

The current topographic maps of the United States no longer have reference quality, because after the "Westward Movement", the last Indians hiding in the mountains were expelled to reservations. The west has officially ushered in large-scale development, mining rock, manufacturing cement and entering the era of infrastructure development.

Many original landforms have been changed.

After the system version 1.0, the system map function has also been opened, but in the areas that Zhou Li'an has not explored, it is covered with a layer of black fog.

It's a bit like a simulated war game, only the maps he has reached are visible.

For example, when he opened the map now, he could see that the route from Tushi Valley to Mad Cow Rift Valley was visible, because he had been there before, and the second half of the valley was still pitch black.

I will definitely look for opportunities to open the entire map in the future.

The weight of the light helicopter is 1-3 tons; each ton of weight carried into the system is charged at US$99,999. When Zhou Li'an has time to obtain a pilot's license, he can buy one and put it in to explore the map and check the directions of various tribes.

As for small aircraft, we do not consider them. First of all, battery life is a problem. Not only is the size of the fuel tank a problem, but the engine cannot withstand long-term operation. Light helicopters can at least guarantee safety and long working hours.

If the country has not yet been built and the people are gone...

Where can I reason from this?

This chapter has been completed!
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