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[52] System! Open to Lao Tzu!

Under the moonlight night.

The tribesmen rushed away in disarray.

Roaring, roaring.

If a modern person sees this scene, the first word that pops into his mind will definitely be "barbaric".

But now, the people of Tushi Tribe have the same feeling.

Those ragged and unkempt chief tribe warriors are like uncivilized beasts, rude, dirty and crazy.

At this moment, the people of the Tushi tribe suddenly understood why our Lord had issued a decree, asking everyone to clean themselves frequently, not to defecate in the valley, etc.

Because the answer is right in front of you.

Isn't the chief warrior in front of me the same person he once was?

How could my past self be so unsightly?

My lord is above!

How can we, the crude savages, be a balanced people?

The waves of praise began to get louder and louder. They remained unmoved despite the enemy's approach, which only made the calls from their mouths even more pious and fanatical.

The elders of the tribe shed tears silently because of this. They had never understood what "life" was and had been struggling to survive. But at this moment, they suddenly understood...

What do balanced people represent?

When the balanced glory fills the earth, perhaps there will be no more suffering and poverty in this world!!


The warriors from the chief's tribes gradually realized something was wrong.

They had never heard the praises of the Tushi tribe. What was "balance"? They couldn't understand it.

But he understands what ‘true God’ is.

Therefore, the Tushi tribe is not asking the chief for forgiveness, but praying for the arrival of the totem god they believe in???

At this time, are you waiting for God to save you???

God is invisible!!

To all warriors, this situation is extremely absurd.

But when they discovered that the Tushi people were all clean, with clean clothes, neatly styled hair, and extremely pious and enthusiastic tears, they immediately felt a sense of solemnity.

This kind of atmosphere was something they had never seen before during the prayer ceremony of the chief tribe.

Everyone seemed to abide by certain rules. Even the children did not play or make any noise, but were very well-behaved and prayed with the elders.

Just like a modern person who walks into the magnificent Mahavir Palace, even if he is an atheist, he will still be shocked by the Sanskrit chanting and the solemn Buddha statues in the hall.

Their pace gradually slowed down, and their faces showed suspicion.

And this includes the chief.

The most heroic warrior must be at the forefront, which is why his senses are the most intuitive. He who prides himself on being brave and invincible suddenly feels a sense of inferiority and pitifulness.

He is the leader of the Modoc people, the greatest chief.

But the embarrassed appearance at this time was not comparable to that of any Tushi clan member in front of him.

The other party's calmness made him puzzled and embarrassed.

And the inferiority complex in his heart made him feel extremely angry.


"Kill them all!"

The jealousy of human nature is always so direct. How can others live better than themselves? Then the best solution is to plunder and destroy.

If you don’t get it, destroy it!

His angry shout also woke everyone up.

Everyone's eyes flashed with anger, and they felt like they were being slighted and humiliated.

But at this moment.


A wave of low sound swept over.

Although there was no trace, it penetrated their bodies and reached their hearts, causing the chest to tremble violently.

This experience is unprecedented.

Moreover, not only them, but also the Tushi clan members who were praying and praising suddenly stopped and became stunned.

People looked left and right, wondering where the noise came from.

Only the snow girl couldn't help but turn around and glance at the several large black boxes that the master ordered to be moved in the morning.

Just when she was deep in thought.

A sacred and solemn voice appeared out of thin air——


"The true god who created the realm of nature, the leader of the gods; the controller of all things in the universe; the lord of balance who controls all the rules and laws in the world, has mercy on your ignorance and ignorance."

The loud sound was deafening, and the deep sound waves beat people's eardrums and hearts again and again.

The people of the Tushi tribe burst into tears and spontaneously began to worship and shout.

But even so, their volume cannot match the words of the gods, the majesty descending from the void——

"Those who worship me will find joy and peace."

"Those who blaspheme me shall be banished forever."

"Under balance, everyone is a citizen."

"Balance exists among all things."

Two sets of double 15-sound subwoofers emitted vibrations, and Zhou Li'an set up an echo effect. The equipment is an intelligent system that can start automatically after powering on.

But all this is so sacred and inviolable in the eyes of primitive tribesmen.

The warriors in the chief's army were completely panicked.

Human beings are always full of fear of unknown things.

Such a huge sound penetrates the heaven and the earth, which is definitely not something that humans can make; then the only answer is 'true God'.

It is for this reason that the tribesmen of Tushi worship devoutly and are not afraid of their attacks.

The battle group of more than 3,000 people was in an uproar at this moment. They looked at each other, confused and at a loss.

It is the same as the former Earth Snake and Red Deer tribes.

Now they are all questioning a question...

Is there really a true God in this world?

In the Picture and Stone Department.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people stood up from their knees and worshiped. They did not hold weapons, wore clean clothes, and their braids were still wet with moisture from cleaning.

"Chief, surrender!"

"The true God comes and blesses all things in heaven and earth!"

"Those who believe in balance are all his people!"

"Yes, chief, lead the warriors from all tribes to surrender and worship our lord! We no longer have to worry about hunger and cold!"

"My Lord will give you snow-white salt, magical weapons, sweet fruits, and horses that can conquer the earth."

A dozen of the chief's guards took advantage of the pause in the voice of the god and rushed out, shouting loudly as they ran.

The Tushi tribesman was slightly stunned.

Behind the snow girl, Climbing the Mountain couldn't help but ask: "Witch, is this the decree and arrangement sent down by our Lord?"

The snow girl was also stunned, she didn't know.

The voice of the great elder sounded at this time: "I know that they are afraid of the divine punishment from our Lord, so they are willing to persuade the chieftains to surrender in order to avoid death and annihilation."

Several other elders agreed one after another: "Maybe this is what my Lord wants."

"Just like my earth snake tribe."

"Like me, Ogabe!"

"We are all Modocs, and now we are all balanced people. Why do we still fight against each other?"

"Worship the name of our Lord in surrender and balance, and you will find joy and peace!"

However, the great elder stared into the distance and shouted: "Not good!"

His voice attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the tallest warrior in the most luxurious clothes, pulling up his long bow and shouting angrily: "You are my bodyguard, and now you surrender to the rebels?"

"True God?!"

"Then let him punish me with divine punishment!"


An arrow was shot, but no trace could be seen in the dim night.


The dozen or so people heard a piercing sound coming from beside them, and an arrow had pierced one person's chest.

Their running and shouting came to an abrupt end.

He looked at the person who was hit by the arrow in shock.

The man covered his chest and burst into laughter. He turned around and scanned the faces of a group of brothers with unswerving eyes. Then he knelt on the ground and shouted again: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance! I am willing to dedicate myself

body and soul into the arms of my Lord!”

"Under balance, we are all citizens!"

"Balance lies in..."


Another arrow came, this time it went right through his neck, blocking his words.

Blood foam overflowed from his mouth, causing his expression to twist in pain.

Finally, with a 'thud' sound, he fell to the ground.

This moment.

The uproaring warriors from all departments fell silent.

The tribesmen of Tushi were also stunned. They couldn't believe that someone dared to blaspheme the true God. It was clear that the words of the God had already come!!

"True God?!"

"Where is the true God!!"

"God is invisible!!!"

"Warriors, don't be deceived by this group of despicable rebels!"

"If there is a true god, why didn't the god he believed in protect him? Instead, he died under my arrows!"

The chief held a long bow and roared.

People who had lost their will a moment ago were suddenly awakened.

Then I heard him shout: "Bring the arrows!"

The guard on the side quickly brought the quiver to him.

He put it on the bowstring again, and the bow made of beef tendon made a tight sound of "creak", accumulating the power of death.


Arrow feathers broke through the air.

In the blink of an eye, it stabbed into a person's lower abdomen. The severe pain caused him to kneel on the ground, his face suddenly turned pale, and he could feel the life draining away from the wound.

"True God? Where is the true God?"


"Let your gods save you!"


"Come on, let me witness the coming of divine punishment!"

Whoosh whoosh!!

Arrows continued to be shot, and none of them missed, penetrating the bodies of several guards. They all looked painful. When they faced death, fear finally appeared in their expressions.

The arrows are like piercing the balloons of lies, and the sound of the balloons breaking is also awakening the warriors who are shrouded in confusion.

The chief was already crazy. He laughed wildly: "If there is a true god! I can shoot him too!"

At this moment, he seemed to be the true god in this world, sweeping away everyone's decadence and fear of unknown things, and re-instilling courage.

"Let's see!"

"The rich fruits are right before our eyes!"

"The tender meat in the fire is dripping with fragrant anointing oil!"

"Strong slaves, waiting for you to bind and enslave them, those women will become the mothers of your children!"

"What are you waiting for!!"

The fighting spirit was once again built up.

People's eyes began to become fierce.

In the open space where the two parties were confronting each other, six or seven people fell down, and less than ten people were left standing. But even so, they have not wavered in the slightest.

They had already decided to die.

This proves their sincerity.

Why doesn't our Lord protect them?

Because they prayed devoutly all night, our Lord must have listened to their begging.

They are willing to sacrifice themselves to the true God to perfect their people.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!!"

The name "The Howler Who Scares Off Wild Wolves" is absolutely worthy of his name. His shouts are far more majestic and explosive than the chief's shouts.

The people on the side shouted: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

"We are willing to dedicate our bodies and souls to beg our Lord for forgiveness of sinners!!"

They shouted one after another.

The shouts infected Tushi’s tribe.

The tribesmen of Tushi suddenly felt something, and they had a new understanding.

I understand why our Lord said, "Under balance, we are all subjects."

All tribesmen are one.

We are all servants and messengers of our Lord. We all have the same piety and cannot bear anyone's blasphemy against our Lord.

On the altar, the great elder's voice sounded: "Witch, it's time! Call for the coming of our Lord!"

"Lead us humble people to welcome the true God!!"

After hearing this, the Snow Girl stood up alone and shouted from the stage: "The most devout people of the Lord of Balance!"

"Come with me to call for the coming of the Lord of Balance!!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"——Balance exists among all things!"

Nearly two thousand people from the Tushi tribe collectively let out a roar like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Waves of sound swept across, one after another.

It may not be as good as the voice of the gods just now, but it still shook the hearts of the more than three thousand warriors on the opposite side.

The snow girl was not worried, she concentrated on staring at the place where her master left.

The master once said that not all words will be heard by the gods.

But now...

Snow Girl believes that our Lord must have heard their pious calls and has been watching everything that happens here!

At this moment.

The momentum that the chief had just aroused was instantly suppressed again.

He looked at the figure on the high platform with eyes wide open!

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you all!!"

The chief called to his most loyal guards: "God, invisible!"

"My most loyal guards, follow me! Give them a bloody lesson. Only the cruelest death can make them understand what is true and what is false!!"

But before he could draw out the copper knife.

The shouting suddenly changed——

"My lord!"

"My Lord has arrived! It is my Lord who has arrived!!"


The chief looked confused, and he suddenly discovered that there was one more person not far from the dozen rebellious guards.

But at the previous moment, that figure did not exist.

True God?

Is this the true God?

He couldn't help being shocked, but he returned to normal in a very short period of time.


"True God?"

"If that is the true god, how can he not be as strong and tall as me?"

"If that is the true God, how could the true God be unable to protect his people?"

His voice attracted Zhou Li'an's attention.

The strong men at the head are dressed in the most luxurious clothes, and the chiefs of tribes are often the most valiant warriors. They often charge into battle just like climbing mountains. They are fearless and can conquer the crowd.

This is the most primitive tribal power structure.

"I came just in time?"

But after seeing the fallen people, he still frowned.

And when he looked up, he saw the guards running towards him in panic. As they ran, they shouted: "My lord, be careful, be careful with bows and arrows!!"

Zhou Li'an's eyes widened and he noticed that everyone around the chief had raised their long bows and stretched them into the shape of a full moon.

The copper arrowhead reflected the cold light in the distant bonfire.

Several guards had already rushed in front of him at this moment.

But along with that rain of arrows, it was also coming overwhelmingly!!


Zhou Li'an cursed loudly.

"System, give me invincibility!!"

He stepped forward suddenly, pushed aside the wall of people gathered to protect him, and immediately activated another system function.


[[Three Second Hand Man]: Activated! 】


[Time travel × 9 people; total deduction is 89,991 US dollars!]

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Several people around him disappeared out of thin air, and his body was also glowing with a mysterious slowly shimmering light, which condensed little by little and turned into a dazzling golden color.

The arrows have fallen.

But it was blocked by the golden light, as if it hit a wall of nothingness, and then ejected to the side, scattering powerlessly on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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