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【62】Winter is coming

[System time: October 4, 1400]

Zhou Li'an was riding a horse in the wilderness, and the hot breath from the panting horse turned into white mist.

"It's getting cold."

He glanced at the watch with a temperature measurement outside. The temperature in southern Oregon at the current time and space was only 7 degrees Celsius, which was a full 6 degrees Celsius lower than the current world.


The famous Little Ice Age finally extended its tentacles to western North America.

Starting in 1380, cold waves came.

Under the raging Atlantic cold current, the first people to suffer should be the people called the Vikings.

Around 1400, the gathering area on the west coast of Greenland was abandoned, and the Vikings began to migrate to escape the cold wave, and disappeared completely over the next 100 years.

The cold wave and wind and rain in Europe went hand in hand, and crops failed.

The river began to freeze, the nobles held dance parties on the frozen lake, and the common people struggled to have enough food and clothing.

Dutch whaling ships were improved and they learned how to break ice floes on the sea.

The British nobles fell in love with food made from fish, and even introduced the "Fish Eating Law" because of this. There are clear regulations on how many times fish should be eaten every week, and the king took the lead as an example, leading the nobles first, and then the common people, causing a stir.

A wave of fish eating.

So much so that this tradition continues to this day, and "fried fish shops" are everywhere in the streets and alleys of the UK, making overseas students miserable——

That’s it? British food?

The dogs won’t even eat it, okay?

Of course, they don't really love it, but their parents, called "nature", teach them how to be a human being. They marry the fish's fingertips for them, and this makes them fall in love for a long time.

Crops failed and food was scarce, so fishing became the main food supply.

In North America during the same period, due to the lack of written records, various murals were destroyed by colonists, making it difficult to verify the living conditions of local tribes at this time.

But in the Aztecs around 1500...

The Central American tribes located on the equator also suffered from the cold current. A large number of cornfields suffered out-of-season frost. The hunger and cold that lasted for hundreds of years caused various tribes to "eat people".


Zhou Li'an has already felt the power of the Little Ice Age.

Therefore, moving south is not only for gold, but also for survival; when winter really comes, the Oregon mountainous area will be frozen three feet high, and the sky will be full of wind and snow.

Maybe the California sunshine can dispel some of the cold.

in modern times.

People have many ways to keep out the cold, including houses and coal stoves. Even if the wind and snow pile up to their waists outside, the inside of the house will still be as warm as spring.

In contrast, the mud houses and tents of the indigenous people do not have any cold-proof properties at all.

In modern times, homeless people freeze to death on the streets, not to mention that this was North America in the early 15th century, at the beginning of the Little Ice Age.

Running all the way.

Zhou Li'an returned to the Picture and Stone Department on October 5th.

Compared with his worries, more than a dozen tribes who had already migrated did not have any worries when the cold wave came.

In the past, the arrival of winter would have been the most depressing and difficult period for all departments. Everyone's eyes were dull and they were worried about food reserves for the winter and furs to keep out the cold.

But now, all of them have light in their eyes.

And Zhou Li'an is their light.

Thousands of people worshiped and praised Balance.

This night, there was another carnival bonfire dance. Zhou Li'an also blessed the newly arrived tribal warriors and rewarded them with sugar and salt.

Salem, Grocery Street.

Wang Defa looked at Zhou Li'an who came out of the blue in confusion, "You want 20,000 sets of warm clothes?"

Zhou Li'an said: "In addition to clothes, we also need gloves, hats, and shoes."

He had observed the tribesmen's attire yesterday.

They have changed from summer clothes to furry felt shoes, which are made of exquisite materials, all made of real fur, and are very effective in keeping out the cold.

But wear resistance is lacking.

Moreover, the production of winter clothing for tens of thousands of people consumes a huge amount of fur. Each piece of fur is worth thousands of gold, so it is better to buy it from the living world.

"Ah Zhou Sheng, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Li'an smiled and imitated his accent: "Don't do anything, just do good things for others. If you know someone, please contact me. I know there are many bosses in the garment industry in the Chinese community."

"This order is large and long-term. I don't have time to discuss it, so I have to leave it to you."

"You don't have time, I don't even have time..." Wang Defa couldn't laugh or cry. After a moment, he still had an expression of resignation and bowed his head: "Okay... do you really want to donate clothes? To the country?"

In a sense, it is indeed domestic.

Zhou Li'an smiled and said nothing, pretending to be a master.

Wang Defa knew his temper, so he didn't ask any more questions: "I will help you solve this matter, but I will leave for Bermuda the day after tomorrow, and your lawyer has already contacted me."

"No, the clothes matter must be settled first. Doing good deeds is to accumulate virtue and do good deeds. Only then can our company run smoothly."

"..." Wang Defa: "You are the boss, you have the final say!"

Zhou Li'an smiled, picked up the teacup and clinked it with him.

This is the advantage of having Lao Wang as your partner. In addition to monetizing your fur, you can also direct him to solve some miscellaneous trivial matters.

If you contact the garment factory yourself, it is not the point whether you are in trouble or not. It is mainly a waste of time.

It's better for Lao Wang to do it and he just waits for the goods to be received.

Furthermore, Lao Wang could not trick himself in such a trivial matter. Otherwise, if the secret was leaked, the fur business would fail because of the commission from tens of thousands of sets of clothes. It would be a small gain but a big loss.

The strongest trust relationship in the world is always linked to interests.

As long as the fur business continues to operate, Zhou Li'an will always have a tool to serve him.

That night.

Zhou Li'an received a call from Lao Wang.

He negotiated an order for a total of 20,000 sets of cold-weather clothing sets, including underwear, coats, hats, gloves, shoes, etc.

Each set is priced at US$55, which is equivalent to less than 400 Chinese dollars, but it includes all equipment from head to toe, and most importantly, it is from well-known brands.

Clothing prices in the United States are very low, and more than 95% of local clothing is imported. Brand owners have built factories in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Cambodia, and can recruit cheap labor by offering a monthly salary of about US$200.

Tariffs are also excluded; as long as ordinary Americans are not buying luxury goods, it only costs about US$2.30 to buy a cotton-padded coat during the discount season. Short-sleeved single clothes, regardless of brand, Zhou Li'an even bought a t-shirt for $0.99.


In fact, this is similar to that in China.

When going to fairs in towns and villages in China, there are also clothes produced by small factories that cost more than ten or twenty yuan a piece, but young people don't like the outdated styles and won't buy them.

And in the United States.

With Lao Wang’s connections, the one-time purchase of 20,000 sets, and the long-term order, the factory owner or distributor would naturally like to hear about it.

The value of this first order alone is as high as US$1.1 million.

"When will the goods arrive?"

Lao Wang said: "About half a month, no more than twenty days."

“How about within 15 days?”

"..." Wang Defa: "I'll try my best to urge you."

After talking about this, he asked again: "So, you still don't plan to go to Bermuda with us?"

Lao Wang felt a little unsure.

Even the pie painted by Zhou Li'an is extremely tempting.

But Wang Defa contributed all the money alone, and Zhou Li'an did not show any actual expression. Even if they went to Bermuda together, he would not be happy.

Zhou Li'an heard that he was a little resentful and simply threw Wang Zha: "Do you think I haven't done anything? If you are willing, I can sell you 2,000 bison skins now, and within half a month, I can collect 5,000


"His." Wang Defa gasped.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Zhou Li'an smiled and said: "Old Wang, since we agreed to cooperate, we must trust each other more."

"I don't lack fur, I just lack shipping channels."

"You are responsible for building the factory and managing sales, and I am responsible for the supply of goods. This is something we discussed from the beginning, isn't it?"

Wang Defa said quickly: "Yes, yes, you are right, leave it to me to register the company, and you can just contact the source of goods without any worries."

"Ah, by the way, when we go to Mexico..."

"Of course we have to go to Mexico together. How can I trust you to go to such a dangerous place alone? Believe me, you will not be in any danger with me, even if it is the Sin City, Juarez!"

Zhou Li'an's confidence greatly increased Lao Wang's confidence.

In fact, he had already planned it...

With the strength of Zhou Li'an's background, he may not be afraid of the gang forces in Mexico at all.

Even if a powerful dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, it will definitely have no problem protecting itself.

With more than 5,000 pieces of fur sold every month, the two of them alone can earn millions of dollars in net profit, and the suppliers behind them can earn tens of millions of dollars every month.

The key point is that this is not a prohibited industry like smoking food, but a gray industry.

If you are not sure, it is impossible to build a factory overseas.

Wang Defa has always suspected that Zhou Li'an is the front spokesperson of the Indian gang, and now it is even more confirmed.

The number of smokers sold by Indians in reservations is also huge, and the supply of smokers across the United States relies on smuggled imports from southern Mexico.

Maybe, Zhou Sheng and some of Lao Mo's gang bosses have already been friends with Amigo!

October 10th.

A migration team of thousands of people arrived at the crocodile beach, and hundreds of warriors quickly cleared away the crocodiles in the muddy shallows.

The people behind them had complicated eyes.

Some people are envious, mostly the warriors of the tribes who stayed behind. They have seen the sharp magical weapons of their compatriots along the way, and they are salivating.

Someone is confused...

That day, the battle group roared and roared, making them surrender.

A treasonous massacre is inevitable.

More than seventy people from the patriarch's clan were wiped out, and no one survived; they cut off the scalps of the dead and took them to the Tushi Tribe as glorious trophies to be dedicated to the true god in their mouths.

The tribesmen were confused because of this.

It is foolish for the tribe elders to move the whole clan and give up the settlement territory. And when winter is approaching, large-scale tribal gatherings will not only be unable to stay together for warmth, but will also lead to fighting due to scarcity of supplies.

However, the elder who had surrendered to Kou Li earlier quickly convinced all the tribal elders——

"Although I am not as old and wise as the elders, I have passed through the long river of time, but I am still one of the wisest people in the tribe."

"I will naturally consider what you are considering."

"Our Lord is merciful and generous. When He sends down a divine decree, there will be His will. We humble mortals only need to follow the guidance."

"Hundreds of battle group warriors, as well as those who were the chief's most loyal guards, have all surrendered and loyal to our lord Kung Fu. Isn't this enough to show that the true god has come?"

Perhaps they were not completely convinced, but they still wavered in their decision to migrate and led the tribe to pack up and set off.

And now, the destination is right in front of us...

They became more and more confused.

There are conflicting emotions in my heart.

Not only are they looking forward to seeing the true God, but they are also worried about the future of their Modoc tribe and the tens of thousands of people from each tribe.

Unless they see it with their own eyes, they cannot understand the power of the true God.

After crossing the crocodile beach, only half a day was left for the journey, and thousands of them needed to rest and eat.

Because they brought all the supplies of the tribe with them when they arrived, everyone was carrying heavy luggage.

But at this moment.

There were bursts of smoke and dust on the distant horizon.

Vaguely, people felt that the ground they were sitting on was trembling slightly, and even the fine sand and gravel began to beat.

People's eyes traced the source of the sound.

Soon, they saw a group of tall black figures running towards them quickly.

Thousands of people were frightened, and some shouted alarms——


"It's a herd of bison!!"

"It's a herd of hundreds of bison! Spread out, spread out, abandon those cumbersome luggage!"

The crowd was in a hurry.

The women dragged their children, and the warriors took out their weapons for defense. However, some tribal elders were reluctant to part with their precious luggage and belongings, and were trampled by a group of beasts.

"Run quickly!"

"I don't want any of these things!"

"A buffalo charge will kill us!"

However, someone discovered something unusual——

"There's someone on those bison!"

“Someone is riding on the back of a bison!”

at the same time.

The elder roared: "Don't panic, calm down! That is my Lord's creation, it is the most docile beast in the world!"

"Knight, that is a balanced knight..."

"The people of Balance will enjoy the blessings of our Lord, and the warriors of Balance will ride these beasts called 'steeds' to spread the glory of Balance across the earth for our Lord!!"

when his words came out.

The warriors who had long surrendered to Koulian finally discovered the clue——

"That's not a herd of bison!"

"It's a knight!"

"My Lord! Tushi, the Tushi Department has so many ferocious beasts that can be ridden and controlled!"

They spontaneously knelt down to praise, their whole bodies trembling.

Only the tribesmen who were still not convinced that there was a true god in this world still stood there, staring confusedly and uneasily at the incoming army of ferocious beasts, not knowing whether they should run away or not.


The beast army is approaching.

The galloping horses slowed down, and the warriors on horseback were all extremely brave. Their spears were slung across their backs, reflecting dazzling light in the sun...

Everyone was stunned watching this scene.

They don't know whether there is a true God coming to this world.

But in front of you.

These nearly a hundred knights who are able to control ferocious beasts and hold magical weapons must be a holy legion created only by gods.

In this world, nothing will be able to stop them and the beasts under them, so they sweep the earth!!

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Hundreds of warriors shouted.

And the knights on the horse did not need to climb the mountain to lead them. The knights spontaneously shouted piously -

"Praise for balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

This chapter has been completed!
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