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【65】Protect the family and defend the country

Zhou Li'an has completed all preparations for moving south.

500 horses and 100 carriages; and giving the tribesmen ample time to learn. The tribesmen are extremely passionate about horses because they have fantasized about taming certain large animals countless times, but they have never been able to do it.

And love is the best motivation for learning.

There is sufficient food and clothing storage, there is no shortage of food and drink on the road, and there is no need to worry about the severe cold in winter.

Tribal people are hardworking and hardworking.

However, young children and elderly people may get injured or injured on the road. At that time, the injured and injured people can ride in the carriage.

Yes, horse-drawn carriages are not just for carrying goods.

A large tribe of 15,000 people has an astonishing amount of supplies. It is simply unrealistic to rely on 100 carriages to take them all away.

Therefore, no matter in modern times or in ancient times, you must go through a "break-up" before moving.

Fortunately, as a hunting people, the native North Americans did not have many possessions.

They only carried bedding, clothing, weapons, and the food they had stored before, and discarded the rest.

Considering that the tents that were erected were not easy to come by, Zhou Li'an ordered people to dismantle them and pile them on the ground, waiting for him to perform a miracle with a wave of his hand and put all the tents into the system space.

In fact, these tents will still be eliminated after arriving in California.

Because after the formal settlement, it is necessary to establish a city-state, and tents are only used for the transitional stage.

Ever since.

During these three days of separation, for the first time after the arrival of the true god, the tribesmen shed tears of sadness and reluctance.

Eighty percent of most household appliances are thrown away.

They are afraid of poverty, and some stone utensils are even heirlooms passed down from generations to dozens of generations.

But in Zhou Li'an's eyes, these things are worthless and do not even have future archaeological value.

Even those exquisite red copper jewelry only cost dozens or hundreds of dollars in today's world.

The gold rush is about to begin.

Is it cool to wear copper jewelry?

Everyone has a big gold chain. Isn’t it fragrant?

After settling, he will also give more modern tools to ease the difficulty of production and life. Those primitive and heavy tools have no meaning at all.

October 31st.

The day before departure, Zhou Li'an returned to the present world.

The 10,000 sets of spearheads, knives and daggers he ordered last time arrived, with a total value of US$450,000; this reduced his bank balance to US$2.35 million.

In just over a month, US$10 million bottomed out.

In fact, the purchasing power is still very strong. First of all, the previous food hoarding is enough for tens of thousands of people to live for two years. The total cost of ordering horses and carriages is 800,000 US dollars. Other items such as generators, audio equipment, and rental horse farms and trailers are zero.

Never mention it...

The biggest one is actually system overhead.

I drove the [3 Second Hand Man] more than a dozen times to show miracles and spent more than 700,000 yuan; the most terrifying thing was the 500-horse [Time and Space Travel], which cost a total of 5 million US dollars.

However, the tannery factory in Juarez is already under construction, so Zhou Li'an does not have to worry about money. There will be no expenses in the process of moving south, and the remaining savings are enough to cover the next few months.

No matter how bad it is, there are still more than 5,000 furs in the system warehouse, which are all obtained by tribal hunting these days. If they are handed over to Wang Defa and sold to the previous shipping channel, he can quickly draw a large amount of funds.

Then, Zhou Li'an paid the water and electricity bills for several months in advance to avoid the toll collectors from visiting. The most important thing was to tell Wang Defa his whereabouts and to contact him by phone after 12 o'clock every night. If he didn't get through, he would try again the next day.

Although he had no intention of eating and sleeping with the tribesmen during the migration, he might not be able to return to the living world every night in case of any emergency.

If anything happens to the tannery factory, Wang Defa can make his own decision. Anyway, Lao Wang is responsible for the investment costs in building the factory, so there is no need to pay for it himself.

That night was Halloween.

Because Hood Farm is remote enough, there are no naughty children carrying jack-o-lanterns who come to make trouble and ask for candy. When he first rented an apartment, Zhou Li'an had a lot of headaches about this holiday.

However, in another parallel time and space, Christian festivals such as Halloween will no longer exist. What festivals will be celebrated in the future will be decided by the Kinkou Sect!


Two consecutive draws will start in October and November.


【Congratulations, you got it!】


【Congratulations, you have sex again!】

Moving south is imminent, but "gg"?

Zhou Li'an chose to speak harshly: "Good luck, good luck, the move to the south is imminent, good luck, and there is also a cash reward of 888, it's a good sign!"

[System time November 1, 1400]

Outside Tushi Valley.

Under the command of our Lord, the migratory troops of tens of thousands of people set off in a mighty manner.

300 Knights of Balance, 200 leading the way, 100 behind; 100 two-horse carriages arranged among 37 groups, carrying food. When waiting for a stop, the tribesmen can get it nearby, so that the team will not become chaotic.

In addition to the young men carrying luggage, there are also warriors with spears and steel knives guarding both sides, mainly to protect the children from getting lost.

Such a migratory team is more than 3 kilometers long, with no end as far as the eye can see.

It took a full 40 minutes after the vanguard set off for the last team to set off, because the road they passed was too narrow to allow too many people to go parallel.

The current width is roughly 4 or 5 people in a row. This is the march design after Zhou Li'an's last exploration and inspection.

Zhou Li'an did not rush to lead the way, but rode his horse beside the migration team to observe the status of the tribesmen.

Only two hours after setting off, I fell behind.

The elders of the tribe could not keep up with the pace of the young people. After a slight pause, the migrating dragon was cut in half.

After a while, Zhou Li'an could only order the guards who were following him to ride to the front to notify the team to pause.

Not long after, I climbed up the mountain and came on horseback. I dismounted first to worship our Lord, and then I saw something strange about the team here.

When he found an old man who was tired and pale, he became furious. He stepped forward and waved his whip, making an astonishing crack in the air.

Climbing the mountain said angrily: "This is a test set by my lord. It has only been a long time since we set out. Can't you still not be able to persevere?!"

"You are bringing shame to your people and shame to your descendants!"

Beside the old man, several family members bowed their heads and remained silent.

And his seven or eight-year-old grandson was already crying and trembling with fear.

The old man gritted his teeth, straightened his rickety body with difficulty, and shouted: "I am willing to die to atone for my sins! I will never let my tribe be shamed because of me!"

"Great Patriarch Tushi, kill me! I'm just a drag on all the people of Balance!"

After shouting.

He burst into tears and knelt down to Zhou Li'an: "My lord, please forgive your humble people for not being able to serve you. At this moment, I am willing to sacrifice my soul to you."

After he finished speaking, there was silence all around.

Countless people's eyes trembled and they cast respectful glances at the old man.

The old man's grandson stood in front of his grandfather at this moment, crying and shouting: "My grandfather was once the most heroic warrior of the tribe. He once killed three gray wolves alone!"

"Shut up!!" The old man pushed him away and cursed, "I'm old and I shouldn't be a burden to everyone! Even the most heroic alpha wolf in the pack will leave alone after aging."

But at this moment.

"Climb the mountain." Zhou Li'an's voice came.

Only then did everyone realize that our Lord was approaching, and people around him knelt down to worship.

The same goes for mountain climbing.

Zhou Li'an said: "Let me ask you, when you grow old, do you also want others to regard you as a burden?"

Climbing the mountain was stunned for a moment and said: "My lord is above, if I am a burden, I am willing to die in exchange for the liberation of my tribe and not to be a burden."

He glanced at the old man again and continued: "But I respect him. I believe that he was a brave warrior, and I believe that he is the most devout believer of our lord Ji Ji."

The old man looked at him and smiled freely: "My death is worth it... I once heard a story."

"The daughter of the great Patriarch Tushi, that incomparably noble 'witch', once sacrificed herself to beg our Lord for forgiveness for us humble people."

"That witch is great, and I am willing to imitate and follow her feats! I also hope that the people of Balance can complete my Lord's test, rescue that great witch, and wake up from eternal sleep."

When these words came out of his mouth, Climbing's figure began to tremble unconsciously.

He had to admit that since the migration day was getting closer, he had become more and more anxious. He had sworn to my lord that he would lead his people to complete this test.

He even made a promise in front of his wife and children to awaken the snow girl.

As a father, as a patriarch, and as a balanced citizen, he must complete his mission.

Everyone is watching our Lord, waiting for His verdict.

Zhou Li'an continued to talk to Shanshan: "So, Shanshan, do you want to kill all the old people who are unable to move forward?"

Climbing the mountain was stunned and speechless, unable to speak.

"What about the children? Do you also want to kill all the future of those Balanced warriors who have not yet grown up?"

"My Lord, I..."

"And women, those who have the hope of having children."

"I, I don't know... My lord, climbing a mountain is stupid, I, I don't know." Climbing a mountain shouted and shed tears.

It is impossible that he was not under great pressure. When tens of thousands of people gathered, he felt powerless and had no time to consider what might happen during the migration.

I have experience in leading a mountain climbing team, but leading a hunting team and leading a tribe of tens of thousands of people to migrate are two completely different things.

Zhou Li'an glanced at the crowd and said loudly: "Under the balance, we are all subjects; you are all believers and servants of the witch. From the moment you devote yourself to piety, you will receive my blessing and favor."

"What exactly is my test?"

"Is it just asking you to migrate from one place to another? Then why abandon the already built settlement?"

"I hope you will learn to think..."

"On this road of hardship, use your eyes to see, use your ears to listen, and use your heart to feel."

"Balanced people are all brothers and sisters."

"The strong should take care of the weak, help the old and the young, and love women; instead of taking out the sword I gave you and pointing the light and shadow towards your brothers and sisters."

"As the patriarch and leader appointed by me, you have the responsibility and obligation to protect the people of Balance instead of harming them."

"Do you know why I forgave the Snow Lady's sins instead of letting her fall into eternal annihilation?"

Climbing the mountain, I looked up and shook my head with red eyes.

Zhou Li'an said: "Because her soul called me, and she is willing to die to beg for the joy and peace of all of you."

"But you, Yuki-onna's father, are exactly the opposite."

"When you encounter hardship, all you want to do is to hold the butcher knife high!!"

"Ah -" Shanshan shouted in pain. He felt so ashamed that he knelt down in front of Zhou Li'an and knocked his head hard, "My lord, please reduce the punishment! Shanshan has no face to lead the people of Hexiang again."

, and even more shameless to face...Witch again."

This situation is something no one has ever imagined.

Countless people believed that the old man's death was his final destination.

After long journeys and fatigue, the elderly and children will suffer injuries and illnesses. This is an inevitable result, and in order to complete the test of our Lord, they will not hesitate even if they face death.

But who knows, our Lord has mercy on the old man, and spreads His mercy to all the balanced people.

Zhou Li'an bent down, took away the mountain-climbing whip, tore off his clothes from bottom to top, and lifted them over his shoulders.


He swung the whip down hard and hit the mountain climber's back.

In an instant, a bloodstain appeared, and blood oozed out at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing the skin to swell and crack, leaving bloody scars.

The pain of climbing a mountain made me lie on the ground, holding back the screams of pain that almost came out of my mouth.

"This time, I forgive your sin."

"But from now on, on the road of trials and tribulations, every time a balanced citizen is killed due to your leadership, you will be punished once."

"You should think about how to protect the people of Balance and lead them to complete this test that may involve life and death."

"Did you hear it?"

Shanshan climbed up like an electric shock, continued to kneel down and said: "My Lord is above, Shanshan is willing to obey every commandment of my Lord and listen to your will."

Zhou Li'an threw the riding whip to him, turned around and looked at the old man: "Your mortal body is old and weak. I have set a law of balance. All things in the world, birth, old age, sickness and death, are normal; therefore, the hardships along the way

, you need to endure it.”

"But I can give a promise to all the people of Koujiang; whoever surrenders to me, obeys my divine will, and serves Koujiao. After death, I will personally open the door to the afterlife for you and others, and lead Koujiao's people."

"You are old and have no chance to establish meritorious deeds and glory; but if your descendants can make meritorious deeds for Balance, they can receive the blessing of 'eternal life' and witness with me the changes of the years in this world, spanning the long river of time.


Speaking of which.

He walked up to the old man's grandson and rubbed his relatively clean little head: "If you can protect and shout for your elderly grandfather when everyone else is unmoved, you will definitely be a heroic figure in the Kingdom of Balance in the future.

Warriors can protect their homeland and guard the Kingdom of God."

"I will give you the name Zhou Weiguo."

"How do you like it?"

The kid was immediately dumbfounded.

Even when he first migrated to pay homage to our Lord, he only knelt down from a distance of five steps and did not dare to look at the true God.

But at this time, my master, Ji-Jiang, was not only in front of him, but also touched his head with his big warm hands.

The true god's body exuded a delicious fragrance, which he had never smelled in his life.

Not to mention...

Give a name?

The gods gave the name to protect the homeland and guard the kingdom of God.

The child's face turned red and he almost suffocated and wanted to faint.

"You stupid boy, why don't you worship and praise our Lord?" The old man knelt down again, his knees banging loudly, and he hurriedly pushed his grandson to the ground.

Finally, the child returned to God and cried with joy. His soft forehead hit the ground, leaving scars quickly: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance... I swear that when I grow up, I will protect my homeland and guard the Kingdom of God.

Give everything I have to serve my Lord.”

"My name is...Zhou Weiguo!!" His pronunciation was not standard, but he swore the oath with courage.

At this time, the surrounding tribesmen also followed the praise and let out deafening shouts——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"My Lord is balanced and merciful. Balance...is in all things!"

This chapter has been completed!
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