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God created the world in six days and designated the seventh day as the Sabbath.

Believers regard the Sabbath as a holy day and bathe in worship, also called Sunday.

However, ancient Babylon had established the "seven days a week" time unit as early as more than 1,000 BC.

This means that the Bible was not copied, but Zhou Li'an didn't believe it anyway.

Patricia carried a small bag, which contained two sets of changes of clothes and the laptop that Jonah used for writing, and got into the car.

When the car started, she opened her mouth: "My dad..."

Patricia didn't know how to speak.

It was impossible not to worry about people disappearing into thin air before her eyes, but she believed in Zhou Li'an very much, so she felt it was unnecessary to ask after opening her mouth.

"He's fine. His memory will stay at this moment. It's up to you to explain what happened these days to him in the future."


The whole journey was speechless.

Arrive at Hood Farm.

Zhou Li'an felt that the dog was annoying, so he thought about it and threw it into the system space.

After putting it in, he regretted it.

Mudd, the next time I take it out, it will be 9999. What a waste for such a dog.

Cook and eat.

Zhou Li'an pointed to the tableware: "Can you wash dishes?"

Patricia shook her head and nodded again: "I can learn."

"After washing, you can go to the guest bedroom on the second floor to rest. I've made the bed. You don't need to teach me how to take a shower. I'll start making final preparations tomorrow morning. You have two days."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Li'an disappeared in front of her.

When the relationship reaches this point, there is nothing left to hide.

He also has to go to the tribe to teach cultural classes. There is no plug-in to solve the education problem of tribal children, and he can only do it himself.

In the living room.

Patricia sat on the chair for a long time without moving, shocked and speechless.

Nowadays, even in Oregon, spring is already here.

And in California, where the equilibrium is 1 year.

Winter is extremely long.

While climbing the mountain, several scouts were sent out to investigate, but snow always covered the Yosemite Valley, preventing the army from entering.

Some of the Mono people who were familiar with the valley were selected and trained as knights.

They all said that this winter was unusual. Before winter came, the birds in the valley flew away early.

Zhou Li'an didn't rush to teach them about solar terms and climate. He didn't even know geography. They couldn't understand Xiaoglacier and La Nina.

Fortunately, the tribesmen are durable, have modern cold-proof clothing, and constantly build wooden houses and villas. Their living standards have skyrocketed, and they have not had to endure the hardships of the cold winter.

More than a thousand people were mobilized for house construction, but it did not affect the hunting team's harvest. A large number of bison and furs were brought back to the tribe every day.

The rawhide was directly collected into the system by Zhou Li'an, and part of the fresh beef was consumed and part was marinated and reserved, so no trace of it was wasted.

Bison are extremely abundant.

And the Mono elder reported to Zhou Li'an, "My lord, there are countless bison in the Paiute territory. The Owens Valley is rich in water and grass, and large numbers of bison migrate there every year. Our former furs,

They were all exchanged for salt and acorns."

There are tens of millions of bison in North America, which is really no joke.

The Mono people do know how to make salt, and the method of making salt is extremely primitive. When the finished products were brought to them, they were directly discarded by the balanced war group.

Bah, even dogs won’t eat this kind of salt.

Then, they saw the reward of the true God, the salt and snow as white as the sweet snow in the winter valley, without any bitterness.

Many Mono people still feel that their current life is like a dream.

The number of houses in the area exceeds 100.

Nearly a thousand people have been able to live in peace, and there are rules for who can move in first, with priority given to families with elderly people and infants.

The witch once conveyed the will of our Lord...

Young children should be educated, so schools were opened to teach the language of the gods.

The elderly should be relied on and supported, because every balanced citizen will grow old in the years. The elderly who enjoy happiness and peace now are themselves in the future.

As soon as these words came out.

Several old people cried to death on the spot, something Zhou Li'an never expected.

They were so moved that their heads banged loudly.

Does our Lord, the true God, exempt them from the ritual of worship? This is not right! The true God must have godhead.

Different from ordinary people.

In the future, the hierarchy of titles and bureaucracy will be implemented. Those who meet high-ranking officials do not need to kneel down, but they must kneel down when meeting the true God. This will last forever and cannot be changed.


Patricia continued to practice shooting.

But on the 18th, after only practicing for half a day, Zhou Li'an stopped and asked her to come inside and inform her of tomorrow's arrangements.

March 19, sunny.

11 am.

Worship center next to the regional church.

Boom boom boom!

The sudden gunfire triggered a frenzy among the crowd, and the screams continued——


"Oh my god, it's an attack, a terrorist attack... an attack!"

"Father Spencer, Father Spencer has been shot!"

"Where is the murderer? Catch him!"

The crowd fled outside, and the armed police officers at the door could not rush in; when the crowd dispersed and the scene was sealed off, only an old man wearing a black robe was left lying in a pool of blood.

He was shot 7 times and his old face was beaten to pieces.

And the murderer disappeared without a trace.

"This was a premeditated, heinous murder!"

"The deceased is Father Spencer, who is admired by countless people!"

"Oh, Fuck, look what is that? There is an envelope and the murderer's weapon..."

"Don't move, be careful of damaging the scene."

When the Crime Branch detectives arrived, they quickly grasped the clues.

The worship center has surveillance video that completely records the scene of the shooting. The murderer was an 18-year-old girl. After information comparison, she was named Patricia Jonah.

The envelope left at the scene all matched the fingerprints on the firearm.

After the letter was opened, a criminal confession named Patricia was left behind——

"Thirteen years ago, I was violated by the devil Spencer. This is his retribution. He deserves it. He is not worthy of being a priest..."

The case was solved surprisingly quickly.

Only on the evening news that evening, the whole state reported this important news, and the media, with their hands and eyes, actually photographed the criminal's self-report letter that was placed in the evidence room.

At the same time, a scandal from 13 years ago was revealed.

Caused an uproar.

The slum area that had been so quiet suddenly became lively; the media once again demonstrated their professional capabilities and even arrived at Jonah's house before the police.

But the problem is...

This morning, a fire burned down this old house that had not been repaired for many years. Eyewitnesses said it was caused by a girl.

At this point, the clues are broken.

But the existing evidence has allowed them to identify the suspect.

A police spokesman who held a press conference said -

"Patricia Jonah is an extremely dangerous criminal, and she suffers from severe bipolar disorder and anti-social personality tendencies."

"Due to the chaos in the church at the time of the incident, she was able to escape. Now we have jointly launched a pursuit operation with the FBI and offered a reward."

"Secondly, the prisoner does not have the ability to take care of himself. His father, Luke Jonah, has been malicious to the victim for many years and has a high degree of criminal tendencies. He is likely to be the mastermind of this case, and he is now wanted."

Media reporters seized the exposed self-report letter and asked:

"Did Father Spencer really assault this girl 13 years ago?"

"We have retrieved the news from that year. Why didn't the police follow up the investigation after half of the case? Was it the diocese that put pressure on you?"

"It is said that Luke Jonah was once a rising star in the regional church. Why would such a person falsely accuse Godfather Spencer back then?"

Of course the police were helpless and quickly ended the press conference.

At this time, the whole state was already shaken, and there was even a tendency to expand across the country.

After all, this was a blatant, horrifying murder of a high-ranking member of the church, and involved an old case.

But what is puzzling is...

The police tried their best to investigate, but could not find any clues about the father and daughter.

They seemed to have disappeared from the world.

At this moment.

A woman in her late thirties stood in front of the TV media camera and said, "I am one of the victims of Spencer's clutches! Back then, when I was in the choir, I also encountered his heinous treatment!


"My parents had planned to file a lawsuit, but ultimately failed due to lack of evidence. However, the devil Spencer still had a guilty conscience. He gave my parents a hush money and wanted us to never mention this matter again!"

"Yes, the document has been notarized... but thankfully, this devil is dead now, and I no longer need to abide by that damn legal agreement!"

"I now swear in the name of God that I have been violated by this demon. If there are other girls who have been violated, you should also come forward!"

"Because, Patricia has helped us deal with him! She is our hero, woo woo woo."

"Spencer, he deserves it!"

It was lively now.

Young women have come forward one after another to denounce it. It is difficult to tell whether it is true or false, whether it is true or just to gain popularity. Various short essays have been written in tears.

And all of this has nothing to do with Zhou Li'an.

He waited at home for a whole week. Not to mention the police, not even a police car was seen.

Under the pressure of public opinion from both parties, the murderer is clear and absconding in fear of crime, making other investigations redundant.

The only trace of Zhou Li'an's existence was destroyed by a fire at Jonah's house.

And that gun was stolen from a patrol officer using the system when he was temporarily staying in Portland last month, but it couldn't be traced to Zhou Li'an.

Nowadays, there are an endless stream of voices criticizing Spencer, and the incident has become more heated, but the direction of public opinion has changed.

For the church, which is in the midst of a storm of public opinion, they do not want the case to be solved.

Because once there is a confrontation in court, Spencer's crime will be confirmed. In the final analysis, evil causes have evil consequences. The church cannot withstand the situation continuing to ferment and expand, so it is better to leave it as an unsolved case.

Silent, then swallowed by time.

March 25th.

After waiting for the police to investigate to no avail, Zhou Li'an finally set off for Juarez at Wang Defa's urging.

The popularity of the assassination has dropped a lot. Although the small town of Salem is still hotly debated, in today's era of information explosion, people's attention is being refreshed and changed every day.


Zhou Li'an still came to the import and export trade zone to rent containers. This time he loaded 8,000 furs, filling three containers, before heading to the tannery.

Lao Wang smelled the bloody smell of the fur and was extremely intoxicated.

The only unpleasant thing is that the price of fur dropped from 4,200 to 3,800 dollars per piece this month. After the leather company learned about the factory's output, it began to lower the price.

Of course, this was both within their expectations.

This month's 5,000 furs made a profit of 19 million U.S. dollars.

1.9 million is the dividend between the two people, and excluding expenses, 1.7 million is shared equally.


"Ah Chow Sang, I have already taken care of the house you asked me to buy. Now I just need to pay for the transfer. The house has a safe room and the security system is connected to the local security company. If there is danger, we can dispatch it faster than the police."


"It's just that the price is a bit high, the asking price is 2.85 million knives."

This is absolutely sky-high in Juarez.

The main value lies in the safe employment agreements between the safe houses and security companies, all of which do business with gangs.

Residents pay money to report that they are safe.

Zhou Li'an did not let him deduct the money directly from the public account, but paid with his own money first. He continued to maintain a personal background of "there is someone behind me".

The house is, of course, for Jonah and his daughter.

But now is not the time to let them out. When public opinion decreases, they can be allowed to become their spokespersons in Mexico.

The good thing about a chaotic land is that there are desperadoes everywhere.

The bosses of various gangs are all on the international wanted list. Do you really think that the FBI can't find them? It's just a matter of shared interests.

As long as the wings are full enough in the future...

Even if Patricia's identity and background were revealed, she was not afraid at all.

Not to mention the United States, all the telecom fraud bosses who have fled outside the Yunnan line are living in a dream, and they have the courage to make public noises.

House purchase payment.

Zhou Li'an still had a deposit of 20 million yuan. After excluding the two's dividends, 17 million US dollars was credited to his account, and his assets soared to 37 million yuan.

Another 10 million will be deducted for the horse investment, which means 27 million will be left.

It is enough to buy a plane.

However, there is always some spare money on hand, so the fur shipment next month will be increased to 8,000 pieces.

It takes a month to order the aircraft.

Zhou Li'an doesn't have to worry about financial pressure.

that day.

Stay overnight.

Lao Wang also talked about Patricia's assassination, "What a coincidence, Zhou Sheng, you just mentioned this father and daughter during Christmas and New Year, who would have thought that this kind of attack and assassination would happen next..."

"So, as a human being, you still have to do good deeds and accumulate virtue."

"Spencer may have had enough of a living. His family will definitely have no shame in living in the United States anymore. They will be stained for the rest of their lives and will have no choice but to leave their homeland."

"Azhou Sang, where do you think Jonah and his daughter can escape to?"

Zhou Li'an looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, "What do you think? If it were you, where would you run away?"

"If you have money, just find a small island in the Pacific and live a comfortable life."

"But Jonah and his daughter are poor and have no choice but to run to Mexico. Whether they can survive is anyone's guess."

"Haha." Zhou Li'an smiled even harder, "You are right."

Wang Defa was stunned at this moment. He always felt that there was something in Zhou Sheng's words.

Is Zhou Sheng related to this matter?

No, no, no, how could he get into such big trouble?

The leather factory is related to such a large business, and the forces behind him will not allow him to mess around.

After calming down.

Lao Wang continued to speculate: "Maybe, Jonah and his daughter will be discovered in a mountain town in a while. They have no way to smuggle themselves into Mexico. They are thousands of miles away from Mexico. Hey, they are also poor people."

Zhou Li'an: "Poor people? Then you must be capable. Can you help them?"

Lao Wang: "I'll help if I can, but I'm a young person with a lot of ambition but not enough strength. I only ask Bodhisattva to bless them when I burn incense... If you ask me, God is not as effective as Bodhisattva."

"By the way, Zhou Sheng, I help you burn incense and worship Buddha every day. You don't need to thank me. This is what I should do..."

Zhou Li'an took out a tag and said, "I don't believe in Bodhisattva, I believe in this."

"Tai Chi? Taoism? Taoism and Buddhism are all the same."

"This is called balance."

"I understand, there are two poles of yin and yang. Zhou Sheng, are you a man of steel? I'll bring you an emerald one another day."

Haha, you know a hammer.

This chapter has been completed!
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