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【83】Weather Forecast and Academic Center

Open the system panel, not much has changed.

There are just two new features.

【Weather Forecast】

【Academic Center】

After turning on the [Weather Forecast] function, it is no surprise that you need to pay to use it; daily report is 9999, monthly report is 258,000, and annual report is 2.88 million.

He looks like a member of a video website, and the discount is just right.

It can be said that the function is useless, but it is not the case.

The climate of the Little Ice Age was abnormal, and weather forecasts could avoid disasters. In the absence of a modern weather forecast system, the system quoted 2.88 million annual weather forecasts, which can be considered high quality and low price.

After all, this is a technical gap. Unless KINO can reach the scientific and technological level of launching meteorological satellites, even if KINO people have someone who specializes in meteorology in the future, it will be a metaphysical forecast with impressive accuracy.

As for the [Academic Center], Zhou Li'an was shocked.

[The system launches the building "Junior Academic Center": summarizes the teaching materials of various subjects in primary school, junior high school and high school, eliminates time, history, and character information that are inconsistent with this time and space, and completes the purification of knowledge. 】

Literally, this is a library.

But the important point is "knowledge purification", which eliminates the history and related figures of the development of academic research.

In short, after the language popularization among the people of Kyodo is completed, they will definitely need to acquire deeper subject knowledge.

It is impossible for Mr. Zhou Li'an to take out the "Biological Laws of the Balance Bible" and write on it: "The founders of the cell theory are mainly two German scientists Schleiden and Schwann..."

It would definitely be a huge project to eliminate this kind of reference research.

After entering a higher knowledge field, it is even more indispensable to verify and cite the academic processes and achievements of senior scholars in various papers published.

Even if you spend money to form a team in this world and specifically eliminate this information, no large team can handle it even if it takes several years of investment.

Is a few years an exaggeration?

Please, any of the current high-level academic figures are not proficient in English. All high-end academic achievements must be published in English.

It will be extremely difficult to translate the massive number of papers in the future into Chinese.

Now, the system directly solves this trouble and completes "knowledge purification", and the authors of these academic achievements will be owned by Equilibrium.

Future Western barbarians will also have to experience the feeling of being restricted and monopolized by Chinese academic publishing.

Of course.

The weather forecast still costs $2.88 million.

The [Junior Academic Center] is 5 million dollars, clearly marked price. The [Intermediate Academic Center] is 50 million dollars, covering university knowledge.

[Advanced Academic Center] is 500 million.

Finally there is the [Ultimate Academic Center], this time there is no price tag, the opening conditions are:???

Seeing this, Zhou Li'an couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "System, why are the opening conditions for the last level academic center unknown?"

[If the system function is unknown, it means that the system usage rights are insufficient. Please upgrade and update the system version to check...]

【If you spend over 500,000,000, the system will be updated to version 3.0!】

Everyone in Zhou Li'an was numb.

Dog system!!

The 2.0 upgrade only costs 10 million; the next level directly increases to 500 million.

However, if the [Advanced Academic Center] is not even built, the [Ultimate Academic Center] will have no meaning in existence, otherwise it will just be like reading from heaven.

The academic center is just a library that provides intellectual reading.

If you really want to master the content, you need balanced people to study and learn with concentration, rather than direct infusion from the system.

But even so, this function is invincible.

Knowledge purification.

Complete subject knowledge.

As long as you graduate from [Intermediate Academic Center], you can build cars, railways, airplanes, and cannons. It is not impossible for a chemical genius with a higher talent to build an atomic bomb.

After all, knowledge is open, and the reason why it cannot be produced in this world is because of limitations imposed by materials and laws.

A scumbag should not judge a top student by his own judgment.

Take the current world as an example.

In the 1980s, a junior student named John Aristotle Phillips used public knowledge to design an atomic bomb model and presented a complete semester report.

Relevant senior officials in the U.S. military verified the feasibility of its academic design and gave the answer that it was not suitable for the U.S. military.

However, the next year, a certain Middle Eastern country came to buy his atomic bomb design plan... Of course, it was terminated by the FBI, invited to have tea, and academically banned as an encrypted file, which cannot be leaked.

The story here is enough to be developed into a chapter of a 007 movie.

Therefore, higher academic studies may not necessarily be practical, but the basic and intermediate subject knowledge that has been demonstrated can be perfectly utilized.

At this moment.

Zhou Li'an could only gasp...

This hook is a bit too wide!!

However, everything must be based on the completion of the unified language; and because there is no teacher to teach, only self-study requires one or two generations of study to pave the way for those who are behind.

But there is plenty of time, and the unification of North America is just around the corner.

If you set a small goal for 50 years, you can always land in Europe and Ming Dynasty first, and tell them——

Sir, times have changed.

If you want to satisfy your bad taste, you can also wait for them to come to your door and give them a surprise of opening a blind box.

They thought the blind box contained golden treasure.

In fact, this blind box is a bomb that explodes immediately after opening the lid.

That picture is so beautiful.

July 9.

Zhou Li'an left with the respect of the seventeenth Ma clan, and 500 horses were given to them for training and study. After mastering the skills, the remaining 3,500 horses would be released.

Return to equilibrium station.

Another group of tribes surrendered.

However, he did not return from climbing the mountain. He was still out on the expedition, and only sent guides to lead the natives from the south to come to pay homage to He even.

All maps of California have been opened, and it is only a matter of time before the entire state is unified.

Zhou Li'an was thinking about how to name this first city-state and how to change the state of California.

But I don’t have any good ideas at the moment, so I’ll put them on hold for now.

California is temporarily represented by the number "1" and other states are marked on the map with subsequent numbers.

This will make it easier for the future to distinguish where the balanced war group has swept away and where it is still waiting to be reclaimed.

The tribe has developed in an orderly manner, and many core spiritual decrees have been issued. The balance is now able to operate on its own without the need for Zhou Li'an's guidance in everything.

This morning.

After Zhou Li'an came to the tribe, he activated an annual weather forecast membership worth US$2.88 million.

When the system was exhaled, he was amused.

"Hey guys, it's just California, right?"

No matter what, it has to come from North America, right?

[The area covered by the weather forecast is subject to the system map development range. The host is requested to continue working hard and open more areas to achieve a better functional experience. 】

Zhou Li'an has nothing to say, why hasn't he opened the full picture yet?

The first goal of purchasing an airplane is to open up the map. It’s time to start taking action on this matter. If you don’t do it, you will never gain anything.

It was this year's [weather forecast] that attracted him again.

[From July 1401 to July 1402, annual disaster warning - 27 times!!]

[From September 11th to 23rd, 1401, due to the abnormal climate of the Little Ice Age, widespread heavy rainfall and typhoon disasters will occur in California on the west coast. Please be prepared for extreme weather disaster warnings...]

[October, regular movement of the San Andreas fault, earthquake magnitude 3.8.]

[November, frost and hail disaster warning...]

【November, earthquake...】

【December, unusual snowfall...】

【December, earthquake.】

System, the annual disaster warning is like the annual bill of a certain treasure...

There is even background music.

Drought, heavy rainfall, frost, and snowfall disasters occurred 15 times.

The most terrifying thing was that there were 12 earthquakes, with the strongest magnitude reaching 4.2.

Are you playing music here?

I thank you.

"..." Zhou Li'an fell silent.

On the one hand, I was pleasantly surprised that the weather forecast function far exceeded expectations, and it even covered geological disaster prediction. It was unexpected that it could predict Nima earthquakes.

on the other hand……

We are at the beginning of the Little Ice Age, and we start the game on the Holy Land Andreas Fault.

Hahaha, some people are making trouble.

However, as long as it is not a major earthquake, the impact will not be too severe; the equilibrium is still in the primitive survival stage, with no high-rise buildings, no power grids, and reservoir construction.

Even if the house collapses, the impact of a one-story villa will be minimal.

But thinking about the future is well-documented——

1857, level 7.9.

1906, level 8.3.

In 1989, level 6.9.

This is just a high-level earthquake disaster. In addition, there are countless small earthquakes; and...

In the four hundred years before the 19th century, at least more than 300 earthquakes occurred along the San Andreas Fault. This is only a rough scientific estimate, and high-level earthquake disasters are unknown.

Today, we must become a witness to the balanced nation-building process.

"California cannot be used as a long-term development area. It can be used as a food base for agricultural development and military port construction after water conservancy construction is completed."

Even if we know that this area is prone to disasters, we cannot give up on the development of California. Large natural deep-water ports are the foundation for the development of the navy.

Don't think about the longer future.

We can take Los Angeles in later generations as a model and build it into a large modern rural area.

Forget about high-rise buildings...

At least before 1906, buildings collapsed as much as they were repaired; the earthquake-proof design was not foolproof.

The United States is so big, there are so many places where people can gather.

What's more, why should we limit our sights to the present? North America and South America are just the starting point.

The balanced future is the whole world.

Return to the present world.

Zhou Li'an used a computer to record the dates of several disasters and printed them out into an exquisite "Balance God's Edict".

It is clear at a glance what kind of disasters will happen in the coming year.

Balanced people can prepare in advance.

At the same time, this once again proves the greatness of the Lord of Balance, and nothing in the world can escape his eyes.

In other words, why doesn't the Lord of Balance avoid these horrific disasters?

The Genesis Chapter of "Bible of Balance" has already been explained.

The Lord of Balance came from the void and created the solar system. The development of the universe and stars should conform to balance and nature.

If human beings are greedy and unwilling to make progress, they will one day be destroyed along with the destruction of the planet. A few years later, new life will become the master of this planet.

All of this is a test for mankind by our Lord.

Work hard, balanced people!

Stop begging our Lord God for blessings in everything!

Generations of people need to work hard to break through the boundaries of gravity and atmosphere and truly see the miraculous creation of our Lord's balance in the entire universe.

Well, this is very scientific.

This is very reasonable.

The gods are from above, and giving you early warning is already a gift. Don't be shameless and push yourself too far.

The next day.

Zhou Li'an summoned Snow Girl and the Presbyterian Council to gather.

Then he gave the prophecy of this disaster.

"I give you enlightenment and blessings, hoping that the balanced people will become stronger and stronger day by day, instead of being unwilling to make progress and becoming lazy."

"How to survive these disasters is the test I have given you. You need to overcome it and temper yourself!"

Everyone obeyed the will and showed no disobedience or disobedience.

The prophecy given by our Lord has made them extremely grateful, and they dare not beg for more.

at the same time.

Zhou Li'an suddenly thought...

Perhaps, [weather forecast] is more than just that?

Opening the map of each state will bring disaster predictions. Central North America is not peaceful, and there are tornadoes from time to time.

It is not realistic to go to each tribe to complete the education.

But he can fly airplanes, give them prophecies of disaster, and give them a concept of the coming of the true God.


There's something going on.

Anyway, we have to open up the map, so we can sow the seeds of Balance, and when the Balance battle group sets off, the war will be reduced, and we can directly lead them to migrate here.

Zhou Li'an had a plan in mind and began to implement it.

How to make them understand balance?

This is indispensable for the ‘Idol of My Lord Balance’.

Airdrop the idol, and when the Balanced Battle Group sets off, everyone just needs to take out the idol to check...

Hey, do you have a statue of my Lord?

Hey, you also have a statue of my Lord?

Oh, what a good brother!!

Contacting the wood carving factory in China, Zhou Li'an immediately purchased 100,000 more copies of his own head wood carvings.

Nowadays, all engraving is done by machine, which is very fast, but shipping by sea takes some time.

Zhou Li'an could also go back to China and pick it up himself, and the round trip would take up to three days, but he was too lazy to run, so he just had to wait for half a month.

In addition, an additional "enlarged version" of the new model was ordered.

A human head about 1 meter high and over 40 centimeters wide.

With his chin raised slightly and his eyes squinting at the 45-degree sky, he looked like a leader looking to the future.

The manufacturer doesn't care what this weird customer is doing with so many of his own avatars, what a big order!

100,000 small wood carvings would cost millions.

He also wanted 10,000 sets of the enlarged version, with a final quote of 700 yuan, and the total order price exceeded 10 million.

Zhou Li'an didn't even bother to figure out the price.

It means being rich and prosperous.

The reason why I ordered the enlarged version is to give it a sense of mystery and impact. Although the small wood carving is exquisite, it is not grand enough.

Large and small wood carvings can be placed in combination.

The big one has a visual impact and can be worshiped by everyone in the tribe.

Keep the little one at home and look up to it every day.

And because the volume of goods was huge, Zhou Li'an simply gave away Lao Wang's contact information and asked them to connect.

At that time, it will be shipped directly to Mexico, saving you the trouble of picking it up at the seaport.

When Lao Wang received the call, he was confused.

Statue crafts?

110,000 sets?

With the criminal record of Jonah and his daughter, Wang Defa felt that there was no need to be surprised that Zhou Li'an had committed any earth-shattering case.

The female killer who shocked North America for a while was safely sent to Mexico for refuge by him.

This batch of wood carving handicrafts is definitely not normal!!

No way...is it smuggling some kind of smoking food?

He was so frightened that he asked a lot, and even checked the qualifications of domestic manufacturers to make sure that they were not shipped from X Triangle, so he felt a little more at ease.

Finally, I learned that it was serious wood carving, but I was still suspicious: "Isn't it difficult to do handicraft wood carving business?"

"Our fur business earns millions a month, Zhou Sheng, why do you bother?"

Zhou Li'an would not explain so much to him.

Avoid social death.

What normal person has nothing to do but make 100,000 sets of sculptures of his own head?

Shame, shame, shame!!

This chapter has been completed!
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