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Chapter 195 Old God of Twilight! Patriarch of Ghost Valley!

Just when Venerable Baixiao, Zutu and others were encountering the Yingzhao Old Demon in the East China Sea, Li Zhengjing's Skyflying Boat had already crossed the northern boundary of Zhongzhou and entered the true Far North.

The temperature dropped sharply and it was extremely cold.

There is a vast expanse of white ahead, with no end in sight.

When the wind blows, mixed with frost and snow, the whistling sound is like a shrill wail.

Eighteen years ago, Fengdu Mountain underwent drastic changes. All forces in the world calmed down the turmoil, and finally established the Shuangjiu City to resist the tide of Yin Qi.

But there was no protection to the north of Fengdu Mountain. Many powerful evil spirits fled north and hid in various places.

Because in the bitter cold land of the far north, there are few living creatures and it is difficult to find flesh and blood, so he fell into a deep sleep.

But this time, the underworld army counterattacked the human world, and many evil spirits sleeping in Fengdu Mountain were awakened by it. Although most of them were confused and unconscious, they still had an instinct for the underworld soldiers.

He was afraid, so he fled in all directions.

Some of them fled north, awakening the evil spirits that were originally sleeping in the wind and snow in the north.

This desolate and bitter cold land was filled with chaos for a while, with ghosts crying and gods howling, extremely miserable.

"These Yin spirits and ghosts have some luck. If they are captured by Yin soldiers, they will definitely go to hell and be punished."

The counterfeit medicine dealer said this, looking down from the sky and sighing: "It's been a long time since I've looked down at the earth from above the clouds."

The wind and snow are thick, the air is cold, and ordinary evil spirits dare not come to provoke them.

However, there are some Yin Spirit Corpse Kings who sleep in this cold land, dividing their territories like wild beasts in the mountains and forests. When the Sky Flying Boat passes by, it seems as if they have invaded their territory.

Seeing this, the counterfeit medicine dealer deliberately restrained his energy to avoid the traces of Dongyue Mansion deep in his soul, and frightened away these ghosts.

Li Zhengjing waved his hand, and the sword energy flew across the air, killing the evil spirits.

Then he looked at the counterfeit medicine dealer and said helplessly: "You, the majestic Lord of Dongyue Mansion, have revealed the three-point qi mechanism. How can any evil ghost in the world dare to approach?"

The counterfeit medicine dealer sighed: "You are now so advanced that you don't know my embarrassment. They were so bold when they passed by here before and wanted to devour all my flesh and blood... In the end, they had to use my predecessor's soul and energy to use Dongyue

The power of Fujun frightened them away."

Hearing the words, the wall-hanging bird suddenly realized: "So you feel that the dignified Lord of Dongyue Mansion has lost face. This time, relying on my master to support you, you can find some relief? You are an ancient god after all, how come you are better than Lord Shu?"

Are you being petty?"

When the Five Elements Creation Tree heard this, it was extremely dissatisfied, stretched out its branches, and got into a ball with the wall-hanging bird.

The counterfeit medicine dealer looked at it fiercely and said, "How can such a small bird have so many tricks?"

He looked at Li Zhengjing and explained: "The underworld is going to attack the human world. Regardless of success or failure afterwards, they must return to the underworld... By then, all the ghosts and ghosts in the north will be swept away and taken to the underworld.

be punished."

"People return to the Netherworld after death, but it is inevitable that there will be lonely ghosts wandering around the world. It is also the duty of the Yin Court to capture them and bring them to the Netherworld."

The counterfeit medicine dealer sighed: "If they are caught and brought back, wouldn't my current identity be exposed?"

Li Zhengjing didn't answer, he just raised his hand and swayed his sword energy, destroying all the evil spirits and ghosts that would offend him in the future.

The counterfeit medicine dealer came here to help him go to Tianxing Cave to meet the old god of dusk, so Li Zhengjing also helped him. After all, it was a simple effort.

But Li Zhengjing also understood in his heart that the reason why counterfeit medicine dealers wanted to use his own hands to clear away the ghosts and ghosts on the road must have other plans.

In the future, counterfeit medicine dealers will definitely follow this path again... and may even lead the descendants of the Emperor's Blood God Clan to come along with them.

Now using his sword energy to kill all the evil things in this place can be regarded as clearing the obstacles on this road for the future.

"About 16,000 miles ahead, there is the Tianxing Cave, where the true god of the old age temporarily sleeps."

The counterfeit medicine dealer said: "She is in bad condition. She fell here from heaven and was too turbulent, so she needs to recuperate."

When Li Zhengjing heard this, he remembered the "turning into a god immediately" mentioned by the counterfeit medicine dealer before. He vaguely understood in his heart and said, "What did you mean earlier, was to let me seize her divine body?"

"That's not true. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the true gods of the old era have entered the end of their twilight...after all, they are still powerful beings that transcend the boundaries of the human world."

The counterfeit medicine dealer continued: "In ancient distant times, they once ruled the world, but now...their era has passed."

"The avenues of the old era that they relied on were wiped out by heaven and have gradually declined and withered away. Therefore, these old gods have fallen one after another in the long river of time, and only a few are left, lingering."

"I didn't expect that such a god from the old era was hidden among the stars that fell to the earth this time."

After a pause, the counterfeit medicine dealer said: "Actually, it is this old god who is unwilling to find a successor to inherit her throne."

When Hao Jian heard this, he suddenly became enlightened and said: "You said that by becoming a god immediately, you want my master to inherit the position of the god of the old era?"

"Yes, but in fact this is a dead end. The gods of the old era have entered the dusk and will eventually perish!"

The counterfeit medicine dealer was quite calm when he said this. He spread his hands and said: "To tell you the truth, I really wanted Li Zhengjing to inherit her power, so that there would be a figure in the world who could compete with Qian Huan Divine Lord, or even kill Qian Huan.

The figure of the Divine Lord makes me have no worries..."

Having said this, he found that everyone in the serious gang had some evil looks, so he quickly explained: "I have always been a childlike person in business, and I have no intention of harming your master. Originally, regarding the situation of the true gods in the old days,

I also intend to tell the truth and let you make your own decision. Whether to inherit or not is entirely voluntary."

"Then why do you think my master will agree?"

The Five Elements Creation Tree waved its branches and asked like this.

"That piece of shit Qianhuan Shenjun is too powerful. After Tianqing Dao Zun Xiaju ascended to the throne, he died and returned to the world. Does your master still have any choice?"

The counterfeit medicine dealer said this and looked at Li Zhengjing.

Li Zhengjing looked calm and did not respond. If there were no golden pages... this might be the best choice.

If you don't inherit the position of the old god, you will die at the hands of the Thousand Illusion God Lords in this world.

By inheriting the position of the old god, you will have the power to compete with the Thousand Illusion God Lords, and you will have the hope to survive this disaster and move towards the future.

"The old god of dusk is also a true god after all. He can appreciate the power of the true god. If he were a cultivator in the world, few would refuse!"

The counterfeit medicine dealer continued: "After all, in this world, the immortal path will never be able to ascend, and no matter how powerful the creatures in the world are, they will eventually die and return to dust, and the result will be the same..."

He looked at Hao Jian and said: "For example, you... In my opinion, you have a chance to become an immortal in this life, but if you want to become a master-level strongman, I'm afraid there is little hope! If I give you a chance now, I can make you

Are you willing to have the fighting power of immortals and gods beyond the boundaries of the human world?"

Hao Jian was startled for a moment and looked at Li Zhengjing.

And Li Zhengjing was also looking forward to his answer.

Hao Jian pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "With one choice, you can have a powerful power that I can't achieve even in this life's struggle. Of course I am willing."

"Isn't that great? It's like getting rich suddenly. How many people in the world can refuse?"

The counterfeit medicine dealer said: "What's more... a figure as powerful as a master can only live for a thousand years, and the true gods of the old era are still true gods after all. Even if they will continue to weaken over time, they can still survive in the world and endure through thousands of years.

Live forever."

Having said this, the counterfeit medicine dealer looked at Li Zhengjing, shook his head, and said helplessly: "It's a pity that in your current situation, you are not far from death, and you have broken an arm and cannot recover. More importantly, you are contaminated.

The power of the curse of the Nixian cannot be dispelled... It is impossible for the old god to choose you to inherit her throne."

"I don't want to inherit the position of the old god and enter a desperate situation."

Li Zhengjing looked solemn and said seriously: "I just want to ask her to help me."

When the counterfeit medicine dealer heard this, he looked thoughtful, as if he was planning something.

Li Zhengjing just looked at him without speaking, waiting for the next step.

The counterfeit medicine dealer thought for a long time before speaking out: "The true immortal who fell into this world in the past has a great background. It is said that he also contains deep secrets involving the orthodoxy of the immortal way!"

"In the past, all living beings shared food in vain hopes of ascending to heaven. Today, only Qian Huan Shenjun remains..."

"Qianhuan Shenjun can be regarded as the last trace of the true immortal, and he may have inherited its secrets."

"For these old gods, it is extremely important!"

"I can't confirm whether the old god is willing to help you, but I can conclude..."

The counterfeit medicine dealer said seriously: "If you tell the other party these words, she will definitely want to kill Qian Huan Shenjun, seize the orthodoxy of the immortal way, and restore the glory of the old god era."

As the conversation continued, the flying boat had passed thousands of miles away and was approaching the Star Cave.

However, at the same time, to the west of Zhongzhou, there are high mountains and dense forests. As far as the eye can see, the forest sea is boundless.

But at this moment, among the mountains and forests, with the gurgling stream, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and turned into a human figure.

The figure was crouched and looked old, but he had wings on his back with bright golden feathers.

Upon closer inspection, this man has golden eyes and a mouth full of fangs, looking ferocious and terrifying.

His arms dropped, one was a human hand and the other was a sharp claw.

When his feet landed on the ground, they were like an eagle's feet, clawing at the rocks.

He looked forward, with a sad look on his hideous face.

He has flown to this point, no longer flying in the air, but keeping his feet on the ground and moving forward.

Because ahead is the place where his master’s inheritance is, the Ghost Valley that ordinary practitioners have never heard of!

Throughout the ages, it has only been passed down through one lineage.

I saw Guigu Lingguan walking forward.

The surrounding birds and beasts sensed Qi and instinctively became extremely frightened, fleeing and scattering.

Those who are too frightened to move will prostrate themselves on the ground, leaving life and death to their own devices.

There are many monsters and monsters among them, and there are also quite a few demon king-level beings, and none of them dare to act rashly.

"The descendants of Guigu's inheritance are here."

"Let the younger members of the clan escape from this mountain forest quickly. Don't be treated as a training object."

"This place gathers the surrounding spiritual energy. We practice here, which is far better than the outside world. However, there is a ghost valley inheritance here. They practice with the birds and animals in the mountains at every turn. They disembowel their stomachs, cramp and dig out their bones. It is simply horrible."

"I remember that each generation of successors only has the authority to open the Ghost Valley twice in their lifetime."

"The first time is after accepting a disciple, taking the disciple into the Ghost Valley to worship the ancestors and obtain the inheritance."

"The second time is before death, he enters the Ghost Valley, buries himself in it, and rests on the earth forever."

"This generation of Guigu successors seems to have never accepted a disciple, but now he has returned alone without any disciples... Could it be that he is about to die and has come to bury himself?"

"So, the Guigu lineage has been extinguished from now on, and the future generations of our tribes will not be poisoned again?"

Several demon kings in the depths of the mountain forest communicated with each other and came to this conclusion. For a moment, they were overjoyed and burst into tears.

I think of the contemporary descendants of Guigu who initially inherited the skills of the Guigu lineage. They hunted their kin everywhere, and even narrowly escaped being killed several times... Recalling the past, I couldn't help but feel ups and downs and become extremely excited.

As Guigu Lingguan walked among the mountains and forests, he thought to himself: "Hasn't there been any more demons and immortals born around the Guigu Mountains for so many years?"

Thinking like this, he also recalled the past.

The master said at the beginning that a long time ago, the master's cultivation reached the realm of human immortals, and he drove away all the demons and immortals around him. Those who dissatisfied... were killed on the spot, skinned and cramped, studied carefully, and finally

Listed in the register, it provides future generations with valuable experience on the body structure of different demons and fairies of various races.

Before the master died at the end of his life, the master also cultivated to the upper realm of human immortals and cleared away the demons and immortals around the Guigu Mountains.

Now, it should be his turn to clean up the surrounding demons and fairies for future generations.

However, after wasting most of his life, he has not accepted any disciples, has not given birth to any heirs, and has no descendants to pass on.

Of course, to this day, there are no demons and immortals living around the Guigu Mountains, and no demons and immortals have been born... This does not give him the opportunity to benefit future generations, even though he has no offspring.

Just thinking like this, the Gui Valley Spirit Officer formed a seal with one hand and one claw, and struck towards the empty valley ahead.

Suddenly, the empty valley twisted, like ripples on water, for a moment, and a desolate land appeared.

It was completely silent inside, with no birds or animals, no flowers, trees, and only a dilapidated thatched hut.

And behind the huts, there are grave mounds one after another.

Guigu Lingguan stepped into the valley, came to the nearest grave mound, and brushed off the dust on the tombstone.

His expression was complicated, his eyes were strange, and he said in a low voice: "Master, I have a doubt in my heart, and I have to solve it... I have disturbed your sleep today."

With a wave of his hand, there was a sudden vibration and the tomb was overturned, revealing a coffin underneath.

Seeing that the coffin was intact, Guigu Lingguan let out a breath, then started again and opened the coffin.

Under the coffin, it is not empty. There is a body, lifelike and not rotten.

This body appears to be extremely strong, with its entire body covered with armor and stomach, but upon closer inspection...it turns out that it is not the armor and stomach, but scales growing out of the body!


Guigu Lingguan closed his eyes slightly and sighed sadly.

He was previously worried that the bottom of the tomb was empty, but he was also worried that the bottom of the tomb was not empty.

He suspected that his master was faking his death, but he couldn't tell clearly whether he wanted him to fake his death or whether he wanted him to really die.

But now it seems that his mentor is indeed dead and lies buried underground.

For a moment, he felt a little disappointed and even more complicated... He didn't know whether he should feel happy or sad.

But his master was not the Qianhuan Divine Lord, which finally made him feel relieved.

With this thought in mind, he walked forward, picked up the coffin lid, and tried to close it again.

Then he discovered that an old voice came from the coffin.

"Teacher, after all these years, you have finally come to wake up my disciple."

The weirdo in the coffin, with a tone that was both sighing and a little bit happy, slowly opened his eyes.

Then, their eyes met and they were speechless for a moment.

An unknown amount of time passed before Guigu Lingguan sighed and asked.

"So, the master is not dead, and the ancestor is not dead either. The ancestor of our lineage... is Qian Huan Shenjun?"

This chapter has been completed!
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