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Chapter Seventy-Six: Just Borrowing from Him Temporarily

The dog-headed senior brother failed to transform into the desert god of death this time. He was trapped by the long-range webs of the Yin-Yang Demon Spider and could not move.

The yin and yang energy circulated on the spider silk, and even the senior brother could not resist it even with all his strength. The anesthetic poison attached to the spider silk was extremely high. Xu Mo struggled for a moment, and his movements visibly slowed down.

"Junior brother! Go and get Junior Sister Xie... the drunkard..."

Xu Mo was a little dizzy from the anesthetic toxin, and he started to speak with a loud tongue. Gu Changsheng knew what he meant - he was also trapped in the spider thread. Junior Sister Pixiu fainted on the spot, and Xu Mo, who was in the Linking Dan Realm,

Modu became weak and weak. But the little green tea was able to toss in the cocoon vigorously, and a green light came out of it.

Perhaps part of the reason for this is that the senior brother has just consumed too much spiritual power and physical strength, but the more important reason is that Little Green Tea has a good magic weapon seal on her body, which can protect her from harm.

The second generation of the top immortal of the Taiyi Sword Sect cannot die easily. She must have countless life-saving props on her body. As long as she successfully frees Little Green Tea, she will most likely be able to use the life-saving props to lead everyone out of danger.

But the question now is...how to rescue Junior Sister Xie who is trapped in the cocoon?

The Yang Spider stood up slowly. The shell that had just been beaten into paste by the senior brother slowly absorbed the surrounding Yin Qi to repair itself. After a while, half of its hideous and terrifying face grew again.

Gu Changsheng very much doubted whether the couple were members of the cockroach family. They were almost hammered into two-dimensional creatures, but they were still able to resurrect strongly. It was obvious that the monster hunting team composed of the previous four bosses just couldn't understand.

Due to the disadvantage of the boss's characteristics, the two demonic spiders deceived the whole group and completely destroyed them.

The Yang spider can absorb the rich Yin energy from the dark side of the nest to repair itself, but the Yin spider on the other side is in a worse situation. Without the corresponding flow of Yang energy to balance the body, its recovery speed is much slower than that of the Yang spider.

The two Yin-Yang Demon-faced Spiders, which had been severely damaged in the first place, withstood Xu Mo's terrifying output, and their auras became increasingly unstable. But killing Gu Changsheng and Xiao Aotian, two small foundation builders, seemed to be more than enough.

I saw a few threads spun out from the abdomen of the Yang Spider and hung the three cocoons directly on the tree. Then it continued to spit out spider threads towards the two of them, trying to trap Gu Changsheng and the others in the same way.

The spider silk containing yin and yang qi loomed into a large web, and it was extremely fast. The two of them dodged with all their strength and had no time to attack. Seeing the other party relying on yin qi to continuously repair his own injuries, Xiao Aotian knew that delaying it any longer would only lead to complete destruction.

Lost. So he gritted his teeth and said to Gu Changsheng:

"Senior Brother Gu! One for each of us!"

Relying on his unparalleled sword spirit, Xiao Aotian chose the Yang Spider, which had a higher degree of recovery. Gu Changsheng did not hesitate when he saw this, and drew his sword to attack the Yin Spider.

Offense is the best defense. Since you can't relieve your hangover and thank Little Green Tea, just kill the guy who is in the way first!

The Yaoyin Sword soars into the sky. The Taichu Sword Cleansing Record that Gu Changsheng has been practicing now explodes with its power. The Qi of Taichu emerges on the Yaoyin sword body, causing this small black sword to burst out with a dazzling black light!

He has been accumulating sword power for such a long time. If there is any time that is the best time to explode, it must be now!

The black light touched the legs of the Yin-Yang Demon-faced Spider, and for the first time the many eyes of the Yin-Yang Spider that had not fully recovered showed a look of horror. The moment it was swallowed up by the sword power of Taichu Xijianlu, it suddenly discovered

Many of his natural talents and powers have all been lost.

Originally, it could choose to disintegrate into pure Yin Qi and escape, but the quality of the breath on that small sword seemed to be much higher than its own. The pure Yao Yin Qi suppressed its bloodline, turning it into a

A lamb just waiting for the slaughter.

The power of the sword was like a lifetime ago. The Yin Spider's huge body was cut in half diagonally and fell down. Gu Changsheng took a few breaths and looked at Xiao Aotian's hand, and was shocked to find that he was still trembling with the Yang Spider.

With the blessing of the unparalleled sword spirit, Xiao Aotian could barely defeat the Yang Spider. But he did not have the good luck of Gu Changsheng. The magic weapon on hand not only failed to restrain the opponent, but even caused the Yang Spider to absorb the sword spirit of Chi Yang.



After a loud noise, Xiao Aotian was pushed back by the Yang Spider's spider legs, breaking several thick ancient tree trunks.

"Junior Brother Xiao?"

Just when Gu Changsheng was about to step forward to help him, the body of the Yin Spider that had been cut in half by his sword actually made some weird noises again. The two halves of the spider body trembled slightly, as if they were looking for an opportunity to fit together and be resurrected.


What kind of monster is this that can't be killed?

He didn't have time to think too much, he held the Yao Yin Sword and killed the Yang Spider. The Yin Spider came back to life again and again, but it still took time. The white Yang Spider was the biggest threat to them at the moment.

You have to find the weakness of the Twilight Spider's resurrection!

Xiao Aotian, who was leaning on the tree trunk, spit out a mouthful of blood. Sister Jianling said in a weak and anxious voice: "Xiao Aotian, how are you?"

"I can't die yet." The fighting spirit in Xiao Aotian's eyes became stronger and stronger. He was about to step forward and fight for another 300 rounds, but when he lowered his head, he realized that the power of the sword spirit had disappeared at some point.

"I'm sorry, Xiaotian, I've absorbed too much power of the red sun from the demon spider... I can't help you anymore." Sword Spirit said apologetically.

Without the power of the sword spirit, he is just a small foundation builder. Xiao Aotian's heart sank when he heard this, and his face turned ugly: "This demon spider can't be killed at all, what should we do?"

"The Yin-Yang Demon Spider needs to attack with pure Yin-Yang Qi at the same time to achieve a balance before it can be completely killed." Sister Sword Spirit suddenly gritted her teeth and said: "If that senior brother of yours just now had a Pure Yang Sword, double swords

If you cut it off, the Yin Spider must be too dead to die anymore."

Still need a sword of pure Yang? Xiao Aotian was stunned for a moment, glanced at the small black sword filled with Yin energy in Gu Changsheng's hand, and then looked at the Red Yang Sword Spirit in his hand...

What are you implying?

At this critical moment of life and death, Xiao Aotian had no time to continue thinking about those strange thoughts in his mind. If he hesitated any longer, I'm afraid everyone would die here.

I just want to borrow him for a while until the current crisis is solved!

He dragged his weak body and shouted to Gu Changsheng with a cruel heart: "Senior Brother Gu, the Yin Yang Demon Spider needs to attack with the pure power of yin and yang at the same time to achieve a balance to kill...take the sword!"

"Sister Sword Spirit! I'm asking you to lend a helping hand to Senior Brother Gu! I hope you won't be prejudiced against Senior Brother Gu and get through this dead end first!"

He said to Sword Spirit quickly in his mind. Sister Sword Spirit's tone became serious when she heard the words:

"Well, I will...Xiaotian, hold on!"

Junior Brother Xiao suddenly threw his beloved Spirit Sword towards Gu Changsheng who was fighting with the Sun Spider in the distance. Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this information and caught the precious flying sword thrown by Xiao Aotian.

Attack with pure yin and yang energy at the same time? Why does the Yin-Yang Demon-faced Spider need such harsh conditions to kill?

He silently felt the Red Sun Sword thrown to him by Xiao Aotian. This was the first time that Miss Sword Spirit was held by someone other than Xiao Aotian after she awakened, and she was obviously not used to it.

"The sword is a good sword...but..."

If we want to achieve balance, does it mean that this Pure Yang Sword must be of the same grade as my Yaoyin Sword?

Isn’t this too much of a difference? We need to find a way to temporarily upgrade it...

Gu Changsheng murmured to himself. The Chiyang Sword Spirit was naturally very dissatisfied when he heard such a comment. The sword in this boy's hand did indeed look extraordinary, but it was just a defective product. How could it be so powerful?

After all, this sword spirit is complete, okay! The previous owner was always a sword fairy... He still wants me to upgrade, are you dreaming... ah...!!!

Just as she was about to speak and ask Gu Changsheng to take action quickly, suddenly an extremely pure and huge Yaoyang power washed away the blade of the Red Sun Sword. The huge and hot impact hit the Red Sun Sword Spirit and almost fainted...

"Don't... it's too big... it's going to burst..."

These words sounded in Gu Changsheng's mind like he was dreaming. Gu Changsheng, who was using the Yaoyang Origin to help the Chiyang Sword temporarily increase its level, was stunned for a moment and slowly typed a question mark:


Am I hallucinating?

This chapter has been completed!
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