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Chapter 102 Returning to China, Entering Snow City

What is your experience wearing sunglasses at night?

Zhang Junping feels cool and chic.

Like a god, walking in the mine, showing the world in his sleeves, waving his sleeves, and carrying several mountains of coal with him.

After collecting coal from the mine, Zhang Junping did not leave in a hurry and went to the mine office again.

After searching several offices, I finally found a map.

Through the map, Zhang Junping determined one thing: he was going in the wrong direction.

From Vladivostok to Suifenhe he should have gone south-east, but he ended up going southwest.

This has entered the hinterland of the Siberian wilderness, no wonder we encountered a mine.

After determining the direction, Zhang Junping picked up the map and left the mine.

Plunging headlong into the snow.

Soon, it disappeared without a trace.

The wind and snow covered all his traces, as if he had never appeared before.

If you don't think about the disappearing coal mountain, no one would know that he has been here before.


After two days of trekking, Zhang Junping finally arrived at Suifenhe.

Zhang Junping did not cross the river to Suifenhe City, but followed the Suifen River into Dongning County, Taipingling, the birthplace of the Xiao Suifen River.

After another round of Taiping Ridge, we entered Snow City.

When approaching Mudanjiang, Zhang Junping cleaned himself up completely.

The previous gains on Svetlana Street in the Bird Market came into effect at this time.

Shave your beard cleanly, and as for your hair, you can't see it with a hat on.

He took out a navy blue tunic suit and put it on. On the outside was a black woolen coat and a pair of inconspicuous wolfskin boots. His whole body was clean and neat, and he looked like a leading cadre at first glance.

After changing clothes, Zhang Junping took out a bicycle from the space and rode it into Snow City.

After entering the city, Zhang Junping asked someone to inquire and came to the government guest house.

I took out my letter of introduction and work permit and booked a room.

As for the letter of introduction, Zhang Junping had a lot of blanks in his hand. As long as he filled in the place he wanted to go and the date, it would be a real letter of introduction.

After entering the room, Zhang Junping found a brand new set of fleece jackets, trousers and underwear from the space, as well as a brand new set of cotton-padded clothes, cotton trousers, towels, soap and other toiletries.

Then he carried his things and left the guest house.

On the way here, he made a special search and found a bathhouse nearby.

The bathhouse and barber shop are next to each other, making it easy to take a shower after a haircut.

Zhang Junping went to the barber shop to get a haircut, and his messy hair turned into a neat crew cut.

After leaving the barber shop, I went directly to the bathhouse.

In his last life, Zhang Junping traveled all over the world. He always believed that a place with a pool and a place to take a bath is called a bathhouse.

If you can't soak in a pool, what do you call a bath?

Therefore, you have to take a bath in the north.

I soaked in the pool for half an hour, got a back rub from the master, and had my feet trimmed.

From the inside out, my whole body feels refreshed, and the fatigue of walking through the wilderness for four days is gone.

In the bathhouse, I ordered a pot of tea and listened to a bunch of Northeastern men bragging and spanking. I felt very relaxed.

After taking a nap in the bathhouse, Zhang Junping was woken up by his stomach.

Put on clean underwear, a new cotton jacket and cotton trousers, a Chinese tunic suit, trousers, a white scarf around your neck, and finally a black woolen coat and wolfskin boots.

In this outfit, he looks like a college student and young cadre from a big city.

I randomly found a restaurant with a relatively large reputation and ordered two dishes: chicken stewed with mushrooms and braised sturgeon. I also ordered a Feilong soup and half a catty of rice.

Pay the money and wait.

Fortunately, Zhang Junping came earlier, so it was still more than an hour before the normal meal time.

He was the only customer in such a large restaurant, so he didn't have to wait too long.

In about ten minutes, the first dish, braised sturgeon, was ready. Chicken stewed with mushrooms couldn't be stewed for hours, and the flavor couldn't come out.

Zhang Junping filled the bowl with rice and ate while waiting. He was not in a hurry anyway.

Sturgeon is a cartilage fish with hard scales and does not have so many fish bones. The braised sturgeon is tender and juicy and goes very well with rice.

Although his stomach kept growling and urged Zhang Junping to eat quickly, Zhang Junping still ate very slowly.

First savor the tender and juicy sturgeon, and then take a bite of rice.

After eating a few bites of the sturgeon, Feilong soup was ready.

Eat a mouthful of fish, a mouthful of rice, and a mouthful of soup. The delicious Feilong soup floods your taste buds like a flood.

Eating is a kind of enjoyment. Although Zhang Junping eats very quickly most of the time, it does not delay him at all from enjoying the food.

When the sturgeon was finished and the rice was half eaten, the chicken stewed with mushrooms was finally out of the pot.

The chickens are very tender, and they are all chickens that are no more than one year old. They are definitely free-range chickens born and raised in the country.

No feed was given.

The chicken, which has been flavored with mushrooms, is fresh and tender, but not bad at all.

Mushrooms stewed with chicken absorb the aroma of chicken and are more delicious than chicken.

After finishing the rice, Zhang Junping ordered another plate of fried peanuts and a bottle of Mudanjiang.

Have a sip of wine, eat a peanut, and have a piece of chicken.

Forgive yourself for being a foodie.

However, drinking and eating food is a kind of enjoyment.

This is an enjoyment from mind to body to taste buds.

Those who despise food and wine, and claim to drink a meal of wine with a peanut and a meal of wine with a big grain of salt, are really here to enjoy fine wine.

Are you really worried that the food will overshadow the deliciousness of the wine?

I'm afraid it's more likely that you don't have money to buy food and drinks, right?

Zhang Junping thought happily, feeling very relaxed.

It wasn't until the hotel waiter looked at him with disgust several times and was about to drive him away that Zhang Junping took the last sip of wine and left with his dirty clothes.

Zhang Junping drinks by himself, so naturally he won't cheat. A pound of wine makes him just tipsy.

Back at the guest house, Zhang Junping took off his clothes, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

First-level sleep is great. From this sleep, Zhang Junping didn't wake up until around eight o'clock the next morning.

These days, Zhang Junping's heart has been tense at the Double-Headed Eagle, and he dare not relax even after entering the wilderness.

Even someone as strong as a brown bear would be robbed by a tiger and die in his sleep, let alone him.

It wasn't until he entered Xuecheng that Zhang Junping felt relaxed.

Have a good sleep.

This trip to Double-Headed Eagle City was full of rewards.

Not to mention anything else, coal alone accounts for almost four to five million tons.

In addition, there are more than 100 heavy-duty trucks, more than 200 tractors, countless various mechanical equipment and parts, and countless other materials.

Zhang Junping did not rush to get up and get dressed, but immersed himself in the museum space.

At this time, the sky of the museum space is filled with various fragments of experience.

After careful study, Zhang Junping found that the experience fragments had changed.

Originally, painting was divided into landscape painting, flower and bird painting, and lady painting. Now it is directly merged into fragments of experience in traditional Chinese painting.

Juxtaposed with it is a fragment of Western painting experience.

Porcelain is no longer distinguished by age, only by type.

PS: I recommend the book "Prehistoric: Sainthood Begins from Beihai" by a beautiful author. If you like prehistoric literature, you can read it.

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