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Chapter 16 When the Blind Date is in Progress (4)

Zhang Junping walked very slowly. To an outsider, it would seem that he was timid and did not dare to step forward.

This made several people become more unrestrained and their mouths became even more unrestrained.

Zhang Junping still didn't speak, but walked forward slowly.

When he was still two or three steps away from several people, Zhang Junping accelerated violently and kicked the person in the middle three inches below his abdomen.

Then he punched the person on the left below the ear.

Then he took a step forward and hit the person on the right on the neck with an elbow.

In the blink of an eye, the three people who were so arrogant just now were knocked to the ground by Zhang Junping.

Zhang Junping used the fighting skills he learned in the army and was able to kill with one strike.

"Ah!" Qiu Wenyan didn't exclaim until the three people were knocked to the ground.

Zhang Junping clapped his hands and turned back to Qiu Wenyan as if nothing happened.

Naturally, she took Qiu Wenyan's hand and comforted her: "It's okay, just a few bed bugs. I'll take you home."

"Yes!" Qiu Wenyan had not yet woken up from the shock, she nodded blankly and let Zhang Junping hold her hand.

Zhang Junping pushed the car with his left hand, held Qiu Wenyan's hand with his right hand, and walked forward slowly.

As for the three hooligans, from the beginning to the end, they were just three passers-by who didn't even deserve their names, and were just minor characters who died in movies and TV shows.

No one cares about them.

After walking for more than ten meters, Qiu Wenyan realized what she was doing and shook Zhang Junping's hand away, "You...how did you...who asked you to hold my hand?"

"Your hands are so soft, as if they have no bones." Zhang Junping twisted his fingers and said with a grin.

Qiu Wenyan, who originally wanted to question why Zhang Junping held her hand without her consent, suddenly didn't know what to say.

"You are a big bad guy!" After saying this, Qiu Wenyan got on the car and ran away.

Zhang Junping quickly got on his car and chased after him.

The two of them pedaled their bicycles vigorously without saying a word, and soon arrived at Qiu Wenyan's house.

Zhang Junping watched Qiu Wenyan ride into the community and wanted to follow him, but the guard stopped him.

I could only stand at the door and watch Qiu Wenyan go in.

Qiu Wenyan rode more than ten meters in, stopped the car, turned to look at Zhang Junping, opened her mouth wide, and said three words silently.

Don't think too much, it's not: I love you.

Zhang Junping understood it: the big bad guy.

Zhang Junping smiled, raised his hand, twirled it, put it to his nose and smelled it.

Qiu Wenyan saw Zhang Junping's actions and waved her fist at him angrily.

Zhang Junping waved to Qiu Wenyan and turned to leave.

This girl is nice.


Returning to the courtyard, Zhang Junping pushed the car and walked inside. Uncle Liu heard the noise and looked up from the house.

"Uncle Liu, haven't you rested yet?"

"Why are you back like this?"

"We went out to visit each other. You should go to bed early!" Zhang Junping said, bypassing the second door and walking into the inner courtyard.

The courtyard where Zhang Junping lives is a courtyard with three entrances. He lives in the middle courtyard, which is also the inner courtyard.

Putting the bicycle under the window, Zhang Junping opened the door and entered the house.

As soon as I poured myself a glass of water, the door was pushed open.

"Why are you back so late?" Qin Shumei walked in carrying a large bowl.

"Sister Qin, haven't you rested yet?"

"No! You didn't come back from the chicken stewed in the evening. I left half of it for you."

"Oh, you really left all the chicken legs for me?" Zhang Junping looked into the bowl and said with a smile.

"That's because I won't leave it for you because I'm afraid you'll be angry and won't buy it next time." Qin Shumei said with a sweet smile.

Zhang Junping's nose felt a little itchy and his eyes were straight.

Qin Shumei must have been getting ready to go to bed. When she heard Zhang Junping came back, she put on some clothes and came over to give him chicken soup.

As a result, it was a bit exposed.

"Sister Qin..." Zhang Junping pointed at Qin Shumei's upper body.

"Little hooligan!" Qin Shumei blushed, rolled her eyes at Zhang Junping, turned around and ran out.

Zhang Junping felt aggrieved. Who did he offend?

How can you become a gangster when you are at home? You are just a gangster, but you are still a little gangster?

Not too small, you know?

It’s simply slander and slander!

Qiu Wenyan and Qin Shumei are both beauties of the same level, but Qin Shumei is more of a young woman.

The inadvertent glance made Zhang Junping feel a little excited.

Zhang Junping looked up to the sky and sighed, and refused to let anyone sleep?

At this time, Qin Shumei opened the door again and came in.

Zhang Junping was excited, was he planning to test his own abilities?

"By the way, Mrs. Yang came over today and said that she had made an agreement with the neighborhood committee to sell those bowls to you.

Pingzi, do you want to buy a bowl? I see there is no shortage of bowls at your house! You don’t usually cook at home, so why buy a bowl?”

"What I bought is not a bowl for eating, but an antique! I bought it for collection!"

"Do you really want to spend 100 yuan each to buy Mrs. Yang's bowl?" Qin Shumei asked tentatively.

"Have you heard all about it?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Pingzi, look, we have been neighbors for two years. Sister Qin is usually nice to you, right?"

"Sister Qin, if you have anything to say, just say it, no need to beat around the bush." ​​Seeing Qin Shumei hesitate to speak, Zhang Junping couldn't help laughing.

"Well, you see, Sister Qin's bowl is bigger than Mrs. Yang's bowl, and it's also pretty good-looking. I'll sell it to you for a hundred yuan?" Qin Shumei pointed to her big bowl and said with longing.

"Haha! Sister Qin, if you want such bowls, I will sell you five for ten yuan!"

"I'm stupid! I went to Dongfeng Market to buy it, and it only cost eight cents..." Qin Shumei blurted out without thinking. She didn't realize it until she was halfway through the sentence. She couldn't say any more and smiled.

"Yes, you sell me a bowl of eight cents for a hundred dollars. Sister Qin, do you think I'm stupid?" Zhang Junping couldn't help laughing.

"This... I didn't think you just liked it..." Qin Shumei's face turned red and she really couldn't make it up anymore.

"I like your two big bowls!" Looking at Qin Shumei's two illegal big headlights, Zhang Junping reached out to grab them and squeezed them.

This was definitely not his intention, it was definitely a misunderstanding.


"Rogue!" Qin Shumei slapped Zhang Junping in the face, cursed, turned around and ran home.

Qin Shumei's face was flushed, and her heart was beating wildly.

Back home, Qin Shumei was lying on the bed. The headlights that had been attacked by Zhang Junping were numb, and her heart was also in a mess.

"Xiaomei, have you asked Pingzi? Does he want our bowl?"

"Ah?! No...I...asked...I..." Qin Shumei was so confused that she didn't even know what she wanted to say.

"Xiaomei, as long as you keep your ambition and don't change your surname, Mom will not object to you taking another step forward.

However, you and Heping are not suitable.

You are a widow with three children, and he is an unmarried young cadre. You two cannot make it."

"Mom, what did you say?" Qin Shumei was so shocked by her mother-in-law's words that she got up from the kang.

"Mom is someone who has been through this before and understands everything.

Your appearance and figure are like poison to young people.

Although Pingzi is very kind to everyone in the courtyard, he always gives everyone big gifts every time he goes on a business trip.

But if you think about it carefully, are you different from others?

Mom believes you haven't done anything wrong to Quan Gui.

Mom is just reminding you that there will be no results for you and Pingzi."

"Mom..." What her mother-in-law said completely disturbed Qin Shumei's heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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