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Chapter 214 The Virgin Mary

Chapter 214 Virgin Mary

Zhang Junping did not rush to find the apartment building, but first found a place to taste the delicious food in Munich.

When it comes to food, Zhang Junping really feels sad for the Europeans. A white grilled sausage and a figure-shaped bread have become local traditional delicacies, and they are still widely publicized.

If this were the case in China, if a city only had two or three kinds of delicacies, it would be hard to say that I was from that city when I went out.

In the end, Zhang Junping found a Michelin three-star restaurant to solve the problem of food and clothing.

After dinner, Zhang Junping first found a hotel to stay.

In the evening, Zhang Junping put on makeup, put on a pair of brown glasses, and left the hotel.

Every city has its dark corners.

And these dark sides often exist based on bars.

In these places, pornography and gambling are rampant, which is naturally inseparable from the existence of the underworld.

Zhang Junping's goals are these places.

There are generally two ways to find someone, one is to find the police, and the other is to go through them.

Before I even entered the door, the heavy metal music in the bar spread through the door of the room and onto the street.

"Have a beer!" Zhang Junping came to the front of the bar and shouted in proficient German.

In a noisy bar, if the voice is low, the other party cannot hear it at all.

In a bar like this, you can probably only drink beer, don't think about anything else.

So, Zhang Junping only wanted beer.

"Hey! Are you not a local? Are you here to watch the football match?" The bartender at the bar was very talkative. Seeing that Zhang Junping was a stranger, he got him a beer and chatted with him loudly.

"I'm not from here, come here and find someone.

Where is your boss? I want to talk to him about something!" Zhang Junping handed over a ten-mark note.

"Want to see our boss?" The bartender quickly put the banknotes away, "Ten marks isn't enough!"

"What about this? And this!" Zhang Junping put a pistol and a grenade on the bar.

The double-headed eagle likes big things, such as grenades, which are not only powerful but also large in size.

Known as a big grenade.

When the bartender saw the pistol and the large grenade, his eyes shrank, he swallowed, and then said: "Our boss is on the second floor! Wait a minute, I will ask someone to take you there!"

He recognized the origin of the pistol and grenade. He couldn't afford to offend such a person, and neither could his boss.

"You are very smart! Smart people live long lives." Zhang Junping complimented with a smile, turned around and followed a black man with a punk hairstyle to the second floor.

By the time Zhang Junping went up to the second floor and came to a private room, the boss inside had received the news and was waiting for him in a serious manner.

"Stranger, I don't know who you are or what you want to do.

But, this is not the place you should come."

Seeing seven or eight pistols pointed at him, Zhang Junping smiled, "I'm here to negotiate a deal with you. This is not how you negotiate business!"

"You are not welcome here, stranger!"

"Okay! Since I'm not welcome, I have no choice but to leave!"

Before I leave, how about I perform a trick for you?

I have been practicing this trick for a long time!" Zhang Junping shrugged and said with a smile.

The boss looked at Zhang Junping as if he were a fool, I don't welcome you, you actually want to perform a trick for me?

"Watch it!" Zhang Junping didn't wait for the boss to say anything, and threw it up with his right hand, then threw it again, then caught it with his left hand, and continued to throw it up with his right hand.

"I..." The boss was about to say that his own bartender was better than him.

Suddenly, he discovered that what Zhang Junping was throwing were actually large grenades.

In the blink of an eye, the boss already had more than a dozen large grenades in Zhang Junping's hand.

These large grenades were flying in the sky, being dropped from time to time, then caught, and thrown up again.

Boss, are you sure? This is a madman, a madman who cannot be messed with.

A normal person would carry a dozen large grenades on his body?

"Sir, your tricks are very nice, but now should we sit down, have a drink, and discuss the deal you mentioned?" The boss swallowed his saliva and said.

"Okay!" Zhang Junping caught one after another and put it away.

The boss rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had been dazzled by the fireworks just now. He found that those large grenades were missing, and they didn't know where they were hidden.

Zhang Junping naturally stood opposite the boss and looked at him.

"I need to find someone! I am about sixty years old and living alone in an apartment near the palace. I have no job, but I am never short of money.

Find him and this will be yours!" Zhang Junping said as he slapped a gold brick on the table in front of him.

"Really?!" When the boss saw the gold bricks on the table, his eyes suddenly widened and he reached out to grab the gold bricks.

Zhang Junping held down the gold brick and said, "Remember, it's yours to find the talent!

If you take away the gold brick, it means that our transaction is officially established.

If you can’t find anyone, you should understand the consequences!”

Although Zhang Junping's words were calm, in the boss's ears, they were full of murderous intent.

This gold is hard to get.

Birds die for food, and people die for wealth.

"I've got this gold!" The boss grabbed the gold brick and said viciously.

"I'll be back in three days. I hope there will be good news for me then." Zhang Junping let go of his hand and stood up.

After that, he turned around and left the bar.

"Boss, why don't you keep him?" A younger brother approached the boss and asked in a low voice.

Everyone else also looked at the boss with interest.

It's not too late to give orders now.

"Pah!" The boss slapped the younger brother away, "You're looking for death, don't drag me with you!

Did any of you see where he hid the big grenade?

Also, did anyone see how he took out the gold?"

All the boys in the room shook their heads.

"Damn it, you don't know anything, it's like you just left someone behind!

Aren't you afraid that others will kill us all?

There are many people in this world that we cannot afford to offend!

The most important thing in life is to keep your eyes open and never provoke people who shouldn't be provoked." The boss cursed loudly.

"The boss is wise!"

"Boss, you are still smart!"

"The boss is well-informed..."

After the boss finished scolding, the younger brother immediately started praising him.

"How else can I be your boss? You are a bunch of brainless people!" The boss was so flattered that he lit a cigar and said with a smile.

After Zhang Junping left the bar, he returned to the hotel.

Take out a treasure map from the space and study it.

This treasure map was found in those old books.

According to the route indicated on the treasure map, this seems to be a golden train treasure.

Because the location marked on this treasure map is exactly where the golden train finally disappeared.

There have been rumors that the gold train finally disappeared in the Owl Mountain near the city of Wałbrzych in Poland.

The map shows an underground tunnel in Owl Mountain.

In fact, there are many such treasure maps. Every once in a while, some so-called treasure maps appear in the world.

Then some professional treasure hunters began to chase the treasure map, performing love and hate scenes that were more exciting than the movies.

After studying the treasure map for a while, Zhang Junping found the newspaper of the day.

You can learn a lot by reading newspapers.

Although Zhang Junping said he was here to hunt for treasure, in fact, he knew the true purpose of his trip.

The reason why I walked around the flea market and came to Munich to hunt for treasures without any rush is simply because there are some things that I can’t rush.

It is now Monday, December 4, 1978.

In half a month, a meeting that will affect China's national destiny will be held.

Zhang Junping was waiting for this meeting.

While waiting, it’s not too much to look for a treasure, right?

Hmm! Not too much at all.

When he got up the next morning, Zhang Junping had breakfast, took his easel and drawing board, rented a bicycle, and went to the BMW Museum.

The last time I painted in an unknown square, I hooked a director or senior executive of Volkswagen.

I'm painting at the BMW Building today. I wonder if I can catch a chairman?

The BMW Museum is right next to the BMW Building. From the outside, it looks like a huge bowl.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that this is a BMW logo.

Today is Tuesday, working hours, so the square outside the BMW Museum is deserted, with almost no one around.

There is not much traffic on the nearby streets, and there are not many pedestrians on the road.

However, this does not affect Zhang Junping's plan.

Zhang Junpingzhong is planning to paint a pure landscape oil painting with the BMW Museum and BMW Building as the background.

In the BMW Square, set up the easel, fix the drawing board, clamp the drawing paper, and start painting.

After painting all morning, Zhang Junping didn't catch anyone.

However, he was not in a hurry, he couldn't catch anyone, and he could still enjoy painting.

After finding a restaurant, Zhang Junping had a simple lunch.

In the afternoon, we continued to create oil paintings in the BMW Square.

This time he adjusted the direction and included the nearby Olympic Tower in his painting.

The long shot is the Olympic Park and the Olympic Tower, the middle shot is the BMW Tower, and the close shot is a few foraging square pigeons on the BMW Platz.

Square pigeons forage for food leisurely in the square, pacing in a calm and unhurried manner. Even if someone walks by, they will only fly up and circle twice symbolically, then fall down and continue to pace for food. It is very Prussian.

rhythm of life.

In the afternoon, we still didn't catch the chairman, let alone the chairman, not even one who could breathe.

However, it was not without gains. At least, he gained two oil paintings that satisfied him.

I created it myself, which gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

Zhang Junping put away the painter, put away his own works, and rode his bicycle back to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, I had a casual meal in the hotel restaurant and then returned to the room.

Western food is just that, as long as it can fill your stomach.

As for Western food etiquette, it was all made up by the Chinese to deceive the Chinese.

Apart from the most basic ones of being quiet while eating and not disturbing others, how can there be so many other so-called etiquettes?

Men have to wear suits and ties, women have to wear evening gowns, bullshit, none of that matters.

The most important thing is that you have to bring enough money.

With money, you can deal with everything confidently and calmly.

Zhang Junping was dressed in casual clothes, a casual jacket, jeans, and half-boots, and went to a Michelin three-star restaurant for dinner as usual.

After waking up, Zhang Junping finished breakfast and did not go to the BMW Museum again.

Zhang Junping also thought about it. As fate would have it, wherever he paints, he can be transferred to the chairman of the board.

If you don't have enough luck, even if you go to the BMW Building, you won't be able to catch the chairman.

Today, Zhang Junping rode his bicycle to Marienplatz.

There is a statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle of Marienplatz, and a very distinctive Gothic building complex to the north.

The most attractive thing about Marienplatz is not the Gothic buildings, but the bell tower in the middle of the Gothic buildings.

Every day at eleven o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon, the windows of the clock tower will open, and a group of puppets will come out to perform a show.

This place is much more lively than the BMW Building. Even though today is not a weekend, there are still many people in the square.

Zhang Junping found a good angle and could take in the statue of the Virgin Mary, the bell tower, and the Gothic buildings.

Set up the easel and start creating for the day.

Space allows him to possess so many skills. If he doesn't show them off, he'll always feel like he's walking at night.

The Virgin Mary is in the close shot, the bell tower is in the middle shot, and the Gothic buildings are in the distant view.

Sure enough, it’s different when there are more tourists.

When Zhang Junping was halfway through painting, there were already more than a dozen people standing behind him watching him paint.

Painting is not unusual for everyone, but in Marienplatz, if there is no painter here to sketch on a day, it is called scarcity.

What made them curious was that the person who painted the picture was actually an Oriental.

Can Asians also paint oil paintings?


He really knows how to do it!

The painting is not bad!

When you paint the scenery, it feels like it's come alive, it's great.

This feeling is much better than the painting of so and so.

This must be a very famous painter in the East.

This is a famous painter from the East!

This is the psychological process of the onlookers in the square.

Zhang Junping successfully conquered these Europeans with his paintings.

I drew a pure landscape picture in the morning.

In the afternoon, Zhang Junping painted a statue of the Virgin Mary directly based on the sculpture of the Virgin Mary.

As expected, more and more people were watching behind Zhang Junping.

Someone offered to buy Zhang Junping's paintings in the morning, but unfortunately, the price offered was too low.

The highest one was only given 500 marks.

According to the current trend of international gold prices, I can earn more than 500 marks just by taking a breather.

Of course, this was not a matter of more money, but rather that the other party did not respect his work enough, so Zhang Junping rejected them.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when the puppet show in the bell tower began, Zhang Junping finished the last stroke.

When I looked back, I was shocked.

Good guy, I knew there would be many people watching me paint, but I didn’t expect there would be so many people.

More than thirty people stood behind Zhang Junping, quietly watching him paint.

"Sir, I am willing to pay you a thousand marks for this picture."

"I'll pay five thousand marks to buy this painting!"

“This is the best painting of the Virgin Mary I have ever seen!

I'll pay you 50,000 marks!" One person directly killed others with a price of 50,000 marks.

"Sorry! This picture is not for sale! I plan to keep it for myself!

Because this is the most satisfying painting I have ever painted." Zhang Junping smiled and shook his head to reject the other party.

Think about it, I am often called: Holy Mother by readers.

It is a perfect match for this Virgin Mary.

Two big chapters in one

This chapter has been completed!
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