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Chapter 217 The new one who is under great pressure

Chapter 217 Shinichi is under great pressure

After the meeting, Yamashita Shinichi returned to the office and suddenly collapsed in his chair.

I used to feel that the chairman was very majestic. He was surrounded by a group of people wherever he went, and he could just leave the work to the people below him. It seemed like a pig could be the chairman.

However, only when you become the chairman do you realize how much pressure this position bears.

Yamashita Shinichi began to miss the days when his husband was around. Someone made decisions for him and he only had to execute them.

Unlike now, he has to make the final decision on all matters big and small.

This makes Yamashita Shinichi no longer interested in going to hot springs or watching geisha performances.

Yamashita Shinichi sat on the boss's chair without slumping for a long time, when people kept coming in to report and ask for work instructions.

The first one to come in was Ono Jiro, the team leader in charge of the TV project in the Business Development Department.

Although Kamishita Shinichi did not reprimand them, the removal of half of the project team was a very clear signal.

So as soon as the meeting ended, I came over to report on the work and ask for instructions on what to do next.

"Ono-kun, I told you about the TV project, I don't blame you.

It was caused by my insufficient estimation of the difficulty of the project.

Ono-kun, please continue to follow this project.

But let’s change our thinking.

Since we cannot be a complete TV manufacturer, we will be a manufacturer of certain accessories or accessories.

Please do some research to see which accessory has high technical content and a wide market, and we can buy the technology. Send me a report.

You can broaden your horizons, there are many patents waiting for buyers in universities, and you should be good at discovering them." Yamashita Shinichi gathered his mood, first enlightened Onojiro, and then arranged the next step for him.

It's still pretty much the same thing.

Just after Ono Jiro left, before Yamashita Shinichi could take a breath, Akainu Teru, the team leader in charge of the polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber project, came in again to report on the work.

"President, the chemical plant has cleaned up the existing equipment.

Professors from the University of Tokyo were also invited to evaluate the existing production lines of the chemical plant.

This is the production line optimization plan given by Professor Yoshikawa.”

"Akainu-kun, please first make an inquiry based on this optimization plan to see how much it will cost to update the equipment.

According to the optimization plan, how much does it cost to build a new production line.

Come up with a detailed report."

"Hi!" Akainu Teru agreed and went out to work.

The Business Development Department has not yet appointed a director, and the post of director has always been held by Shinichi Yamashita.

Therefore, the three team leaders all report directly to him.

This is what Zhang Junping suggested. Don't rush to appoint a minister. Let the three candidates for the minister each lead a group and compete fairly.

And Yamashita Shinichi can also take advantage of this to get some training.

So far, it seems that Yamashita Shinichi is doing well in training.

In the morning, Liu Jingshan, who had just finished washing and was about to go out for dinner, was stunned when he saw Zhang Junping, who had disappeared for a month.

"You...why are you here?"

"Director Liu, I have been in Prussia for more than a week. I knew you were here by reading the newspaper.

Come over and report to you." Zhang Junping said with a grin.

"Reporting to the work, when did you regard me as the leader?" Liu Jingshan cursed in his heart and let Zhang Junping into the room.

I got a bottle of bottled water for Zhang Junping, then stood opposite Zhang Junping and looked at Zhang Junping.

That way is saying, don’t you have to report on your work? Come on, report!

I didn't expect Liu Jingshan to have such an interesting side. Zhang Junping suppressed his laughter and reported Zhengsehui: "I was in Benzi country and contacted Shinichi Chemical Co., Ltd.

They intend to invest and set up factories in China.

The current plan is to invest in the construction of three factories.

A TV factory, the kind that can produce color TV sets.

Carbon fiber factory is a chemical material mainly used in aviation, shipbuilding, and automobile industries.

There are also new textile factories.

The products currently produced by our domestic textile factories are all the most elementary and low value-added products.

Their textile factories focus on high value-added products and mainly supply European and American clothing companies."

"Invest in building a factory?!" Liu Jingshan stood up.

"Zhang Junping, who allowed you to talk to them about domestic investment and setting up factories?

you really……

How dare you make the decision on such a big matter?" Liu Jingshan pointed at Zhang Junping and scolded.

I originally wanted to scold Zhang Junping for being unorganized and undisciplined, but thinking that he was the son-in-law of the old leader, I swallowed my words hard.

"Liu Bureau, don't worry!" Zhang Junping waited until Liu Jingshan vented his anger before saying with a smile.

"Although you have been abroad during this period of time.

Maybe you don’t know much about some situations in China.

However, before you go abroad, you should know that the wind has changed.

The third meeting is about to be held, haven't you noticed that the discussion in the newspapers has changed since the first half of the year?" Zhang Junping said seriously.

"What do you want to say?"

"I just want to say that the country's attitude towards foreign investment has undergone fundamental changes.

In our socialist construction, our own strength alone is far from sufficient.

We can only invite foreign businessmen to invest in the country and use their capital and technology to develop our economy.

Learn from their advanced management models and advanced technologies. Only in this way can we better build a socialist country.

For a long time to come, whoever can invite foreign investment will be the hero." Zhang Junping looked at Liu Jingshan and said solemnly.

As a socialist country, the first person in the country to propose it was not the chief architect, but Mao.

It was proposed very early on: creating a revolutionary road from new democracy to socialism.

"Does Secretary Qiu know what you are talking about?" Liu Jingshan asked, staring at Zhang Junping with a stern expression.

"Some know, some don't!" Zhang Junping said half-truthfully.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, everything will be clear in five or six days.

Moreover, Shinichi Chemical Co., Ltd. and I also agreed to go to China after New Year's Day.

And they are talking about two directions. One is to help us build factories and provide technical training for our workers.

The other is to invest in building a factory, which can be a wholly foreign-owned enterprise or a joint venture.

This depends on how the leaders make decisions."

"You kid, why didn't you tell me earlier? When you came up, you told me that foreign businessmen should invest and build factories in China.

Do you want to scare me to death?" Liu Jingshan let out a long breath, pointed at Zhang Junping and cursed with a smile.

He used laughter and curses to cover up his embarrassment.

"Director Liu, it's not my fault! You didn't wait for me to finish what I said, but..." Zhang Junping said with an aggrieved look.

"No wonder Lao Zheng said that you are not a peaceful man, so let me keep an eye on you.

But how could he know that as soon as you got to the book, you disappeared, so where could I keep an eye on you?"

Zhang Junping chuckled and said nothing.

"You have been in Prussia for so many days, what have you learned?" Liu Jingshan had no choice but to change the subject.

People respect you and call you Director Liu, but if they don’t respect you, what can you do?

I'm not an employee of your company.

It would be easier if he were an ordinary employee, but the problem is, Zhang Junping is not ordinary.

"I haven't gained much yet. I just got two business cards by chance."

"Two business cards?"

"Yes, one belongs to a director of the Volkswagen Group, and the other belongs to the technical director of the Technology R&D Department of Continental." Zhang Junping did not hide anything and said it directly.

When he came out this time, although he had agreed with his father-in-law that he would act alone, Liu Jingshan still had to write the report materials in the end.

In other words, his performance must be reported back and forth by Liu Jingshan.

"Volkswagen Group, I know! We are going to the Volkswagen Group this morning to inspect.

What does Continental do? Does it also produce cars?" Liu Jingshan asked curiously.

"Continental is Volkswagen's upstream supplier.

They mainly produce car and bicycle tires.

Ranked third in the world’s tire industry!”

"Okay, great!

In this way, if you have no other arrangements today, come with us to the Volkswagen Group, and maybe you can meet the director." Liu Jingshan lost interest when he heard that it was a tire manufacturer, and instead suggested to Zhang Junping


It's not impossible to go to the Volkswagen Group and get there.

Zhang Junping pondered and nodded.

"Let's go, follow me and report to Mayor Zhou!

It's very important that you know the director of Volkswagen Group!" Liu Jingshan didn't care that he hadn't eaten yet, and pulled Zhang Junping out.

Finding Mayor Zhou who was having a meal, Liu Jingshan explained the situation. Mayor Zhou didn't even eat, and took two people back to the room directly, asking Zhang Junping to report in detail.

Mayor Zhou lives in a business suite with a reception room outside.

Zhang Junping could only repeat what he had just said to Liu Jingshan.

Of course, there will be no more talk about building socialism.

I just reported that a company over there is very interested in the Chinese market and has proposed two plans. One is for the company to assist in building a factory and train employees, and the other is for them to directly invest in building a factory.

He didn't dare to make a decision, so he rushed to Prussia to report to his leaders.

Then he recounted his experience of getting to know Volkswagen executives and directors and Continental executives.

Mayor Zhou became more and more excited as he listened.

Liu Jingshan became more and more depressed as he listened.

Co-author, your kid also knows how to report work to the leader?

You just bully me!

But then I thought about it, what Zhang Junping told him was different from what he told Mayor Zhou, and was more detailed. Doesn't this mean that he doesn't treat himself as an outsider?

I couldn't help but feel happy again.

"good very good!

Comrade Xiao Zhang, we can discuss whether it is a wholly foreign-owned business, a joint venture to build a factory, or helping us build a factory! As long as this matter is implemented, you will be the first contributor!" Mayor Zhou said loudly and happily.

Mayor Zhou stands tall and sees far. He understands some things more deeply than Liu Jingshan and has a better grasp of policies.

In Liu Jingshan's opinion, it would be a mistake to build a factory through a joint venture with foreign investors, but Mayor Zhou didn't have the slightest concern at all and directly stated that everything could be discussed.

"Leader, I actually have another idea. I was afraid of making mistakes before, so I never dared to mention it!" Zhang Junping said carefully.

"Young people, don't be afraid of making mistakes. If you have any ideas, put them forward boldly. You are still young, so you must have the spirit of daring to think and dare to do!" Mayor Zhou encouraged.

“I had a brief chat with the director of the Volkswagen Group before, and I felt that he was also very interested in our country’s market.

I was thinking about whether we could invite the other party to our country for an inspection visit and talk about cooperation.

Establish a joint venture with our BJ Automobile Factory to introduce advanced automotive technology from the Volkswagen Group."

"Your idea is great! I think you can try it.

In this way, you can get in touch with the other party first, and if necessary, I will invite the ambassador to come forward!" Mayor Zhou looked at Zhang Junping with a kinder look, full of appreciation.

"Yes! Leader, I'm going to call the director soon and meet with him in the name of exchanging paintings." Zhang Junping agreed.

"Haha! You're talking about Lao Qiu's son-in-law, right? Unexpectedly, the young man is not only strong in business ability, but also versatile! Lao Qiu has picked up a treasure!" After the business was finished, Mayor Zhou and Zhang Junping started a family affair.

"Boss, you are very flattering!" Zhang Junping said modestly with a smile.

"For those of you who won the prize but not the prize, go and get those paintings you drew first, and I'll see what kind of words can impress a director of the Volkswagen Group." Mayor Zhou said jokingly.

"Yes!" Zhang Junping quickly ran back to his room, picked up all the oil paintings, and returned to Mayor Zhou's room.

Mayor Zhou was really stunned when he saw the oil painting that Zhang Junping brought over.

Being able to attract the directors of the Volkswagen Group, take the initiative to make friends, and spend money to buy paintings, Mayor Zhou guessed that Zhang Junping was of good quality.

However, I didn't expect the level to be so high.

This is an artist delayed by work.

No, not delayed!

How many artists in the world can reach his level?

Looking at the oil painting, Mayor Zhou's mood was ups and downs, and he thought a lot at the same time.

Even if Zhang Junping does not pursue an official career in the future, he will definitely be a talented person. He must make good friends with such people.

"Xiao Zhang, which picture did you sell to the directors of Volkswagen Group?" Mayor Zhou asked with a smile.

"This one! I painted this in an unknown square." Zhang Junping pointed to one of the oil paintings and said.

"Then this Virgin Mary painting was bought by Continental executives?"


"Okay! You keep these two paintings and exchange them for others later.

I've collected the rest!

But I don’t have any money to give you!” Mayor Zhou rudely collected the other oil paintings and wanted to keep them for himself.

"Mayor, um, you can't keep it to yourself! I'll give you half of it when we meet. If you don't give me half, why don't you give me two pieces?" Liu Jingshan said with a sneer beside him.

"Go, go! You still want to meet and share half of it? Are you a bandit?

I finally got the painting from Xiao Zhang. If you want to share half of it, there is no way.

If you want to find Xiao Zhang yourself!" Mayor Zhou stared.


Who are the bandits?

If someone brings it over, you will just take it away and blame me.

Of course, Liu Jingshan would never dare to speak out about this painting, he would only dare to criticize it in his heart.

However, Mayor Zhou's words also reminded Liu Jingshan.

Liu Jingshan looked at Zhang Junping with hot eyes and played the emotional card, "Xiao Zhang, what do you think I think of you? I hugged Yanzi when he was a child..."

Mayor Zhou led a team to go to Volkswagen Group for inspection.

Zhang Junping did not accompany him because he had a more important task, which was to contact the director.

Zhang Junping returned to the room, took out his business card and called the number on it.

The person who answered the phone was a woman. Zhang Junping guessed that she was Smith's secretary.

"Hello! I'm looking for Mr. Smith."

"Who are you?"

"The painter of the little square!"

"Okay, wait a minute!" Zhang Junping's answer made the female secretary dare not refuse him directly or use official clichés to answer him, because those who said this were usually close personal friends.

If Zhang Junping said that he was so-and-so from China, he had nothing to do with Smith.

The answer usually is, "I'm sorry, Mr. Smith is receiving important guests. He will get back to you in a moment."

In fact, at this time, Smith may be having a hard time.

Less than a minute later, Smith's voice came from the phone, "Hello, Mr. Painter from China!

glad to receive your phone call."

"Hello Mr. Smith, I'm sorry to call you while you are at work."

"It doesn't matter, my wife and children like your paintings very much.

They all said that I would invite you to my home as a guest." Smith said with a hearty smile.

"Mr. Smith, it's like this. When I was sketching in Munich some time ago, my painting skills made a breakthrough.

Well, it should be said that the level of painting has improved a lot.

You know, the scene where your wife and your children were playing together that day was very heartwarming and reminded me of my own parents.

That scene left a very deep impression on me.

So, I drew the picture in my mind.

I think you should have the right to know about this matter, especially your wife and children.

If possible, I hope to give this painting to you!" Zhang Junping stated his purpose in one breath.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see your new paintings now!

Too bad I'm at work!

In this way, I invite you to visit my house tonight!" Smith said happily.

However, Smith is still very pragmatic, keeping a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and does not skip work to appreciate Zhang Junping's paintings.

Instead, he formally invited Zhang Junping to his home as a guest.

"Okay, I'm very honored to be a guest at Mr. Smith's home.

Just in time, I can bring my easel and paint a picture for your family.

This is what I promised before." Zhang Junping readily agreed.

"I think my wife will be very happy if she finds out!" Smith laughed.

The two agreed on a time on the phone, and Zhang Junping told Smith the hotel where he was staying.

In the evening, Smith will send a car to pick up Zhang Junping.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Junping started rummaging around in his museum space.

When visiting someone's home, don't go empty-handed. This is basic etiquette whether at home or abroad.

Zhang Junping is looking for suitable gifts in his own museum space.

A good museum space was turned into a grocery store.

There are a lot of messy things inside.

Normally, it's fine. He knows what's inside and can take it out directly.

However, now I am looking for something suitable to give as a gift, which is a purposeless search.

It's a lot of trouble.

After searching for a long time, I still couldn't think of anything suitable to give.

Finally, according to Westerners' habits, I found two bottles of good red wine from the space.

In Europe and the United States, when guests come to your home and give gifts, if you don’t know what to give, then give them red wine.

This is absolutely correct.

This is somewhat different from that in China. Generally speaking, in China, you don’t know what to give as a gift, but you can give wine.

However, there are exceptions, such as visiting patients and pregnant women, and alcohol cannot be given.

However, European and American countries are different. No matter what the circumstances, you can give red wine as a guest when you visit the other party's home.

What Zhang Junping took out were two bottles of Patrus red wine.

Patrus may not be as famous as Lafite and Romain-Conti in China, but in the world, it is definitely no worse than the other two wines.

Moreover, the wine quality of Patus is also more stable than the other two wines.

Some red wines require a specific vintage to achieve the best quality, but Patrus does not require a specific vintage. His red wines are of the best quality every year.

After finalizing the gift, Zhang Junping flipped through the newspaper of the day.

Then we went out for lunch.

After lunch, Zhang Junping walked aimlessly along the street.

When passing by a home furnishings store, Zhang Junping suddenly thought that he would need a lot of flush toilets to decorate his courtyard house.

Thinking of the flush toilet reminds me of a joke from later generations.

Traveling to this country and buying a toilet seat.

If I buy a flush toilet in Prussia, I wonder if someone will make a case for it?

No matter, buy it first and then talk about it.

I directly bought a hundred flush toilets and asked them to deliver them to the warehouse at the Brandenburg Gate.

The warehouse Zhang Junping rented last time has not been returned yet, but it can be used to store these goods.

After buying the toilet, Zhang Junping went to a store selling hardware and groceries and bought two thousand hidden switches and sockets.

In the mood to buy, Zhang Junping happily found a relatively famous mattress factory in Berlin.

Prussia has developed heavy industry. Some people may think that Prussia is a big enterprise.

In fact, this is not the case. Prussia still has the largest number of small and micro enterprises.

There are also many family-style factories.

Many family-style factories have even been passed down for several generations, and they have been engaged in a certain industry for generations.

Zhang Junping is certainly not looking for a family-run factory.

Perhaps the mattresses made in this workshop-style factory are more detailed and exquisite.

However, the efficiency is too slow, and it may take several days to make a mattress.

Zhang Junping could not stay in Prussia for long.

He needed a customized mattress and there were too many cushions, so it was more appropriate to find a larger factory.

Find the person in charge of the factory and tell them the mattress you want to customize, the size of the cushion, and the required materials.

Signed the contract and paid the deposit.

Zhang Junping then returned to the hotel.

At 5:30 in the evening, Smith took the initiative to call and tell him that the car to pick him up had arrived downstairs at the hotel.

Zhang Junping quickly picked up the oil paintings and red wine and went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he found Smith standing downstairs smiling at him.

"Mr. Smith, are you preparing a surprise for me?" Zhang Junping smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Smith.

"Haha, I just can't wait to see that painting earlier.

The previous painting was already very beautiful. You said that after your level has been greatly improved, you painted it again.

I really can’t imagine what it will be like.” Smith laughed heartily.

Three chapters in one.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

This chapter has been completed!
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