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Chapter 218 Stimulated Purchasing Group

Chapter 218 The Excited Purchasing Group

Seeing Smith's impatient expression, Zhang Junping laughed.

No one wants to be recognized by others, and painters naturally hope that their paintings will be recognized and sought after by the world.

Just like a writer, he hopes that more people will like the stories he has worked so hard to create.

"This is my painting. I'm sorry that I didn't have time to frame it." After Zhang Junping got in the car, he handed the painting to Smith.

"Let me take a look!" Smith slowly opened the rolled up canvas.

"Oh! My God! God bless you, this painting is so beautiful!" Smith exclaimed loudly: "Oh my God, you painted my little princess so beautifully! When I saw your painting, I seemed to see

My little princess acts coquettishly in front of me."

Holding Zhang Junping's painting, Smith couldn't help praising it and dancing around to express his opinions.

Fortunately, Smith was not driving the car himself, otherwise there would have been a car accident.

The car flew quickly and soon drove out of the city and arrived at a manor in the suburbs.

Why do rich people live in apartments and villas?

The really rich people live in manors.

The place where Smith lives is on the lakeside where luxury estates are clustered.

There are mountains and rivers nearby. Even according to Chinese Feng Shui theory, this is a livable place where tigers and dragons sit on top of each other, and Feng Shui gathers together.


"This is the talented painter I was talking about, Zhang from China!

This is my wife, Melissa, and this is my daughter, Julia." Smith introduced Zhang Junping to his family.

"Hello, we like Chinese Zhang Qian's paintings very much!" Melissa smiled kindly at Zhang Junping.

Melissa is in her forties, has an elegant temperament and is well-maintained. Her figure has not deformed at all, but the years have quietly carved some marks on the corners of her eyes.

But time has not taken away her beauty. She is very beautiful, a bit like Kristen Stewart, but of course her figure is even hotter than Kristen.

"Hello, my name is Julia. Thank you for painting me so beautifully!" Julia greeted Zhang Junping politely while looking at Zhang Junping curiously.

Probably because he looks different from them.

Julia is beautiful, like a doll.

Wrong, Julia was originally a doll of foreigners.

He has golden hair and big blue eyes, as if he can talk and is full of aura.

"Hello!" Zhang Junping nodded politely to the two of them, "Julia, you are more beautiful than my painting."

"Melissa, Julia, do you know? Zhang gave me a surprise today!

He drew a new picture for you, making you even more beautiful!" Smith said with a smile beside him.

"Really? Where is it, let me see it quickly!" Julia couldn't help but jumped and shouted when she heard that she was painted more beautifully.

"Here it is! Be careful, don't break it!" Smith took the painting out of the car and handed it to Julia.

"Wow! You're so beautiful! Mom, mom, look, you're so beautiful! You seem to be alive!" Julia shouted to Melissa excitedly.

The little girl is only four or five years old, so it is normal to have a little ambiguity in her speech.

"Really? Let me see!" Melissa said with a smile.

"Oh my god! Did you draw this? Oh my god, I can't believe it, you... Zhang, you look like you are only in your twenties!" Melissa exclaimed incoherently, covering her mouth.

"It was the kindness in your eyes, Mrs. Smith, and Julia's innocence that touched my soul and inspired me to create.

After I finished painting that painting, I always felt that my level was not good enough and I did not express your beauty perfectly, so I painted desperately and thought about what I failed to do well.

Finally, at a certain moment, I caught this inspiration and painted this work that I am personally satisfied with." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

When talking to Europeans, you cannot follow the Chinese habit of being modest, otherwise misunderstandings may easily occur. It is best to speak directly.

"Zhang, you are great! You will definitely be a great artist! A famous painter like Picasso, Paul, Giotto, and Leonardo da Vinci!

No! I feel that you are more powerful than them. At your age, they can't draw as well as you!" Melissa said excitedly.

"Thank you Mrs. Smith for the compliment! They are all goals that I strive to catch up with! I also hope to surpass them one day." Zhang Junping bowed slightly to Melissa to express his gratitude.

"Yes, I believe you will surpass them!" Melissa said with certainty.

Zhang Junping had dinner at Smith's house and helped Julia paint a painting.

No family portrait was taken because Smith said their son and eldest daughter were not home.

It would be unfair to paint a picture of the whole family without the two of them.

Only then did Zhang Junping find out that Smith's son and eldest daughter were already in college.

The little daughter was a gift given to them by God after fifteen years.

Zhang Junping didn't mention anything about work during the whole process, and just chatted with Smith about the history of Prussia.

I talked about the Roman Empire, the Germanic peoples, and the Kingdom of Prussia.

There is also international current affairs news.

The two had a very lively chat, and Smith was greatly impressed by Zhang Junping's knowledge.

Because even he didn't know much about many things about the Kingdom of Prussia, and he had only heard of some.

However, Zhang Junping was able to quote from classics.

Zhang Junping also introduced China to Smith and his family.

It tells the story of China's past history and achievements, and does not shy away from what happened in modern times.

At around nine o'clock, Zhang Junping said goodbye and left Smith's manor.

Smith sent a car to take Zhang Junping back to the hotel.

Zhang Junping returned to his room and was just about to wash up when the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, I saw it was Liu Jingshan.

"Liu Bureau, it's so late and you haven't rested yet?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"I just want to rest!

If you don't come back, who can sleep?

Hurry up! Mayor Zhou is still waiting for you to report!" Liu Jingshan urged.

"Liu Bureau, how do you feel about visiting the Volkswagen Group today?" Zhang Junping asked as he had nothing to say on the way.

“Feeling? It feels like there is a huge gap between us and developed countries!

It took us fifteen years to acquire our own nuclear weapons.

However, I feel that if we are given another thirty years, our industry will not be able to catch up with developed countries." Liu Jingshan said with some shock.

"Liu Bureau, it all depends on manpower!

If we can't catch up, we still have our children, and our children will still have children.

There are endless descendants, and one day we will catch up." Zhang Junping comforted him with a smile.

"Get out of here!

To catch up with a capitalist country, you still call me Foolish Old Man to Move Mountains!

Let me tell you, it is understandable that our generation cannot catch up.

If your generation can't catch up, then you are sinners!" Liu Jingshan cursed with red eyes.

Zhang Junping touched his nose and said what he said was fine. Why did he still curse?

Why do people of your generation and mine feel that you are taking advantage of me?

"Liu Bureau, you are still young, and you will definitely live to see the day when we catch up with capitalist countries." Zhang Junping responded with a smile.

"I just did not pass the responsibility to future generations, but I said that our socialist cause will be endless for future generations."

While talking, we arrived at Mayor Zhou's room.

Mayor Zhou was wearing pajamas and let Zhang Junping and Liu Jingshan into the room.

This is also a way for leaders to express closeness.

"Have you met Mr. Smith?"

"See you!"

"How was the talk?"

"Mr. Smith invited me to his home today.

We didn’t talk about work matters.”

"You, what a great opportunity! Why don't you know how to seize the opportunity!" Liu Jingshan said anxiously from the side.

Zhang Junping glanced at Liu Jingshan to make sure that he was really anxious and was not giving himself eye drops.

"Haha! Director Liu, you are wrong! The Prussians are different from us.

We are used to talking about work at home.

However, for Prussians, family is family, and work is work.

The division is very clear!

Xiao Zhang was right not to talk about work!" Mayor Zhou said with a smile to defend Zhang Junping.

"Thank you, leader, for your understanding!" Zhang Junping glanced at Liu Jingshan after he finished speaking.

Liu Jingshan ignored him.

However, I still feel a little embarrassed.

"Alas! Director Liu is a little anxious!

Today we visited the Volkswagen Group's production base, and our comrades were all a little bit shocked.

Compared with developed countries, we are far behind!

If you don’t catch up, you will fall further and further behind.

History has taught us that if you fall behind, you will be beaten." Mayor Zhou said with emotion.

"So, our mission is long and arduous!

This time, we originally planned to purchase a batch of industrial equipment and bring back industrial technology to expand our production scale.

But looking at it now, it is no longer enough to just rely on the second-hand equipment we purchased and the technology that is about to fall behind.

Xiao Zhang, work harder and bring me Volkswagen Group’s investment back.

I will personally ask Secretary Liu for credit!" Mayor Zhou said solemnly.

Liu Jingshan looked at Mayor Zhou in surprise, and then at Zhang Junping.

I felt a little bit sour in my heart. If this caught Secretary Liu's eyes, I would probably be on par with him in a few years.

"Leader, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to invite Smith to take his team to China for inspection." Zhang Junping quickly assured.

"Well! The automobile industry is an integrated display of a country's industry.

You can tell by looking at a country's industrial level and its automobile manufacturing level.

Therefore, whether we can introduce popular technology is crucial to our industrial development." Mayor Zhou emphasized again.

It seems that the leaders were stimulated by the public today.

I don’t know how excited I will be after visiting the production bases of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Mayor Zhou pulled Zhang Junping and talked a lot.

At the end of the sentence, Mayor Zhou and Liu Jingshan, two old men, had red eyes.

Now, if we have some wine, the two of us can cry.

This made Zhang Junping feel uncomfortable, as if he would be a sinner if he did not introduce the Volkswagen Group into the country.

Zhang Junping, who is familiar with the historical trajectory, naturally knows that in the future, not only Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz, but also Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi will compete to build joint venture factories in China.

Some people say that if you build a joint venture factory, you will not get the technology, but you will lose your own brand.

People who have not experienced it will not understand that the so-called brand is really not that important.

When you are technologically advanced, your brand is very important, but when you lag behind, is your brand still important?

Hasn’t the country considered this?

There are so many think tanks that are smarter than you and me.

It’s just that I can’t live anymore. You still think that I have to wear leather shoes when I wear a suit. I can’t wear white socks when I wear leather shoes.

As for technology, if these automobile manufacturers are not introduced to build joint ventures, it will be impossible.

Domestic brands like Great Wall and Geely may appear, but it will be many years later.

The automobile industry is an integrated industry and a very large industrial system.

Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, and Honda only keep their core engine technology secret from us.

However, which factory is not fiercely protecting its core technology?

If you cannot protect your core technology, you are not far from bankruptcy.

For example, in the more than 40 years of domestic reform and opening up, there have been many cases where core technologies were stolen and eventually went bankrupt.

Zhang Junping chatted with Mayor Zhou until very late before returning to his room.

However, with the approval of Mayor Zhou, Zhang Junping can move freely without having to join a tour group or stay in a hotel.

Everything is based on Zhang Junping's convenience.

Back in the room, Zhang Junping was just about to take a shower when the doorbell rang again.

When I opened the door, I saw Yu Zhiyuan, the deputy director of the Light Industry Bureau.

"Yu Bureau, it's so late and you haven't rested yet?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"I said, you are so ungrateful! You just stayed here for one night, and then you dumped me and disappeared." Yu Zhiyuan looked at Zhang Junping with resentful eyes.

This made Zhang Junping feel uncomfortable all over, "Yu Bureau, if we, the eldest man, have something to say, why don't you make this set-up?"

"Haha...ha!" Yu Zhiyuan laughed loudly, "I heard that you contacted three factories in Benzi, and they were all Qing Gongye?

Can people invest in China, or can they help us build factories and train workers?"

"Yes! Yu is quite well-informed!" Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

"Let me tell you, you don't know that as soon as this information came out, the team leaders in Dongcheng, Haidian, and Fengtai districts and the people from the Light Industry Bureau all had their eyes red.

I've been looking for Mayor Zhou for a whole day." Yu Zhiyuan said with a proud smile.

Quite a bit gloating about his misfortune.

He was not at all anxious about who the companies Zhang Junping contacted would give him.

Who is Zhang Junping? The uncle of XC District Light Industry Bureau.

Can you fight it?

Zhang Junping shook his head and laughed.

Sure enough, there are no secrets in government agencies.

I just finished reporting to Mayor Zhou this morning, and it didn't take long for me to know everything.

"Brother, hurry up and find Mayor Zhou to apply for continued freedom of movement.

Otherwise, you will be annoyed to death by those people tomorrow." Yu Zhiyuan said to Zhang Junping with a mysterious expression.

"Mayor Zhou has already agreed that I can move freely."

"Then you hurry up and leave. It's best to leave now!"

"It's just a matter of time, isn't it?"

"Why not? You don't know that Mayor Zhou was so annoyed today that he finally pushed him down on you.

If you don't leave, they will block you for a while and you won't be able to leave!

By the way, do you have enough money on you? I just helped you collect some foreign exchange from our XC area..." Yu Zhiyuan said, taking out a handful of US dollars and giving it to Zhang Junping.

"Yu Bureau..." Zhang Junping was a little moved.

Yu Zhiyuan could handle this, and while informing himself, he was also thinking about preparing travel expenses for himself.

"Just call me Brother Yu! Your sister-in-law and I have been colleagues for many years. Calling me Brother Yu doesn't count as taking advantage of you."

"Brother Yu, I have money! I sold two paintings a few days ago and made a lot of money.

By the way, if you don’t bring enough foreign exchange, I can also support you partially.

Just give me RMB when you return to China." Zhang Junping reciprocated the favor and said with a smile.

"No, we don't have anything to buy. You're out alone, so it won't hurt to bring some extra money with you." Yu Zhiyuan shook his head and refused.

"By the way, when it comes to painting, I've heard that your paintings are better than Xu Beihong's.

You have to draw one for me later! I'll take it home as a family heirloom!" At the end, Yu Zhiyuan added with a smile.

"Brother Yu, please praise me as much as you can! If word of this gets out, when I return to BJ, will I be drowned in the spit of those artists from CAFA?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"How can you not! Mayor Zhou is a calligraphy and painting lover, so he said this."

"You can't believe that. Mr. Xu Beihong is a master of traditional Chinese painting, and oil paintings are just for fun." Zhang Junping said with a modest smile.

Who is more powerful than Xu Beihong? If you are like this, you will not be able to admit it even if you are beaten to death.

After sending Yu Zhiyuan away, Zhang Junping evacuated the hotel where the purchasing group stayed overnight.

Most of the leaders in this era are cadres transferred from the military, but it is very crazy. I have never seen a department-level or deputy-department-level leader dare to go to a deputy-ministerial leader in order to win investment in their jurisdiction.

Driving back to Kempinski, it was still my original room.

Although Zhang Junping has not stayed here these days, the room has not been returned.

After ordering room service and a pure green spa, Zhang Junping fell into a deep sleep after relaxing his body.

Although Mayor Zhou repeatedly emphasized the importance of bringing in the public, Zhang Junping was not in a hurry to see Smith.

Some things shouldn't be rushed.

Zhang Junping has also communicated this with Mayor Zhou. As a mature politician, Mayor Zhou naturally understands this truth.

Agreeing with Zhang Junping's point of view, he asked him to act expediently based on the actual situation.

After sleeping in the Kempinski, Zhang Junping left the room, took the Kempinski limousine and went straight to the airport.

There is no rush to introduce the public, he plans to go hunting for a treasure first.

Get on a plane to Munich.

Driving was too tiring and he wasn't planning to come back soon, so Zhang Junping simply chose to fly.

It is very convenient to fly from Berlin to Munich.

There are several flights a day between Berlin and Munich.

After arriving in Munich, Zhang Junping settled in the hotel, rented a car, and first went to the flea market to collect the things he bought last time into the museum space.

Back at the hotel, Zhang Junping was about to get off the car when he suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure.

Zhang Junping did not rush to get out of the car, but sat in the car and looked at the several figures entering the hotel.

Five thousand words.

There will be no surprises in the future, five thousand in the morning and five thousand in the afternoon.

This chapter has been completed!
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