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Chapter 220 A bit against the sky

Chapter 220 A bit outrageous

"Haha, I don't need you to forget it.

I am a more realistic person, so just say, I saved you, what benefits can you give me?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile as his eyes turned around Weng Xingqing and his granddaughter.

At this time, Weng Xingqing's granddaughter was so frightened that she could not speak.

"Sir..." Weng Xingqing gritted his teeth, took off the two rings on his fingers, and took off the bracelet from his granddaughter's wrist. He held it in both hands and handed it to Zhang Junping, "These are just a small gesture, please accept it, sir."

"Haha! This thing belongs to me even if you die!

This is really a little thoughtful!" Zhang Junping took the ring, held it in his hand and tossed it gently.

"Here are five million dollars, sir, please accept it!" Weng Xingqing understood the truth very well and knew that if he did not satisfy the man in front of him, his grandfather and grandson would probably end up like these people.

"This is all the cash my Weng family has that can be mobilized.

If sir, you are still not satisfied, please tell me the amount, and I will definitely find a way to raise it when I get back."

"Yes!" Zhang Junping took the check and nodded noncommittally.

Just when Weng Xingqing was secretly happy and thought he had overcome the difficulty, Zhang Junping said again: "I heard that your great ancestor Weng Tonghe left behind many rare ancient books and a large number of precious antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

Do you think your and your granddaughter’s lives are more valuable, or do you think those ancient books, rare books, antiques, calligraphy and paintings are more valuable?”


"I don't have time to investigate you. There aren't many people named Weng in this world.

There are fewer wealthy families named Weng who have moved overseas and have luxury cars and bodyguards. It is not surprising to know that you are the descendant of Weng Tonghe." Zhang Junping explained with a smile, and then asked: "How are you thinking?

Give up your life, or give up those useless ancient books, antique calligraphy and paintings?"

"I..." Weng Xingqing closed his eyes. He had not shed tears in the situation just now, but now his face was full of tears.

Think about how much effort the Weng family spent on transporting these rare ancient books, antique calligraphy and paintings to the Bald Eagle Country, and how many people died.

It is precisely by relying on these rare ancient books, antique calligraphy and paintings that we can make many good friends and gain a firm foothold in Chinatown.

And then developed the Weng family to where it is today.

These rare ancient books, antique calligraphy and paintings are the family property accumulated by several generations of the Weng family!

However, all of this was ruined by his own greed.

Bewitched by the treasure, he lost his mind.

That's what led to today's ending.

I gave up ancient books, rare books, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, I feel sorry for my ancestors, I have no shame to meet the ancestors of the Weng family after death.

However, the word "sacrifice one's life" was swirling in his mouth, but he could not say it.

Weng Xingqing cried very sadly, with runny nose and tears.

"Grandpa!" The granddaughter's cry became the last straw.

"Sir, I choose to save my life!

I don’t know how to give those things to sir?” After thinking about it, Weng Xingqing stopped crying and looked at Zhang Junping and asked.

"Please keep your things for me, don't lose them!

When I turn around, I will naturally go find you to get it!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"The Weng family swept the couch to await your visit." Weng Xingqing bowed deeply to Zhang Junping.

"Okay, you can go! Do you still want me to escort you back to the city?" Zhang Junping said with a half-smile.

"Don't bother sir, let's go back to the city by ourselves!" After saying that, he picked up his granddaughter and staggered outside.

After watching the two people leave, Zhang Junping took out a flashlight and entered the cave.

This cave was obviously built as an air raid shelter.

As soon as you enter the cave, the most conspicuous thing is a Tiger tank parked in the middle of the cave.

Looking back with a flashlight, I saw that inside the long cave, there were about a hundred Tiger tanks, fifty or sixty RSO light armored vehicles, and seventy or eighty SdKfz251 half-track armored vehicles.

There are many wooden boxes densely stacked on both sides of the cave.

At this time, these boxes have been opened.

Reveal what's inside.

Kar98k Mauser rifle, GEWEHR 1943 semi-automatic rifle, MP40 submachine gun, MP44 assault rifle, MG42 general machine gun, PANZERFAUST anti-tank grenade launcher, wooden handle grenade, and Tiger tank shells.

In addition, there are: Hummel caliber 150mm, Weasel 105mm self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery.

leFH18 105mm howitzer, sFH18 150mm howitzer, Morser 18 210mm long-range heavy howitzer, K18 105mm howitzer, K18 170mm heavy howitzer.

It's so densely packed that I can't even count how many there are.

These are almost enough to equip even one tank division.

**After the strength declined in the later period, a tank division was only equipped with about a hundred Tiger tanks, far less than the 384 tanks at its peak.

All this tells Zhang Junping that this is a backup arsenal.

It is normal for Prussia to build secret arsenals in the country.

In China, countless arsenals have been built deep in the mountains.

Zhang Junping grinned. Just because the dead mercenaries looked down on these weapons from World War II did not mean that he, Zhang Junping, looked down upon them.

The light and heavy weapons of World War II are also collectibles.

Weapons collection is also a major mainstream of museums in today's society.

Unfortunately, in most exhibition halls, you can only get a few broken guns.

Zhang Junping shook his head and ended his random thoughts. There was no way these things would appear outside.

Zhang Junping waved his hand and put all the light and heavy weapons in the cave into the museum space.

Sure enough, as Zhang Junping thought, the light and heavy weapons from the World War II era were treated as antiques and put into museums.

There were so many things that the cave was as big as a football field. Zhang Junping spent a long time just collecting things.

After collecting all the light and heavy weapons, Zhang Junping turned and left.

When Weng Xingqing and his grandson return to the city, they may choose to call the police.

Just in case, it's better to leave early.

Zhang Junping walked faster and soon caught up with Weng Xingqing's grandparents who were still staggering forward in the jungle.

Zhang Junping did not alarm them, but passed them from the side and came to the mountain path.

Zhang Junping walked quickly along the mountain path. He didn't release his off-road vehicle until he got onto the road.

I drove the off-road vehicle and continued forward. I found a place with beautiful scenery to stop the car. After enjoying a meal, I set up the painter and started sketching.

Originally he was a painter who traveled around the world.

It would be unreasonable to go back into the mountains without painting a picture.

I gained a lot today and Zhang Junping is in a good mood.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Zhang Junping completely relaxed, enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of him, and immersed himself in the world of creation.

The sun sets in the west, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, with the ancient castle nestled among them.

After finishing a painting, Zhang Junping packed up his things, got in the car, changed direction, and returned to Munich.

It was quiet along the way, and it seemed that Weng Xingqing did not choose to call the police.

If he didn't call the police, Weng Xingqing would have already boarded a plane leaving Prussia by this time.

If you don't call the police, you can only ensure your own safety by leaving Prussia as soon as possible.

Because, at best, he is just the employer of those bodyguards. If there is a problem with the bodyguards, the police will find the employer to find out the situation.

If Weng Xingqing was in Prussia, there might be some trouble.

However, once they leave Prussia, it is hard to say whether the Prussian police will go to Bald Eagle to find Weng Xingqing to understand the situation.

One side is a mercenary and the other side is a bodyguard. Neither of them are good people and they deserve to die.

The highest probability will be included in the list of gangsters and gangsters. After a fierce fight, they will both die, and then the case will be closed.

After Zhang Junping returned to the hotel, he returned the off-road vehicle and then had dinner in the hotel restaurant.

After returning to the room, Zhang Junping took a shower and then lay on the bed to take stock of today's harvest.

The sky above the museum space is once again densely filled with fragments of experience like stars.

Light weapons usage experience fragments +1348659

Heavy weapon usage experience fragments +8456

Mechanical operation experience fragment +7485

Small arms design and manufacturing technology experience fragments +485645

Heavy weapons design and manufacturing technology experience fragments +2479

Mechanical design and manufacturing experience fragments +2295

Engine design and manufacturing technology experience fragments +1865

After reading the newly emerged fragments of technical experience, Zhang Junping was confused.

What are these?

Are you now a master of weapons design and manufacturing?

Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

Regardless of whether it was contrary to nature or not, Zhang Junping began to absorb skills.

First, Zhang Junping highlighted primary engine design and manufacturing technology.

I originally thought that basic engine technology should be very simple.

As a result, Zhang Junping found that he was wrong.

It's really that simple. There are so many scientists in the country who have worked hard for so many years, but they still can't catch up.

It looks like an engine, but it involves the integration of more than a dozen disciplines such as metal materials, chemistry, engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, mechanical mechanics, space mechanics, etc.

Any of these subjects is enough for a person to study and research for a lifetime.

Zhang Junping, however, received knowledge from more than a dozen subjects in an instant, and the knowledge in each subject was equivalent to the amount of knowledge at the doctorate level.

Such a massive amount of knowledge directly put Zhang Junping's brain into a state of self-protection.

By the time Zhang Junping woke up again, it was already the next morning.

This time, there were no aftereffects like last time, I just felt sticky all over.

I took a shower, went out for breakfast, and then returned to the hotel to learn new skills.

Zhang Junping stayed in the hotel for a week, eating, bathing, and receiving skills inheritance every day.

Finally, I have absorbed all the new skills.

Looking at the deeper eyes in the mirror, Zhang Junping smiled. I have become stronger, but I am not bald.


The next day, Zhang Junping checked out of the room and took a plane again to Zurich.

He plans to continue depositing the check in a Swiss bank.

It was still the blonde beauty Annabelle who received him.

After filling out the documents and signing the documents, the $5 million in the check was entered into Zhang Junping's account.

"Mr. Zhang, are you still buying gold futures contracts with this money?" Annabella asked Zhang Junping with a wink and a smile.

"Miss Annabelle, do you have any good suggestions?" Zhang Junping pretended not to notice and asked calmly.

"In fact, Mr. Zhang can also consider investing in industry. Now that the world economy continues to recover, industry is also a good investment direction."

"Oh? So what good suggestions does Miss Annabella have for investing in industry?" Zhang Junping continued to ask calmly.

"Mr. Zhang, what a coincidence, I do have a suitable industrial project here to invest in." Annabelle smoothed her hair without leaving a trace and adjusted her sitting posture to make her career line more prominent.

"..." Zhang Junping didn't speak, he just made a gesture to continue talking.

With honest eyes, she began to research Annabelle's career line.

But her mind was analyzing what Annabelle said.

"Mr. Zhang, what I want to introduce to you is a textile company.

This textile company can only be considered medium-sized in Switzerland, with an annual output of about 10,000 tons.

Mainly produces cotton textiles and blended fabrics.

Provide high-end fabrics to some European clothing manufacturers.

Some time ago, Mr. Givens was unable to repay a loan due to a wrong investment decision.

For this loan, Mr. Givens used the equity of the textile company as collateral.

Our bank has submitted a lawyer's letter to it. If the loan cannot be repaid within the stipulated period, we will have no choice but to auction its mortgaged equity." Annabella changed her sitting posture, hid her career line, and asked her seriously.

Zhang Junping introduced the situation.

"Miss Annabelle, I would like to know how this textile company is doing?

And what kind of investment caused Mr. Givens to be unable to repay the loan?"

"What investments Mr. Givens makes, I'm sorry, this belongs to Mr. Givens' privacy, I have no right to tell you.

As for the operating conditions of textile enterprises, there is no problem.

The annual profit of this textile company is very stable, about one million Swiss francs.

Because he used the equity of this textile company as a mortgage loan.

So, if the loan cannot be repaid, we have the right to auction its shares."

"Mortgage equity, I want to know how many shares he owns in this textile company? Or how much equity he mortgaged?"

"Mr. Givens owns 37% of this textile company..."

"Sorry, if that's the case, I'm not interested in this textile company.

I'd better continue to buy gold futures contracts!" Zhang Junping directly interrupted Annabelle and said.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry.

Givens is the largest shareholder of this textile company and is also the chairman of this textile company."

"What's the matter? Miss Annabelle, with 37% of the shares, has no control over this company.

I am not the founder, so I cannot control this company with my own courage or charisma.

All that can be done is to gain absolute control.

Without this, talking about investment is all lies.

You are very beautiful, and I don't want to complain to you! But please don't treat me as a fool!" Zhang Junping said coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, you misunderstood!"

"I'm waiting for you to give me an explanation, otherwise I will transfer all my funds to Credit Suisse." Zhang Junping said with a cold tone, looking at Annabelle.

Switzerland has two largest banks, UBS and Credit Suisse.

The two banks have been competing for decades.

At this time, Annabelle regretted that she should not have been greedy and deceived Zhang Junping into investing in the industry.

Nowadays, if something goes wrong, handling complaints is a small matter, but transferring nearly ten million US dollars of funds is a big deal.

And it was transferred to its old rival Credit Suisse.

All I can say is that the consequences are serious.

If Givens' loan had not been made through her hand, Annabelle would not have taken the risk.

A loan of 5 million Swiss francs cannot be recovered, and if it ends up going through the judicial auction process, it will still have a great impact on her career.

However, now that the matter has come to this, we can only bite the bullet.

"Mr. Zhang, what if I can help you get absolute controlling rights?" Annabelle asked tentatively.

"Can Miss Annabelle do it?"

"Yes!" Annabelle said firmly.

"Well, if you can help me get absolute controlling rights, I don't mind investing in an industry for fun." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Zhang Junping's smile finally made Annabelle breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, I no longer have to look for a job again.

"Miss Annabelle, help me buy all the funds into gold futures contracts now.

Ten times leverage, buy the whole position." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, you are not..."

"Miss Annabelle, I can only stay in Zurich for three days, so you only have three days to help me get the absolute controlling interest.

Otherwise, I will sell all gold futures contracts and transfer the funds to the next door." Zhang Junping interrupted Annabelle and said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know how to contact you?"

“I stayed at the Hilton!”

"Okay sir, I will notify you immediately if there is any news!"

Zhang Junping pretended not to know about Annabel's eyebrows, scratched her palms, and other hints. After completing the purchase and sale procedures of the gold futures contract, he left UBS.

Annabell was left crying without tears, stamping her feet in the office and scolding Zhang Junping for not being a man.

She is such a beautiful woman, but she turned a blind eye.

Zhang Junping was walking on Bahnhofstrasse, which is known as one of the richest streets in the world.

This is the largest gold trading market in Europe, with unrestricted gold spot and futures trading.

Under this street, it is paved with gold.

It is said that the water here has higher gold content than other places.

There are more than a hundred banks on Bahnhofstrasse, such as Citibank, Mitsubishi Bank, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, etc., all have branches here.

The real attraction of Bahnhofstrasse is that you can buy all the luxury clothes, bags, watches, diamond jewelry and jewelry that you can name.

Zhang Junping was not very interested in these luxury goods, but a gallery with low-key and luxurious decoration attracted Zhang Junping's attention.

Zhang Junping stepped inside.

It was quiet in the gallery.

Because he is the only customer.

Zhang Junping looked at the oil painting hanging on the wall.

The gallery mainly sells works by modern painters, but also has a small number of works by modern painters.

When Zhang Junping came in, the shopkeeper didn't come forward to greet him. He just nodded at him from a distance and continued to do his own business.

Zhang Junping walked around the gallery and felt very disappointed. The works here seemed to him like children's handicrafts.

Zhang Junping left the gallery, came to the river, and looked into the distance.

In addition to being a financial city and a shopping paradise, Zurich is also a city on the water.

five thousand words

This chapter has been completed!
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