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Chapter 226 Mysterious Mr.

Chapter 226 The mysterious gentleman

Zhang Junping chatted for a while in Xu Shaomin's office.

No more talk about investment.

There is no need to say anything more about the relationship between the two of them.

There is no need to explain why Zhang Junping left Xu Shaomin's name, everyone knows it.

It is to increase Xu Shaomin's zz qualifications.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Junping stood up and said, "Squad leader, I'm going to report to the director."

In the past, he was just a small buyer and did not need to report directly to the director.

It's different now.

He is the deputy section chief and will be promoted to section chief soon, so he must report to the director.

"Go!" Xu Shaomin waved his hand, stood up and returned to his desk.

Zhang Junping came to the director's office and knocked on the door.

A deep voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Zhang Junping opened the door and went in.


"Xiao Zhang? When did you come back?" Seeing that it was Zhang Junping, Director Zheng put down the pen in his hand, stood up and asked with a smile.

"I came back yesterday!" Zhang Junping replied with a smile.

"I heard about your performance this time! You didn't embarrass me!" Director Zheng walked out of the desk with a smile.

This gave Zhang Junping a lot of face.

When other people came, except for a few deputy directors, Director Zheng stood up from behind his desk at most.

"Xiao Zhang, what kind of tea do you want to drink?" Director Zheng asked with a smile.

"I'll do it myself!" Zhang Junping quickly picked up the thermos, first gave Director Zheng a glass of water, and then made himself a cup of jasmine tea.

"Xiao Zhang! Xiao Xu has mentioned the deputy director. You should arrest the matters related to your department first." Director Zheng didn't say anything else and directly stated the decision of the bureau.

"Director, I..." Zhang Junping was about to speak, but was interrupted by Director Zheng.

"I know, the old leader called me and told me.

I plan to take you to the BJ Painting Shop." Director Zheng said with a smile.

"Director, you know I..."

"Xiao Zhang, don't worry! Just listen to what I have to say.

BJ Painting Store is a subsidiary unit of BJ City Xinhua Bookstore.

Although the art shop is not very eye-catching, it is also a division-level department." Director Zheng smiled and reminded.


This is the same as the import and export trading company that I originally planned to work for. They are both department-level units.

Again, there is no possibility of a triple jump among Communist Party cadres.

"Thank you, Director!" Zhang Junping quickly expressed his thanks.

"Okay! No need to say thank you.

After finally cultivating a talent, the leader asked him to leave.

When you go to a new unit in the future, don’t forget your parents’ family.” Director Zheng said with a reluctant tone.

"Director, don't worry, no matter where I go, I will always be your soldier!

If you need anything, just give me a call and I promise to be there at your call." Zhang Junping quickly expressed his stance.

"Okay! That's what I want from you!" Director Zheng said with a smile.

Zhang Junping stayed in Director Zheng's office for about half an hour before saying goodbye and leaving.

As soon as Zhang Junping returned to the Purchasing Department, the head of the Personnel Department came to the Purchasing Department and announced Zhang Junping's appointment.

Officially entering the publicity period.

Therefore, more than two months after Zhang Junping was promoted to associate section level, he was immediately promoted to full section level.

"Chief Zhang, congratulations!" Xiao Zhanjun smiled and shook hands with Zhang Junping to thank him.

"Thank you, Chief Xiao! I'd like to trouble you to make another trip!" Zhang Junping said politely.

"Chief Zhang, I'm afraid this is the last time you're going to trouble me.

The next time I come, I will be the leader of the Organization Department." Xiao Zhanjun said with a smile.

The reason why it is said to be the last time is because if Zhang Junping is promoted to the deputy director level, the Organization Department will need to talk to announce the appointment.

After making an appointment with Xiao Zhanjun for a drink, Xiao Zhanjun said goodbye and left.

As soon as Xiao Zhanjun left, Zhang Junping was surrounded by Corey's people.

They all opened their mouths to congratulate him.

"Okay, okay! I know what you are thinking. I will treat Dong Laishun tonight." Zhang Junping said to everyone with a smile.

"Chief Zhang is open and bright!"

"Thank you, Section Chief Zhang!"

The crowd burst into cheers.

"Okay, do what you have to do! You are all old employees, you must learn to find work by yourself.

Don't wait for me to arrange tasks for you!" Zhang Junping smiled and waved his hand.

After driving everyone to work, Zhang Junping carried his bag and left the office.

I went from department to department to give gifts.

There is a saying: Burn incense diligently when nothing happens, and don’t wait until something happens to worry about the Buddha.

Although the Materials Bureau has not been prosperous for a few years, it does not mean that the people in the Bureau will be in decline.

Now that we have a good relationship, we can see each other easily in the future.

After distributing the gifts, return to the office.

Now he can go to the back office to work openly.

If he stays outside any longer, he won't feel comfortable, and neither will Corey's colleagues.

As soon as Zhang Junping sat down, Li Wenjuan knocked on the door and came in.


"Where's Xiaoxia?"

"Xiao Xia went to Dashilan.

During these days when Master is away, the two of us take turns going there." Li Wenjuan explained.

"Oh! It's been almost two months since I left. How is the decoration over there?" Zhang Junping was very concerned about the progress of the decoration of his house.

Now, it has been determined that he will be transferred from the Materials Bureau soon.

It's not suitable to have a house in the Materials Bureau anymore.

Therefore, we can only get married in this courtyard.

“The doors and windows have been completed, and the toilets, bathrooms, and gatehouses have also been renovated.

However, the toilet has not been installed in the toilet, and the switches and sockets in the room have not been installed either." Li Wenjuan introduced the progress.

"Well, I know this. When I left, I specifically explained it to Lao Wang.

I will purchase these things from abroad.

Now it has been shipped back and will not be delayed for use next year." Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

"Construction of Baylor Mansion on the other side of Shichahai has also begun.

Recently, the original foundation has been demolished and re-founded.”

"Can't the original foundation be used?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

When cleaning up the yard, Zhang Junping deliberately kept the foundation, thinking that it would be used during reconstruction.

Unexpectedly, it still had to be demolished and rebuilt.

"I heard from Master Yang that the foundation stones and other materials can still be used, but they must be demolished and rebuilt.

Otherwise, the built house will not be strong." Li Wenjuan quickly explained.

It can be seen that Xiao Li is still very concerned about what he told him.

"Also, over at Baylor Mansion, I heard Master Yang say that the current blue bricks have different regulations from the original blue bricks used in Baylor Mansion, and all need to be customized.

He also said that gold bricks are not easy to get."

"Well! How did you deal with it in the end? Brother Dashan pulled a batch of old bricks from somewhere and asked Master Yang to use them first.

The new bricks were also ordered from a brick and tile factory in the northern suburbs."

"You are so happy to have it made to order?"

"That's not possible! It was Director Xu who made the call and they made it to order."


Xiao Li, I may not be able to stay in the Materials Bureau for much longer." Zhang Junping was very satisfied with Li Wenjuan and said with a smile.

"Master, are you going to be promoted again?" Upon hearing that Zhang Junping said that he would not be able to stay in the Materials Bureau for long, Li Wenjuan's first reaction was that Zhang Junping was going to be promoted again.

However, this is not wrong.

"I might go to work in the art shop below Xinhua Bookstore.

Are you willing to follow me?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

Disciples are not accepted casually. Once accepted, they must be held accountable to the end.

"Of course I will leave with you, Master!" Li Wenjuan blurted out without any hesitation.

"Okay, once I've settled down there, I'll transfer you there.

By the way, don't tell anyone else about this." Zhang Junping warned.

"I understand, Master!

By the way, Master, what is the gift you gave me? Why don't you let me open it and see it?" Li Wenjuan asked curiously.

"Why don't you go home and open it yourself?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Master, I'm almost dying! Just tell me!" Li Wenjuan said coquettishly.

"How boring is it to say it? You can guess it yourself slowly and then read it when you get home. This will be interesting." Zhang Junping smiled and rejected Li Wenjuan's plea.

In the next few days, Zhang Junping worked hard at his workplace every day and treated his colleagues in the bureau to dinner at night.

I didn't even have time to take a look at my own courtyard house.

It was Scarface who came to his house at night and met with him.

Reported on the progress of the two yards.

"Da Shan, I hope you won't regret it in the future!" Zhang Junping handed the five identity documents to Scarface and said with a smile.

"Master Zhang, what is this?" Scarface held the ID, but did not turn around.

"You will be from Xiangjiang from now on!" Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"Really?! Mr. Zhang, I won't say much more to thank you.

From now on, I guarantee that whatever you ask me to do, I will never hesitate for a second." Scarface knelt directly in front of Zhang Junping, raised his hands and swore.

"Get out of here quickly!

I help you because you are more to my liking." Zhang Junping scolded.

"Alas!" Scarface stood up without saying anything else and stood in front of Zhang Junping.

“Pigeon City will be handed over to others first, and then slowly withdrawn.

You can use that three-story building outside Guang'an Gate to open a restaurant."

"Master Zhang, can a private person open a restaurant now?" Scarface was stunned and asked in confusion.

"Don't forget that you are from Xiangjiang now.

Take your passport tomorrow and go directly to the XC District Materials Bureau to find Director Xu.

Just say I asked you to go.

Tell him about your plans to invest in a Kailu cuisine restaurant in China.

He will help you with all the procedures.

After the restaurant opened, I handed the restaurant over to my parents.

You take people to Xiangjiang, and I will tell you what to do when the time comes." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"I know, Master Zhang!" Scarface really agreed without hesitation.

“We also need to find a good Shandong cuisine cook.

Whether a restaurant can run well or not, the chef accounts for more than half of the reason." Zhang Junping warned again.

"Master Zhang, I know a good cook who can cook Shandong cuisine very well."

Scarface usually associates with people from all walks of life.

Therefore, the information is relatively well-informed.

"Oh! Isn't that just right? Go and invite him over, don't be reluctant to spend money!" Zhang Junping said with some joy.

"Master Zhang, that Shandong cuisine cook works in the cafeteria of the Third Cotton Mill.

I can't help but they won't let him go!" Scarface said with a grimace.

"When you go to Director Xu, tell him about this together." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

When he gives orders now, he is not polite at all.

This week, in order to treat guests, Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan had no time to date.

I didn't even have time to go home and take a look.

He could only ask Qiu Wenyan to go back on his behalf to ensure that his parents were safe.

He said he would go home and take a look after he had been busy for the past few days.

I just finished treating my colleagues in the bureau to dinner here.

Yamashita Shinichi is here.

This guy took Zhang Junping's message as an imperial edict and personally led his team to China to show his importance.

And contacted Xu Shaomin.

"You kid, you know how to cause trouble for me all day long." After receiving the notice, Xu Shaomin called Zhang Junping to the office and complained.

"Squad leader, just follow the district's wishes and talk to them boldly.

The district is now inclined to build a joint venture with them, so let’s talk to them about the joint venture.”

"Why don't you come forward?" Xu Shaomin glanced at Zhang Junping.

Xu Shaomin was still angry that Zhang Junping made a fake Xiangjiang person to fool him.

It's obviously old BJ. He got a Hong Kong household registration and dared to say that he was a Hong Kong businessman and came to invest.

He knew clearly that that boy was Zhang Junping's errand boy, and he had to cooperate with the district to negotiate terms.

Of course, neither Zhang Junping nor Scarface dared to make any excessive demands. They just hoped that the district government would allow them to open a restaurant in BJ.

Although the investment in opening a hotel is not large, it is the first foreign investment since the reform and opening up.

Therefore, the district took it very seriously and gave Scarface the green light to open a restaurant.

Now it's the same thing again.

"You kid, tell me honestly, does the company I came to have anything to do with you?" Xu Shaomin asked, glaring at Zhang Junping.

I have to say that Xu Shaomin's intuition is still very accurate.

However, Zhang Junping could not admit it.

Currently, only my father-in-law knows about this matter, not even my daughter-in-law.

Let alone tell Xu Shaomin.

It's not that I don't trust him, but the more people know about it, the more risks there are.

"Monitor, I am quite familiar with the boss behind Shinichi Industrial Co., Ltd.

Once I show up, there is no need to talk about this matter.

We have benefited greatly, but business conduct must still abide by business rules.

Temporary gain is not a good thing for our future investment promotion.

Therefore, please don’t tell me anything about my acquaintance with their boss behind the scenes.

When you get there, just tell the man named Yamashita Shinichi that you know him, and there is no need to say anything else." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"You kid, I suspect you are being lazy! Get out of here!" Xu Shaomin glared at Zhang Junping and drove him away.

"Oh! By the way, just say that sir admires Chinese culture very much and knows Chinese culture very well." Zhang Junping added before leaving the house.

Then the preparations for the reception begin.

We drove to the district government, met with the district leaders, and then went to BJ Hotel to meet Yamashita Shinichi.

With Xu Shaomin standing in front of him, Zhang Junping finally had time to go on a date with Qiu Wenyan.

In the evening, after get off work, Zhang Junping was making furniture in Dashilan while Qiu Wenyan watched.

Although there was little communication, in Qiu Wenyan's opinion, this was already a very happy date.

It's much more meaningful than going to the movies or going to the park.

Watch with your own eyes the man you love building a wedding bed that belongs to them both.

Is there anything more romantic than this?

Xia Guoxiang also works overtime with Zhang Junping every night, working as his assistant and working part-time as a light bulb.

Zhang Junping wants to make the Qiangong eight-step machine and hundreds of parts one by one.

First use an electric saw to cut out the rough blanks of furniture components.

Then the tenons are cut, then scraped with an electric plane, and finally polished and trimmed by hand.

Ensure that the component size error is less than 0.5 mm and the surface is flat and smooth.

At this point, the work is not complete. Patterns must be carved on the furniture components according to the design drawings, and then polished again.

It is not until this point that a furniture component is complete.

After all the furniture components are processed, the last step is to assemble the eight-step bed.

With the assistance of power tools, although the workload is still not small, the speed has increased several times.

The most labor-intensive part of making Qiangong Babu Bed in ancient times was the production of rough embryos.

In ancient times, there were no electric tools to assist today. It was all about people holding a wire saw to cut the wood into rough shapes, and then use a plane to modify it little by little until the size meets the requirements.

The others are mortise and tenon making and pattern carving.

Zhang Junping had no good solution for these two pieces, so he could only grind them little by little by hand.

Reading at night is the spiritual pursuit of scholars.

So when the carpenter is working, it is also a pleasure for his wife to serve him tea and water and help him wipe away his sweat.

It's just that Xia Guoxiang, a light bulb, is a bit miserable. He is fed a belly of dog food every day.

Fortunately, Qiu Wenyan took pity on this apprentice and promised to introduce him to a girlfriend at the Light Industry Bureau.

Xia Guoxiang was so happy that he saw Qiu Wenyan every day and called him "Master" more affectionately than calling him "Master".

Things are going very smoothly on Zhang Junping's side. He works overtime until ten o'clock every night, and Zhang Junping sends Qiu Wenyan home.

As for Xia Guoxiang, he simply lived in the courtyard house in Dashilan.

I just happened to be watching something at night.

Zhang Junping's side is progressing smoothly, and Xu Shaomin's side is progressing even more smoothly.

When Lang Youqing was interested in concubine, after a few brief contacts, he quickly entered into substantive negotiations.

All three projects were taken over by the city and directly established joint ventures with municipal factories.

However, the district is not without gains. Several parts factories for the TV project have settled in the XC District and have joint ventures with district-affiliated factories in the XC District.

Originally, Yamashita Shinichi did not plan to separate the accessories and build a separate factory.

However, Xu Shaomin mentioned that your husband likes the XC area very much.

Yamashita Shinichi heard that Mr. Yamashita had been to XC District, so he agreed to split it up and jointly build several parts factories separately with XC District.

The subsequent negotiations went smoothly, and the final joint venture was that the city would provide the land and be responsible for the infrastructure construction of the factory.

Shinichi Industrial Co., Ltd. produces the production line, produces the technology, and is responsible for employee training.

Shinichi Industrial Co., Ltd. holds 55% of the shares and the city holds 45%.

Originally, when forty was discussed, the city planned to agree, but after Xu Shaomin said a few words, Yamashita Shinichi took the initiative to make a concession.

As a result, Xu Shaomin successfully entered the eyes of city leaders.

"You kid, you've exhausted me these past few days!

By the way, who is the gentleman you are talking about? Why is it so powerful?

When negotiations get stuck, I only need to mention Mr. Yamashita, and that little devil Shinichi Yamashita will immediately give in and make concessions." Xu Shaomin narrated the entire negotiation process in a boastful manner, while wondering who Mr. Xiang was.

Naturally, Zhang Junping would not say that he was the gentleman he mentioned.

So he smiled and said, "We both like art, that's why we met."

"Boy, you have changed a lot this year! Not only can you write better, but you can also draw.

If it weren't for your temper, I would have thought you were someone else's fake." Xu Shaomin sighed with a smile.

Five thousand words, please vote for me

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