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Chapter 237

Chapter 237 The fragrance of ink and the smell of bronze coexist

"Is Mr. Zhang in good health?" After sitting down, Zhang Junping and Zhao Yulong chatted about home affairs.

"Director Zhang has always paid attention to physical exercise. Although he is over fifty, his health is better than that of a forty-year-old like me." Zhao Yulong replied softly.

"That's great! From the last time we met, I felt that Director Zhang was very energetic.

That kind of energy is not what a person in his fifties should have, but more like a man in his thirties." Zhang Junping smiled and complimented Director Zhang.

Chatting with Zhao Yulong, but complimenting Director Zhang, this is emotional intelligence.

If Zhao Yulong can follow him to escort the car and collect payment, he must be Director Zhang's confidant.

When they met for the first time, Zhang Junping would be a little embarrassed if he tried to compliment Zhao Yulong, and his price would drop.

In terms of rank, Director Zhang is also a division-level cadre, half a rank higher than Zhang Junping, and twice as old as Zhang Junping.

Therefore, praising Director Zhang in front of Zhao Yulong can arouse resonance to a large extent without sacrificing one's worth.

"Chief Zhang, what you said is so right! Our field director is really not inferior to the young people at all. He often follows the security department for field training." Zhang Junping's words made Zhao Yulong feel close to him, and the smile on his face also increased.


At noon, everyone didn't drink much, just about half a catty each.

In the eyes of Northeastern gentlemen, this amount of wine is just to moisten the throat.

After dinner, Zhao Yulong and the others were sent to the reception room to drink tea and rest.

Zhang Junping and Li Kaihe returned to his office and began to settle accounts.

Li Kaihe has finished counting everything.

"Brother, this is the list. Do you want me to inspect the goods?"

"Brother Li, aren't you a slap in the face? Can I still trust you?"

"Everything is in the warehouse, and you can arrange for someone to pick it up at any time."

"Thank you, Brother Li.

We, brothers, have settled the accounts. We agreed at the beginning that one of us would take half, you would be responsible for the transportation, and I would be responsible for contacting the source of the goods.

With the exception of red ginseng, we brothers are okay with half of the goods here, right?" Zhang Junping took the list and asked Li Kaihe with a smile.

"No problem!" Li Kaihe said with a happy smile.

During this period, his life was really difficult because of the prodigal woman in his family and what happened to Yang Ying.

Although he is very powerful in the steel rolling mill, it is not an exaggeration to say that he sticks to his words.

But it is not that there are no enemies or competitors.

Yes, everyone knew they couldn't compete with him, so they stopped all activities for the time being.

This time, when Yang Ying's incident happened, it was true that his wife was instigated to come to the factory to cause trouble.

But there are also shadows of some people behind the scenes, fanning the flames.

If he hadn't decisively sent Yang Ying out, I don't know how much trouble would have been caused.

Now, although the matter has passed, I don't know how many people are talking about him behind his back.

I don’t know how many people are working secretly.

Now, there are 100 tons of rice, 150 tons of flour, 10 tons of soybean oil, and 200 tons of various mountain products.

All conspiracies and conspiracies will be wiped out under the overwhelming trend.

What is Huanghuang trend?

Popular support!

Workers don't care who your boss sleeps with, as long as it's not his wife.

I can only secretly envy you.

What they care about is how much benefits the leader can bring to them.

In state-owned factories, wages are fixed, so the visible benefit is welfare.

No matter how upright and upright you are, if you cannot bring practical benefits to the people, you are still a waste.

Incompetence and mediocrity are even more harmful than greed and corruption.

Li Kaihe is a good leader if he can get supplies to workers, provide benefits, and give everyone tangible benefits.

The steel rolling mill has more than 10,000 employees, and including its subordinate branches, there are a total of 20,000 people.

One hundred tons of rice and one hundred and fifty tons of flour. Each employee can receive ten kilograms of rice and fifteen kilograms of flour.

Each person can also get one pound of soybean oil and twenty pounds of various wild products.

Together with other supplies brought back from other brothers, it is enough for all workers to have a quiet, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Enough to suppress all noise.

"Brother Li, is there no problem if we each pay our own way?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"No problem! Brother, if it's inconvenient for you, my brother can help you first."

"No, brother, I can still get this little money!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

As Zhang Junping spoke, he took the abacus and started playing.

"One hundred tons of high-quality rice costs three hundred and twenty yuan per ton, which is a total of thirty-two thousand yuan.

One hundred and fifty tons of fine white powder costs 380 yuan per ton, which is a total of 57,000 yuan.

Ten tons of soybean oil costs 1,600 yuan per ton, which is 16,000 yuan in total.

All kinds of mountain products are priced at 800 yuan per ton, and 200 tons is 160,000 yuan.

Brother Li, you need to pay 265,000 yuan."

"Brother, isn't this price a bit cheap? You have helped my brother so much, and I can't let you work in vain!

You calculate everything according to the market price." Li Kaihe said with a smile.

The rice, flour, and soybean oil that Zhang Junping brought from the Northeast were not only free of charge, but were also one or two cents lower than the market price.

"Brother Li, do you think I am the one who sent those three melons and two dates?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Yes, brother was wrong! I apologize!" Li Kaihe also understood that what he just said was really unnecessary.

Zhang Junping can eat more than 80 tons of red ginseng in one go, but still cares about the price difference of one or two cents?

This time, Director Zhang united with more than a dozen farms and sent all the ginseng they grew to Zhang Junping.

A total of eighty-four tons.

Because some places in Northeast China were hit by disasters this year, ginseng production decreased and ginseng prices increased.

Currently, the price of first-class red ginseng from Northeast China is thirty-two yuan per pound.

According to Zhang Junping's original agreement, the purchase price is 30% higher than the purchase price in Northeast China, which is 41.6 cents per pound.

Eighty-four tons, that is more than 6.98 million.

"Brother Li, there is no need for us brothers to say those foreign words. Brother, I am going to work in the painting shop now.

Keep in touch with me more in the future. After the Chinese New Year, I will organize some social activities for calligraphers and painters.

When the time comes, I hope Brother Li will support me." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Brother, I haven't congratulated you yet! You have already entered the ranks of division-level cadres at such a young age.

It is certain that one day I will defeat my brother." Li Kaihe complimented.

"I'd like to lend you your kind words!" Zhang Junping didn't explain much, he just smiled and thanked me.

After the two people settled the accounts, they came to the reception room.

"Accountant Zhao, we just did the calculations.

Director Li and I each pay our own share.

Director Li will pay you two hundred and sixty-five thousand yuan.

I'll pay you 7,253,800 yuan.

Do you have any questions?" Zhang Junping handed the list to Zhao Yulong and said.

"No problem! Section Chief Zhang is a cheerful person, and our field director also said so.

I don’t want any change, you can just pay 7.25 million." Zhao Yulong didn’t look at the list, but just said to Zhang Junping with a smile.

They have calculated the price of this batch of goods no less than ten times.

Of course you can't go wrong.

"In this case, you can settle in peacefully today.

In the evening, I'll catch the wind and wash away the dust for you, and let's go eat roast duck.

When you leave tomorrow, I will give you the money again.

It’s not fun to have so much cash with you, so it’s not fun to eat and drink.” Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Chief Zhang, you are so thoughtful! Just do as you say." Zhao Yulong smiled and nodded.

He wasn't worried that Zhang Junping would cheat them.

If he was really worried, Zhang Junping wouldn't have delivered the nearly ten million worth of goods with just one phone call.

Zhang Junping has been thinking about a question.

Should I use foreign exchange to settle with Director Zhang, or should I settle in cash directly?

Seven million in cash, even in a suitcase that is 1.2 meters long, 70 meters wide, and 35 meters thick, it still has to fit three large suitcases.

"By the way, Accountant Zhao, I wonder if you accept checks?"


"Yes, I just thought about it. If I give you cash, it would take at least three large suitcases to hold this much cash, even if it is brand new RMB.

If it's an old one, I'm afraid even four large suitcases may not fit in it.

That's why I asked you whether you accept checks." Zhang Junping has already decided to pay in foreign exchange.

In the eyes of others, foreign exchange is very precious, but in Zhang Junping's eyes, foreign exchange is really not that precious.

It seems like a big disadvantage. The exchange rate in this era is quite bad.

But in fact, what Zhang Junping has in his hand is the third version of RMB.

He doesn't consider whether he will use it in his next purchase of antiques in the country.

As far as the RMB itself is concerned, there is also huge room for growth.

In later generations, a single RMB of ten yuan was worth between fifty and one hundred yuan.

A complete bundle with serial numbers could be sold for around three hundred thousand.

As for the RMB in Zhang Junping's hand, most of it happened to have serial numbers, and a small part was scattered old coins.

There are even scattered old coins, and some of them are the second edition of RMB, which is also known as the Big Black Ten in the collection market.

The second set of RMB was no longer in circulation in the 1960s, and banks could only enter and exit it, so only a small part of it was retained among the private sector.

Therefore, the second edition of RMB is very popular in the collection market, and the price has always been strong.

A brand new Big Black Ten can be sold for 300,000 yuan in later generations, and old coins can also be sold for 300,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Therefore, for Zhang Junping, there is no disadvantage in using foreign exchange transactions.

"Yes! It would be better if you can give me a check!" Zhao Yulong readily agreed.

After all, 856 Farm is a large state-owned farm, unlike some small local enterprises that have never seen the world and dare not accept payment by check.

"I plan to pay in U.S. dollars, and the exchange rate is one to one point five-seven. Is this acceptable?

Of course, you can go to the Bank of China to verify the check." Zhang Junping asked again with a smile.

"Yes! It can certainly be done! Just calculate it according to the ratio of 1 to 1.57 that Section Chief Zhang said! Just give me 4.6 million." Zhao Yulong became excited instantly.

He dared to directly agree to pay with U.S. dollars in foreign exchange, not to mention the official exchange rate of 1:1.57, but also at 1:2, or even 1:3.

After returning home, Director Zhang would only praise him.

"Brother, if you are short of money, I will help you.

There is no need to pay in US dollars!

You exchange the U.S. dollars to your brother, and he will give you RMB in the ratio of one to two and a half and one to three." Li Kaihe was jealous from the side.

"Brother Li, please don't cause trouble.

Be careful, Director Zhang won’t sell you agricultural and sideline supplies in the future.” Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"This is more than four million U.S. dollars! You said you have so much foreign exchange, what can't you buy?" Li Kaihe said distressedly.

The country's foreign exchange reserves continue to be in deficit, which has also led to more tense and precious foreign exchange.

"Chief Zhang, we only need four million!" Zhao Yulong was afraid that Zhang Junping would regret it, so he quickly lowered the price.

"Four million? Brother, you listen to my brother, you give me three million and fifty thousand, and I will pay for the money you owe 856 Farm for you." Li Kaihe glanced at Zhao Yulong and said directly.

"Chief Zhang, three million, you only need to pay three million US dollars!" Zhao Yulong spoke first without giving Zhang Junping a chance to speak.

"I only want two hundred..."

"Stop! Stop it!

Brother Li, stop shouting! If you really need foreign exchange in the future, can you help me?" Zhang Junping quickly stopped the bidding between the two.

Finally, at Zhao Yulong's insistence, Zhang Junping wrote him a check for US$3 million.

This kind of foreign exchange check can be exchanged at the Bank of China.

In fact, it looks like 856 Farm has suffered a loss, but in fact it does not.

The impact of three million in foreign exchange income is much greater than that of ten million RMB.

Therefore, this is a transaction in which no one loses.

Zhang Junping took Zhao Yulong to the Bank of China to verify the authenticity of the check.

In the evening, I treated three people to a roast duck dinner in Quanjude.

Zhang Junping was good at dancing and made full use of his strengths to drink Zhao Yulong and three others to the ground.

Of course, before drinking down, Zhang Junping did not forget to tell Zhao Yulong that the red ginseng trade will continue next year.

He can still pay for goods in foreign currency.

Zhao Yulong directly patted his chest and promised that he would send him more red ginseng next year.

Moreover, there is no need for Li Kaihe to contact the wagons. 856 Farm will take care of the wagon matters themselves.

Zhao Yulong still remembered Li Kaihe and him competing for foreign exchange.

Zhang Junping also told Zhao Yulong to send him a red ginseng purchase contract after returning.

Zhao Yulong also patted his chest in assurance.

Now, Zhang Junping is the uncle, and what he says is what he says.

After explaining everything, he started to drink freely.

Zhang Junping has no intention of selling this batch of red ginseng in China.

Domestically, although there is some price difference between BJ and Northeast, the profit is still not 30% higher.

Zhang Junping’s target market is Xiangjiang.

He had already planned to let Yang Ying register a trading company in Xiangjiang, then pay the taxes and go to Xiangjiang through normal export channels.

Then export from Xiangjiang to Benzi and Southeast Asia.

Red ginseng worth millions of dollars can’t even make a splash when it comes to markets in Japan and Southeast Asia.

In the past, the main exporting country of domestic red ginseng was Bangzi country.

The hateful Bangzi Country bought Chinese red ginseng and then screened it.

The first-class product is used as Korean ginseng and sold at high prices to Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia.

These products are directly sold under the name of Chinese red ginseng at low prices.

On the one hand, it monopolizes the market, and on the other hand, it slanders Chinese ginseng.

This has created a concept in the international ginseng market that Chinese ginseng is inferior and defective.

What Zhang Junping is doing now is to break the monopoly of Bangzi Country and let Chinese ginseng appear in its true colors in the international market.

The next day, after putting Zhao Yulong and the others on the train, Zhang Junping began to contact various partners and went to the steel rolling mill to buy new year goods.

Of course, we can't forget ourselves either.

After making the call, Zhang Junping calculated the supplies left in his hand and called Lu Guozhong to the office.

"Lao Lu, take Xiaoxia to the supply and marketing cooperative and buy five hundred five-pound plastic buckets.

Then we went to the streets to find a group of temporary workers to help us clean the plastic buckets."

"Manager Zhang, why did you buy so many plastic barrels?" Lu Guozhong asked in confusion.

"Tomorrow, on New Year's Day, I will give you benefits.

Soybean oil is packed directly into large iron barrels of 200 kilograms, and you are not allowed to separate it?" Zhang Junping explained.

"Oh! I know, I'll go right away!" When Lu Guozhong heard that it was soybean oil, he happily agreed and ran to buy a plastic bucket.

Zhang Junping wrote and drew on the paper again, took the abacus borrowed from the Finance Department, and did the math again.

The amount of benefits to be distributed is finally determined.

Each person has twenty kilograms of rice, twenty kilograms of flour, five kilograms of soybean oil, five kilograms of pork, five kilograms of mutton, five kilograms of fungus, five kilograms of dried mushrooms, ten kilograms of dried fruits, a bunch of hairtail fish, ten kilograms of swimming crabs, five kilograms of prawns, and five kilograms of shrimps.

Rice cotton cloth.

Because all the hairtails in his hands were lumps, he didn't bother to divide them, so he just took them one lump at a time.

In this way, there are twelve kinds, but the number in this era determines that they belong to the bold level.

In an average factory, if you can distribute two to three kilograms of rice and four to five kilograms of flour, your employees will be very satisfied.

Zhang Junping sends these to them, which can make the employees of the painting shop wake up from their dreams at night with a smile.

After picking up the items, who has the final say in the art shop, it won’t be certain.

Just now, Zhang Junping still has more than ten tons of rice and flour in his hand.

If Zhang Junping hadn't been afraid of being too high-profile, he would have wanted to distribute the rice and flour directly by bags.

After completing the calculation, Zhang Junping copied it again before taking it to the old store manager.

"Mr. Wu, this is a list of benefits I made for our New Year. Please take a look." Zhang Junping handed the list of benefits to the old store manager.

"So many?" The old store manager was shocked when he saw the dense list of benefits.

"Xiao Zhang, can you get all these supplies?"

"Mr. Wu, some of the materials are stored in the warehouse of the steel rolling mill and can be retrieved at any time.

Hairtail, swimming crab, and prawns can also be delivered at any time.

Pork and mutton, as long as we decide when we want them, they will kill them and deliver them to us at that time." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Alas! The future life is terrible!

After reading your list, I feel that my old man has been in the painting shop for so many years, and he really feels sorry for everyone!" the old store manager said with a sigh.

"Mr. Wu, please don't think like that.

Every era has its own way of living.

Times have changed. Now that the country's supply of supplies has gradually become more abundant, I can get so many supplies.

If I had been killed a few years ago, I wouldn't have been able to get so many things!" Knowing that the old store manager had something in mind, Zhang Junping quickly explained with a smile.

“Besides, Mr. Wu, I’m not giving you all these benefits just for the sake of being in the limelight.

I just hope everyone can know that our painting shop has good benefits and good treatment.

This also paves the way for plans for the next year.

The city has agreed in principle to our plan.

Only some details are still being discussed.

However, we cannot wait, we must act.

We raise the benefits of our painting shop to a high level just to attract talents.

Once the plan starts, there will not be enough people like us. We need a large number of talented people who understand art and have insight to join our team.

How to attract talent?

We can’t just talk about ideals, but also talk about reality.

The industry we will engage in in the future is originally an industry where the smell of ink and the smell of copper coexist."

More than 5,000 words, written smoothly and without stopping.

As usual, please ask for monthly tickets.

This chapter has been completed!
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