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Chapter 261 Status Quo of Art Company

After chatting with Wu Xinping for a while, he checked that the time was almost up and went to his office with Wu Xinping.

The office layout is pretty good and elegant.

After all, Wu Xinping is a famous artist, his aesthetic ability is not a problem, and the carefully decorated room is naturally not bad.

When Zhang Junping and Wu Xinping entered the office, the leadership team of the art company had already arrived.

Nowadays, art companies have a lot of management people, and there are still a few people they don't know.

Zhang Junping gave in humbly, letting Wu Xinping take the main seat, and took the first position next to him.

“During this period, I have been helping the city government and receiving the Prussian inspection team.

Thank you all for the hard work at home.

I just saw some new faces.

Would you like to introduce yourself first?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Hello, Manager Zhang! I am the editor-in-chief of BJ Art Store magazine, and my name is Lu Zhaode."

"Hello, Manager Zhang! I am the deputy editor-in-chief of BJ Art Store magazine, and my name is Xue Xiaohong."

"Hello, Manager Zhang! I am the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Traditional Art Appreciation Magazine, and my name is Lou Xinying."

"Hello, Manager Zhang, I am the deputy editor-in-chief of the Chinese Traditional Art Appreciation Magazine, and my name is Shi Zhengjie."

Four strangers stood up one after another and introduced themselves.

Cao Xiangqian was really generous. Originally, Zhang Junping wanted to run two magazines with one team.

As a result, they assigned two teams directly.

Moreover, the two teams are composed of men and women.

"You all probably know me or have heard of me, so I won't introduce myself.

Mr. Lu, Mr. Floor, let’s start with you! Tell us about your preparations during this period.” Zhang Junping looked at the four chief and deputy chief editors and said with a smile.

"Manager, we just came here, Director Cao only told us the name of the magazine, but did not tell us the specific purpose and ideas.

Therefore, during this period of time, we only contacted a few editors through our previous relationships." After Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying looked at each other, Lu Zhaode said.

"I understand! During this period, I was busy and didn't have time to communicate with you. I don't blame you!

The purpose of the magazine is very simple, which is to cooperate with art companies to promote artworks and artists.

I don’t require you to make a profit for either magazine, and I will support you with funding every year based on the circulation.

I have only one request. These two magazines are not only popular in China, but also sell well overseas. They must be published in Cantonese, English, French and Japanese.

Our magazines must be screen-printed on the best coated paper, and they will be the most exquisite magazines in the world.

We are all engaged in art, and the magazine we publish is not just a magazine, it should leave readers with a sensory experience as if they are appreciating a work of art.

Therefore, you have to find the best and top photographers in the country and use the top photography equipment.

Mr. Lu, Mr. Lou, Mr. Xue, Mr. Shi, can you understand what I say?

Now you know what to do next?”

"Understood!" The four people nodded in unison.

If they still don't understand, then there's no need for them to do it.

"Secretary Liu is here. You can ask Secretary Liu for more advice, publish some celebrity biographies, or ask famous domestic artists to write articles for our magazine.

There are so many works of art in the Palace Museum. In my opinion, every piece of art tells a beautiful story.

All you have to do is tell these artworks and the stories behind them well.

Only in this way can readers be attracted.

As for how to tell the story behind the artwork more excitingly, that is your editor's business.

If you want money, I will give it to you! If you want people, I will give you authority. You can figure out what kind of person you want to find.

If it still can't be done well, then it's a matter of ability." Zhang Junping had a faint smile on his face, but his aura was full, making everyone in the conference room feel breathless.

"Understood! Thank you manager for your support. We will work hard to run the magazine well!" The four people stood up and solemnly promised.

"I will not listen to your guarantee. I will give you two months. After two months, I will see the sample issue!

Lao Lu, go back and rearrange them, one for the magazine and one for the warehouse. The place is bigger and easier to use."

"I know, manager!" Lu Guozhong agreed quickly.

"Okay! That's all about the magazine.

Next, Minister Chen, please tell us about the situation of your business development department during this period!"

"Yes, manager! During this time, we have been continuing to purchase calligraphy and paintings in the painting shop.

A total of 138 works by famous artists were collected.

There are 869 works by well-known young artists.

In addition, we also contacted famous artists from other places through the relationship between Xinhua Bookstore and collected a total of 2,367 works by famous artists from other places.

There are more than 24,500 works by well-known young artists."

"Yeah! Not bad!

It’s very good that you can proactively contact and acquire works from foreign artists.

Our sights cannot be limited to BJ.

BJ said it is small. As a capital city with a population of several million, it is indeed not small.

But when it comes to big things, it is just a city with a population of several million, which is just a drop in the ocean when put into a population of 100,000,000.

Therefore, our sight must not be limited to BJ.

Minister Chen deserves praise for this." Zhang Junping affirmed with a smile.

Then, Zhang Junping called the names one by one and asked about the situation of each department.

In fact, he can know these situations just by asking someone to find out about them.

However, Zhang Junping still asked the heads of various departments to report in person.

It is to put pressure on them and let them know what they value.

After the meeting, Zhang Junping left Chen Lijun alone.

"Sister Chen, the focus of your work must change in the next step.

We can no longer focus on how many paintings we collect." Zhang Junping made Chen Lijun a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"Manager, tell me what to do!"

“The next step is to sign the contract.

Find out those young artists with potential, sign contracts with them, and carry out key training.

As long as you sign a contract with our art company, you can become our contracted artist.

You can enjoy certain benefits.

For example, as long as you submit one piece of work every month, you can get a full attendance subsidy, which is based on the salary of a full-time department cadre.

As the status of contracted artists increases, our full attendance subsidy will continue to increase.

A rating can be given based on the market's recognition of the signed artist.

For example, level one, level two, level three, level four, five, six, seven, eight or nine.

Level one is the lowest and level nine is the highest.

The full attendance subsidy for the first level refers to the level of a principal, the second level of a deputy department, the third level of a full department, and so on.

In addition, we no longer implement the buyout policy for all works of contracted artists.

But divided!

On a 50-50 basis, if a work sells for 10,000 yuan, we will pay 5,000 yuan, and the artist will get 5,000 yuan.

We must make it clear to them that for these 5,000 yuan, we have to bear the costs of publicity, operation, management, etc. for the artist and the work.

This cost accounts for about 35%.

In fact, after a work is sold, we can only get about 15% profit.

The author gets 50%.

Of course, this 50% has to be paid tax!

Taxes are paid according to the laws of the country where the transaction is made.

The tax will be paid by our company. After the tax is deducted, the remaining money will be transferred to the account designated by the author." After Zhang Junping said these words, he stopped and waited for Chen Lijun to digest what he said.

He took a sip of tea and then continued: "What I just said are the rights of contracted artists.

When you enjoy rights, you must also pay obligations.

All contracted artists are not allowed to sell their works through any channels other than the art company.

Otherwise, compensation will be ten times the value of the works sold.

Of course, as an artist, it doesn’t matter if you give away small amounts or give to each other.

However, once there is evidence that the contracted artist sold the work in the name of gift or mutual gift, then compensation will also be required at ten times the estimated value of the work.

And ban the artist."

"Manager, ten times the compensation and ban, is this too harsh?"

"Is it harsh? Then do you think the rights in front of you are tempting?"

"It's tempting, it must be tempting! I even want my children to learn calligraphy and painting and become artists!"

"Remember, there is no good thing in this world that only has rights and no obligations.

When you enjoy rights, you must pay obligations.

There is never a shortage of artistic young people in the world who want to make a name for themselves. There are so many art colleges across the country. Tens of thousands of freshmen are admitted to art colleges alone every year, and only one in 10 has the qualifications.

To cultivate value, there are thousands of people.

And among these thousand potential art students, if they grow up naturally, less than one will eventually become famous.

The road of an artist is so cruel!

By signing a contract with us, we can help them become famous and become one of those one in 10,000 people.

So, don’t worry if you are not willing to sign with us.

Even if the liability for breach of contract is set more severely." Zhang Jun said with a flat smile.

"I know, manager!" Chen Lijun nodded and said.

She knew what Zhang Junping was talking about very well, because BJ Art Store is not far from Central America, and a large number of students from Central America come to the art store every year to sell paintings.

Some paintings, in her opinion, are indeed very good. Unfortunately, because they are not famous, the painting shop can only buy them at the lowest price.

In the past twenty years, Chen Lijun has received thousands of students from Central Academy of Fine Arts or the Academy of Arts and Crafts. She has done many good paintings, but ten or twenty years later, her names will still be heard, except for those who paid her respects.

The lucky one who got a famous teacher, no one else has.

Reality will always be more cruel than what is said and written on paper.

"Go back and organize what I just said into a document and bring it to me."

"Manager, I graduated from junior high school. You asked me to say it's okay, but you asked me to write it. I really can't do it!" Chen Lijun said with a grimace when she heard that she wanted to organize it into a document.

"You are the leader, and you don't know how to organize it yourself. You can leave it to your subordinates to organize it! You always have people who have graduated from high school, right?

With my ideas, everyone brainstorms, what if you still can’t write it?

Then I really need to think about the personnel adjustment of your business development department." Zhang Jun said with a smile.

Zhang Junping's seemingly casual words shocked Yichen Lijun. The young man in front of her was like a mountain towering in front of her, making her feel extremely depressed.

After sending Chen Lijun away, Zhang Junping called Song Heping, chief of the finance department.

"Sister Song, how do you feel? Are you still getting used to it?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"Is there anything I can't adapt to? That's what the finance department is all about.

The accounts here are simpler than those of the Materials Bureau." Song Heping said with a confident smile.

"Sister Song, don't take it lightly! The reason is that the art company has not officially started business yet, so the accounts are relatively simple.

It won’t be easy in the future!

In the next step, our art company’s market will mainly be overseas.

Each country has different laws and tax policies.

Therefore, Sister Song, you will face a lot of pressure.

If you have time, organize people in your department to learn more foreign accounting knowledge.

There is not enough manpower, so you can give priority to the newly recruited people in the company.

I only have one requirement, which is to be familiar with the tax laws and financial rules of each country.

Of course, I am talking about the major countries.

For example, Bald Eagle, Britain, France, Prussia, Little Book and other countries.

These countries will be our main markets in the future.

I don’t want our country’s tax authorities to come after us for selling a lot of art and accuse us of tax evasion,” Zhang Junping said with a chuckle.

Zhang Junping's chuckle made Song Heping feel a lot of pressure, like a big mountain pressing on her.

At this moment, she regretted coming to an art company to be the head of the financial department.

However, it is not Song Heping's character to retire.

The reason why Zhang Junping chose Song Heping was not because he had a good relationship with her.

Zhang Junping has a good relationship with everyone in the finance department.

It's not that Song Heping is beautiful, Song Heping is good looking. The figure of a young woman who has given birth is not comparable to that of a young girl.

In terms of appearance, Song Heping was not ranked among the top five in the Finance Section of the Materials Bureau.

Zhang Junping chose Song Heping because he knew that Song Heping was a strong woman at heart, a strong woman who hid her true nature for the sake of her family.

A woman who was not an accounting major was transferred to the Finance Department through family connections, and everyone thought she was just trying to get some free time in the Finance Department.

But within a few years, I became one of the backbone of the Finance Department.

This is the reason why Zhang Junping chose Song Heping.

"Sister Song, I will ask someone to buy back financial books and related laws from all over the world later.

You should study hard.

If necessary, I can find connections and invite professors from Tsinghua University to come and teach you." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Manager, it would be best if you could invite a professor in this field to come and give a lecture.

I can guarantee that there will be absolutely no mistakes in the domestic accounts, and I am not afraid of anyone coming to check the accounts.

But we have never had contact with those foreign countries you mentioned." Song Heping had a look on his face.

He regained his previous confident look.

"Okay! I'll try to contact you later. I remember there are professors at Tsinghua University who specialize in foreign law, and there are also professors who specialize in world financial management.

I'll try to invite you to come over and give you extra lessons." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Thank you manager, we will study hard.

By the way, manager, does what you just said about letting our finance department select new people count?" Song Heping asked with a smile.

"Well, now you can choose these people at will, as long as they are willing to go.

I would all agree with that.

If you feel there is no suitable one, you can also recruit new workers.

Everything is aimed at meeting the needs of your Finance Department." Zhang Junping nodded affirmatively.

"Thank you, manager, then I'll go select someone." Song Heping smiled and left the office.

Zhang Junping looked at Song Heping's back and couldn't help but smile. It seemed that he had taken a liking to him.

Then, Zhang Junping called in the personnel department, warehouse, labor union, and women's directors to chat alone for a while.

When you reach Zhang Junping's position, many things seem to be nonsense, but you have to say them, and some things that seem to be a waste of time have to be done.

Some nonsense may seem useless, but it can make the company run more smoothly.

After going through all the departments, Zhang Junping called two more apprentices over.

"Master, you have been gone for half a month, and I have missed you!" As soon as Li Wenjuan came in, she took Zhang Junping's hand and said coquettishly.

"Haha! You girl knows how to make me happy. You talk as if you haven't seen me for a long time!" Zhang Junping knocked Li Wenjuan on the head.

"From now on, you two will be my assistants!

Follow me and help me deal with the trivial matters at work." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Really? That's great!" Li Wenjuan exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Guoxiang also had a happy smile on his face.

"How can I lie to you?" Zhang Junping smiled and scratched Li Wenjuan's nose.

"How are you doing with your English studies?"

"Master, we have just started learning and have only been learning for a week." Li Wenjuan twisted her fingers and said.

"Have you given back everything you learned in high school to the teacher?

It took me several favors to hire a teacher from the School of Foreign Languages ​​to teach you.

If others don't cherish and study hard, the worst they can do is to be a gallery salesperson in China for the rest of their lives.

If you still don't live up to expectations, go to the back office to clean up.

But you can’t!

If you don't cherish it and make progress, I will make you sleep on your stomach and eat standing up every day." Zhang Jun scolded with a straight face.

Zhang Junping learned from the discussion just now that he tried so hard to invite teachers to teach them, but most people didn't appreciate it.

Therefore, Zhang Junping first called his two apprentices over and beat them.

"Xiangzi, go and inform all the interns that in half an hour, except for those in the painting shop, all employees will go to warehouse No. 5 (ao) for a meeting.

No one is allowed to be absent!" Zhang Junping Niutou told Xia Guoxiang.

Zhang Junping is quite satisfied with Xia Guoxiang as his apprentice.

Although he is a little less spiritual than Li Wenjuan, he is practical and steady in his work.

"I understand, Master!" Xia Guoxiang agreed and went to give the notice.

"Juanzi, if you really want to be a senior sister, then you must set an example by being a senior sister.

You have to take the lead in everything.

I'm talking about the good side, not asking you to take the lead in making mischief."

This chapter has been completed!
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