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Chapter 265 Everything is ready, just waiting for marriage

Woof woof... woof!

Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan were talking about love to each other, when a childish dog barked outside, disturbing the two of them.

"What's going on outside?" Qiu Wenyan asked with a red face.

"Let me go take a look!" Zhang Junping stood up and opened the door. He saw six puppies standing at the door. When they saw Zhang Junping coming out, they immediately surrounded him and let out a series of aggrieved whimpers.

"I'm sorry! I'll get you dog food right now." Zhang Junping looked at it and said with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Wenyan asked in the room.

"I was just here to eat with us, and I forgot to feed the dog." Zhang Junping replied with a smile.

The two of them were throwing a lot of dog food just now, but it's a pity that the puppies are still too young and don't like this kind of spiritual dog food.

Zhang Junping went into the ear room, dug out a large bowl of dog food, and poured it into the dog basin.

The pups ate happily.

These puppies are growing so fast and their appetites are getting bigger and bigger. The dog food cooked from a wolf skeleton is not enough to feed them for a month.

Thanks to the restaurant at home, there is no shortage of meat and bones. Otherwise, Zhang Junping would not be able to feed them just on dog food.

It’s not that there’s a shortage of money, it’s that there aren’t that many wolf skeletons left.

Originally I didn't want to keep a dog, so I didn't keep one specifically.

In fact, dog food can also be made from beef bones, and the nutrition is the same.

However, by cooking dog food with wolf bones, you can obtain the ferocious nature of the wolf.

Looking at the space, there were three intact wolves. Zhang Junping planned to go back and make the wolf meat into dog food.

"Pingzi, these puppies are growing up too fast! It has only taken a long time to reach such a big size." Qiu Wenyan had already walked out and stood watching the puppies grabbing food.

"My grandpa raised a good breed of dog. It was a hunting dog finally bred by the old hunters in the mountains after several generations or even more than ten generations of continuous exploration."

In fact, all over the country, wherever there are mountains and jungles, there are some excellent breeds of hunting dogs.

These hounds have no reputation, they are just local native dogs.

However, after being nurtured by hunters from generation to generation, it has already surpassed the category of native dogs.

It is a pity that with the closure of the mountains and hunting ban, these excellent hunting dogs eventually gradually disappeared.

Or degenerate into a native dog again.

In the evening, after Zhang's mother came back, she immediately gave the meat bones to the dog.

Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan also followed them to the main room in the backyard.

"Yanzi, the house is almost ready.

You go back and tell your mother tomorrow. The day after tomorrow happens to be Sunday. Let's see if your father has time.

Let's sit down and discuss marriage together." Zhang's mother took Qiu Wenyan's hand and said.

"Mom, my parents don't have any objections. Just decide the time." Qiu Wenyan said with a blushing face.

"Silly girl, how could a man decide this day?

Asking for a date, asking for a date, means asking the woman to set a date." Mother Zhang patted Qiu Wenyan's hand and said with a smile.

Zhang's mother had married a daughter-in-law and a daughter, so she naturally knew very well about marriage.

"Although this is a new society, which values ​​new things and new things, some of the rules of marriage cannot be changed."

"I got it, Mom! I'll go home and talk to my parents tomorrow.

I don’t know if my dad has time, he is getting busier and busier now.”

"My father-in-law is a big leader who has many things to do every day, so he must be very busy.

That's why it depends on his timing." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

After a night of romance and sending Qiu Wenyan away the next day, Zhang Junping came to Nanxincang.

Lao Ma and the others have already arrived and are waiting for him at the door of the reception room.

"Master Ma, I've kept you waiting for a long time. Come in!" Zhang Junping got out of the car and greeted with a smile.

Bring Master Ma and others into his office.

"Master Ma, please sit down first.

Juanzi, make tea for some masters.

Xiangzi, go ask your master to come over." Zhang Junping put down his briefcase and said while sitting opposite Master Ma.

Li Wenjuan quickly made tea for Master Ma and others, and then brought Zhang Junping's tea cup over.

Every morning, Li Wenjuan would make tea for Zhang Junping in advance, regardless of whether he came or not.

I didn’t come to pour it, but I came to drink it.

"Juanzi, go and call Director Lu over." Zhang Junping ordered again.

As soon as Li Wenjuan left, Wu Xinping came in with Xia Guoxiang.

Zhang Junping quickly stood up and introduced to Wu Xinping: "Master, these are the masters I hired from the woodwork factory.

Come and build us some exhibition stands and exhibition racks.”

"Well! If you don't mention it, I'd like to talk to you about it in the next two days.

Not only the book racks, but also the shelves need to be built, and the warehouse at the painting shop is almost full." Wu Xinping nodded and said.

"There's enough time. Shelves are very easy to make. Master Ma and the others can produce several sets in a day." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"You invited the masters here, where is the wood? Are you ready?" Wu Xinping asked.

"The wood is easy to handle! I'll call and ask the woodwork factory to send a batch of chicken wing wood." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Nowadays, because of Zhang Junping, the woodware factory has completely given up on hardwood furniture and is focusing on producing pine furniture.

With a large number of educated youth who went to the countryside returning to the city.

Nowadays, BJ City has entered the peak period of marriage.

You will definitely need furniture for your wedding.

According to the policy of sending educated youth to the countryside, one child from each family will go to the countryside as an educated youth.

The kind of child who goes to the countryside to become an educated youth, and when he comes back, his grandma doesn't care for his uncle, and he or she is even kicked out of the house.

There are bloody incidents, but they are rare.

In most families, parents feel a sense of indebtedness to their children who go to the countryside as educated youth.

Therefore, when it comes to getting married, we try our best to handle it.

Thirty-two legs are out of date. Nowadays, marriages are all about fifty-six legs.

This drove furniture sales to a peak period, and all furniture stores were fully booked with orders.

Woodenware factories have started stocking up months in advance, but demand still exceeds supply.

Because of the preparation of goods in advance, the woodwork factory is relatively calm.

The furniture in the warehouse not only exchanges for a large amount of money, but also exchanges for more government resources and daily necessities.

The proud Yang Shankui naturally responded to Zhang Junping's requests.

It's just some chicken wing wood, it's trivial.

They don't need it now anyway.

At this time, Lu Guozhong followed Li Wenjuan and walked in.

"Lao Lu, you will arrange for someone to follow Xiaoxia to my house later and bring over the chainsaws from the masters."

“Good manager!”

"Also, this is Aunt Wang, who used to cook for Master Ma and others at my house.

You can arrange to work as a temporary worker in our canteen, doing some odd jobs or something." Zhang Junping pointed at Lao Wang's wife who had been standing at the back and said.

"I know, I'll make arrangements right away!

Sister, please come to me!" Lu Guozhong agreed and left the office with Lao Wang's wife.

"Master, I'll leave it to you to make specific shelves, exhibition racks and display cabinets.

You watch and do it.

I still have some work to do over there." Zhang Junping said to Wu Xinping with a smile again.

"Okay! I will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if I find you as my apprentice.

You arrange work for me all day long, and you don’t know if you are the master or if I am the master." Wu Xinping pointed at Zhang Junping and cursed with a smile.

"If something happens, master, I'll do my best!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Then he turned to Master Ma and said, "Master Ma, you listen to my master on what to do. If you have any questions, you can go to Director Lu just now or Xiao Xia and Xiao Li."

"Okay, just go about your business. If I need anything, I'll see Xiaoxia." Master Ma said with a smile.

After explaining, Zhang Junping called Yang Shankui and asked him to send a batch of chicken wing wood.

Domestic chicken wing wood, also called iron knife wood, is mainly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, and Guangxi. In this era, there is no problem of resource depletion.

Therefore, chicken wing wood is a relatively cheap mahogany.

The woodwork factory has a large inventory.

After making arrangements, Zhang Junping and Wu Xinping said hello and returned to the courtyard.

Keep doing your work.

Time flies, and a week has passed in the blink of an eye.

The wedding date of Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan has been set, and it will be at the end of this month.

March 30th, the third day of the third month in the lunar calendar.

Three and three make nine, and nine and nine return to one.

Although Scarface did not come back from his trip to Suzhou, he arranged for someone to send back the cushion covers and mattress covers that Zhang Junping requested.

Just as Zhang Junping guessed, the tapestry ones are not in stock and can only be customized.

Therefore, what Scarface sent back were Yunjin cushion covers and mattress covers.

The next day happened to be Sunday, and Qiu Jianguo and his wife, Qiu Wenyu and his wife, as well as his sister-in-law Qiu Wenling and Qiu Wenlong, who had just returned from the performance, came to the Dashilan Siheyuan.

They came over to see how the new house was decorated and what was missing, so that they could send it over as dowry later.

Naturally, I couldn't sit idle when I arrived. Zhang Junping directed everyone to put on the cushion covers and mattress sets without any politeness.

After installation, the cushions and mattresses are perfectly integrated with the furniture. Not only do the cushions and mattresses not look out of place due to the extra cushions, but they actually enhance the aesthetics of the furniture.

Naturally, the first thing to be installed is the new house, and the Qiangongbabu bed has been thoroughly completed.

Including the matching wardrobe and dressing table in the room, everything has been neatly arranged.

The only thing missing is the seat cushion cover and mattress cover.

"Wow! This is so beautiful! Brother-in-law, I want it too!" My sister-in-law exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the Qiangong Babu bed after putting on the Yunjin mattress cover.

If Qiu Wenyu hadn't stopped her, Qiu Wenling would have wanted to jump up and roll on the bed.

This is very particular. Girls cannot get into the new bed, only unmarried boys can get into it.

Preferably a child.

This is called a press.

The implication is to have a child early.

"You girl, you want everything.

I gave it to you, where do you put it?" Qiu Wenyu pinched Qiu Wenling's nose and said with a smile.

"I don't care, I want it! Brother-in-law, when I get married, you have to give me a set of furniture like this." The sister-in-law raised her chin, exposing her jade-like neck, and yelled.

"Okay! It's okay to give you a set. But the premise is that you have to find a partner first, right?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Young lady, you are not ashamed at all!" Qiu Wenyu laughed and scolded.

She also liked this kind of furniture very much, but she was too shy to say anything.

Another one, so what if I want it?

Ma Mingchen has been confirmed. In a while, he will go down to a commune over there in SJS to serve as commune secretary.

Although she didn't have to follow him, Qiu Wenyu was not in the mood to do this once Ma Mingchen left.

The most important thing is that from now on, they don't have to worry about their home, house or furniture. No matter where they are transferred, the local government office will make good arrangements.

Therefore, although Qiu Wenyu also likes this kind of furniture, he can only look at it at his sister's house to satisfy his craving.

"Then what's the matter? Men should marry when they are young, and women should marry when they are young.

I'm going to get married sooner or later, what's the point of being embarrassed?" Qiu Wenling said fiercely.

"Haha! Yes, Lingling is right. When you and Longlong get married, the third brother-in-law will give you a set of furniture like this." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"However, you must tell me in advance that this furniture is all custom-made, so don't delay your wedding because of the furniture.

Then I have sinned."

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry to get married yet." Qiu Wenling said carelessly.

"Aren't you in a hurry? You are already twenty this year, just watch! After Yanzi gets married, it will be you two next." Qiu Wenyu reached out and tapped Qiu Wenling.

"Second sister, don't take me with you! I have to take the college entrance examination this year. I will not consider getting married until I graduate from college." Qiu Wenlong said.

“I’m going to college this year, and I’m recommended to the Central Conservatory of Music!

Therefore, I will not consider getting married until I graduate from college." Qiu Wenling said with a playful smile.

"You little girl, why did you say such an important thing?" Qiu Wenyu said angrily.

Going to the Central Conservatory of Music is naturally very important.

"This is all thanks to my third brother-in-law. If it hadn't been for the two songs he wrote for me, I wouldn't have gotten this spot.

That's why I thought I'd wait until I met my third brother-in-law before announcing it!" Qiu Wenling explained in a low voice.

"It's not that my brother-in-law's songs are good, it's that you work hard on your own, so your group will recommend you to go.

Otherwise, how could the leader of your regiment be so careless after only a short time?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Really! Brother-in-law, you don't know, from the beginning, it was me and another person in our group who competed for this spot.

We both have similar conditions in every aspect.

The leaders of the group were also a little embarrassed, but in the end it was because of your two songs that the following companies responded very well and wrote letters of praise to the group, which gave me an advantage." Qiu Wenling explained anxiously.

"Okay! Okay! Even if you have a conscience, you still think about your brother-in-law.

I'll ask your brother-in-law to write some more songs for you later.

Get to work quickly! But there are still a lot of cushions and mattresses that need to be covered." Qiu Wenyan patted Qiu Wenling's head and said with a smile.

Everyone worked together and quickly installed the mattress cushion covers in all rooms.

Return to the main room in the middle courtyard.

Qiu Jianguo sat down on the sofa and exclaimed: "This sofa is really comfortable to sit on.

I said, brother-in-law, you are too prepared, how do you want us to prepare the dowry?"

Qiu Jianguo complained with some distress.

Zhang Junping was very well prepared, including a TV, a washing machine, and a refrigerator.

Even for quilts, I bought ten silk quilts.

"Well, there is no quilt cover on the quilt yet, so you can prepare a few more quilt covers and mattress pillowcases." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"That's not okay! When my sister gets married, just give her a few quilt covers? Isn't this a slap in the face?" Qiu Jianguo shouted dissatisfied.

"You all think about it and see what else is missing at home." Qiu Jianguo was too lazy to think about it and directly ordered his wife, brothers and sisters.

But after thinking about it, I realized they were just small things.

"Brother, we are all a family from now on, there is no need to worry about this.

If you really feel that you don’t look good in appearance.

Then just take away the TV, refrigerator, washing machine, and silk, and then give them back together when you get married." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"This won't work! What's going on?"

"Brother, I am marrying a wife, not someone from your family.

The dowry is for outsiders to see, but your life is yours.

With our family's conditions, do we need to care about other people's opinions?" Zhang Junping put away his smile and said seriously.

"Brother, I think the third brother-in-law is right!

Life is lived by the third sister and the third brother-in-law. As long as they live well, things are secondary.

When the second sister and the second brother-in-law got married, didn't they just have two quilts and two thermoses?

Aren't they living a good life now?" Qiu Wenlong chimed in.

"Yes, brother, Longlong is right, Xiao Zhang and Yanzi live their lives together, as long as they are happy.

As for giving a dowry, why should you care what others think?

Who dares to make fun of our family because of this?" Qiu Wenyu said rather domineeringly.

As for Qiu Wenling, she didn't care about this at all and had already gone to play games with the puppies.

"Okay then! Talk to mom later!" Seeing that no one supported him, Qiu Jianguo had no choice but to give up.

It's not that I don't support it. In this era, marriage is inherently simple. Zhang Junping was so well prepared that there really wasn't anything to accompany him.

The brothers and sisters talked for a while in the main room, and at noon, they went to Zhiweizhai together.

The Qiu sisters all went to say hello to Zhang's father and Zhang's mother before going to the private room in the backyard.

"Brother-in-law, your restaurant's business is so good! It's only what time, and there's already a queue outside." Qiu Wenling said while holding the menu and choosing her favorite dishes.

“It’s okay!

The main reason is that competition is low now, and there are not many restaurants that don’t require food stamps.

There is only such a big restaurant in BJ City, so business is good.

In a few years, when there are more private hotels, it will be hard to say." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

In fact, there is another reason that Zhang Junping did not mention.

Not only does Zhiweizhai require no food stamps, it tastes good, but most importantly, it has a good service attitude.

Make customers feel respected.

Fed up with the indifferent service attitude of state-owned restaurants, everyone naturally came to Zhiweizhai.

In any case, the reputation of Zhiweizhai is forming. When everyone talks about eating to improve their lives, the first thing that comes to mind is Zhiweizhai.

Then it was successful.

BJ people are nostalgic and like old flavors and old places.

Once Zhiweizhai's status in the hearts of BJ people can reach the status of Lao Mo, Dong Lai Shun, and Quan Ju De, then it will really be a success.

As long as you don't commit suicide, there will definitely be no problem in developing into a chain restaurant group in the future.

"Longlong, look at what you like to eat. Eat whatever you want! Don't be polite to your brother-in-law." Zhang Junping said with a smile to his brother-in-law, who had always been quiet.

"Thank you, brother-in-law, just let Lingling order it. I like whatever she likes to eat." Qiu Wenlong replied with a smile.

Qiu Wenling is a few hours older than Qiu Wenlong, but Qiu Wenlong has always behaved like an older brother.

This chapter has been completed!
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