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Chapter 268 Zhang Junping's three-step plan

Clouds on the temples, beautiful faces and golden steps,

The hibiscus tent warms the spring night.

The spring night is short and the sun is rising,

From then on, the king did not go to court early.

Zhang Junping understood the king's feelings. He didn't want to get up. He just wanted to hold Qiu Wenyan's soft body and sleep with him forever.

Mother Zhang also understood them very well. When she left every morning, she would put the cooked rice in the pot and wait for them to get up to eat.

Unfortunately, happy time is always so short, and the vacation is over in the blink of an eye.

It's not that Qiu Wenyan's vacation is over, it's that Zhang Junping's vacation is over.

The report for studying abroad was approved, and the city approved Zhang Junping’s application.

In addition, Scarface dared to come back the day before his wedding, and it seemed that he had good news to report to him.

However, Zhang Junping was busy with marriage matters and had no time to answer him.

Now I have to deal with the matter of studying abroad, and I just happened to deal with the matter of Scarface as well.

In the morning, with great courage, he climbed out of bed with difficulty. Looking at Qiu Wenyan's exposed white skin, Zhang Junping almost wanted to get into bed again.

Last night was too crazy and it was a little late. Zhang Junping's movement of getting up did not wake up Qiu Wenyan.

After kissing Qiu Wenyan gently, Zhang Junping left a note on the dressing table.

After breakfast, we rode to Nanxincang.

When the bicycle was approaching Nanxincang, suddenly, a large package of beautifully packaged imported candies and a dozen Peony brand cigarettes appeared in the basket.

"Master! Congratulations!"*2

As soon as Zhang Junping entered the office, Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang came forward to congratulate him.

"You two little guys, talk to your family tonight and move here tomorrow!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"I understand, Master!"*2

Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang were so happy that they could finally move to their master's home.

Whether I can receive Master's teachings nearby is one thing. The key is that the bed at Master's house is so comfortable.

"Take these candies and cigarettes and give them to everyone." Zhang Junping handed the candies he brought in to Li Wenjuan.

"Okay, Master!" Li Wenjuan agreed cheerfully, carrying the candy and going to make smoke with Xia Guoxiang.

When Zhang Junping got married, everyone from the art company went, but most of them left without eating.

After Li Wenjuan left, Zhang Junping came to Wu Xinping's office with a tea cup.


"Pingzi is here, just in time, I'm going out to visit an old friend soon!" Seeing Zhang Junping come in, Wu Xinping trembled and said habitually.

It is definitely a good thing to have a disciple with unique talents. There is no master who would not want to accept such a disciple.

When the apprentice's level exceeds his own, he will also be very happy.

But if it exceeds too much, the master will be so embarrassed that he won't even dare to communicate with his disciples and won't be able to get a word in.

Just say one thing, and people will have hundreds of lines waiting for you, quoting scriptures, and speaking in a colorful way.

Therefore, Wu Xinping felt miserable!

At this time, Wu Xinping hated Jiang Feng so much in his heart that he hated Jiang Feng as much as he was grateful before.

If you weren't so busy, how wonderful would it be for us to have a friendship as equals?

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was Wu Xinping who couldn't live with himself.

"Master, I'll give you a little time," Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Wu Xinping sat down.

"Our application for study abroad has been approved, and the bureau will probably notify us today.

I am not going to discuss with you who will be the first batch.

After all, we can’t leave no management in our family.”

"Well! If we don't retain a single member of the management team, what will happen?" Wu Xinping nodded.

"So, I thought we should go in batches. I will lead the first batch, and you will lead the second batch!" Zhang Junping expressed his thoughts.

"It doesn't matter whether I go or not, it's not like I haven't been to Europe before," Wu Xinping said with a smile.

"Master, you haven't taken your wife with you yet, have you? This time you will take your wife with you to have a nice stroll. I will also take my wife out for a honeymoon." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"This..." Wu Xinping thought about how to speak more tactfully.

"Master, don't worry, we won't take advantage of the public family. I will pay all the expenses for the trip of Master and my wife.

If anyone has any objections, that's fine. As long as you bear the cost yourself, you can also bring your family members with you." Zhang Junping knew what Wu Xinping was thinking and quickly added.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem." Upon hearing that Zhang Junping paid for it himself, Wu Xinping agreed decisively.

As an apprentice, he is not short of money, so he naturally knows this.

Just look at the furnishings at home, the doors, windows, furniture, Hainan huanghuali, lamps, and toilet bowls are all imported.

Better than those foreign devils in Sanlitun.

After some discussion, it was finally decided that Zhang Junping would take the first batch of the company's business departments to France for inspection and study, and then Wu Xinping would take the second batch of other logistics support departments.

The first batch is the main thing, and the second batch is basically to go shopping, open your eyes, and see the prosperity of capitalist countries.

Sure enough, not long after discussing with Wu Xinping, Lu Guozhong came over to report, saying that the leader of the Press and Publication Bureau had called and informed him to come and get the approval report.

"Lao Lu, this is the list of the first batch of people going to France. You go and notify them and ask them to send their household registration information tomorrow. You cooperate with the leaders of the Press and Publication Bureau to get the passports.

When notifying you, by the way, if you want to bring your family members, you can bring them. The company will increase the cost of food and accommodation abroad, but you need to bear the round-trip air tickets yourself." Zhang Junping explained to Lu Guozhong with a smile.

When going to France, how much should you spend on food and accommodation, with air tickets being the biggest expense?

"Okay manager, I'll do it right away." Lu Guozhong took the list and turned to leave.

Zhang Junping drank a cup of tea and wrote a word. Scarface came to his office wearing a suit and leather shoes.

"Master Zhang!"

"Let's do it! Did your trip to Suzhou go smoothly this time?" Zhang Junping stood up and sat across from Scarface and asked with a smile.

"It went smoothly, thanks to me going early, otherwise it would have been really troublesome."

"What's wrong?"

"Xiao Benzi is also discussing cooperation with Suzhou."

"Yes!" Zhang Junping nodded. He naturally knew that Xiao Benzi had been jealous of China's Kesi technology for a long time.

As early as the late Qing Dynasty, Xiao Benzi began to develop the idea of ​​tapestry products.

During the Republic of China and the Anti-Japanese War, Xiao Benzi robbed many weavers from the country and successfully stole the Kesi craftsmanship.

However, the whole world knows that silk is Chinese and porcelain is also Chinese.

Even though the small book has surpassed the domestic level in tapestry craftsmanship, it is still not justified.

So Xiao Benzi came up with such a sinister idea.

Invest and build factories in China to produce tapestry handicrafts, which are first shipped back to China and then exported to Europe and the United States.

In this way, they can openly make money in the name of Chinese embroidery.

Of course, this is only the first step.

While selling Chinese embroidery, they will also sell their embroidery together.

Subtly tell customers that Xiaobian is also a silk producing country, and the craftsmanship is no worse than that of China, but the price is much cheaper than Chinese silk.

When customers slowly accept Xiaobenzi silk, Xiaobenzi will disconnect it directly from the source. Whether it is produced in China or Xiaobenzi itself, it is all produced by Xiaobenzi.

If this plan can be implemented successfully, within a hundred years, there will no longer be talk of Chinese silk in the world, but small book silk.

The little book is so cunning and cunning.

But there is one thing that is very admirable. Xiao Ben is very tolerant and very patient when doing one thing.

They can plan something through decades of planning.

For example, the invasion of China, such as the occupation of Northeast China.

It took decades of subtle immigration to cultivate local forces and finally swallowed them up.

Compared to Xiao Benzi who is cunning, cunning and forbearing, Bangzi is simply bad and shameless.

Bangzi also learned your technique. After learning it, he directly declared publicly that silk belongs to Bangzi and so does Chinese medicine.

Is Confucius awesome?

It doesn't matter, he is the ancestor of Bangzi Kingdom.

Is Qu Yuan famous?

Don't be afraid, that's the ancestor of our stick.

Therefore, Bangzi is a bad and shameless person.

In comparison, the small book is even more terrifying.

"I have reached a preliminary agreement with the Suzhou government.

According to the gambling agreement you mentioned, if the goal is not achieved, all my investment will be regarded as a free donation.

Thanks to you for giving me such a way, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to compete with Little Book." Scarface said with a smile.

"A preliminary agreement doesn't count. What Xiaobenzi is best at is conspiracy.

This time you just caught them off guard, they won't just let it go.

Regarding the sericulture breeding base, have you talked to Suzhou?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Let's talk! The leaders in Suzhou are very interested and welcome it." Scarface said with a smile.

"In this case, you can go find Director Xu of the city government's investment promotion office later.

It's Director Xu you met before.

He is now the director of the Investment Promotion Office.

You can contact the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences through him.

Donate one million US dollars to them and then invite them to provide technical guidance to the Suzhou Sericulture Breeding Base.

After formalizing the contract with Suzhou, all areas south of the Yangtze River, such as Hangzhou, Yangzhou, and Nanjing, which have a tradition of sericulture, will build such a sericulture breeding base." Zhang Junping tapped the table lightly with one hand.

He told Scarface.

"Donate so much?" Scarface exclaimed.

At the same time, he looked at Zhang Junping in confusion.

Donate one million US dollars just to invest in the construction of a sericulture breeding base.

Is it worth it?

With this million dollars, what business can you do that is not more profitable than raising silkworms?

"Da Shan, people cannot live in this world just by how much money they have.

If we talk about money alone, I will retire now and drink tea and go fishing every day, because I will not be able to spend my money in a few lifetimes.

However, in this life, a person must do something good to be worthy of his life!

Only when you are old can you calmly say to your children that your life has not been in vain.

What I want you to do now is a career, not just how much money you can make.

Invest in sericulture breeding bases and support sericulture farmers.

Through the development of silk crafts such as tapestry and brocade, we will promote the development of sericulture and ultimately achieve the goal of two-way development and common prosperity.

Once this goal is achieved, you will find that making money is so simple.

The silk market is a trillion-level huge market. As long as we get a share of it, even if it only accounts for 1%, how much will it cost?" Zhang Junping patiently told Scarface the stakes,

Analyze the importance of developing sericulture.

"Master Zhang, I understand, don't worry, I will go find Director Xu when I get back.

It's just..." Scarface scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Haha!" Zhang Junping laughed.

Of course he knew what Scarface was struggling with. He, the boss of Xiangjiang, seemed to have unlimited success. If he was asked to take one million RMB, he could still come up with it if he thought of a way.

But selling him for a million dollars wouldn't be worth the money.

Zhang Junping stopped laughing, took out his checkbook from his briefcase, wrote two checks and handed them to Scarface.

"Take this check for one million and donate it to the Sericulture Research Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

This 10 million check is the money you invested in Suzhou.

When you arrive in Suzhou, deposit the money directly into the Bank of China so that they can sign a contract with you with confidence." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"I understand, Master Zhang!" Scarface nodded vigorously.

He felt a deep sense of trust.

Eleven million U.S. dollars, such a large sum of money was handed over to myself.

How much trust is this?

At this moment, Scarface had only one thought, and that was: A scholar will die for his confidant!

Zhang Junping got up and walked to the workshop on the other side, picking up the calligraphy and paintings he had created during this period.

"Take these calligraphy and paintings to Suzhou and let the tapestry factory select the most skilled workers to weave them one by one using these calligraphy and paintings as templates." Zhang Junping handed the calligraphy and painting to Scarface and explained.

Kesi painting and Kesi calligraphy products are not Zhang Junping’s original invention. Kesi painting existed as early as the Song Dynasty.

Suzhou Kesi Painting, Hangzhou Silk Weaving Painting, Yongchun Paper Weaving Painting, and Sichuan Bamboo Curtain Painting are collectively known as China’s “Four Masters of Weaving”.

They are all ancient Chinese craftsmanship and are treasures left by our ancestors to future generations.

In any case, as long as it develops, it is not a problem to feed the people of a place, and it is not even difficult to further promote the economic development of a place.

Kesi paintings are more colorful, more three-dimensional and easier to preserve than paper calligraphy and paintings.

Kesi can freely change colors, so it is particularly suitable for making calligraphy and painting works. As early as the Song Dynasty, the royal family used Kesi technology to weave celebrity calligraphy and paintings for the purpose of permanent preservation.

It's just that weaving calligraphy and painting using tapestry technology is very demanding. The weavers must have deep artistic attainments. I don't know how many people in Suzhou and Nanjing can do it.

This is also a test for Zhang Junping. If his calligraphy and painting can be perfectly restored, then he will continue to increase investment in the next step to fully support the development of tapestry craftsmanship.

This is just the first step, there are second and third steps behind it.

The second step is to use the art company to sign a contract with the Kesi Handicraft Factory and underwrite the Kesi Handicraft Factory's Kesi products.

This is why Zhang Junping dared to let Scarface sign a gambling agreement with the SZ Municipal Government.

The third step is to do derivative projects of calligraphy and painting.

How many celebrity calligraphy and paintings does the art company hold now?

Not to mention the calligraphy and painting works of young artists, but at Wu Xinping's level, art companies have thousands of calligraphy and painting works.

Although artists of Wu Xinping's level are still alive, they are already in their fifties and approaching sixty, and their energy is limited. It can be said that if you sell one painting, you will have one less painting to sell.

Not to mention, Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Huang Binhong, Wu Changshuo and other late artists, it is even more painful to sell one of their works.

Counting further up, Zheng Banqiao, and Tang Yin even further up, their paintings are all regarded as first-class cultural relics, and each one is a national treasure.

What if we change our thinking and use tapestry technology to weave their calligraphy and paintings?

Since then, tapestry products have become art companies, and derivative products of calligraphy and painting works exist.

It not only effectively protects the outflow of celebrity calligraphy and painting, but also uses celebrity calligraphy and painting to create higher value and drive local economic development. This is a good thing that achieves multiple benefits with one stone.

Although Zhang Junping said not to pay too much attention to money gains and losses.

However, we have to admit that the rise and fall of every traditional craft is directly linked to money.

When a handicraft can be exchanged for a large amount of benefits, that is, money, the handicraft will inevitably achieve unprecedented development.

Technology continues to innovate and various more advanced production processes are developed.

Prodigies and masters of craftsmanship emerge in endlessly from every era, vying for glory.

And those traditional crafts that cannot bring profits and cannot allow craftsmen to make money, no matter how much you cry out, they will be lost if you don't learn them.

No matter how much the media shouts, traditional craftsmanship has been lost, and the country should introduce policies to protect it.

The country has indeed introduced many protection policies, but it still cannot develop and is destined to be lost.

This is reality.

No matter how much money is spent on traditional crafts that can bring benefits, there are still people who will learn them.

If it cannot bring any benefit, it is taught for free and no one will want to learn it.

Therefore, to protect traditional crafts, we do not rely on appeals or shouting, but we must find ways to find the hidden benefits of traditional crafts.

Very vulgar and very realistic.

After sending Scarface away, Zhang Junping said to Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang: "Did you all hear what I just said to Zhou Dashan?

Think carefully about the purpose of what I do.

Write me an article about your reflections on my conversation with Zhou Dashan."

Zhang Junping teaches his disciples and never tells them what to do.

After teaching them the basics, the rest is guidance.

Let them figure it out on their own.

Letting Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang be his assistants, he never avoids them when discussing official matters or creating creations. This is the greatest teaching.

Whether you can realize it or not depends entirely on your individual talent.

If you don't understand it, you won't be able to become a famous person even if you give him step-by-step instructions.

"Master, are you writing your thoughts again?" Li Wenjuan said with a tearful face.

Zhang Junping would give them such homework from time to time.

This kind of homework is the best and most difficult to do.

This chapter has been completed!
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