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Chapter 270 Status Quo of Kesi Weaving Factory

In fact, early retirement is the best choice for Guo Meizhen.

If she continues to stay in the art company, she will only look bad and become a joke in the mouths of others.

It's a pretty good deck of cards, but the playing is very sparse.

Because of this, Guo Meizhen's man Xu Shenghua got angry for the first time and whipped Xu Zhigang with a belt.

At first, Guo Meizhen was distressed and tried to stop him, but when Xu Zhigang and Xu Shenghua fought back, Guo Meizhen knew that she was wrong.

What kind of thing has she spoiled over the years?

Guo Meizhen, who has always been strong, cried, her heart breaking.

I don’t know if I’m crying for myself or my child.

It's all her fault that Xu Zhigang is where he is today.

Guo Meizhen, who cried for half the night, submitted her application for early retirement the next day.

In the end, Wu Xinping relented and found Zhang Junping to plead for her.

It is better to retire at the level of a painting store manager and enjoy full-level retirement benefits.

As a result, the third child in her family became an intern at an art company.

Dashilan Siheyuan is very lively now.

Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang, as well as the two brothers Zhou Minghuai and Zhou Ming, all moved to the courtyard and became Zhang Junping's disciples.

Zhang Junping really underestimated the determination of Tian Shumei and Mrs. Zhou.

As long as they have good intentions, they dare to do it without hesitation.

After listening to Zhang Junping's request conveyed by Xia Guoxiang, the two women discussed it and sent the Huaizhi brothers over the next day.

In addition to the four apprentices, Zhang Junping's grandfather and grandmother also did not leave. After Zhang's mother and father's repeated attempts to stay, and Zhang Junping's persuasion, he stayed.

In this way, it helped Zhang Junping solve an unpleasant problem.

When it comes to teaching boxing and bringing up apprentices, Zhang Junping is definitely not as good as his grandfather.

My grandfather has been practicing boxing all his life and has taught four sons, one grandson, and more than a dozen apprentices. He has rich experience.

Zhang Junping taught his grandfather the ancient Wu Qin Xi technique and his special breathing techniques.

Jiang is still very old, and my grandfather has practiced boxing all his life. After mastering Wu Qin Xi, he quickly understood it.

I practice diligently every day and teach Xia Guoxiang and Li Wenjuan.

As for the two Huaizhi brothers, they are still in the stage of practicing Zha Ma Bu and Zhuang Kung Fu.

With his grandfather helping to teach his disciples, Zhang Junping had some free time and lived a happy life.

In the evening, I had sex with my wife in the study.

Chapter of Twelve Flower Gods.

Zhang Junping used Qiu Wenyan as a model to create their own Twelve Flowers Medal.

Today is the second month of the lunar calendar, and the flower god is Xinghua, the flower guest with the fourth rank and the sixth life.

The first painting Zhang Junping painted was apricot blossom.

Zhang Junping did not follow the normal steps of painting and writing poems, but first wrote a poem on one side of the rice paper.

On a spring trip, apricot blossoms bloom all over your head.

Whose family on the street is young and romantic?

I plan to marry and live in peace for the rest of my life.

Even if you are ruthlessly abandoned, you cannot be ashamed.

Then just start creating.

After reading countless films, I feel naturally refreshed.

Zhang Junping's greatest skill is to use his imagination to draw various scenes in his mind and put them on paper.

With flying pen and ink and a few dots, a girl holding an apricot blossom branch with bare hands, boldly pursuing love, appears on the page. A sweet smile hangs on the corner of the girl's mouth, and her two shallow dimples are full of yearning for love. , there is still indomitable persistence in the eyes, which is loyalty to love.

The red palace clothes, pink apricot blossoms, and newly sprouted green grass perfectly interweave a chapter of hope.

"This dress is so beautiful!" Qiu Wenyan's eyes sparkled.

"Beautiful, right? Don't even look at who she's wearing it on! My wife looks beautiful in whatever she wears." Zhang Junping's mouth was as sweet as honey.

"Is this a costume?"

"This is called palace attire! The everyday clothes worn by queens and concubines in ancient times.

If you like it, I will ask Dashan to customize a set for you later from Suzhou.

What I drew is the Twelve Flower Goddess Chapter. Twelve kinds of flower gods naturally have to be matched with twelve different styles of palace clothes. I asked the Suzhou Weaving Factory to make all twelve kinds of clothes." Zhang Junping hugged Qiu Wenyan's

Xiaomanyao said with a loving smile.

"Okay! Next time when I paint, I will put on the corresponding clothes and let you look at the painting!" Qiu Wenyan leaned on Zhang Junping and said happily.

"That's not necessary, your whole person is in my head, here, you can wear whatever clothes I want you to wear.

You can pose in whatever pose you want." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Virtue!" Qiu Wenyan tapped Zhang Junping with her finger and rolled her eyes at him.

Then he turned around and entered the east bedroom.

Zhang Junping was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and saw that it was already past ten o'clock at night, and everyone in the courtyard had already gone to bed.

Zhang Junping quickly got up and chased Qiu Wenyan into the bedroom.

This night was extremely gentle, allowing Zhang Junping to taste the fiery passion and unrestrainedness, as well as the shy and graceful tenderness.

The next day, Zhang Junping finished breakfast in high spirits and took his two apprentices to Nanxincang.

"Manager, the bureau has approved the application for establishing a security section, and I have also gone to the municipal bureau to file the application." Regarding the establishment of a security section, Zheng Dongmei was more active than Zhang Junping.

Make a report for approval, go to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to file, and it will be done directly.

Who knows that Zheng Dongmei's husband is a small leader of the Municipal Bureau's Public Security Department?

The filing process is left to others to take care of.

"Well! Very good, you call the street and recruit twenty veterans first.

I will decide on the choice of the chief of the Security Section." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Okay manager! I'll contact you right away." Zheng Dongmei agreed and turned around and left the office.

Zhang Junping picked up the phone and called his comrades.

"Hello! I'm from BJ Art Company. Please call Pan Meng."

After a while, Pan Meng's voice came from the phone.

"Squad leader! Are you looking for me?"

"Mengzi, stop working in that little shabby factory in your commune and come over and work with me.

Chief of the Security Section! Official at the department level!" Zhang Junping didn't say any unnecessary words.

Pan Meng was a soldier brought out by Zhang Junping. He is now demobilized and working in a commune hardware factory below Tongzhou.

Not everyone has Zhang Junping's fate. As a rural soldier, Pan Meng was able to work in a commune hardware factory after being discharged from the army, a job that many people would envy.

As for why Pan Meng called Zhang Junping squad leader, it's simple. Zhang Junping also served as squad leader.

"Yes!" Pan Meng stood at attention and shouted loudly.

"Okay! I'll ask the Human Resources Department to send a downward adjustment letter to your factory." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Junping called Zheng Dongmei again, explained the matter, and asked her to communicate with the hardware factory and transfer people over.

After explaining the affairs of the security department, Zhang Junping came to Wu Xinping's office with a tea cup.

"Master, how are you preparing for the symposium?" Zhang Junping came to face Wu Xinping and asked with a smile.

Wu Xinping is in charge of the National Symposium of Calligraphy and Painting Artists.

"I have chosen the venue for the meeting, and it will be placed in the lecture theater of Tsinghua University."

"Wait! Master, why don't you go to the conference room?" Zhang Junping quickly interrupted Wu Xinping.

"More than 200 artists participated in this symposium.

Including their students, there are probably more than 500 people.

How can Tsinghua University have such a big conference room?" Wu Xinping explained helplessly.

Tsinghua University in this era, unlike later generations, really did not have a venue that could accommodate more than 500 people.

"Then change places!

In this case, I will contact BJ Hotel and we will move the venue to BJ Hotel."

“BJ Hotel is not cheap.”

"When the time comes, if you fool around a bit more, each artist who comes will leave a few more calligraphy and paintings, and the money will come out." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"You kid, all right! You go and get in touch!"

By the way, this is the list of attendees. Please hurry up and write the invitation letter." Wu Xinping picked up the list and handed it to Zhang Junping.

"Master, isn't it your job to write the invitation letter?"

"When something happens, disciple, don't you understand? Just allow you to instruct me to do this and that all day long, why don't I ask you to do some work for me?" Wu Xinping shouted with his eyes wide open.

"Okay! You are the master, you have the final say!" Zhang Junping took the list with a smile.

No way, just write!

If he doesn't write it, Wu Xinping will do it for him next time.

In order to give Master a better sense of balance, Zhang Junping decided to write the invitation letter himself.

Wu Xinping's intention in asking Zhang Junping to write the invitation letter was obvious, just to show off and find comfort in his heart.

Look, I have accepted a good disciple, a disciple who is even better than me.

Back in the office, Zhang Junping first asked Xia Guoxiang to go to Dashilan to buy invitations.

"Master, what style should I buy?"

"Your master, I will write the invitation letter myself. What style do you want to buy?"

"It must be the best to be worthy of your name, Master!" Li Wenjuan interjected from the side.

"According to what Juanzi said, this matter must be handled with dignity." Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" Xia Guoxiang agreed, and ran to the treasurer to get money to buy the invitation.

Zhang Junping called BJ Hotel and made a reservation for the BJ Hall ten days later.

The banquet hall BJ Hall on the 18th floor of BJ Hotel has a total area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters, which is more than enough to accommodate 500 people for a meeting.

All accommodation, including food and accommodation, were arranged at BJ Hotel.

The name is the World Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Exchange Conference.

Otherwise, it cannot be determined.

BJ Hotel mainly hosts foreign guests and foreign affairs activities.

Therefore, Zhang Junping simply changed the name to World Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Exchange Conference.

The worst that can happen is to send a few invitation letters to the painters in Xiangjiang.

Come or not, it's up to them.

There are still many old artists in Xiangjiang, such as Lin Fengmian, an artist as famous as Qi Baishi and the master of Wu Guanzhong.

There are also second-generation representatives of the Lingnan School of Painting, Zhao Shao'ang and Yang Shanshen, whose artistic attainments are no worse than those of Wu Xinping, Wu Guanzhong and Wu Zuoren.

There is also Zhang Daqian’s female disciple Fang Shaolu (lin), both of whom are well-known contemporary artists.

Arrange for someone to make a special trip to Xiangjiang and deliver the invitation letters to them in person.

When the etiquette comes, it's up to them whether they come or not.

The people who sent the invitation were naturally Scarface and his men.

However, Zhang Junping had no intention of letting them send it off.

They only need to bring the invitation letter to Xiangjiang, and the job of sending the invitation letter must be left to Yang Ying.

People like Scarface and others have too much charlatanism.

They went to deliver it, but what was supposed to come never came.

The scarred face that Zhang Junping talked about was feeling very proud at this time.

Sitting in the mayor's office, chatting and laughing with the mayor.

Scarface perfectly inherited the characteristics of BJ people who can talk.

All over the world, at home and abroad, medical divination and astrology know everything and understand everything.

In addition, Scarface has also been to Hong Kong and seen the world, so he has no stage fright when facing the mayor.

I had a good conversation with the mayor, and it was quite a good conversation.

"Mayor Xing, how do you feel about these calligraphy and paintings?

Compared with Qi Baishi, how do Zhang Daqian's paintings compare?" Scarface asked with a smile.

"Not bad! I'm only half-experienced in calligraphy and painting, but it can be seen that these works have profound skills in the overall layout, use of colors, and the shades of brush and ink.

Even if it is not as good as Mr. Daqian, it is not much different.

Such calligraphy and painting are definitely treasures among treasures and can be passed down as family heirlooms to future generations." Mayor Xing said with a smile.

But he was secretly wondering in his heart, what did Scarface mean by bringing over some calligraphy and paintings?

Know that I like calligraphy and painting, are you ready to give them to me?

Thinking of this, Mayor Xing couldn't help but feel excited.

Should I accept it? Or should I pretend to refuse it first, give in and then accept it?

Mayor Xing is very confused.

"Mayor Xing, I might as well reveal to you my next plan for the tapestry weaving factory.

I will cooperate with art companies in our country to specialize in the production of Kesi paintings and sell them to Europe, the United States and other countries.

From sericulture, to silk reeling, to printing and dyeing, tapestry weaving, calligraphy and painting art, and finally sales, one-stop planning.

In order to better support silkworm farmers in raising silkworms, I specially hired experts from the Sericulture Research Institute of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences to come to Suzhou to guide silkworm farmers in raising silkworms.

In addition, we will also cooperate with Zurich Jiamei Textile to invest in the construction of a large-scale printing and dyeing factory in Suzhou.

Although we have a history of more than a thousand years in silk printing and dyeing, we have to admit it.

Over the past 100 years of history, we have lagged far behind.

Take reactive dyes in silk printing and dyeing as an example. The solubility of our domestic reactive dyes is not as good as imported reactive dyes.

Our domestic reactive dyes always leave some residue after dissolving.

You must know that solubility is a very important indicator in silk printing and dyeing.

It is directly related to the quality of the silk after printing and dyeing." Scarface's long speech made Mayor Xing a little confused.

Weren't we just talking about calligraphy and painting?

How can we talk about sericulture and printing and dyeing? How can we talk about one-stop production and marketing?

When it comes to printing and dyeing, although I am the leader of the Suzhou city government, I really don’t understand.

However, it sounds inexplicably profound and professional.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Zhou knows so much about printing and dyeing. He is really well-informed!

Kesi painting has a history of nearly a thousand years in Suzhou. It can be said that it has a long history and there are endless Kesi craftsmen with superb skills.

I believe that Mr. Zhou’s investment will definitely yield generous returns,” Mayor Xing said with a smile.


If my money is used for other purposes, such as the trade of Northeastern ginseng that our company is engaged in, it can be doubled several times a year.

Now the international gold price is rising every day. It has been rising for nearly a year. I predict that it will rise a lot in the future.

If I put this money into the futures market, my annual income will be several times or even more than ten times.

However, I still used my money to invest in a tapestry weaving factory and a sericulture breeding base.

It's because a noble person told me that when doing things in this life, one should not just look at the immediate interests, but should take a long-term view.

If you do something that can benefit one party, your life will be more meaningful." Scarface boasted about all the information he knew from chatting with Zhang Junping.

But Mayor Xing didn't know that, and was stunned by Scarface.

In my heart, I regard Scarface as a selfless patriotic businessman.

What Scarface did can indeed be called a patriotic businessman.

"Mr. Zhou, what you said is great! What we Chinese people believe in is that if we are poor, we can take care of ourselves, and if we are prosperous, we can help the world.

Doing something that benefits one party is definitely more meaningful than how much money you make.

It is our honor to have Mr. Zhou invest in Suzhou.

On behalf of the SZ City Government, I would like to express my position to Mr. Zhou that I will fully support the tapestry weaving factory and sericulture breeding base you invest in.

I will apply for preferential policies for you to the greatest extent." Mayor Xing said movedly.

"Mayor Xing, you still don't understand what I mean. Preferential policies are not what I want. What we want most is that our city government can support the development of the tapestry weaving factory.

I came to see Mayor Xing today actually because of these calligraphy and paintings.

I plan to make tapestry calligraphy and painting the leading product of the tapestry weaving factory in the future, but I feel that some comrades in the tapestry weaving factory are very resistant.

Of course, Mayor Xing, don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to complain!

I inquired privately, and most of the comrades were resistant because it takes a month or two to make such a tapestry calligraphy and painting, and even this one, "Qinyuan Spring Snow", takes a year to complete.


Moreover, in the entire Kesi weaving factory, there are only three craftsmen in such a large Kesi weaving factory who can complete Kesi calligraphy and painting.

Therefore, they prefer to produce tapestry handkerchiefs, tapestry belts and other tapestry products with short production time and quick results.

This makes me very disappointed and sad." Scarface said, sighing deeply.

An angry expression.

"Mr. Zhou, there must be some misunderstanding. In this way, we will be responsible for coordinating this matter and make sure that Mr. Zhou is satisfied."


It takes our craftsmen about a week to make a tapestry handkerchief.

Although it takes a year to make a tapestry "Qinyuan Spring Snow", how much can a tapestry handkerchief cost?

Twenty dollars?

However, the starting price of a piece of tapestry "Qinyuan Spring Snow" is only one million US dollars abroad, and it can even exceed 10 million US dollars in an auction house.

How many tapestry handkerchiefs can one of our craftsmen make in a year?

Which one is more important?

I don’t want tax exemptions or preferential policies. I just want our city government to show its attitude and provide strong support to cultivate craftsmen who can complete tapestry calligraphy and painting.

If you feel that my request is too much, then Mayor Xing can only say that our fate is not enough.

Next, my energy will be mainly focused on Nanjing." Scarface finished what he wanted to say, stood up and left directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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