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Chapter 272: A Rapidly Growing Art Company

"Master Yang, take a look.

This is a warehouse complex, and I plan to do some greening on the outside, and then build a few pavilions inside.

In addition, I plan to build an office building with at least nine floors in the north.

The office building will have a three-story underground warehouse.

I want you to help design the appearance of this building to coordinate with the style of the warehouse." Zhang Junping told Lao Yangtou his request.

"Master Zhang, I can design the shape of the nine-story building you mentioned, but this construction..."

"What? There's something wrong with the construction?"

"What I know are all ancient buildings with brick and wood structures. I can build a nine-story building using ancient methods.

Only in terms of service life, structural solidity, and construction cost, they are not as good as foreign construction methods.

But I don’t understand the construction methods of foreigners.” Old Yangtou expressed his thoughts honestly.

"It doesn't matter! You design the exterior, and I'll ask a professor from the Department of Architecture at Tsinghua University to perfect the internal structure.

We can come up with a combination of Chinese and Western styles." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

In fact, Zhang Junping can make such a design himself.

His museum space now contains hundreds of thousands of Chinese and foreign books, covering everything.

Both Western architecture and Chinese architecture are involved.

In addition, those who engage in art are good at layout, so it is not difficult to design green gardens outside warehouses and nine-story high-rise buildings.

It's just that Zhang Junping has too many things to do these days, and he doesn't want to show off too much. People who are omnipotent and omnipotent often have no friends.

Lao Yangtou happens to be able to use it, so why have to do it yourself.

"That's a good feeling!

I'll measure the area and draw the drawing when I get back.

Mr. Zhang will take it to experts to perfect the subsequent design." Old Yangtou said with a cautious smile.

“Master Yang, in the future there will be more and more buildings that combine Chinese and Western styles.

Looking back, when I was looking for a professional to design building structures, you also participated and learned more about Western architectural styles and construction methods.

I remember that when the Old Summer Palace was built, Xiang Lei also cooperated with foreigners." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Yes! The Western-style Building in the Old Summer Palace is a masonry structure designed and constructed by Lang Shining during the Qianlong period.

In fact, this Western-style building is mixed with many ancient Chinese architectural styles, and it is the earliest building that combines Chinese and Western styles." When talking about Style Lei and the Old Summer Palace, Old Yang's face became a little more confident.

This is the confidence that knowledge in the professional field brings to him.

“Our ancient architecture cannot be lost, but we must also absorb the masonry structure and concrete structure of Western architecture.

It is precisely through continuous absorption of the essence of various cultures that China has inherited its five thousand-year culture.

Therefore, our traditional culture should be inclusive rather than conservative." Zhang Junping looked at Lao Yangtou, his eyes shining with wisdom as he spoke.

"Master Zhang is right. The reason why Style Lei has been passed down for hundreds of years is because he has never been conservative, constantly being inclusive and absorbing the essence of other families, so that he can carry it forward.

It's a pity that I shouldn't have said this originally, but that's the fact. The descendants of the Lei family have forgotten how the Lei family started. Like the Qing Dynasty, they have become self-contained, clinging to their limitations and unwilling to accept the advantages of others. In order to ensure

Due to his own status, he constantly suppresses rising stars, and even suppresses other families by any means necessary."...

“It’s great that Mr. Yang has this understanding! Whether it’s a dynasty, a company, or an individual, the final result of being stubborn and stubborn is to be eliminated by society.

Therefore, I have told you more than once before that you must open your mind and pass on your craftsmanship. Whether it is your own children or apprentices, you must find a way to pass it on.

Not only should we preach it, but we should also teach them the principles of inclusiveness.

If you are willing, I can recommend you to go to Tsinghua University. Their School of Architecture has a special major in ancient architecture. You can be a visiting professor, and it is not impossible to even become a full professor." Zhang Junping said solemnly.

"Can I go to Tsinghua University to teach? Mr. Zhang, please stop kidding me. Tsinghua University used to be the top scholar in the university. How can I, a bricklayer, go to teach there!" Old Yang waved his hands in a panic.

"Why can't you do it? Mr. Yang, now is a new society. It is not like the old society where everyone is low-class and only good students can study well. Since Tsinghua University has opened a school of architecture and a discipline of ancient architecture, it naturally needs someone with experience and knowledge like you.

The master goes to teach.

To be honest, it is a blessing for those college students that you go to Tsinghua University to teach.

I sincerely hope that you can pass on style thunder, or our ancient Chinese architecture.

The main reason why I came to work in this art company is to help more folk craftsmen live a prosperous life, pass on the craftsmanship and carry it forward.

When I was chatting with Dashan before, I also said that people should always leave something behind in their lives.

As the saying goes, when people pass by, they leave their names; when geese pass by, they leave their voices.

However, what's the point of just leaving a name to prove that you once existed?

Therefore, you must have your own career and work hard for it. Only in this way can you live up to your life.

The art company is my business, and I hope that through my efforts, I can leave a place as big as a palm in the history books in the future.

Master Yang, what about you?

Don't you want to take up a place in the history books?

A hundred years later, we will continue to be neighbors and partners in history books." Zhang Junping looked at the ancient BJ City and said to Old Yangtou with a faint smile.

Zhang Junping's voice is not loud, very soft, but full of infinite temptation.

Leaving a name in history is what all scholars in ancient times dreamed of.

Not just scholars, but anyone who can live without worries about food and clothing, who doesn't want to leave a name in history?

"Master Zhang, how can I, an old man like me, occupy a place in the history books?

If it really makes it into the history books, even if there is only one line, it will be worthy of the ancestors of my Yang family.

In this way, the hundred and ten pounds of my old Yangtou will be handed over to Mr. Zhang. I will never go west if Mr. Zhang says east.

If I am lucky enough to get such a line in the history books, my Yang family will respect the Zhang family from generation to generation!" The temptation to get into the history books was so great that Old Yang was unable to resist it. As long as he could get into the history books, even if it was preceded by

Old Yangtou, who was completely deceived by Zhang Junping, dared to jump off the cliff with his eyes open.

"Okay! As long as you say this!

As for the fact that my Zhang family will be respected from generation to generation, let’s not mention it again…

One generation does not care about the hearts of two generations. You and I are friends who have never known each other. As for the future generations, it depends on their own destiny.

I will contact Tsinghua University later and give you the news.

It just so happens that Baylor House is currently under construction, allowing students from Tsinghua University to experience the charm of ancient architecture for themselves." Zhang Junping said with a sassy smile.

"It's just based on Master Zhang's orders." Old Yangtou said respectfully.

"Yeah!" Zhang Junping nodded.

After sending Old Yangtou away, he returned to the office.

Li Wenjuan's eyes were still shining, "Master, I also want to leave my name in the history books."

“If you want to leave your name in the history books, you can’t do it just by being determined.

In ancient times, only those who made great achievements, resisted foreign aggression or benefited a country, and made outstanding contributions could leave a name in history.

It's the same now, you must be outstanding in a certain industry and have made extraordinary achievements.

If you work hard, maybe Master can take advantage of you in the future and leave your name in history." Zhang Junping smiled and touched Li Wenjuan's head.

"Master, you are laughing at me again!" Li Wenjuan said coquettishly.

Time flies, and another week has passed in the blink of an eye.

This week, the calligraphy and painting team that Chen Lijun personally serves has achieved great results and successfully signed many young artists.

Several of them are well-known artists in later generations.

For example, Jin Shangyi, Jia Youfu, etc.

Of course, there are more young painters who are not famous, but are very skilled in painting and have great potential in painting.

Famous artists are in a worse situation, as only Wu Xinping, an eighth-level artist, was signed.

In fact, Zhang Junping had already expected this.

This is also normal. Famous contemporary painters such as Wu Guanzhong, Wu Zuoren, Huang Yongyu, Li Keran, and Li Kuchan are actually very famous in China, and even slightly famous abroad.

Naturally, they are unwilling to be bound by the contract.

Not everyone can have Wu Xinping's level of consciousness and give without seeking fame or fortune.

He has worked in the BJ Painting Store for decades without asking for anything in return, and with a meager salary, he supports the operation of the entire BJ Painting Store.

For these famous contemporary artists, Zhang Junping does not force them to sign contracts.

She just repeatedly asked Chen Lijun to find ways to collect as many of their works as possible.

Later, Zhang Junping will issue a contract specifically, which does not limit them from selling paintings themselves, but will provide the art company with the contract text for how many works they will provide each year.

In order to avoid leaking it in advance and affecting the current acquisition of calligraphy and painting, Zhang Junping did not tell anyone about it.

Niu Wensheng and others saw that Chen Lijun and the others were prospering in calligraphy and painting, and they were unwilling to be lonely.

The art company has collected many contemporary artworks, including wood carvings, jade carvings, core carvings, and clay sculptures.

Some people even go to JDZ to buy and exchange contemporary porcelain works of art.

Someone even brought back the mahogany silver-inlaid artwork from Zhang Junping's hometown.

We even signed contracts with several young craftsmen who are wood carvers and jade carvers.

Zhang Junping took a look and found that the quality was pretty good and the carvings were very spiritual.

I agreed to sign a contract with them.

However, craftsmen such as wood carving and jade carving are not completely suitable for calligraphy and painting contracts.…

After all, whether it is wood carving or jade carving, they are all craft-based artistic creations.

If you want to achieve something, you naturally cannot do without a lot of creation and practice.

But good wood and jade are not cheap.

Some of these people originally worked in jade crafts factories or woodware factories.

It is not appropriate to use public raw materials to carve and then sell them to art companies.

Some people cannot afford to buy raw materials to practice their own skills.

Moreover, for wood carving and jade carving, requiring them to submit one work a month is a bit overwhelming.

After all, they have to work at work and can only use their spare time to create.

Wood carving and jade carving are industries that require both physical and mental strength.

Creating a piece of work takes a lot of energy.

It’s difficult to guarantee one piece of work a month if you complete your job.

Of course, those who fool around are not counted.

Therefore, Zhang Junping specially designed a set of guaranteed minimum bonus contracts for them.

Each work is given a guaranteed deposit, and you can receive the guaranteed deposit directly after submitting the work. After the work is sold, it will be divided according to the contract.

Only in this way can the contradiction between the craft contract artist, his job and the art company be resolved.

Even Zhang Junping is still outside the contract,

Another benefit has been added.

That is, you can apply for raw materials from the art company.

The art company provides the raw materials needed for creation. After the work is sold, the value of the raw materials will be deducted first and then the accounts will be divided.

However, this will increase the purchasing pressure on art companies.

However, compared to the income, the added pressure is nothing.

It's nothing more than adding a raw material purchasing department.

Zhang Junping typed the report and the bureau approved it instantly.

Because you are purchasing raw materials to create works of art, you need to have a certain aesthetic ability in art, and you also need to have a certain ability to identify.

For example, when it comes to purchasing jade, you don't just have to contact them, you can just buy them back directly.

There are many varieties of jade, and the quality varies greatly.

Wood carving, root carving, what kind of wood is suitable for carving, what kind of tree roots are suitable for carving, people who don't know how to do it can't do this work at all.

After several friendly negotiations between Niu Wensheng and his brothers, Niu Wensheng’s younger brother Zhai Kangmei finally took up the post of director of the purchasing department.

Zhai Kangmei is already in his early forties this year, but he is the youngest among the brothers Niu Wensheng.

According to Niu Wensheng, purchasing has to go to the place of origin and travel all over the world. People like them in their forties and fifties cannot bear this hassle.

In fact, this is all about being humble and taking care of your junior brother.

They are all disciples of Lao Hu. In addition to being a master of antique appraisal, Lao Hu is also the successor of Xingyi Quan.

Will he pass down Xingyiquan to his disciples?

Zhang Junping has long seen that Niu Wensheng and others have great skills, and they are as energetic as a young man in his twenties and thirties.

Zhang Junping drove to BJ Wood Factory while thinking about what happened this week.

Inspired by Niu Wensheng, Zhang Junping also thought that Yang Shankui was a craftsman and a master of wood carving.

Zhang Junping came here with the intention of signing Yang Shankui to the art company...

"Oh! Why does Manager Zhang have time to come to my small temple today?" Yang Shankui joked as soon as they met.

“A temple does not matter whether it is big or small, it is spiritual if there is a Buddha.

I came here today to worship the true Buddha!" ​​Zhang Junping said with a laugh.

"You can't do this! You come to worship the real Buddha and you come empty-handed?" Yang Shankui also laughed.

"When you worship Buddha, sincerity will naturally lead to spiritual enlightenment, but there is no such thing as worshiping many Buddhas." Zhang Junping and Yang Shankui said jokingly.

"But you can do it! At that time, Monk Tang couldn't obtain the true scripture because he couldn't find any personnel.

Therefore, it is said that sincerity leads to spiritual success, which can only fool fools.

I don’t believe in his sincerity and sincerity!” Yang Shankui said disdainfully.

"What? I came here empty-handed and you still don't accept me?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Haha! You are different, you are not a Buddhist, you are my brother.

I welcome you to come anytime!" Yang Shankui laughed and let Zhang Junping into the office.

After making tea for Zhang Junping, Yang Shankui asked: "Brother, why do you have time to come to my place today?"

"I really have something to ask of you this time!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"What's the matter, we brothers, do we still need to say "please"?"

"It's not a private matter, it's a business matter.

You take a look at this first." Zhang Junping said and took out the artist's contract.

"The art company was established at my suggestion.

In fact, the original purpose was to sell artworks to foreigners in exchange for foreign exchange.

However, I don't want to sell those ancient works of art, that is, antiques, in exchange for foreign exchange.

So, I came up with this plan.

In the name of promoting traditional Chinese culture, contemporary art is sold to external parties.

Of course, the main thing is publicity, supplemented by sales.

While promoting traditional culture, it is also a promotion for artists.

For this reason, we have specially developed a contract signing policy.

After becoming a contracted artist with our company, the company will provide strong support to help the artist progress in his skills, and at the same time, he will also do a comprehensive publicity for the artist himself." Zhang Junping directly stated his purpose.

If we talk about his relationship with Yang Shankui in a roundabout way, it would actually look petty.

"Then what does this have to do with me?" Yang Shankui didn't understand for a moment.

"Brother Yang, the art company, not only deals in calligraphy and painting, but also covers all traditional handicraft art categories.

For calligraphy and painting, my master Wu Xinping and I are enough to hold up the scene.

However, when it comes to wood carvings, I am counting on you, Brother Yang, as a true Buddha, to support the scene." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Good guy, let me tell you why your kid came here suddenly today.

That was the original idea.

Good guy, as long as you sign the contract, you can receive a subsidy of 253 yuan a month.

Are you, an eighth-level artist, the same as a carpenter? But the salary is much higher than that of an eighth-level carpenter." Yang Shankui laughed.

"It's different. Our company's contracts are divided into nine levels from level one to level nine.

This is your contract as an eighth-level artist.

Moreover, your contract is divided into two types.

One is to submit a wood carving craft every month, and then you can receive a monthly subsidy of 253 yuan.

Another consideration is that people like you, Brother Yang, may not have so much free time. If you can't complete one piece of art every month, it is a creation, so there is another provision. For every piece of art submitted, you can receive 253.

Dollar deposit.

Then, after the artwork is sold, the share will be divided. The share ratio for the eighth level is 82.

You get 80%, and the company gets 20%.

The 20% share includes the cost of publicity and promotion." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

“Brother, according to you, that’s a good thing!

We craftsmen rely on our hands to make a living. Even without this contract, I often carve some things to practice my skills." Yang Shankui said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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