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Chapter 277 The calligraphy and painting art exchange meeting ends

On the first day, Zhang Junping did not perform on stage. Although there were invitations, Zhang Junping declined them all.

The other party didn't say anything more.

None of them are fools, and no one would do such a stupid thing as wanting to step down on Zhang Junping's rise to power just because Zhang Junping was praised by others.

In fact, asking Zhang Junping to perform was just a polite word. The veteran artists present all knew that it would be the best outcome if Zhang Junping did not come on stage.

It can leave opportunities for the younger generation of calligraphy and painting artists.

Art is better than being a pedestrian.

The older generation of calligraphy and painting artists all lament that their apprentices or disciples are in bad luck.

To actually live in the same era as such a monster-like figure.

It's definitely their tragedy.

There is nothing we can do about it, there are always some evildoers who suppress a generation of geniuses.

On the first day and second day as appetizers, young painters and calligraphers took the stage to show off their skills.

The third, fourth and fifth days are the climax of the exchange meeting.

Starting from the third day, famous artists began to perform their performances, show their skills through creation, and explain their creative insights.

Zhang Junping listened quietly and felt that he had benefited a lot.

Finally it was Wu Xinping's turn. As a landlord, he naturally had to take the stage to show off his skills and explain his insights on painting.

Zhang Junping waved to Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying.

The two men came to Zhang Junping's side after being reminded by their subordinates.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lou, please communicate with the TV stations, other newspapers and magazines, and give Secretary Wu more close-ups.

Secretary Wu is the signature of our art company and must be reported with emphasis." Zhang Junping explained to the two chief editors in a low voice.

TV stations, newspapers and magazines are all contacted through the Press and Publication Bureau, and the two people specifically responsible for this matter are Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying.

"I understand, manager!" Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying nodded.

"Don't make it too obvious! Old artists like Lin Fengmian, Lin Sanzhi, and Li Keran should also be highlighted." Zhang Junping reminded again.

The food appearance should not be too ugly.

Otherwise, who will participate in the activities you organize in the future?

"Understood!" Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying agreed, then turned around to communicate with reporters from TV stations, newspapers and magazines.

Regarding communicating with the media, Zhang Junping has no idea that he does not do anything personally.

They are not in the same circle, there is no need to join together.

Anyway, he just needs to catch Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying.

These two people, who were sent by Cao Xiangqian to serve as editor-in-chief, naturally have certain abilities. However, they are in the media themselves, so they can communicate better in a circle.

The effect now seems pretty good.

Even CCTV, such an awesome unit, showed some respect and sent two cameras to film the scene.

Except for Zhang Junping, the manager, everyone else in the art company is very busy.

Chen Lijun took the preliminarily selected interns from the business development department and shuttled around the venue to communicate with young artists from all over the place.

Try to sign them before the end of the exchange meeting.

As for those old artists, in Zhang Junping’s words, just let it go.

After the contract for the old artist is drawn up later, we can try to communicate again.

Zhang Junping's mentality has changed now, and he is not so eager for these old artists.

It's better if you sign it, but it doesn't matter if you don't sign it.

Five days passed quickly, and the calligraphy and painting artist exchange meeting came to an end.

In the words of the media: The first national calligraphy and painting artists exchange meeting of BJ Painting Shop was successfully held, which lasted five days and concluded successfully.

A total of 286 famous calligraphy and painting artists participated in the calligraphy and painting artist exchange meeting, and 349 young artists attended to observe and learn.

During the period, the artists had friendly and lively discussions, bursting with passion, and created a total of 2,186 precious works including calligraphy, landscape paintings, lady paintings, and landscape paintings on the spot.

A certain leader from the Ministry of Culture and a certain leader from the Municipal Party Committee attended the exchange meeting and made important speeches.

Then short videos of various artists' creations or speeches will appear on TV. They are really short. Some shots are only one second or even a few tenths of a second. Of course, some people's shots are longer, such as Wu Xinping, Li Keran, and Lin Fengmian.

, such as Lin Sanzhi, Huang Zhou, Li Kuchan, etc., all have shots ranging from two to three seconds to four or five seconds.

Artists from all over the country have contributed so many precious works, so naturally we cannot let them go back empty-handed.

Each person has a handbag with the words "The First National Calligraphy and Painting Artists Exchange Conference" printed on it. Inside is a complete set of Hu brushes, a Duan inkstone, ten ingots of Hui ink, an envelope containing 200 yuan, and two books each by ""

Special issue of the first national calligraphy and painting artist exchange meeting published by BJ Painting Shop" and "Chinese Art".

Naturally, everyone is taken into consideration in the magazine. There are photos of creation, photos of works, character introductions, creative insights, etc.

In short, everything is taken care of, which ensures that everyone feels that the trip is worthwhile.

Of course, the biggest gainer was the art company, with more than 2,000 works, of which senior artists accounted for more than half.

This amount alone can recoup the capital.

In addition, with this opportunity, the two magazines owned by the art company can also initially open up.

The two magazines will definitely lose money this time.

Not only do all special issues make no money, but they are also given free of charge to major art schools and calligraphers and painters associations across the country.

Through this additional delivery, all art schools and calligraphy and painting enthusiasts everywhere will know that there are such two magazines, which will in turn boost the magazine's sales.

On the morning of the sixth day, after seeing off the last artist, Zhang Junping directly announced a day off.

These five days have been fruitful, but everyone is exhausted.

Including Zhang Junping himself, he has to act as a tool for drinking every night.

People are not tired, but their hearts are tired.

He took his two apprentices back to the courtyard.

Grandpa was not at home and went fishing with the puppy.

After grandpa came, no one else needed to take care of the puppy. He would take it out for a walk every morning and evening.

Gradually, I became obsessed with fishing, and I couldn’t stay home anymore. Every morning after dinner, I would take my fishing gear and six puppies and go out fishing in a crowd, never coming back until evening.

Grandma was sitting in the courtyard of the central courtyard, basking in the sun and listening to the radio.

"Pingzi, why are you back at this hour today? Did you forget to pick up something?" Grandma asked with a smile when she saw Zhang Junping coming in.

"Grandma! I'm done with the work, the company has a day off!" Zhang Junping handed the briefcase to Xia Guoxiang, took a mousse and walked to his grandma and said.

"Are you done with your work? It's good to have a holiday. You can have a good rest during the holiday! You guys are so busy that you don't even have a day off on Sundays.

Look, this man is so tired and thin." Grandma looked at Zhang Junping's face and said with a smile.

Zhang Junping didn't even know how his grandma could tell that he had lost weight.

"It's so good today. If we were in the mountains, we could go out and dig some wild vegetables.

The shepherd's purse at this time is the most tender. When you were a child, you loved to eat the shepherd's purse steamed buns I made the most." Seeing Zhang Junping chatting with her, grandma was very happy and took Zhang Junping's hand and talked about her childhood.

"Yes! At that time, you always kept the meat and made me meat buns to eat when I went there." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"You little greedy monkey, when you were fourteen years old, you dared to take your younger brothers and sisters to walk such a long way to your grandma's house just to eat meat.

I’m not afraid of being snatched away by a wolf.” Grandma enjoyed the time of having someone to talk to, and she pulled Zhang Junping to talk endlessly.

"Grandma, I want to eat the shepherd's purse meat buns you made.

Let's go dig shepherd's purse, and then come back to make steamed buns!" Grandma's words successfully brought out Zhang Junping's greedy self.

"This city is not in the mountains. Where can I dig shepherd's purse?"

"Let's drive!" Zhang Junping raised his hand and looked at the time, "It's half past nine now, let's drive to the farm in the suburbs.

There are a lot of shepherd's purses over there. After we dig them up, we go directly to the restaurant for dinner.

Then I’ll make the stuffing and make the buns in the afternoon, so I won’t delay eating them in the evening.”

"You little greedy monkey, when it comes to eating, you are better than anyone else." Grandma smiled and pointed at Zhang Junping, then stood up from the rocking chair.

Zhang Junping quickly reached out and grabbed his grandma.

When grandma mentioned shepherd's purse just now, I knew that grandma was homesick and lonely at home alone.

In such a big yard, grandpa went fishing every day, and grandma was the only one, accompanied by the radio.

Of course, grandma would never say that she was lonely at home and had no one to talk to.

Elderly people of this era would not say such things. For them, having food and drink is a very happy life.

However, deep down in my heart, I don’t want my children to accompany me to talk.

"Xiangzi, Juanzi, take those two cloth bags and some small shovels.

Let’s go on an outing today.” Zhang Junping told his two apprentices.

"Okay, Master, I like to go on outings the most!" Li Wenjuan cheered.

"Today's homework is about the scenery I saw during an outing.

Leave it to me the day after tomorrow!" Zhang Junping added with a smile.

"Ah? There is still homework! Master..." Li Wenjuan took Zhang Junping's arm and said coquettishly.

"It's no use acting coquettishly! A painter must always maintain a heart that is good at discovery.

Be good at extracting the bright spots in life.

I’m not asking you to complete your homework today, but I’m just reminding you to pay attention when digging wild vegetables and playing around.” Zhang Junping smiled and patted Li Wenjuan’s head.

Four people drove to a pasture at Red Star Farm.

This is a grassland in a hilly area and is the exclusive pasture of Red Star Farm.

There are a lot of wild vegetables here. When Zhang Junping was a child, he often followed his mother to dig wild vegetables here.

After Zhang Junping stopped the car, Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang helped grandma out of the car.

Zhang Junping also got out of the car. After staying in the city for a long time, it was still very comfortable to go out and walk around.

Especially on the pasture, where the sky is clear, the fields are vast, the grass is blown by the wind and the cattle and sheep can be seen, it feels really good.

The whole person, from body to spirit, relaxes.

"Ah..." Li Wenjuan's crazy girl nature broke out, she put her hands on her mouth and shouted loudly.

"Haha!" Zhang Junping chuckled, it's great to be young!

Many times, Zhang Junping subconsciously ignores the fact that he is also a young man.

Also, he is already twenty-five this year, and in a few years, according to this era, he will have entered middle age.

Zhang Junping and his grandmother carried a cloth bag, squatted down, and looked for shepherd's purse in a patch of newly sprouted grass.

Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang shared a cloth bag and could do whatever they wanted.

There are a lot of shepherd's purses here, and there are also dandelions. In ten days and a half, the dandelions will bloom. The yellow flowers all over the mountains and plains are very beautiful.

It's a pity that we can't see it this year. The National Exchange Meeting for Painting and Calligraphy Artists has ended, which also means that it's time for their overseas inspections to start.

Zhang Junping was digging shepherd's purse and thinking endlessly.

There are really a lot of shepherd's purses here. In less than an hour, they dug a bag full. Zhang Junping poured the shepherd's purses into the trunk and continued digging.

As for Xia Guoxiang and Li Wenjuan, Xia Guoxiang was okay and was still digging for shepherd's purse carefully, but Li Wenjuan ran away like crazy.

One moment I chase butterflies, the next I run out and pick a dandelion flower and come back.

There are always some dandelions who don't like to play their cards according to the routine. Others have just sprouted and grown a leaf, and they can't wait to show off in the pasture with a small yellow flower.

Sure enough, people can't be too high-profile, as being too high-profile can easily lead to trouble. The same goes for this flower. Being too ostentatious can also lead to trouble. This dandelion, which did not follow the routine, was destroyed by Li Wenjuan.

Grandma was very happy, and the smile on her face never broke. While digging wild vegetables, she muttered to Zhang Junping: "Just like you when you were a child, every moment is peaceful. How can I take you to dig wild vegetables? You are also running around in the forest.

, and even climbed up the tree to poke the hornet's nest.

I wanted to eat honey, but I was stung all over my head, and my eyelids were so swollen that I couldn't open them."

Zhang Junping was speechless. This happened more than ten years ago. It's hard for grandma to still remember it so clearly.

"I don't know either. There is no honey in the hornet's nest. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have poked it. It's all my fault..." Zhang Junping stopped mid-sentence.

Grandma also paused and continued digging wild vegetables, but the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

The time Zhang Junping poked a hornet's nest in search of honey, he was bewitched by his uncle. In fact, his uncle wanted the hornet's nest, which could be sold for money.

So I tricked Zhang Junping into poking a hornet's nest, thinking it was a good idea, and ran away after poking him.

As a result, a small fork on the branch hooked the hornet's nest. Zhang Junping took a bucket and took the hornet's nest into his arms when he went to collect the branch.

Because of this, my uncle was beaten by his grandfather and he slept on his stomach for a week.

And that year, the uncle who had tempted him to stir up a hornet's nest was also sent to the army not long after that.

And then died on the battlefield in Vietnam.

Just now I accidentally mentioned poking a hornet's nest, and both Zhang Junping and grandma thought of their uncle.

"Grandma, don't tell me, Brother Shuanzhu and Brother Changsheng are really talented cooks. In just a short time, they are very good at cutting vegetables and preparing side dishes.

Occasionally, I can also hold a spoon and stir-fry a few dishes, which is much better than Zhu Zhu." Zhang Junping changed the topic and talked about his two cousins.

You love your grandson because your grandson is a guest, and your biological grandson is the continuation of your bloodline.

Sure enough, when the grandson was mentioned, the smile returned to the grandma's face, "The two of them have no abilities. If they don't study well and learn cooking skills, they will have to stay in the mountains and suffer poverty all their lives.

You keep an eye on them for me. If you don't learn your craft well, tell me and I'll ask your grandpa to take care of them."

"My mother is here, don't worry! If you don't learn the craft well, my mother can take care of them without my grandpa." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

While talking, he dug another bag full of shepherd's purse, and Xia Guoxiang over there also dug a bag full of shepherd's purse.

Zhang Junping raised his hand to look at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

"Grandma, I dug enough shepherd's purses to eat, shall we go back?"

In a moment, let’s go to the restaurant and let Brother Shuan Zhu and Brother Changsheng cook two dishes for you, and you can test their cooking skills." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Okay, just enough to eat! Let's go to the restaurant and see how the food they cook is." Grandma patted the dirt on her hands and said with a smile.

"How about walking?" Zhang Junping supported his grandma and said to Li Wenjuan: "Don't be crazy, go home!"

"Ah? Are you going home now?" Li Wenjuan was obviously not crazy enough.

"Hurry up and go, aren't you hungry?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

I drove back to the city and stopped at the entrance of Zhiweizhai.

Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang helped grandma get out of the car and walked into the store.

"Hey! Mom, why are you here?" Seeing my mother, Zhang's mother hurriedly ran out from behind the bar.

Zhang Lihong also ran out, and she and Zhang's mother took over her grandmother from Li Wenjuan and Xia Guoxiang.

"I don't want to cook anymore at noon, so I'll take them to a restaurant." Grandma said with a smile.

"Grandma Zhang, Master wanted to eat big buns with shepherd's purse meat, so he took us out to dig for shepherd's purse. We just came back from digging for shepherd's purse."

"This kid knows how to mess with people.

"Xiao Li, go to the backyard and open a small room." When Mother Zhang heard that she really hadn't eaten, she quickly ordered the waiter on the side.

At this time, Zhang Junping also parked his car and walked in.

"You kid, why did you take your grandma to dig shepherd's purses?" Zhang's mother complained as soon as she saw Zhang Junping.

"It just so happened that I had nothing to do today and the weather was nice, so I took my grandma out for a walk. I happened to dig some shepherd's purse to make buns along the way." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"I have nothing to do at home. Why don't I go dig some shepherd's purse? I'm not too old to move." Grandma suddenly became unhappy and said with a straight face when she saw Zhang's mother reprimanding her grandson.

"Mom, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, why didn't you take me with you when you went to dig shepherd's purses? I haven't gone out to get some fresh air for a long time." Mother Zhang said quickly with a smile on her face.

"The relationship is great, let's hurry up! After the shepherd's purse buns are finished, we and I will go dig them out. There are a lot of shepherd's purses where Pingzi took me today." Grandma then put on a smile again.

Zhang Junping made a face at Zhang's mother, who was so angry that she glared at Zhang Junping.

The group of people chatted and laughed as they came to the private room in the backyard.

As soon as they entered the private room, grandma couldn't wait to say: "Ask Shuanzhu and Changsheng to cook some dishes for me, and I will try what they have learned in the restaurant.

It’s been so long, if you still haven’t learned how to cook, let’s see how I deal with these two brats.”

If Shuanzhu and Changsheng knew that it was Zhang Junping who came up with the idea, they would probably cry and say to Zhang Junping: You are not such a fool, we have only been studying for less than two months, and we haven't even learned how to chop vegetables yet.

"Okay! I'll let them cook two dishes for you personally!" Zhang's mother agreed with a smile.

Old children, old children, and grandma in her seventies cannot choke, they must be coaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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