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Chapter 283 Legal Counsel Christina

"Mr. Zhang has property in Zurich?" George Fairburn asked in surprise.

"A small industry cannot compare with Mr. Stuart." Zhang Junping smiled modestly.

It’s not that he is being modest. Jiamei Textile is really not a big industry in Zhang Junping.

It is an industry that was invested simply to complete the task and change the current situation of the domestic textile industry.

Seeing that Zhang Junping did not want to say more, George Fairburn did not continue to ask. He just smiled lightly: "Then I will look forward to seeing Mr. Zhang tomorrow afternoon."

"See you tomorrow afternoon!" Zhang Junping smiled and stretched out his hand to shake George Fairburn's hand again.

After seeing George Fairburn off, Zhang Junping sat back on the sofa, closing his eyes and thinking about the gains and losses of the negotiation just now.

It has to be said that everything went as smoothly as he expected.

All this is based on the fact that George Fairburn is a real businessman.

Zhang Junping was also betting, but he was right.

Zhang Junping had considered before that if he made a wrong bet, the consequences would be disastrous.

Complete book.

Of course, this is not the end of the book after Zhang Junping was killed.

It's not that I look down on them, but they really can't keep Zhang Junping as a group of businessmen who have been corrupted by the romantic and gentle countryside and have lost their blood.

The most they can do is to detain Chen Lijun and the others.

In that case, Zhang Junping will definitely make a scene and have a great time shopping in France for zero dollars.

The result of this is naturally the completion of the entire book.

However, Zhang Junping is confident that the chance of winning the bet is 90%.

France at this time was no longer in the Napoleonic era.

Long time, power, money, and beauty have corrupted Napoleon's descendants.

This can be seen from France's performance in World War I and World War II.

It is not difficult to understand what choices a group of businessmen without blood would make.

In fact, Zhang Junping also has an insurance policy, that is, they are staying at the Hilton Hotel, an old five-star hotel chain.

It will also make George Fairburn have some scruples.

In the end, Zhang Junping won the bet.

Hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

The gamble was worth it this time.

I dare not say that it has completely opened up the international market, but at least it can gain a foothold.

After reflecting for a while, Zhang Junping got up and made a phone call, then took a shower and went to bed.

The next day, after breakfast, the meeting continued.

In addition to reading out the discipline as usual, there is also a summary of the experience of visiting yesterday and the night before.

"We have been in Paris for two days, right? Tell us what you feel and what experiences you have had!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Manager, if you want to talk about your feelings, they are really profound! I didn't know before, but only after I came to Paris did I realize that the gap between us and others is so big.

I have visited luxury stores and galleries these days, and I feel that there is a huge gap in service.

The country has been mentioning for many years to serve the people and make customers feel at home.

However, what we have done is far from being as good as the capitalists in capitalist countries.

Thinking about what I did before, I can't help but blush." ​​Chen Lijun was the first to express her feelings.

Then, other people also told their feelings one by one.

Zhang Junping listened quietly and carefully recorded everyone's feelings and experiences.

I've only been here for two days, and actually spent a day and an evening watching it. What everyone felt most was the difference between the two sides.

This gap is the most shocking.

After everyone finished speaking, Zhang Junping said with a smile: "Yes, everyone has deep feelings after comparing themselves.

This is a good start. Everyone feels the gap between us and developed countries.

Then in the next few days, we will start looking for solutions to the problem.

While visiting, think about how we can change our backward situation.

Of course, we are not entrepreneurs or government officials, so we don’t need to consider those general directions.

Just think about how to run our art company well and how to sell our art to Europe, the United States and other countries." Zhang Junping concluded his speech and rearranged the tasks for everyone.

"I know, manager!" everyone replied in unison.

In the morning, Zhang Junping took everyone to continue shopping. It seemed like a fun trip, but with the tasks given by Zhang Junping, the purpose of the trip became much clearer.

In fact, everything we do now is just an appetizer, allowing them to experience it and broaden their horizons.

Vision is something that sounds like nothing.

I don’t understand. If you tell me, I will understand.

But reality is not like this. People are always accustomed to using their own cognition to judge the authenticity of things, adhering to the belief that seeing is believing and hearing is false.

If someone tells him the truth, he doesn't think about it or understand it. He just says, "I didn't see it. What I saw is not like this." Then he directly judges it to be false.

Therefore, Zhang Junping’s strategy is to let you see it first and break your original values ​​and worldview first.

Then come and listen to me again.

After shopping around all morning, Zhang Junping took everyone back to the hotel after lunch.

"Manager, do you have any other plans for the afternoon?" Song Heping asked first because she was familiar with Zhang Junping and she was a woman.

She hasn’t had enough shopping yet!

Shopping has been quite enjoyable these two days. Even though I didn't buy anything, it was fun just looking around.

"I have other arrangements in the afternoon. I want to meet an old friend and talk to him about cooperation.

It is not that simple to open a store on the Champs Elysées. It requires the approval of the Champs Elysées Management Committee.

The person I want to meet is a member of the management committee.

You can rest in the hotel, or let Mr. Lou take you to continue shopping." Zhang Junping explained patiently.

When going abroad for inspection, innocent people are not allowed to leave the team. Zhang Junping must also abide by this.

The last time he went abroad, we had already communicated with him before going abroad. He had his father-in-law as a guarantee so that he could easily leave the team.

Now, no one is guarantor, Zhang Junping has left the team, and he must explain the situation to everyone.

Although he didn't say it and no one would pursue it, Zhang Junping still patiently explained the reason for leaving the team in order to convince the public.

"Manager, you still have friends in France!" Everyone was surprised and admired.

"Haha! When I came to France last time, I sold a few oil paintings to get some foreign exchange.

By the way, if you have something you want to buy and if you are short of foreign exchange, just tell me and I can lend it to you." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Then I'd like to thank the manager first! I saw several sets of beautiful dresses. My girl will definitely look beautiful in them." Song Heping said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite to the manager anymore. I just bought clothes for my guy to wear when he goes out to drink tea." Chen Lijun also said.

Tea-drinking clothes are a saying passed down from the Manchu nobles.

In the past, the Manchu aristocrats were not engaged in production and had nothing to do all day long, either fighting cocks or walking birds, or going to teahouses and chatting all over the world.

In fact, by the late Qing Dynasty, many Manchu nobles were so depressed that they sold off their property. Some even had no property to sell, and even eating became a problem.

Therefore, the teahouse became a place for them to meet their needs for food and clothing. They would wear bright clothes, have a meal in the teahouse, brag and fart with others, and compliment a noble person when they met. When the noble person was happy, he would throw a few coins at them.

It can provide them with food and clothing for a day.

Therefore, "tea clothes" is a sarcastic statement and also a self-deprecating statement.

Zhang Junping simply took out his check book and wrote a check for 100,000 US dollars and handed it to Song Heping, "Sister Song, take this money. Later, if everyone has something to buy, they will come to you directly to get the money. You can pay the bill."

Remember it.

When you return to China, just pay the equivalent amount of RMB."

Given the equivalent RMB, Zhang Junping actually suffered a loss.

However, these people are all his subordinates. Occasionally suffering some losses and giving some benefits to his subordinates is also a way to win people's hearts.

After separating from everyone, Zhang Junping returned to his room, made a cup of tea, sipped the tea slowly, and read the day's newspapers.

The hype of art is a very long process, and it may take months or even years to slowly push up the price.

At this time, the hype for counterfeit products has not ended yet, and prices are still continuing to rise.

Although replicas have been sold for a high price of US$60 million at major auctions around the world, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this price is not accurate.

No real collector would buy a replica at this price.

The works of modern oil painting artists such as Picasso and Rubens can be sold for tens of millions of dollars, which is already a recognized price. All collectors are willing to pay this price and firmly believe that the price of their works will be higher in the future.

The prices of replicas are all fictitious. Even if they are only one-tenth of the auction price, collectors must consider them.

Therefore, the hype of counterfeit products has not stopped and continues to be promoted.

Zhang Junping flipped through various newspapers and delivered them to his door to collect the information he needed. He was also learning the hype methods of European and American art dealers.

He will be able to use these in the future.

By the time Zhang Junping had finished reading the day's newspapers, around two o'clock in the afternoon, the doorbell rang.

Zhang Junping opened the door, and it was the lawyer Zhang Junping was waiting for, a barrister from a multinational law firm in Zurich, a blond beauty named Christina Paez.

Cristina Pez is in her thirties. She has average appearance, but has a very hot figure. She is a woman like an iron lady, a non-marriage person, and she does things very neatly.

"Hello Mr. Zhang! I'm glad that you can think of me when you need it!" Christina said polite words, but in fact there was no smile on her face, and the lines on her face were just a little softer.

"Oh! Dear Christina, it's so nice to see you.

It was your professionalism that impressed me, and your attentive service that made me never forget you." Zhang Junping smiled and let Christina and her assistant, a white beauty with black hair and black eyes, into the room.

Christina's assistant is more beautiful than her, speaks very softly, and has a hint of charm, but her figure is several levels worse than Christina's.

Of course, Zhang Junping's Western living habits are somewhat unacceptable, so he doesn't have any thoughts. He just looks at them to be eye-catching.

"Thank you! This is the best compliment for me!" Christina showed a smile on her face.

"Miss Christina, and this Miss Grace, coffee or tea?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

“Just a cup of coffee!”

Zhang Junping made a cup of coffee for the two of them, and then sat across from Christina.

"Miss Christina, I wonder if you have ever heard of Pingfang?"

"Pingfang? Are you talking about the artist who has been popular recently and whose mark is Pingfang?"

"Yes! I am the author of Pingfang!" Zhang Junping nodded with a smile, and then said straight to the point.

"Mr. Zhang is the author of Pingfang?" Christina looked at Zhang Junping in surprise, but her heart was filled with ups and downs.

If that's the case, then this is a big case.

"Yes! I am the author of Pingfang.

The reason I invited Miss Christina here this time is because I want to sign a contract with the Stuart Gallery in Paris.

The contract has two parts. One is to entrust the full representative of Stuart Gallery to handle my paintings.

Of course, it is limited to "copycat" oil paintings. I provide six "copycat" oil paintings to the Stuart Gallery every year.

When these paintings are sold, I receive 50% of the sales price.

The other part is that Stuart Gallery fully supports the business development of my company: Chinese Art Company in Paris, France, including but not limited to opening two stores.

In addition, we help Chinese art companies launch touring exhibitions of traditional Chinese arts and crafts in European countries.

In return, I will provide Stuart with an additional 'fake' oil painting for every exhibition held in a country.

That's about it." Zhang Junping told Christina the details of yesterday's negotiation with George Fairborn.

You must not have any reservations about your own lawyer, otherwise the lawyer will not be able to provide you with complete legal services based on the actual situation.

Christina was very professional. After asking Zhang Junping a few more questions, she made notes in her notebook, and then asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, are you calling me here just to sign a contract?"

"Haha! Signing the contract is only one aspect. The next step is for the Chinese Art Company to develop business in Europe. I hope that Miss Christina can become the legal advisor of the Chinese Art Company.

Provide legal support for Chinese art companies’ business activities in Europe and the United States." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"This is my honor. Thank you very much for Mr. Zhang's trust." A quiet smile appeared on Christina's face.

It’s not that Christina can’t laugh, it’s just that there is too much harassment in the workplace, especially for a beautiful woman like her, who faces even more harassment.

In order to protect herself, Christina could only disguise herself with coldness.

"No need to thank me, it was Miss Christina's professionalism that impressed me." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Soon, George Fairburn sent his car to pick up Zhang Junping.

George Fairborn's car is a DS, a goddess commercial car. This car brand is relatively unfamiliar to Chinese people.

However, it is a very well-known luxury car brand in France. It was born after World War II and is known as the presidential car.

From De Gaulle to Hollande, DS is the obvious choice for French president.

The car drove straight out of Paris and arrived at a manor on the outskirts of the city.

"Dear Mr. Zhang, and two beautiful ladies, welcome to Stuart Manor!" George Fairburn stood outside the manor castle and gave Zhang Junping a warm hug.

"Thank you, it's an honor to be a guest at Stuart Manor.

This is my lawyer, Miss Christina, and this is her assistant." Zhang Junping hugged George Fairburn and introduced with a smile.

"This is Jordan Penniman and this is Louis Melly. They are both great art dealers. They are my partners. We will jointly develop 'counterfeiting'." George Fairborn stood on the

Two middle-aged white men around him introduced him to Zhang Junping.

"Hello!" Zhang Junping nodded politely to the two people.

It's just that the attitude of the two middle-aged white men towards Zhang Junping was not very friendly.

Zhang Junping didn't care either, he understood very well: no matter who it was, he wouldn't look good if he was cheated.

He is here to discuss business, not to make friends.

George Fairburn smiled awkwardly: "Dear Mr. Zhang, they feel a little uncomfortable. I hope you can understand."

"Understood! As long as it doesn't affect our cooperation, I understand!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Of course not. They just feel a little uncomfortable, but they still very much agree with our cooperation." George Fairburn said with a smile.

Next, Zhang Junping no longer needs to directly intervene in the negotiations, and George Fairburn naturally does not need him to intervene either.

The lawyers of both parties will negotiate word for word on the specific contract details and finally finalize the contract content.

Zhang Junping drank tea and chatted with George Fairburn, Jordan Penniman, and Louis Melly.

Some people may misunderstand that European countries only drink coffee and not tea.

In fact, this is a wrong understanding.

Europeans also drink tea. In ancient times, a large part of the tea was transported to Europe through the Ancient Tea Horse Road.

With the beginning of the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, Chinese tea culture also followed ships and entered Western countries.

Before the 19th century, tea had always been an exclusive drink for aristocrats in various European countries.

European countries have formed their own tea cultures based on their own eating habits. Most of them like to add something to tea, such as milk, sugar cubes, lemons, various fruits, etc.

The French like to add mint, chocolate, and various flower petals to their tea.

This way of drinking tea is similar to the Chinese tea culture before the Tang Dynasty.

However, our ancestors have a strong taste and like to add onion, ginger, salt and other condiments to it.

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhang’s achievements in Chinese calligraphy and painting would be so high.

Mr. Zhang achieved such high artistic achievements at such a young age

Our country's greatest artist, Picasso, did not achieve this level at Mr. Zhang's age." George Fairburn said with emotion as he admired a Chinese calligraphy and painting presented by Zhang Junping.

"Mr. Stuart deserves the award. At this age, Picasso had already formed his own artistic style and began to experiment with changes in different styles.

And I am still learning to walk in HD." Zhang Junping said modestly.

This chapter has been completed!
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