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Chapter 286 Encounter with a young girl Sophie Marceau

“The second task is to seize the time to publish the first issue and warm up the ‘European Touring Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts’ in China.

Section Chief Chen, you will cooperate with the secretary to finalize the list of artists for the first reference. There should be three generations of artists, old, middle and young. Let’s follow the ratio of 1:1:1.”

"I understand, manager!" Lu Zhaode and Lou Xinying nodded in agreement.

"Understood!" Chen Lijun also nodded.

The next day, after seeing off Chen Lijun and her party, Zhang Junping came to the facade building next to Charles de Gaulle Square.

This is a facade building bought for more than 200 million French francs. Zhang Junping is always worried if he doesn't come over to take a look.

I'm not worried about the house being run away, I'm mainly here to see if the store has been cleaned up.

After cleaning it up, he can arrange for people to decorate it and then recruit shop assistants.

"Are you Mr. Zhang?" A delicate female clerk in her thirties saw Zhang Junping and quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello! Who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am the original manager of this store. My name is Rosa Bright. You can just call me Rosa." The delicate woman introduced herself.

"Hello Miss Rosa!" Zhang Junping nodded politely.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you bought this building with the intention of opening a gallery?"

"Yes! I plan to use this room to open a gallery." Zhang Junping nodded.

Rosa knew what he wanted to do, which was not surprising at all. He had never concealed what he wanted to do when buying a house.

"Sir, have you found a clerk yet?" Rosa smoothed her hair and asked with expectant eyes.

"Not yet!" Zhang Junping roughly guessed what Rosa wanted from him.

"Sir, do you think you can keep us? We are all experienced clerks.

You can ask around, our business here used to be very good, but because the boss failed to invest, we had to sell off the property."

"I believe you because I have been here as a guest before and I have a very good impression of you.

It's just that you used to be clerks in a clothing store, and I want to open a gallery and art store, are you sure you are qualified?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"Yes! Sir, the core of sales is to control the customer's psychology. As long as you understand the customer's psychological activities, it doesn't matter what you sell.

Although we don’t understand oil paintings and artworks, we understand the psychology of customers and the knowledge of oil paintings and artworks. We can learn it, and we will definitely be able to master some knowledge of oil paintings and artworks before you open a store." Rosa explained hurriedly.

"Okay! You convinced me!

You are right, the most important thing in sales is to understand the psychology of customers, it doesn't matter what you sell.

You and the other store clerk can stay if you want." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

I'm really lucky to have found so many skilled shop assistants at once.

A group of shop assistants who are facing unemployment are definitely better than those who go to the job market to recruit shop assistants.

Moreover, these clerks are all first-class, high-quality talents. They may not necessarily be beautiful, but they are all above the standard and have great figures. The most important thing is that they have received professional training.

can be cultivated.

"Thank you, sir. I thank you on behalf of the sisters! We will definitely work hard!" Rosa was overjoyed and quickly thanked you.

She is finally worthy of her little sisters, Rosa thought happily.

Although France is also a developed capitalist country, the employment situation in the country is not good. It is not easy for high-quality shop assistants like them to find jobs.

The turnover of people in luxury stores is not large, and the employment situation is even worse.

In addition, they are used to working in luxury stores, and they cannot accept the psychological gap if they are asked to work in ordinary stores.

So both parties felt that they were lucky and got a bargain.

"I mainly sell Chinese ink paintings and traditional Chinese handicrafts. After a while, I will personally train you." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss. We have received notice from the original boss that we will not come to work the day after tomorrow. He will settle our wages and compensation for us clearly tomorrow." Rosa revealed a piece of news to Zhang Junping.

After leaving the store, Zhang Junping returned to the hotel.

I sat on the sofa and drank a cup of tea, but couldn't think of what to do.

If you have nothing to do, let's practice painting.

Zhang Junping is very clear about his own problems, so when he is in the company, he often takes time to write and draw. Don't tell me, writing and drawing can become addictive. If you get used to it, if you don't touch a pen for a day, you will feel less.


Thinking of this, Zhang Junping simply took out his easel, brushes, and paints and put them in his backpack.

I left the hotel with my backpack and came to Place de la Concorde.

Place de la Concorde and Place Charles de Gaulle are the two most famous squares located on the Champs Elysées, one in the east and one in the west.

Place Charles de Gaulle is located on the west side of the Champs Elysées. Both sides of the street are dominated by high-end commercial districts, where the stores of major luxury brands are concentrated.

Place de la Concorde is located in the eastern section of the Champs Elysées. There are many lawns on both sides of the street and beautiful natural scenery. Because it is far away from the business district, it is relatively quiet and is the best place to spend leisure time.

Zhang Junping rode a bicycle to the Place de la Concorde.

Finding an angle, Zhang Junping set up the easel, took out the dyes, and arranged the palettes one by one.

Then fix the canvas on the easel.

Newbies, beginners, need to make a rough draft first, then sketch on the canvas, draw the rough draft, and then add color. Therefore, some people feel that it takes a long time to paint an oil painting, and it takes a day or two to complete a good painting.


In fact, not necessarily. At Zhang Junping's level, there is no need to make a draft at all, he can directly adjust the colors and paint on the canvas.

Zhang Junping painted the Place de la Concorde, the Egyptian Obelisk, and eight statues below the Egyptian Obelisk. The Poseidon Fountain and the River Fountain in the south and north are in the middle ground, and the Louvre in the distance and the Tuileries Garden are in the distance.


The close-up view is of course the tourists relaxing in the square.

Draw the long shot first, then the middle shot, and finally the figures in the close shot.

Basically, the middle ground exists as the background board, and the characters are the soul of the entire painting.

Zhang Junping painted very attentively and very quickly. He finished the long and medium shots in less than an hour.

After painting the mid-range shot, Zhang Junping took a step back and prepared to see how to lay out and draw the close-up figures.

The distant view is the flesh and blood of the painting, while the close shot is the soul of the painting.

"Ouch!" As soon as he took a step back, he heard a cry of pain from behind.

Zhang Junping quickly turned around and saw a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes who had been touched by him and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Zhang Junping apologized quickly, then reached out to help the other person up.

"Uh..." Just as he helped the other person up, Zhang Junping was stunned.

He swore that he was absolutely right.

This absolute beauty is Sophie Marceau, there is absolutely nothing wrong with her.

Good guy, isn’t this too premature?

Sophie Marceau is thirteen years old this year?

She is nearly 1.7 meters tall. The little girl also wears a pair of leather boots with heels, a black leather jacket, and black jeans. She looks like a boy.

If Sophie Marceau's hat had not fallen off when she fell, revealing her long hair, Zhang Junping would never have recognized her and would have thought it was a little boy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you just now. Did it break?" Zhang Junping said apologetically.

"No, I'm too close!

Sir, your painting is so good, I am a little fascinated by it." Sophie Marceau looked at Zhang Junping with admiration.

"Why, you also like painting?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

The current Sophie Marceau is not the sexy queen of future generations, but a pure and energetic girl.

"Yes! I really like painting, but my mother doesn't let me paint!" Sophie Marceau's bright eyes were full of desire and a trace of loss.

"Then wait until I finish painting this painting, and I will teach you how to paint!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Really? Thank you sir, it's just..." Sophie Marceau said tangledly.

She wanted to learn painting very much, but she also knew that learning painting was very expensive and her family could not support her learning painting.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Sophie Marceau! Sir, just call me Sophie."

"Okay Sophie!

There is no tuition fee for learning painting from me.

If you really like painting, you can be a model for me later and I will teach you how to paint. I will also give you a set of tools for painting!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Really?!" Sophie Marceau said in surprise.

"Of course!

You serve as a model for me, and I give you painting tools as gifts. This is called courtesy in China." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

He didn't dare to mention giving money. Giving money would involve employing child labor, but giving gifts would not affect it.

Zhang Junping looked Sophie Marceau up and down. Although she was just thirteen years old, she was already well developed.

Although it was Xiao He who only showed her sharp horns, Sophie Marceau is worthy of being the sexy queen of later generations. Her body is full of spirituality, which made Zhang Junping have a love for talents.

If I cultivate Sophie Marceau into a talented young painter, will future generations hate me for taking away their sexy queen?

Zhang Junping took a deep look at Sophie Marceau, then turned his gaze to the square, finally closed his eyes and composed the picture in his mind.

After a while, Zhang Junping opened his eyes and started to adjust colors.

As Zhang Junping's brush dipped in color from time to time and waved on the canvas, characters appeared on the canvas. There were young lovers talking sweetly together, with deep affection in their eyes; there were also retired old people sunbathing with a smile on their faces.

The look is leisurely and comfortable; there are also children running and playing in the square.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a figure in the square, like a lonely elf, dancing in the square.

"Sir, is this me?" Sophie Marceau couldn't believe her eyes, stared at the canvas, and asked excitedly.

"Yes! This is our beautiful and lovely little princess Sophie!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Sir, I am not a princess! How can I not paint as beautifully as my husband!" Sophie Marceau stared at the canvas with eyes full of envy and longing.

"Every beautiful girl is a cute little princess.

Sophie, you are very beautiful, you are just not dressed up. Even if you are wearing boy's clothes, you still can't hide your beauty!

So, in my eyes, you are the beautiful little princess Sophie." Zhang Junping showed a gentle smile on his face.

After Zhang Junping finished painting "The Lonely Elf", he put the canvas away and replaced it with a piece of white paper.

Then he took out a pencil and an eraser from his bag and gave them to Sophie Marceau.

"Sophie, come on, you draw it."

"I...I can't draw well!"

"It doesn't matter, you can draw whatever you want.

I'll take a look at your basics and then decide how to teach you." Zhang Junping encouraged with a smile.

Encouraged by Zhang Junping, Sophie Marceau took the pencil and started drawing.

Zhang Junping could tell at a glance that Sophie Marceau had never seriously studied painting.

However, I have to admit that she is very talented. Although it can only be called graffiti, her paintings are very spiritual.

A female painter who was delayed by movies.

After finishing the painting, Sophie Marceau looked at Zhang Junping nervously.

"Yes, I can see that you are very talented in painting." Zhang Junping praised.

"Sir, I drew it." Sophie Marceau said in a low voice with a red face.

"I can see that you have never learned to draw. It's really because of this that you can better show your talent.

I draw a sketch and you look at it!

Just draw you!" Zhang Junping took the pencil and said with a smile.

Changing another piece of white paper, Zhang Junping began to draw quickly on the paper.

After a while, a vivid sketch of Sophie Marceau appeared on the paper.

Wearing a black jacket, jeans, riding boots with heels, and a baseball cap, Sophie Marceau's handsomeness exudes an eccentricity.

“Come and see!”

"Sir, is this me?!" Sophie Marceau covered her mouth and asked in surprise.

Zhang Junping just painted "The Lonely Elf" because it added a fantasy element. In it, Sophie Marceau is wearing a beautiful princess dress.

Although Sophie Marceau felt that she was beautiful inside, the sketch in front of her did not have a big impact on her.

She appeared exactly the same on the drawing paper, and she seemed to be alive inside.

"What do you think?" Zhang Junping smiled and patted Sophie Marceau on the head.

"The painting is so good! This painting seems to be alive!" Sophie Marceau smiled happily.

"This painting is given to you!

If you really want to learn how to draw from me, you need to ask your parents for permission.

If they agree, you can take them to find me near Charles de Gaulle Square.

I opened a gallery there called "Impression of China"." Zhang Junping took down the sketch and gave it to Sophie Marceau.

Then put the easel, dyes, palette, and brushes all into the backpack.

"Sophie, this is the gift I promised you!

You are a very good model!" Zhang Junping praised with a smile.

"Thank you, sir!" Sophie Marceau took the backpack and bowed to Zhang Junping.

Today is a legendary day for Sophie Marceau.

Because of a quarrel with his mother, he went to the Place de la Concorde alone to relax, and met a magical oriental man.

Oriental people's smiles are so kind and their words are so gentle.

The paintings are really great!

With a happy smile on her lips, Sophie Marceau hopped back home with her backpack on her back.

Zhang Junping also rode back to the hotel.

For him, today was a very interesting day, as he actually met Sophie Marceau, who had not yet made her debut.

In his previous life, he was a die-hard fan of Sophie Marceau.

I have accumulated many precious photos of Sophie Marceau.

Zhang Junping could only sigh with emotion, the magic of fate.

Back at the hotel, Zhang Junping began to think that he would definitely have to stay in Europe for a long time in the future. It would be convenient but not inconvenient to stay in a hotel all the time.

So, I came up with the idea of ​​buying a villa in Paris.

Of course, it would be better to have a suitable manor.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhang Junping found a newspaper and found the phone number of a real estate agency.

Who says people in capitalist countries don’t work overtime?

When Zhang Junping called, the real estate agent, who was about to get off work, immediately rushed to the Hilton Hotel with the information.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang! I am your real estate agent. My name is Jason Grace."

"Hello! Come in and do it!" Zhang Junping let the other party into the room.

"Mr. Zhang, based on your request, I have selected several classic manors for you. Take a look." Jason Grace took out a dozen information from his briefcase.

"This manor covers an area of ​​5.8 acres and is located on the south bank of the Seine River, only a twenty-minute drive from the city center.

The manor has a Gothic main castle and several servants' rooms.

The facilities inside include: swimming pool, tennis court, racecourse..." Jason Grace introduced Zhang Junping seriously.

"How much does this manor cost?" Zhang Junping directly interrupted Jason Grace and asked.

"The owner of the manor quoted sixteen million French francs.

The estate is actually worth more than 20 million French francs.

Because the manor owner's investment failed and he is in urgent need of funds, the price is very suitable..."

"Just tell me the lowest selling price!" Zhang Junping interrupted Jason Grace again.

"Minimum 14 million."

"Eight million! If possible, we can view the house tomorrow. If there is no problem, we can trade directly!" Zhang Junping said decisively.

The reason why Zhang Junping was so decisive was because he discovered that the manor introduced to him by Jason Grace was near George Fairburn's manor.

It might be a good choice to be a neighbor with George Fairborn.

In Zhang Junping's view, George Fairborn is more suitable as a business partner than Jordan Penniman.

There are calculations, but they are carried out clearly.

"Mr. Zhang, this price is too low! The manor owner will not agree to it.

This is not the kind of manor that has been abandoned for a long time.

This manor has always been inhabited.

You should understand that after buying a manor like this, you only need to change some bedding and you can move in directly." Jason Grace knows how to grasp people's hearts.

Seeing Zhang Junping staying in the hotel, I guessed that the manor he wanted to buy could be moved in immediately.

That’s why I am the first to introduce this manor.

"Okay! You're right, I'll take a step back.

Ten million!

Go talk to the manor owner!

As long as it looks good and there are no problems, I will pay the full amount immediately." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, the authorization I received is for a minimum price of thirteen million, plus all the items in the manor."

This chapter has been completed!
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