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Chapter 288 'Thirty-six Types of Pastoral Scenery'

"Uncle Yuan is coming? Great!" Yang Yeming stood up excitedly.

"With you here, he will definitely come! If you write a handwritten letter, Mr. Yuan Bo will probably complain that I arranged the touring exhibition in July, and the time interval is too long." Zhang Junping said jokingly.

He also saw that although the man in front of him was a genuine Wenzhou native, he was also a man of temperament.

He is not a sweet-tempered person, and he will not break up his family and career to donate money and materials to the country to support the war of resistance.

"Ha ha!

Okay! Lao He, bring a pen and paper!" Yang Yeming was also impatient and shouted directly to the door.

"Master, the pen and ink are ready!" After a while, the old man in a short shirt walked in holding pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

First spread the felt cloth on the Eight Immortals table, then spread the rice paper on the felt cloth, then stand on one side and start grinding the ink.

After Lao He had mastered the ink, Yang Yeming picked up the brush, filled up the ink, and wrote a sincere letter.

Zhang Junping watched from the side and thought to himself: No wonder he and Qi Gong are inseparable. It turns out that both of them are good at calligraphy, and each has his or her own merits.

"A little square is water, an empty pick is just words, the head has no left side, and the chuo (chuo) goes around (rao) the east side of the que... This cursive calligraphy by Yang Lao deeply captures the essence of Wang Xizhi's cursive calligraphy Ah!" Zhang Junping applauded and praised.

"One clumsy calligraphy made the kid laugh!" Yang Yeming put down the brush, and Lao He handed over the towel, wiped his hands, and said with a smile.

"Mr. Yang is qualified enough to establish a sect!

When I turned around, I asked Mr. Yang to take some of his calligraphy paintings to be used as treasures in a traveling exhibition!" Zhang Junping said respectfully with a smile.

"I dare not say that. I just like to write a few strokes when I have nothing to do. When I am in a foreign country, I can only write calligraphy to remind myself where my roots are!" Yang Yeming shook his head, with a bitter look on his face. smile.

Being a stranger in a foreign land is definitely not a good feeling.

Western politicians who talk about human rights all day long engage in racial discrimination, one is as good as ten.

Chinese overseas are not even considered second-class citizens, they can only be considered third-class or even lower.

When the country is not strong, they can only join a group to keep warm.

When the country becomes stronger, their lives will be slightly better.

"It will get better in the future! Our roots will become stronger and stronger!" Zhang Junping said with certainty.

The more people he comes into contact with and the more things he experiences, Zhang Junping's thinking mode is gradually changing.

This may mean that if you are poor, you can benefit yourself, but if you are rich, you can help the world.

To benefit the world does not mean to take out your own money and distribute it to the people of the world.

It's a change in thinking mode. I used to think about how to make money and how to live a comfortable life.

When he first traveled through time, Zhang Junping wanted to collect all the good things in the world and collect all the antiques he could see with his eyes and hear with his ears into his own museum space.

Slowly, Zhang Junping felt that this idea was too narrow, and it was definitely not the purpose of the portable museum.

Perhaps, the significance of the existence of a portable museum is to rejuvenate traditional crafts that were about to disappear in the long river of history.

"My dear friend, I have a gracious request. I wonder if I can keep the calligraphy treasure?" Yang Yeming stopped Lao He's actions and looked at Zhang Junping with a smile.

When making friends through literature, it is natural for each of them to show off their skills.

Yang Yeming's cursive letter just now was a demonstration of his calligraphy, and now it's Zhang Junping's turn to show it off.

"Okay! Then this junior will show off his shame!" Zhang Junping was not pretentious. Just relying on the dozens of regular scripts on the greeting card was not enough to win respect.

After hearing Zhang Junping's words, Lao He quickly spread rice paper on the Eight Immortals table.

Zhang Junping took a large wolf brush and filled up the ink. He didn't even lick the pen, he just raised the pen to draw, letting the ink drip onto the rice paper.

I made a few ticks and moved the pen like a knife. After a while, a mountain as tall as a cloud appeared on the rice paper.

This is an independent mountain peak, proud of its independence, reaching straight into the sky. White clouds are floating halfway up the mountain. The white clouds and the white snow on the peak are intertwined, and the high peaks are hidden.

This is the scene in the painting from Yang Yeming's perspective.

From Lao He's perspective, it seemed that what Zhang Junping was painting was a towering tree, with clouds and mist floating halfway up the trunk, and the lush branches and leaves looming in the clouds and mist.

However, from Zhang Junping's perspective, what he wrote was a single character, a big root character.

After finishing the painting, Zhang Junping changed to a medium-sized wolf hair and began to write poems.

It is windy and rainy in Bayuan, and flying geese are seen frequently in the evening.

Deciduous trees in a foreign land, people alone at night under cold lamps.

White dewdrops drop in the empty garden, and wild monks stand next to each other on the solitary wall.

I have been living in the suburbs for a long time. When did you end up here?

It was given to Mr. Yang Yeming on Jiwei day of Wuchen month in the year of Jiwei.

Zhang Junping.

"Good! What a towering mountain, with impressive momentum.

This little friend’s cursive calligraphy really puts this old man to shame!

The old man who studied Wang Xizhi didn't learn any skills, but the young friend Dong Qichang learned the essence." Yang Yeming praised loudly.

After listening to Yang Yeming's words, Lao He was a little surprised: Master, is your vision dazzled? This painting is obviously a towering tree, why did you say it was a mountain peak? Is there anything in it that I can't understand?

This should be!

Lao He thought about it secretly and did not dare to say anything.

Zhang Junping did not say anything, but said with a humble and wry smile: "Mr. Yang is too praised. As the saying goes, Xiao He succeeds and Xiao He fails. What I learned is too similar, which is not a good thing.

I have studied Su, Huang, Mi, Cai, Xing, Zhang and Midong, but I just don’t have anything of my own.”

"Haha! My little friend, don't be anxious. At your age, if you can imitate the calligraphy of senior calligraphers to this extent, you are already extremely talented.

As time and experience increase, one day you will break through the constraints of previous calligraphers and create your own fonts.

By then, you will be the first calligraphy master in modern history." Yang Yeming laughed.

"Thank you!" Zhang Junping said modestly.

After exchanging skills, the two sides became more familiar with each other. Lao He removed his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, made tea again, and sat down to talk.

Both of them were knowledgeable people, and their conversation became more speculative. They chatted for a long time at Yang Yeming's house, and had lunch at Yang Yeming's invitation before saying goodbye and leaving.

Zhang Junping rode his bicycle leisurely and leisurely on the road.

Over there, after seeing off Zhang Junping, Yang Yeming said with emotion, It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last.

"Lao He, where is the calligraphy and painting by Zhang Xiaoyou just now? Let me appreciate it again!" Yang Yeming thought of Zhang Junping's calligraphy and painting just now, and became interested for a moment, and ordered the housekeeper Lao He.

"Master, I just put the calligraphy and painting in the study room, and I will take it to be framed later." Lao He bowed and replied.

"Oh! Let me admire it first and then frame it! Mr. Shiraishi has a successor!

This little friend is young, but his painting achievements are no less than those of Mr. Baishi." Yang Yeming said with envy.

Entering the study, Yang Yeming picked up the rolled calligraphy and painting and opened it carefully.

"Ah!" Yang Yeming was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe his eyes.

He put the calligraphy and painting on the table, rubbed his eyes, and opened them to look again.


Lao He, are you sure it is this calligraphy and painting?"

"Yes, sir, this is the only unframed calligraphy and painting in your study." Lao He nodded at him affirmatively.

Yang Yeming frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly thought of the legend, put the painting on the desk, and turned to the other side to look at the painting.

The pattern on the paper turned into a solitary peak reaching into the clouds.

Yang Yeming resisted the surprise in his heart and turned in another direction. The pattern on the painting suddenly turned into a towering tree.

It looks like a ridge from the side and a peak from the side!

If you look at mountains, they are not mountains; if you look at water, they are not water.

It turns out the legend is true!

After thinking about everything, Yang Yeming smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's embarrassing! Lao He, I am very embarrassed today.

It's ridiculous. I was secretly laughing at this little friend before. Like his master, Mr. Shiraishi, he doesn't understand poetry.

This ancient poem does not match the pattern on the painting.

Now, it seems that I am the one who has little knowledge."

After sighing with emotion, he returned to the front again and stared at the big characters on the painting, his eye circles suddenly turned red.


What a root word!

Lao He, we are all rootless people!" Yang Yeming burst into tears as he spoke.

Zhang Junping wrote a word that touched Yang Yeming's heart.

His father was originally a scholar, but was framed and put on a ship, and became one of the 180,000 laborers. He climbed out of the pile of dead people.

It was not easy to survive until the end of the war. Because of his good performance on the battlefield, he was awarded a medal by the president, and then he gained a foothold in Paris.

Over the years, as they have come step by step to where they are today, only they themselves know how much hardship they have endured, how many sins they have endured, and how much injustice they have encountered.

"Master, we have roots! China is our root!" Lao He said in a low tone.

"Yes! China is our root! It's time to go back and take a look!" Yang Yeming sighed with emotion.


As soon as Zhang Junping returned to the hotel room, he received a call from the front desk, telling him that a man named George had called him and asked him to call him back when he came back.

When Zhang Junping heard this, he felt happy. It seemed that the matter at the Earl's Manor was settled.

After hanging up the phone, he picked up the phone again and started dialing.

The phone was still answered by a woman with a nice voice. She must be a secretary.

I just don’t know whether it’s a secretary who has something to do, or a secretary who has nothing to do.

Soon, George Fairburn's voice came over the phone, "Dear Zhang, I have already negotiated the matter of the Earl's Manor for you! Don't forget, two imitations!"

George Fairborn did not forget to remind Zhang Junping in the end.

"Just in time, I drew two imitations yesterday. You will send someone over to take them away later." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Is the painting ready? Just wait, I will go and get it myself in a moment! I will take you to a good place in the evening and let's have a drink together!" George Fairburn said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Junping fixed the canvas to the easel, adjusted the colors, and started painting.

George Fairborn's words just reminded Zhang Junping that he had just painted two of the thirty-six pastoral scenes.

keep it up.

When Zhang Junping finished painting, George Fairburn arrived.

Seeing the oil painting that Zhang Junping had just finished and had not had time to take down, George Fairburn exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Oh! God!

Dear Zhang, you are simply a genius!

This is truly a genius creation!

This is really great!

Is this also an imitation?"

"No! The replica you want is over there!" Zhang Junping said, pointing to several volumes of oil paintings placed on the TV cabinet.

George Fairburn picked up a scroll of oil paintings and opened it, "Oh God! There is another work of genius here!"

Is it different from the one just now?"

George Fairburn glanced at the oil painting in his hand, then turned to look at the oil painting on the easel.

“O God! Please save your people!

What do I see? This is...

Dear Zhang, I no longer know what words to use to praise your genius creation." George Fairburn's eyes were shining.

Rubens' "Pastoral Scene" depicts a scene of a farm servant courting the farmhouse mistress.

There's not a lot of nudity, just bare chest and back.

In Zhang Junping's "Thirty-Six Styles of Pastoral Scenery", the characters are still the same two characters, the farm housewife and the farm servant, but the characters' shapes have changed and they have changed into various postures.

Zhang Junping's paintings also do not expose many parts, only the chest and back.

However, anyone who has been there will know what they are doing at a glance.

Full of infinite temptation.

"Dear Zhang, please sell these two oil paintings to me.

I'll give you the highest market price!" George Fairburn solemnly requested.

"George, this kind of oil painting is a series, namely "Thirty-six Pastoral Forms" and "Seventy-two Pastoral Forms", a total of one hundred and eight paintings.

Are you sure you want it?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"One hundred and eight pictures?" George Fairburn opened his eyes wide.

"Yes! A total of one hundred and eight oil paintings."

"Oh! God! One hundred and eight oil paintings like this, if they are exhibited, dear Zhang, you will definitely become famous!

You will definitely be respected as the greatest artist of our time!" George Fairburn exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Maybe! Maybe he will be called the most vulgar contemporary artist!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"No, how can an artist's thing be said to be vulgar? This is the greatest artistic creation!" George Fairburn retorted.

This is the different understanding of sex between the East and the West, and the difference in concepts.

In the eyes of Westerners, this is artistic creation, a depiction of human nature, and a criticism of social ethics.

However, in the eyes of the Chinese people, this is a naked and obscene portrait, and the author will be the target of criticism.

"George, do you still plan to collect?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"I...I can't afford to collect it," George Fairburn said frustratedly.

Even for a big businessman and artist like George Fairborn, it would be difficult for him to spend hundreds of millions of French francs at once.

It's not that it can't be taken out, but that it will affect his business after taking it out.

But then George Fairburn became excited again and said with a smile: "If possible, I hope to exchange it with my collection.

There are many precious antiques from your country in my collection room, and I can exchange them with you."

Zhang Junping looked at George Fairburn speechlessly.

"Dear Zhang, don't look at me like this, these are collections passed down from my ancestors.

Although their arrival is not so glorious, there is nothing they can do about it!

We are all businessmen and we should understand that some things are beyond our control.

Even if it wasn't my grandfather, there would be someone else." George Fairburn said with a shrug.

Although Zhang Junping felt uncomfortable emotionally, he also knew that what George Fairburn said was the truth.

If there were no George Fairborn grandfather, there would be someone else's grandfather.

Poverty and backwardness are sometimes a sin.

In the world's jungle law, those who fall behind will be beaten.

If you want to avoid being beaten or bullied, it is useless to pray and condemn. The only way is to work hard and make yourself stronger.

"Okay! I understand!

At the same time, I also accept your exchange request!

But, what price or standard do you plan to exchange for these one hundred and eight oil paintings?"

"Calculate it according to the price or exchange one piece for another! You have the final say!" George Fairburn said proudly.

"After I finish the painting, I will go to your collection room to have a look and let's make a decision!" Zhang Junping thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, no problem! Just please hurry up and complete the creation of these one hundred and eight oil paintings." George Fairburn readily agreed.

"Dear Zhang, can I take these three oil paintings away first? I can't wait to hold a party and invite everyone to appreciate this great artistic creation." George Fairburn requested.

"No problem! You can take them away! But, should we sign a contract first?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Of course! This is what it should be! I'll call my lawyer over right now!"

Zhang Junping also called his lawyer.

Christina's law firm has a branch in Paris. When signing a contract such as the sale of art, Christina does not need to go there in person. A lawyer can be sent from the branch to get it done.

After the lawyers from both sides drafted the contract, Zhang Junping and George Fairborn signed it respectively.

Transaction complete.

At this time, George Fairburn began to talk about business.

"Dear Zhang, I have helped you get the Earl's Manor for 10 million French francs. This price is really suitable. As far as I know, the Earl's Manor cost several million just to renovate it.

Tomorrow I will take you to the Earl's Manor to sign the sales contract." George Fairburn looked at Zhang Junping as if you had taken advantage of him.

"Okay! Thank you, dear George!" Zhang Junping thanked him.

"No thanks, who makes us the best friends and partners?

I believe that we will not only have more cooperation opportunities in the future, but also become good neighbors.

Let's go, I'll take you to a party. There are all beautiful girls there, all of them are hot and enthusiastic.

You will definitely love this party!" George Fairburn showed an expression that every man would understand.

"is it safe?"

This chapter has been completed!
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