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Chapter 291 The Earl's Manor is in hand

"Deal!" Zhang Junping agreed readily.

Three imitations can be exchanged for a 12.8-acre manor, which is very suitable.

Moreover, it’s not like they don’t pay for fake copies.

Of course, he also had to pay to buy the manor.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, you will definitely not suffer any loss if you buy the manor next door.

The manor next door is actually a wine estate with 10 acres of vineyards planted with Cabernet Sauvignon.

After you buy it, you don’t need to buy any wine in the future.” George Fairborn smiled and introduced the situation of the manor next door to Zhang Junping.

"Okay! If you can take over the manor next door, you can drink any of my wine from now on." Zhang Junping promised with a smile.

Don't look at the acres of vineyards. It doesn't sound very big. In fact, if converted into city acres, it is more than 60 acres.

According to the regulations of the French AOC, the maximum production limit of each hectare of wine field is 4000L of grape juice. 60 acres of land is about 4 hectares, which means that it can produce 16000L of grape juice. A 500L bottle can also hold 32000 bottles.

Wine juice is actually unfermented wine. According to foreign regulations, wine must be 100% fermented wine juice.

In fact, there are similar regulations in China, but some unscrupulous merchants have invented full-juice wine to confuse the public, and then use various blends. The craziest thing is that some low-end wines have no original wine juice at all.

The vineyard with an annual output of 32,000 bottles of wine is already quite a small winery among the workshop-style vineyards.

"But as you said, the wine is enough!" George Fairburn asked with a smile.

"I told you, as long as you don't take a bath with wine, I will definitely take care of you!" Zhang Junping said with an affirmative smile.

While the two were chatting, bank staff and lawyers from both parties rushed to the scene.

Boris Hadibes entrusted the transaction of the property rights of the estate to a lawyer, so Boris Hadibes was not present.

In fact, the Earl's Manor has been seized by the bank as collateral, so the bank came to the scene and the three parties signed a purchase and sale agreement for the Earl's Manor.

After verifying that there were no problems with the property rights, the lawyer drafted the contract and Zhang Junping signed it.

Money still follows the old rules, with the bank acting as the performance guarantor. After the property rights are officially transferred, the bank will automatically transfer the money to the bank account designated by Boris Hadibes.

Of course, even with the tripartite agreement, the money will never reach Boris Hadibes's account, and the bank will directly use the money to offset Boris Hadibes' loan.

After the contract is signed, the bank will contact the court to unblock the Earl's estate.

In fact, just tear off the seal.

Even though it is as simple as breaking the seal, if Zhang Junping breaks it by himself, it would be illegal.

However, what is certain is that from the moment Zhang Junping signed, the ownership of this manor belonged to Zhang Junping, even if the property rights have not changed yet.

As a major customer of Credit Suisse, Zhang Junping still enjoys many preferential treatment. For example, after signing the contract, the bank promised to coordinate with the court to remove the seal immediately after returning, and Zhang Junping can move in tomorrow morning at the latest.

Zhang Junping is not in a hurry about this.

I will be able to move in tomorrow, so I won’t delay my training.

Later, Zhang Junping followed George Fairburn to his manor, where he drank red wine and discussed his experience in artistic creation.

"The day after tomorrow, I will hold a party at my manor. Dear Zhang, you must work harder and draw more "Thirty-Six Styles of Pastoral Scenery".

Let me tell you, the party the day after tomorrow will be bigger than Li En’s party, there will be more beauties, and they will be more beautiful." George Fairburn winked at Zhang Junping.

"Vulgar, too vulgar! I am a new era artist, what does beauty have to do with me? I mainly pursue creative inspiration!" Zhang Junping said righteously.

"Yes! Yes! You are pursuing creative inspiration.

Don't worry, there will be a lot of inspiration for you to pursue at the party the day after tomorrow, and you can explore artistic creation to your heart's content." George Fairburn looked at Zhang Junping with contempt.

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely draw a few more pictures so that you can show off to your heart's content." Zhang Junping drank the wine in the glass and stood up to leave.

"Let's go, I'm going back to create!"

Zhang Junping really went back to the hotel to create.

During this period, as he painted more and more oil paintings, he gained some insights.

The skills of Western painting are gradually integrated and mastered, forming his own style.

After one afternoon and four or five hours in the evening, Zhang Junping could not finish the thirty-six movements no matter how fast he drew.

However, I also drew half of it and made up the eighteen poses.

Early the next morning, Zhang Junping sat in the hotel car and rushed to the Stuart Manor. He handed "Thirty-Six Pastoral Scenery Styles" to George Fairburn before returning to his Earl's Manor.

When Zhang Junping arrived, Lusha, Lisa and others had already arrived.

"We are all here, come in!" Zhang Junping opened the door of the Earl's Manor and let everyone into the manor.

The court only put a seal on the castle door, but no seals were put on the facilities outside.

Therefore, Zhang Junping can enter the gardens, lawns and other facilities outside.

"This manor has been sealed by the court due to some debt issues of Mr. Hadibes. It will probably take a while before the court officials can come and break the seal.

You can take a stroll in the garden first and just take it as a break." Zhang Junping said to everyone with a smile.

"Okay, sir!

The garden of the Earl's Manor is very beautiful, and we have long wanted to come in and play." After Rosa finished speaking, she took everyone to the garden and lawn to play in a very familiar manner.

Foreigners like to have parties, and parties must be inseparable from beautiful women.

Boris Hardibes guards two luxury stores. There are many beauties inside, so he will not waste resources. He will invite them to every party.

Don't get me wrong, there is no coercion or unspoken workplace rules or anything like that.

It's completely voluntary, and beauties also like to participate in such parties.

Chasing a better life is a right that everyone has.

No matter what Rosa and the others think, they will not refuse to participate in high society parties.

This has nothing to do with character, morality, or ethics. It can only be said to be human nature.

Knowing that they were coming to the Earl's Manor for training today, a certain kind of clerk, consciously or unconsciously, dressed up carefully. When walking in the garden, he looked like a group of flower fairies, eye-catching.

Zhang Junping found a beach chair, sat on it, and admired the beautiful scenery in the garden.

At this moment, I really should put up my easel, or I could use a painting table to draw the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Just when Zhang Junping was conceiving the layout of the landscape painting in his mind, a burst of rapid footsteps interrupted Zhang Junping's thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, we're late!" The speaker was the key account manager of Credit Suisse.

"It's okay, it's just that we came early!" Zhang Junping said with a gentle smile.

After the bank's key account manager and Zhang Junping called, they led the people from the court to remove all the seals on the castle, as well as the supporting user rooms, tool rooms, and garages.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the list of items inside the castle. Please check the items in the castle." The bank's key account manager took out a list and handed it to Zhang Junping.

"Do the items in the castle also belong to me?" Zhang Junping looked at the list of items and was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, more importantly, from the moment you sign the contract, everything in this manor belongs to you."

"Oh! I understand!" Zhang Junping nodded.

He really didn't pay attention to this. The contract was drafted by a lawyer, and Zhang Junping did not read the specific details carefully.

He trusts the professional ethics of the lawyers in the law firm.

In other words, buying a manor worth 10 million French francs is not enough for them to betray their professional ethics.

Therefore, Zhang Junping felt relieved and signed the contract according to the lawyer's instructions.

"Rosa, Lisa! Come here!" Zhang Junping shouted to the beautiful shop assistants in the garden.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Rosa and Lisa ran over and asked.

"This is the list of items in this manor. Please cooperate with the bank staff to check whether the items on the list are complete." Zhang Junping handed the list to Rosa.

"Okay, sir!" Rosa and Lisa didn't feel at all resistant to being assigned tasks unrelated to their work by their boss.

Two people divided the list, and one person took two clerks and went into the castle with the bank staff to inventory the items.

Zhang Junping did not go in and continued to sit on the beach chair, blowing in the wind.

The weather in April is sunny and windy, making it a good time to bask in the sun.

Just when Zhang Junping was basking in the sun and falling asleep, Rosa and Lisa came back, "Sir, all the items counted are correct, there is no problem."

Zhang Junping took over the inventory and said with a smile: "Well! Well, I have to trouble you one more thing. All the bedding in the castle needs to be replaced with new ones.

Could you please two beauties to take some statistics on how many beddings are needed for each room in the castle, as well as their specifications?

Then go to the city and buy it back.

In addition, let the beauties work hard and clean up the castle.

In return, we will hold a party at the manor in the evening, and you can come with your family and friends."

"Okay, sir.

We are very happy to serve you!" Rosa said happily.

"Sir, can you really bring your family and friends?" Lisa asked excitedly.

"Of course! Count how many people there are and then go purchase ingredients.

There is no need for wine. I took a look and found that Mr. Hardibes has a wine cellar with a lot of wine in it. Let’s drink this in the evening." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Sir, you are so generous!" Rosa and Lisa both looked surprised.

They know very well that any bottle of wine in the wine cellar is more than their daily salary.

"There are cars in the garage, do you have a driver's license? Just pick one and drive whichever one you like!" Zhang Junping handed the bank card to the two people and asked them to purchase it.

After explaining the task, Zhang Junping stood up and walked into the castle.

I spent so much money to buy the castle, but I still haven’t had a good look at it.

The actual height of the Baroque-style castle is three floors, but the hall on the first floor is seven meters high, and the top two floors are more.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a large Persian carpet, but it is not as luxurious as the count's manor in Rean, so that the entire castle floor is covered with Persian carpets.

There is just a three-by-three Persian carpet as decoration at the door.

The other floors are made of marble, including the wall skirts, which are also decorated with marble.

The marble floors and wall skirts of the Earl's Castle are really marble, marble from Dali, Yunnan.

Rather than European white stone marble.

European white stone is also called marble in transliteration, but its quality is not as good as marble from Yunnan, China.

It can be seen that the first owner of this count's manor was so extravagant that he imported marble from China to build the castle.

On the white walls, there are many decorative oil paintings and Baroque-style accessories.

As soon as he saw the oil paintings on the wall, Zhang Junping knew that he had gotten a big deal.

Although these oil paintings are not the works of famous artists such as Picasso and Rubens, they are also works of some slightly famous artists.

These oil paintings can be sold for tens of thousands of French francs without any problem.

In the lobby on the first floor alone, Zhang Junping saw more than a dozen such oil paintings, as well as many Baroque-style handicrafts, which were also very valuable.

Look at the list in your hand. It's very detailed. All the items in the castle are included in the list. Even bedding, table lamps, and all movable items are on it.

There are a total of seventy-eight oil paintings of various types and forty-two pieces of handicrafts and ornaments. These alone add up to almost one million francs.

And the wine in the cellar is worth hundreds of thousands anyway.

Oriental craft table lamp, thirty-six lamps?

When Zhang Junping saw the desk lamp, he paused. What does the oriental craft desk lamp mean?

Zhang Junping went upstairs to the room upstairs.

Seeing the desk lamp placed on the bedside, Zhang Junping was stunned. Damn it.

Isn’t this too luxurious?

Pick up the desk lamp and observe carefully: as thin as paper, as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, and as loud as a chime, is this shadow celadon?

No, it can't be shadow celadon. This was blue-white porcelain produced by JDZ in the Ming Dynasty specifically for export to Europe.

This kind of porcelain once traveled to the West with Zheng He and was exported to Europe in large quantities. European bone spurs were fired in imitation of blue and white porcelain.

This is an Earl's Manor. No matter which owner it is, they are not ordinary citizens who are ignorant and do not know Chinese porcelain and the preciousness of Chinese porcelain.

If it were celadon from the Song Dynasty, even the first-generation manor owner, the Earl, would not be willing to use it to make craft table lamps.

Only blue and white porcelain, which was once exported to Europe in large quantities, is used to make craft table lamps.

Using blue and white porcelain to make craft table lamps is also an extremely luxurious thing.

Although Europeans like Chinese porcelain and silk, they still don't understand it as well as the Chinese.

These thirty-six lamps alone are worth more than ten million francs.

I didn’t expect that even if I buy a manor, I can pick up the missing pieces.

Although the blue and white porcelain of the Ming Dynasty is not as valuable as the blue and white porcelain of the Song Dynasty, it is still a collection-grade porcelain.

The Chinese are very particular, and the products they export are often more sophisticated. I don’t know what’s going on with the other thirty-five desk lamps.

However, the blue and white porcelain used in the table lamp in front of me is definitely the best among the best. Both the shape and glaze color are carefully selected.

The kind of top-quality porcelain that can only produce one or two pieces in a kiln.

In a few decades, each piece of this kind of porcelain will be worth millions of RMB. Now, if you put it on the market and meet a knowledgeable owner, it can be sold for hundreds of thousands of francs.

Although it was made into a table lamp by an unknown manor owner, it did not destroy the porcelain. Instead, it cleverly used the characteristics of being as thin as paper to put the light bulb into the porcelain vase, and made a bracket with ivory underneath to hold the vase.

Mounted upside down on an ivory stand.

Even the lamp cord is passed through the ivory into the vase and connected to the light bulb.

The production is very exquisite. Regardless of the value of the blue and white porcelain, this ivory craft table lamp alone is worth a lot of money.

After putting down the desk lamp, Zhang Junping went down to the first floor and followed the stairs to the basement.

In addition to a wine cellar, there is also a collection room in the basement.

However, at this time, the collection in the collection room had already been pawned or sold by Boris Hardibes, and was already empty.

Zhang Junping came down mainly to see how big the collection room was. If the space was big enough, calligraphy, paintings and handicrafts shipped from China could be stored here.

The collection room is indeed not small, covering more than 300 square meters, but it is very clean and empty except for some shelves.

There are no leaks to pick up.


Zhang Junping was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly felt something was wrong with the shelves.

Who says there are no leaks to pick up?

Zhang Junping approached the shelves and looked at them carefully.

These shelves are specially customized to display collectibles.

Judging from the production process and the decoration on it, they all have a Baroque style.

Baroque-style finely crafted furniture is also very famous, originating from the European royal family's special furniture production technology.

Although it is just a shelf, it is still beautifully made and uses a lot of inlay technology.

The wood is also the oak most commonly used by European nobles.

Oak is the wood most commonly used by European royal families and nobles, and is also one of the precious woods.

Because of its high density, oak wood is difficult to evaporate, so it is prone to cracking. Making furniture requires a lot of workmanship.

Because every piece of oak furniture made by European royal families and nobles can be called a work of art.

With the harvest, Zhang Junping left the underground collection room with satisfaction.

In fact, the so-called picking up leaks is just a kind of psychological comfort.

It was impossible for him to sell any items, so he could only seek psychological comfort.

Coming out of the basement, more than thirty store clerks had divided their duties and were cleaning the castle.

Zhang Junping smiled and shook his head. These clerks were no strangers to things like cleaning, but it was a pity that they were wearing makeup.

"Sir!" Seeing Zhang Junping, the clerk stopped what he was doing and greeted Zhang Junping sweetly.

"Thank you!" Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

"Sir, can you really bring your family and friends to the party at night?" Seeing Zhang Junping being so kind, the clerk at the work bar became bold.

"Of course!

Otherwise, there are so many beauties among you, and I am the only man, and I would be under a lot of pressure!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"No! Sir, we are all very enthusiastic and we promise not to make you feel any pressure." A store clerk with a little baby fat said with a sweet smile.

"What I'm afraid of is that you are too enthusiastic!"

This chapter has been completed!
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