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Chapter 299 Security Office, Liao Bushi

"Master Zhang, I have been asking about this matter recently.

We already have some ideas. It is said that the agricultural machinery factory has a cook who can cook very authentically. There are also fertilizer plants, the Second Printing Factory, Dongcheng No.5 Construction Company... all have cooks who can cook very authentically.

I plan to try their food in the next few days.

Then we’ll figure it out.”

Scarface expressed his plan respectfully.


Zhang Junping nodded.

In this era, there are really many good cooks in the canteens of major factories.

The main reason is that in this era, there were relatively few state-owned restaurants, and skilled cooks could only work as cooks in factory cafeterias or government and bureau agency cafeterias.

In a year or two, these cooks will leave their jobs one after another, either working part-time in small restaurants, or being poached by newly opened large restaurants with high salaries.

"I estimate that our seven restaurants will be open in about a year and a half, and we will need a lot of cooks by then."

The restaurant designed by Zhang Junping has a seven-story main building alone, and there are three- and four-story auxiliary buildings that can accommodate 3,000 people for dining at the same time.

For a restaurant like this, one chef is not enough. A restaurant needs at least ten chefs, plus twenty or thirty assistant cooks.

"Don't be afraid of spending money. As long as you are willing to come, sign a contract for him now and pay him a salary. How much is a year's salary?

As for Master Yu, as long as he can find enough chefs to support the kitchen of a restaurant, he can be allowed to be an executive chef.

In addition, you can get in touch with the chefs of those big restaurants and state-owned hotels, and dig them if you can. There is no need to be polite to them."

"Master Zhang, don't worry! I promise not to be polite to them. I don't believe there are people in BJ City who can compare with us."

"That's right! From now on, in our restaurant, wages will be paid in RMB, and bonuses will all be given in foreign exchange coupons." Zhang Junping smiled and patted Scarface on the shoulder.

"Pingzi, where do we have foreign exchange coupons at home?" Zhang's father said.

"We are a Hong Kong-owned restaurant, how can we not have foreign exchange coupons? You don't have to worry about this, leave it to Dashan, and just keep the accounts later." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Scarface's subordinates control several of Zhang Junping's industries. They are all enterprises that can earn foreign exchange through exports, so there is no shortage of foreign exchange.

For example: import and export trading company.

Another example: the weaving factories in Jiangsu and Nanjing.


"By the way Dashan, yesterday I went to have a wedding banquet and met Sister Tian Shumeida. I had a chat with her and found out that she had a very good business. It would be very profitable if it was done well. It could also help you place your subordinates.

Later, you and her will think it over carefully and see how we will do it." He explained again smoothly.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, don't worry. I will go find Sister Tian later and discuss it with her." Scarface agreed respectfully.

In Scarface's understanding, Tian Shumei is Zhang Junping's adopted home, and she must be taken care of carefully.

Thinking of his foreign residence, Scarface's admiration for Zhang Junping rose to another level.

Look at Mr. Zhang, he has the ability to live outside his own home and is different from others. He is self-reliant and makes money to support himself.

It's not like those of mine who only spend money and are jealous all day long.

After Zhang Junping explained the matter, he said hello to Zhang's father and Scarface, then went downstairs and returned to the private room in the backyard.

"The busy man is back?"

"You're so stupid that you don't mock me, don't you? Don't forget, this is BJ!

I tell you Zhao Jianguo, be prepared to go out sideways today!"

"Tch, I'm afraid of you! Let me tell you, if I dare to come to BJ, I have no intention of leaving standing!" Zhao Jianguo shouted arrogantly.

"You are awesome! You are so mean and invincible!" Zhang Junping was also made speechless by Zhao Jianguo's rogueness.

Originally, when you come to a BJ and get together with your comrades, there is no possibility of leaving the drinking table while standing.

Therefore, Zhang Junping's threat does not exist at all.

"What are you doing! I heard your noises outside!" Xu Shaomin opened the door and came in.

"Hello, monitor!"

"Hello, company commander!"

Zhao Jianguo and Pan Meng stood up at the same time and saluted Xu Shaomin.

"Okay, put it down! Everyone has left the army, no need to salute anymore." Xu Shaomin smiled and waved his hand.

Zhao Jianguo and Pan Meng are both soldiers under Xu Shaomin, but their distance can be seen from their names.

Calling him monitor will undoubtedly make him more approachable.

"Squad leader, why are you here so early today?" Zhang Junping smiled and gave Xu Shaomin a cup of tea.

"I happen to have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I will come over early to meet you and chat with you.

Especially this kid Jianguo, but I haven't seen him for a while, so I came to see if he's still that mean!" Xu Shaomin pointed at Zhao Jianguo and smiled.

"Squad leader, I feel that Zhao Jianguo is even meaner now than he was in the army." Zhang Junping was next to him, finishing his blows.

"Squad leader, I came all the way to see you, and you treat me like this? It makes me so sad!" Zhao Jianguo pretended to be heartbroken.

"Yes! It's true!" Xu Shaomin ignored Zhao Jianguo and said with a smile to Zhang Junping.

A group of people were noisily talking about their comradeship in a private room.

As time went by, other people arrived one after another, and the private room became more lively.

Just as Zhao Jianguo predicted, when comrades gather together, don't expect anyone to stand. Even Zhang Junping couldn't walk out of Zhiweizhai standing today.

Naturally, he couldn't cheat at a gathering of comrades-in-arms, as that would be boring.

Anyway, in the end, no one in the room was awake.

Fortunately, this is in my own hotel, so I don't have to worry about anything going wrong.

Zhang Junping had already made arrangements to write down everyone's address and give it to Zhang's mother.

After everyone drank, Mother Zhang arranged for someone to send them home one by one.

The four of them, Zhao Jianguo, were taken back to the Dashilar Courtyard and arranged in the guest room.

There are many guest rooms in the house, so there is no problem for four people.

The next day, Zhang Junping was completely awake after a good sleep. He took a shower and put on clean clothes. It didn't look like he was drunk yesterday.

Zhao Jianguo couldn't stand it anymore and slept until the afternoon of the next day before he woke up.

A splitting headache.

This also proves that Maotai will get sick even if it drinks too much.

If you say you don’t get drunk after drinking, you can only say you drank too little.

After breakfast, Zhang Junping called Zhao Jianshe and three others to the living room and explained the logistics and transportation matters to them.

Then he asked them to stay at home, firstly to take care of Zhao Jianguo, and also because the three of them were too hungover to go to work.

Zhang Junping thought that after he moved out of Shichahai Siheyuan, he would have little interaction with the people there. At most, he would just go and pay homage to someone's wedding or wedding by himself.

Unexpectedly, someone actually came to my company.

Zhang Junping looked in front of him and complained endlessly to himself about how he was bullied, his home was smashed, his whole family was injured, the street police station was biased towards the other side, etc.

"Brother Li, there's no point in asking me about this! It's been almost half a year since I moved out." Zhang Junping was speechless.

What is our relationship? We are just neighbors in the same courtyard, and we usually only meet and greet each other. Can you find me?

"Brother Pingzi, tell me there is such a person! I just said a few words to you, and what I said is all true. The old Wang family relies on their large number of people to bully others.

Brother Pingzi, you have to make the decision for me!" Brother Li sat in Zhang Junping's office and cried.

"Brother Li, if you have any conflicts, you should go to the street or the police station. How can I make the decision for you?" Zhang Junping patiently explained.

"Brother Pingzi, this incident was caused by me chatting with you. If I hadn't chatted with you, I wouldn't have been bullied by his old Wang family.

You are also responsible for this!"

Zhang Junping was stunned by Brother Li's shamelessness.

Is there such a truth in this world?

This is because I am usually easy to talk to, so I came here to find an advantage.

Zhang Junping's face turned cold, "Brother Li is here to compensate me today?"

"Brother Pingzi, I was beaten by Lao Wang's family just because I chatted with you, you are not allowed to compensate me?

I don’t want much. You can compensate me a thousand yuan and arrange a job for my daughter. Even if this matter is over, we will still be good neighbors in the future." Brother Li said with a look that said I am very magnanimous.

Zhang Junping shook his head, "Li Dagou, you are a real dog!

Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you!

I think your injuries are not serious, so let’s do this!

I will arrange for someone to take you to the hospital for medical treatment first, and we will discuss other matters after you recover.

Xiangzi, go and call your Uncle Meng over."

"No, no!

I just came out of the hospital, and the doctor said I have to rest for three months." Li Dagou looked proud and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"It's better to take a look. I think your illness is serious!" Zhang Jun said with a smile.

"Manager, are you looking for me?" Pan Meng walked in and asked.

"This is my former neighbor, Li Dagou.

I see that he is seriously ill. Please take a few people to take him to the hospital.

I'm afraid it won't be good in the small hospital, so please send him to No. 5 Ankang Hutong and help him complete the hospitalization procedures." Zhang Junping told Pan Meng with a smile.


Pan Meng had just arrived at the BJ not long ago, so he didn't know what No. 5 Ankang Hutong represented, but Xia Guoxiang, who came in with him, was an old BJ.

"Uncle Meng, No. 5 Ankang Hutong is a mental hospital!" Xia Guoxiang reminded in a low voice.

Li Dagou also reacted at this moment, his face turned red, "Zhang Junping, you... what do you mean by sending me to a mental hospital?"

Zhang Junping ignored him and gave Pan a fierce look.

Pan Meng stepped forward and put his arms around Li Dagou's neck. With a strong force, Li Dagou's face turned red and he was speechless.

Then Pan Meng dragged him out of Zhang Junping's office like a dog to death.

"Tell the brothers below not to let him in like this again."


"Master, do you really plan to send him to a mental hospital?" Xia Guoxiang asked with a wicked smile.

"Yes! We are all old neighbors. You said that Li Dagou's family didn't care about him when he was so sick. How could I, a former neighbor, have the heart to ignore him?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"I think the illness is serious! How can a normal person say such a thing!

When you are beaten, you don't go to the person who beat you, but you go to the person who talked to him.

You are really sick!" Xia Guoxiang said angrily.

"There are many people like this who pretend to be crazy and act stupid, thinking that everyone in the world owes them.

In the future, when you meet such a person, you must not reason with him, but directly ask someone to send him to a mental hospital.

I would rather pay for the medical expenses than argue with him and be reasonable.

His reasoning will never make sense to you!" Zhang Junping reminded with a smile.

"I understand, Master!

If you encounter such a person in the future, send him to a mental hospital directly!" Xia Guoxiang agreed while suppressing a smile.

Today is really enjoyable. As angry as you are in the front, you will enjoy it in the back.

Xia Guoxiang did not expect that his master, who usually looked upright and upright, would have such sinister means.

However, I like this method.

This was just a small episode for Zhang Junping, and he soon turned his attention to other things.

Zhang Junping left all the basic operations of the company to Ye Lihua, and he was only responsible for major decisions.

Just because of this, Xu Shaomin was scolded yesterday, saying that the couple owed him, and that his wife was pregnant for more than a month. Zhang Junping, a black-hearted leader, was still desperate to throw all the big and small matters of the company to his wife.


Xu Shaomin scolded Xu Shaomin, and he listened. Ye Lihua also did all the work that should be done anyway.

She's not my wife.

Of course, this is a joke.

Zhang Junping had already checked Ye Lihua's pulse, and Ye Lihua was in very good health, and he also prescribed two pairs of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent miscarriage.

If Ye Lihua does some work, not only will it not affect the fetus, but moving more will actually be good for the body.

While Zhang Junping was playing with the wood carvings, the phone rang. It was Cao Xiangqiang.

The application for expanding the Security Section was approved by superior leaders.

However, the Security Section was officially expanded into the Security Division.

Zhang Junping drove to the Press and Publication Bureau and Cao Xiangqian's office.

"Xiao Zhang is here! Take a seat!" Cao Xiangqian enthusiastically asked Zhang Junping to the reception area.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Liao Bushi!

Comrade Liao Bushi is a demobilized officer of the Guard Regiment and a regimental training staff officer in the army. Due to an injury, he was transferred to your art company as Director of the Security Department.

You must cooperate well!" Cao Xiangqian introduced the middle-aged man next to him to Zhang Junping.

"Hello, Director Liao! I'm glad you can come to the art company. With you joining us, the security of the art company will be impregnable in the future." Zhang Junping took the initiative to extend his hand to Liao Bushi, very politely.

What level of force is the Guard Corps?

Across the way are the Imperial Guards and Ouchi Guards.

The training staff is equivalent to the commander of the Forbidden Army in the past.

"Hello, Manager Zhang! I hope you can give me more advice in the future!" Liao Bushi habitually looked at Zhang Junping with a scrutinizing gaze and stretched out his hand to shake Zhang Junping's hand.

He was very dissatisfied with this job change, but his injuries no longer allowed him to stay in the guard corps.

He can only accept the transfer request from his superiors. Ordinarily, he is a deputy regiment-level officer who transferred to another job, and he will be demoted one level when he goes to the local level.

However, because the unit he is in is very special, he directly enjoys the rank in the unit.

Even so, Liao Bushi was still a little dissatisfied.

Of course, the dissatisfaction was not with his job change arrangements, but with his unwillingness to change jobs.

What's more, he was placed in a unit he had never heard of, and the leader of the unit was actually a young man.

Zhang Junping narrowed his eyes, this was still a thorn in the side.

But it doesn't matter, he is the best at repairing thorns.

Regardless of whether you were the instructor of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army or the imperial bodyguard, when you arrive at an art company, you have to be coiled up if it is a dragon, and you have to lie down if it is a tiger.

Respecting your previous identity does not mean you can take Joe.

"I heard that the soldiers of the guard regiment are all masters who have defeated the entire army. My old Eighth Company has never been convinced. Director Liao, please communicate more in the future." Zhang Junping smiled and secretly exerted force on his hands.

"Manager Zhang is from the Eighth Company? The spirit of the Old Eighth Company is indeed worth learning, but when it comes to combat literacy, not to mention our guard regiment, even other local troops, there are many who are better than the Eighth Company." Liao Bu

Shi felt the strength of Zhang Junping's hand and smiled calmly.

He also worked hard with his hands, preparing to show the young manager that the members of his security team were not so easy to bully.

An injured tiger is also a tiger and cannot be provoked by just any wild wolf.

"Haha! Military literacy is watered with blood. Training alone cannot produce elite soldiers." Zhang Jun said with a smile.

Cao Xiangqian saw that the two people were competing, but he couldn't get a word in.


Cao Xiangqian was so depressed that he wanted to scold his mother.

The leaders above think they are too bored and are looking for fun for themselves.

He couldn't afford to offend either of these two people.

The training staff of the security regiment know all the big leaders.

This kid Zhang Junping is also the son-in-law of his immediate boss.

Cao Xiangqian simply pretended not to notice, and sipped tea slowly by himself, and you guys can fight as you like.

As long as you don't do anything in front of me, I will pretend not to know.

"Have you been injured on your waist?" Zhang Junping suddenly let go of his hand and asked.

"How do you know?"

"You can't keep up with your strength. There's obviously something wrong with your waist."

The two people shook hands and competed. At first, they used their hands and wrists to exert strength, but gradually they relied on their waists, and Liao Bushi lacked stamina.

This is not failure, but because the waist is injured and the force cannot be transferred to the hands through the psoas muscles.

"That's it for today! Let's wait for Director Liao's injury to heal some other time, and then we can compete again." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Okay!" Liao Bushi agreed readily.

Through the competition just now, both of them have an idea of ​​the other's strength.

They are all masters.

A rare master.

If Liao Bushi hadn't been injured, he would have really wanted to drag Zhang Junping to a place and have a good fight. At his level, it's hard to find an opponent.

"Director Cao, I'm going to call someone from our company's party committee tonight to meet with Director Liao, and I hope the leader will honor me." Zhang Junping turned to Cao Xiangqian and invited him.

Soldiers are so direct. If they don't accept it, they will do it. They will conquer the opponent with their strength. After doing it, they will have a drink and we will become brothers from now on.

"Haha! Both of you are elites from the military. I will definitely attend the reception banquet tonight!" Cao Xiangqian agreed with a smile.

"Director Liao's health shouldn't affect drinking?" After Cao Xiangqiang finished speaking, he remembered that Liao Bushi was injured and asked again.

"It's okay. It's no problem to drink two or three pounds."

This chapter has been completed!
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