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Chapter 315 The delegation arrives in Paris

"There is a luxury store on Bahnhofstrasse near the Union Bank of Switzerland that is for sale. Find someone to find out about it." Zhang Junping threw a photo of the store to Givens.

"I know the store you are talking about. This brand is a century-old Italian brand, but it has been declining in recent years. The market has been sluggish, so we have to shrink our stores." Givens took a look at the store in the photo and said directly.

"So, this store has no other problems and is simply closed due to shrinking business?" Zhang Junping confirmed.

Although Christina is now his, Zhang Junping still needs to confirm.

Yesterday, Christina was eaten, which made Zhang Junping feel a little unsure.

In the past, if there was a problem, you could go to the law firm directly. Now, Christina is her own person, and if there is a problem, you can only deal with it by yourself.

"No problem. I am friends with the owner of that store. Do you need me to make an appointment for you to talk?"

"No, I've already arranged for someone to negotiate with the other party. There's no need to trouble you to try to find someone else." Zhang Junping shook his head and rejected Givens.

The key point is that foreigners are different from Chinese people. Business is business and friends are friends. They will not give you a discount just because a friend introduces you.

So, there is no need to go overboard.

After chatting with Givens, Zhang Junping called the financial director to the office and asked about the financial situation.

The whole day was spent meeting and chatting with the senior management of Jiamei Textile.

A very fulfilling day.

However, Zhang Junping basically chatted with other people just to understand the current situation of the company and did not issue any instructions.

With Givens as the CEO, Zhang Junping would not give random instructions to interfere with his work.

The next day, Christina made an appointment with the owner of the target store to discuss the transfer.

Christina entered the role quickly, without Zhang Junping interrupting the whole process, and directly talked about the other party to the point of collapse.

Taking over the store went smoothly.

Not only the stores in Zurich were taken over, but also the stores in Berlin, London and New York.

It can be seen that the market for this long-established luxury goods company is not sluggish at all, and it is very likely that the next step will be to declare bankruptcy and liquidation.

However, this has nothing to do with Zhang Junping, all he wants is the store in the other party's hands.

After signing the contract, the other party will vacate the house within two days.

As for other stores, Zhang Junping still needs to take Christina there in person to sign a three-party transfer contract with the landlord.

"Christina, you did a great job today!

Cut one into shreds, and I will reward you well tonight!" Zhang Junping raised his glass and smiled evilly at Christina.

Christina gave Zhang Junping a look and said, "Boss, why wait until night? Why don't you reward me now?"

············One hundred thousand words.

"Christina, you have to hurry up about the manor I mentioned yesterday. Once the contract is signed, I will move in and buy a manor that can be used as a staff dormitory and as a company warehouse to store art." Zhang

Junping was smoking a post-event cigarette while assigning tasks to Christina...

"Okay boss, I will find a suitable manor as soon as possible." Christina agreed simply.

"By the way, how is your resignation going?"

"I have completed the resignation procedures, and I happened to have no other offers on hand, so I resigned quickly.

The most important thing is that I am not going to work in another law firm, so the resignation procedure is very simple."

"Very good, then let's focus on finding a manor! It's in the suburbs, has convenient transportation, and has enough rooms. It's best to have a manor with a long history." Zhang Junping put forward his request.

come out.

The longer a manor has a long history, the more likely it is that something will be missed.

Zhang Junping also tasted the benefits. The Earl's Manor he bought in Paris made a huge mistake.

There are more than thirty blue and white porcelain ivory table lamps alone, one table lamp can buy an earl's manor.

There are also those modern oil paintings on the wall. Although they are not valuable at the moment, they have good potential for appreciation in the future.

That's why Zhang Junping proposed to buy the historic manor.

What if I miss something again?

"In addition, you need to help me register a security company. We are engaged in art business, and it is not convenient to outsource the security aspect to an outside security company."

"No problem. It is very convenient to register a security company in Switzerland. The most important thing is that the tax here is relatively low."

After having an in-depth discussion with Christina about the work arrangements for one night, Zhang Junping took a plane back to Paris early the next morning.

The exchange last night was so long that Christina couldn't take him to the airport in the morning. The hotel arranged a courtesy car to take him to the airport.

"Why are you back so soon?" Chen Lijun was surprised and pleasantly surprised that Zhang Junping returned to Paris so soon.

"The shop over there is rented, and it's in the most prosperous location on Bahnhofstrasse.

Not only stores in Zurich, but also stores in Berlin, London, and New York have been negotiated.

This time I was lucky, a luxury goods company happened to withdraw from the market, so I took over all its stores.

I came back to see the sales situation here in the past two days, and the other thing is to transfer people there." Zhang Junping briefly introduced the situation.

"Transferring someone here so quickly?" Chen Lijun was a little surprised.

"Alas! The decoration speed of the workers here in Europe is too slow, so I plan to send people from the security office there, and I will personally lead the decoration." Zhang Junping has been fed up with the efficiency of the Europeans.

There are also fast and efficient services, but he can't afford them and doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

"What should the clerk do?"

"I will talk to them in the evening. I think they should be able to accept working in another place."

There is no such thing as a hard-to-leave-home complex in Europe. If you don’t want to go, it’s just because the offer isn’t enough.

"What about me? Stay in Paris?"

"Of course, this will be our transit station in the future. Paris is the capital of art, so the market here is relatively large."


In the two days since you left, the daily turnover has been around 7 to 8 million. If we can maintain this level, there should be no problem in building a dormitory building by the end of the year."

Seven or eight hundred thousand a day, revenue of more than 20 million a month is said to be, and more than 200 million a year, there will definitely be no problem in building a dormitory building...

Although not all of the money belongs to them, most of it goes to the artists.

However, what they earn is foreign exchange and what they pay is RMB.

Leaders don't care about how much profit you make, they only care about how much foreign exchange you earn.

This achievement can completely convince the leaders to grant them land to build dormitory buildings.

In the evening, Zhang Junping called all employees for a meeting.

Of course, when faced with many foreign employees, you cannot hold meetings, otherwise it will violate labor laws, or you will have to pay overtime pay.

It can only be said to be a party.

"Everyone, beautiful girls, I just came back from Zurich. I went to Zurich this time and took over four stores from an Italian luxury company, in Zurich, Berlin, New York and London.

This also means that four girls here will be promoted and become store managers of four stores. Don’t worry if you fail to become store managers this time. We will open more art stores in the future, and we need more

Many store managers.

In addition, after today's party, those who are willing to work in four other cities can sign up voluntarily.

The opportunity for promotion and salary increase is right in front of you, girls, I hope you can seize it.

Okay, that's all I have to say, everyone has a good time." After Zhang Junping briefly talked about the matter, he chose to exit, leaving space and time for them to think.

Zhang Junping called Rosa to the living room on the first floor alone.

"Rosa, I have another job here. I wonder if you are willing to take it."

"What job?"

"The company lacks a director of the training department. I want you to be the head of the training department, but you need to go to China for six months of art training first."

"I do!" Rosa agreed without even thinking about it.

"Don't you think about it?"

"No sir, I would like to be the director of the training department."

"Very good, you have a good talent for language. If you study Chinese well and get some artistic training, you will definitely be able to become a qualified training director.

In the future, I may be able to become one of the company's top executives." Zhang Junping drew a sweet pie for Rosa.

The reason why I chose Rosa instead of Lisa was because Lisa had a family in Paris, a husband, and children, and it was impossible for her to give up her family and run around.

I can only stay in the store here in Paris as a store manager.

The other one, Zhang Junping, is also more optimistic about Rosa. Rosa is younger and more motivated than Lisa.

Regardless of her youth, she has a higher prestige than Lisa in the hearts of all store employees.


"Rosa, Lisa, how many people have signed up to work in other countries?" Zhang Junping called Rosa and Lisa into the office the next afternoon.

"Sir, except for those who are married, everyone else has signed up."

"Who do you think is suitable to be the store manager of the other four stores?"

"Aliz, Lilia, Gervin, and Gemma, these four are good people, and they are fully capable of taking on the position of store manager." Rosa and Lisa looked at each other, and Rosa said.

Zhang Junping understood that the two people had obviously exchanged opinions before coming.

It just so happened that there were two stores, with two people in each store.

In other words, Rosa and Lisa each selected two people to serve as store managers...

However, Zhang Junping didn't care.

"Okay! Then the four of them will be the store managers. Rosa, go and call the four of them up."

After Rosa left, Zhang Junping looked at Lisa and said with a smile: "Lisa, I plan to let Rosa be responsible for training. From now on, you will be the store manager of the two stores in Paris.

I didn’t choose you because you’re not good enough, but because you have a family. Career is important, but family is equally important.”

"I understand, thank you sir for considering me.

But I don't want to leave Paris. My lover and children are here.

Thank you sir for your help, I will definitely work hard." Lisa was slightly disappointed, but she still expressed her gratitude to Zhang Junping with a smile.

Lisa is very clear about the disadvantages of women in the workplace, especially married women, whose disadvantages are even more obvious.

No wonder for others, she is already very satisfied if she can hold on to her position as store manager.

"After Rosa and Lisa's recommendation, the four newly opened stores this time will be served as store managers by the four of you. I hope you will not disappoint Rosa and Lisa's recommendation and do your best."

"Yes, sir, don't worry! We will definitely work hard!"

"Tell me! Four stores, which country do you want to go to?"

"Bald Eagle!" the four people replied in unison.

The attraction of the bald eagle is really great. It not only attracts Chinese people, but also French girls yearn to go to the country of bald eagles.

"Haha! We are quite united. Unfortunately, Bald Eagle can only arrange one store manager for the time being." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"In this case, let's draw lots and go to whichever country we draw. Do you have any different opinions?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"No!" The four people shook their heads.

Zhang Junping took a piece of paper, tore it into four equal parts, wrote the names of the four stores on it, and then folded them up.

"Okay, you can choose for yourself!" Zhang Junping threw the paper ball on the coffee table and said with a smile.

It's a bit of a joke, but it's the fairest way.

After selecting store managers from four countries, Zhang Junping asked them to select their own store clerks.

There are a total of thirty foreign clerks. Zhang Junping’s plan is to have five foreign clerks plus five Chinese clerks in one store. In addition, depending on the situation, ten clerks will be recruited locally.

This is something you can't help but do in order to pay less tax.

Capitalist countries have always advocated democracy, freedom and openness.

It's all bullshit.

There is still local protectionism, and it is very serious.

For example, if you open a store, whether it is in Zurich or Berlin, or to promote the bald eagle of freedom, would you try it without hiring local employees in your store?

I can't kill you!

After waiting for the four store managers to select the right people, Zhang Junping flew directly to Zurich the next day with the store manager Gemma from Zurich, ten selected store clerks, fifteen security personnel and ten Chinese male employees.

The others need to be on standby here in Paris.

By the time Zhang Junping and his people arrived in Zurich, the store had already been vacated.

Zhang Junping first arranged for everyone to rest in the hotel for 10,000 yuan, and then started cleaning and decorating the store the next day.

Christina’s little assistant became a buyer, responsible for purchasing various materials.…

Zhang Junping led others to start decorating the store.

Zhang Junping's carpentry skills were put to good use.

If a local Swiss company were to do the work, it would have taken twenty days. Zhang Junping and his crew completed the store decoration in two days.

Of course, a lot of the facilities of the original store are used here.

After renovating the store in Zurich, Zhang Junping called Chen Lijun and Zhou Yan to transfer goods from Paris to Zurich and choose a date to open the store.

There won't be any celebrations here, just a lion dance team will be invited to make the place lively, even if it's open for business.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Junping took Christina and a temporary decoration team of twenty-five other people and set off for Berlin.

Because the original luxury goods company had already vacated the store in advance.

After signing the three-party transfer contract, Zhang Junping moved in directly and started decorating.

This time it took three days to complete the store decoration.

The reason it took an extra day was because someone was causing trouble.

A local decoration company actually reported Zhang Junping and others for illegally using illegal labor.

With Christina, a former lawyer and current assistant, it is not a problem, and Zhang Junping and the others all have work visas.

I don't hire a decoration company to do the decoration myself. Although I feel uncomfortable, no one can tell me what's wrong.

However, because of this incident, it was still delayed for one day.

After the decoration was completed, Zhang Junping and his team rushed to London non-stop.

The artworks from London and New York were all urgently transferred from China. Because we were in a hurry, we sent them directly via air consignment.

Half a month has passed, and when Zhang Junping and others rushed back to Paris, they happened to catch up with the touring exhibition.

Early in the morning, Zhang Junping and others rushed to Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Today the charter flight of the domestic artist delegation arrived in Paris.

Yang Yeming was also traveling with him. A few days ago, before Zhang Junping returned to Paris, Yang Yeming made a special call to tell him that the delegation must tell him in advance when they arrived.

Knowing that the delegation arrived today, Yang Yeming insisted on coming to the airport to greet old friends.

No one can persuade me.

After the delegation came out, Yang Yeming threw everyone away and hurried forward to greet them.

"Uncle Yuan!"

"Ye Ming!"

The two old men hugged each other tightly, old friends who had been separated for half a century, reunited again.

Although they had not seen each other for more than thirty years, the two people recognized each other at a glance. This is a testament to their friendship.

Yang Yeming is not only an old friend with Qi Gong, but also an old friend with Wu Guanzhong.

After hugging Qi Gong, he hugged Wu Guanzhong tightly.

The three of them held hands and talked to each other.

Zhang Junping took Chen Lijun and others and arranged for other old, middle-aged and young artists to board the bus one after another.

This time the delegation stayed at the Hilton Hotel, and the bus was also provided by the Hilton Hotel.

It's not that Zhang Junping has any fondness for Hilton, but that Hilton offers the biggest discounts.

In order to arrange accommodation for this touring exhibition, Zhang Junping held a special bidding meeting.

Open bidding for hotels to stay during the European tour.

The condition was a five-star chain hotel. In the end, the Hilton Hotel offered the biggest discount and the cheapest price, so I chose the Hilton Hotel.

Everyone else got on the bus, and only Yang Yeming, Qi Gong, and Wu Guanzhong were still chatting there.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Wu, and uncle, please get in the car first! When you get to the hotel, you will have a lot of time to catch up on old times." Zhang Junping had to step forward to interrupt the chat between the three of them.

"What did you call me?

Ask your master who is the senior brother among us!" Qi Gong glared.

"Uncle, please go talk to my master yourself about this matter. Anyway, he told me to call you uncle." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"This Wu Minghe actually dares to take advantage of me, let's see how I deal with him later!" Qi Gong glared and got into the car to find trouble for Wu Xinping.

"If you don't go and take a look, aren't you afraid that they will fight?" Wu Guanzhong teased.

"Because of this, I have to stay away to avoid getting splashed with blood."


This chapter has been completed!
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