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Chapter 320 Li Wenjuan's Growth

Zhang Junping smiled, this could be considered an opportunity for Lao Yang.

In the future, there will not be many pure ancient buildings, except for the courtyard he built, and then there will be Prince Gong's Mansion, which will be restored in a few years.

Other so-called ancient buildings are modern buildings covered with ancient buildings.

It's not that blue bricks and blue tiles are ancient buildings, they can only be regarded as antique buildings.

The core of ancient architecture lies in the internal structure, such as beams, citrons, columns, cornices, mortise and tenon structures, etc.

Many so-called ancient buildings in later generations actually have the reinforced concrete structure of modern buildings at their core, but they are decorated with the appearance and structure of ancient buildings.

It can be regarded as a kind of development of the times.

Zhang Junping's office building and restaurant are such a structure. From the outside, they look like ancient buildings, but the inner core is a reinforced concrete structure using modern architecture.

This does not mean that buildings with reinforced concrete structures are necessarily stronger and more durable than ancient buildings, but that reinforced concrete structures are more suitable for the construction of high-rise buildings.

After walking around Baylor Mansion and checking the progress, Zhang Junping turned around and came to Zhiweizhai.

Zhiweizhai has now added seafood, and the business has become even more popular.

This is also thanks to the relationship between Zhang Junping's comrade Xu Jingang and others, who opened up the transportation line from Tianjin to BJ.

Fresh seafood is delivered to Zhiweizhai every day.

In traditional Shandong cuisine, seafood accounts for a large proportion.

Now, with a large amount of fresh seafood, Chef Yu can finally show off his talents.

"Hingzi, why did you come here at this hour?"

"I just went to Baylor Mansion to take a look, so I stopped by to take a look!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"By the way?" Zhang's mother smiled and glanced at Zhang Junping.

The art company is in Dongsishitiao. Go to Shichahai Beile Mansion and take Nanluogu Lane, then turn to Xishiku Street.

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Zhiweizhai is located in the southwest of Shichahai, that is, Baylor Mansion is between the art company and Zhiweizhai. No matter how you get there, you can't get to Zhiweizhai.

"Mom, I just came over to see if business is going well lately?"

"Okay! Ever since you brought in the seafood, the business has become more and more popular, and we have to turn over the counter several times a day.

If you look at this, you've already started to get married." When talking about business, Zhang's mother had a smile on her face.

"Mom, the blueprints of our Zhiweizhai Seven Buildings have been designed. I will take a look at them tomorrow. If there are no problems, we will start construction.

You should also pay attention here to see if any of the current waiters are suitable. After the seventh building is built, you can transfer him to be the foreman." Zhang Junping reminded with a smile.

"You don't need to remind me, I have already started selecting here. There are a few good ones who have been promoted to team leaders just to prepare for the future." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

"Don't just stare at the bar all the time. We need to train a few cashiers at the bar, and our family alone won't be able to do it." Zhang Junping reminded again.

Not to mention that his family doesn't have that many relatives. Even if he does, they can't all be arranged to come to the restaurant.

Not to mention being assigned to work as a cashier at the bar.

If you hire a cashier from outside, you may not dare to reach out and embezzle the money on the bar, but it's really hard to tell your own relatives.

This kind of thing is more likely to happen to relatives.

"I know, it's just that the cashier is hard to find!"

“My biological mother is here, she has something to do and is looking for the street!

Our restaurant has a Hong Kong-owned sign, and many people want to come in.

You can go directly to the subdistrict office and state your requirements, and they will definitely meet your requirements.

It’s hard to find professional accountants, even those who have graduated from middle school or high school?

Cashiering isn't that complicated, it's just a matter of keeping a running account, and a little training is enough.

Then find two people at the bar to supervise each other so that nothing goes wrong." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the streets and talk to see if there's a suitable candidate." Mother Zhang hesitated and said.

"Mom, I opened this hotel for you not because I want you to be so tired, but because I want you to have something to do.

If you continue to do everything yourself, I will leave the management of the seventh building behind to others." Zhang Junping advised with a semi-threatening tone.

"Okay! I can't listen to you! You brat, you dare to threaten me!" Zhang's mother smiled and slapped Zhang Junping.

"I'm just threatening you, what do you do?" Zhang Junping said and ran out of the restaurant.

"Why are you going?" Zhang's mother followed and asked.

"I'll pick up my wife!" Zhang Junping replied with a smile.

After hearing Zhang Junping say that he was going to pick up his wife, which was business, Zhang's mother returned to the restaurant with satisfaction.

Continue to sit at the bar.

At the same time, I began to think about how to manage the seventh building later when it opened.

Mother Zhang had thought about it before, but she never had a clue.

Zhang Junping drove his car to the door of the Light Industry Bureau.

This is not the first time that Zhang Junping drives to pick up Qiu Wenyan. Many people know him.

Mainly because Qiu Wenyan was so famous that the most beautiful golden flower in the Light Industry Bureau was picked by Zhang Junping.

I don’t know how many people woke up crying in their sleep.

Zhang Junping took out his cigarette, gave it a circle, and then bragging and spanking with everyone, waiting for his wife.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"No, I just arrived a few minutes ago." Zhang Junping opened his eyes and told lies without blinking.

I obviously waited for almost an hour.

"The section chief had something to do before getting off work today and asked me to check a piece of data." Qiu Wenyan explained.

"No, I arranged for you to check the data before get off work. What were you doing so early?

There are so many people in your department, why do you have to be assigned to you?" Upon hearing this, Zhang Junping immediately became extremely dissatisfied with Qiu Wenyan's new section chief.

"I am responsible for this!"

"The same goes for your section chief. He knew you were pregnant and still assigned you such a heavy task." Zhang Junping continued to express dissatisfaction.

"Okay, my task is already very light. I'm only six months pregnant. People who are eight or nine months pregnant don't still work." Qiu Wenyan reached out and touched Zhang Junping's face and said softly.

"If you ask me, just take a leave and go home to rest. Don't forget, you are pregnant with twins." The dissatisfaction felt by Qiu Wenyan immediately disappeared, and she began to persuade Qiu Wenyan to take leave.

"But it's so boring to stay at home on leave!" Qiu Wenyan blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhang Junping and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay! If you want to go to work, go to work.

During this period, until you give birth, I will not go out, and I will take you to and from get off work every day." Zhang Junping compromised again.

Because of the debt in his heart, Zhang Junping was completely obedient to Qiu Wenyan.

My wife was pregnant and went abroad for several months.

Because of this, Mother Zhang often scolded her.

"Pingzi is so good!" Qiu Wenyan leaned on Zhang Junping's shoulder and said happily.

"Is that okay? Let's continue singing Jingyun Dagu Shu tonight?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Qiu Wenyan nodded with a blushing face.

Zhang Junping was overjoyed that his wife had trained him.

In the past, although I unlocked many postures half-heartedly, I was never embarrassed to talk about this topic with my family.

Sure enough, pregnant women are different.

Jingyun Dagu Shu is so beautiful.

When I got home, grandma had already prepared the meal.

Grandma has been cooking all her life. Although it is not as good as a professional chef, it tastes pretty good.

After dinner, Li Wenjuan and five other apprentices rushed to wash the dishes.

In the evening, Zhang Junping called five apprentices to the study and gave them a test.

Quite satisfied.

"Dongzi, are you still used to living here with Master?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

I have more sympathy for Yang Jindong and Zhang Junping.

This apprentice was so miserable. He was abandoned by his parents when he was born. After being adopted by Mrs. Yang, he was only eight years old. Mrs. Yang left again.

"My master, my wife, my brothers and sisters are all very good to me.

My senior sister also taught me how to draw." Yang Jindong blinked his big eyes and showed a happy smile.

"Yes!" Zhang Junping nodded with satisfaction.

Yang Jindong seems to be recovering well and has overcome the pain of losing his loved ones.

"Eat more from now on and see if you lose weight.

How can you have the energy to practice boxing when you eat so little?" Zhang Junping warned with a smile and ended the test.

Let them do their homework and start practicing after finishing it.

That night, Jingyun drums were sung several times.

In the morning, Qiu Wenyan's face was radiant, her face was rosy, moist and smooth.

After breakfast, Zhang Junping sent Qiu Wenyan to the Light Industry Bureau before driving to the art company.

"Juanzi, come to my office." Zhang Junping called and called Li Wenjuan into the office.

"I'll give you a task to purchase three jeeps or cars.

Complete the task and you will be rewarded as the deputy director of the office.

If you can't finish it, continue to be your clerk." Zhang Junping told Li Wenjuan with a smile.

"Master, you know how to bully me!" Li Wenjuan said coquettishly.

Li Wenjuan's time in the company is not in vain. I heard about her promotion to deputy director of the office yesterday.

As a result, Zhang Junping temporarily added another task to her today, and Li Wenjuan was naturally unhappy.

Of course, she also knew that Zhang Junping was joking with her.

"Okay, stop being coquettish and think about how to complete the task." Zhang Junping smiled and nodded Li Wenjuan's forehead.

"It's just three cars!

Master, just wait, I can solve the problem with just one phone call." Li Wenjuan saw that her coquettishness was of no use, so she directly spoke loudly.

"Is it so awesome? A phone call can solve the problem?

Okay, I'm waiting for a call from you to solve the car purchase problem."

Li Wenjuan didn't leave, she directly picked up the phone on Zhang Junping's desk and dialed.

"Uncle Xu, I am Juanzi!"

"Yes, my master is Zhang Junping."

"Well, Uncle Xu, our company needs three cars now, either Jeeps or sedans.

Do your customs have suitable cars for film inspection?”

"Thank you, Uncle Xu!

When you come to BJ, I’ll treat you to a feast at my master’s Zhiweizhai!” Li Wenjuan happily hung up the phone.

Zhang Junping was stunned when he heard this. How did you solve the problem with just one phone call?

Asking his comrades to help with things, treating guests or going to his own restaurant, he is truly a close disciple.

"Master, how about it? A phone call can solve the problem.

Uncle Xu happens to have three confiscated Crown cars over there." Li Wenjuan proudly showed off to Zhang Junping.

This chapter has been completed!
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