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Chapter 321 New Office Building

After staring at Li Wenjuan for a while, making her feel uneasy, Zhang Junping suddenly laughed.

"Not bad! If you know how to use your teacher's network, you will pass this test."

Zhang Junping is not the kind of stingy person and has no concept of teaching his disciples to starve their master to death.

She is not afraid that her apprentice will use her communicative skills to turn her connections into hers.

If he can do it, it means that the apprentice has the ability.

Aren't the master's connections just for the disciples to use?

The key is to see how to use it.

Some of them are for consumable use, and when you use them up, your connections are gone.

After I've done my favor, let me tell you, Master, that I don't owe him anything from now on, and if you have something to do, please don't interact with me.

This is taking advantage of connections, or forcing others to do things based on favors.

Another way is to cultivate connections. The more you use them, the deeper your feelings will become.

Li Wenjuan obviously used Zhang Junping's connections in a nurturing way.

"Xiangzi, you should learn more from Juanzi when it comes to human relations and sophistication." Looking at Xia Guoxiang who was standing aside with an envious look on his face, Zhang Junping smiled and made a pointer.

"I understand, Master!" Xia Guoxiang lowered his head and said with some embarrassment.

Seeing Xia Guoxiang's expression, Zhang Junping shook his head and said nothing more.

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Conditions have been created for them, and what they can achieve in the future depends on their personal destiny.

"Xiangzi, go to the warehouse department! Be the deputy director of the warehouse department." Zhang Junping did not treat Xia Guoxiang badly. Li Wenjuan served as the deputy director of the office, and Xia Guoxiang naturally wanted to give him a similar platform.

"Thank you, Master!" Xia Guoxiang was overjoyed.

"Are you polite to Master? Do your best!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

He has made the best use of his resources. Xia Guoxiang is a serious and responsible person, so it is just right for him to go to the warehouse department.

That is a department that needs to be serious and responsible, even serious.

"You have gone to a new position, but your homework cannot be left behind.

Boxing, kicking, calligraphy and painting skills are just basic skills and must be learned seriously.

Yesterday, you passed my assessment. It does not mean that your level has met my requirements. It just means that your homework during this period has not fallen behind and you have improved compared to before.

Therefore, never be proud or complacent." Zhang Junping solemnly reminded the two apprentices.

How can you work in an art company without a certain level of artistic literacy?

Nowadays, many employees are rushing to get products on the shelves and only choose to use them if they have no other choice.

In the future, at most two years later, his recruitment criteria must be people who have graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts or have certain artistic qualities. This is just a basic recruitment requirement.

[By the way, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books is Yeguo Reading, install the latest version. 】

Now, it’s okay not to say anything.

While educating the apprentices, Ye Lihua, Chen Lijun, and Zheng Dongmei walked in.

"What, where are the disciples?"

"Yes! If you have nothing to do, beat them and save yourself from complacency." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Manager, regarding the director of the promotion and sales department, after we discussed it, we feel that Shao Qian is good. Do you think it's okay?"

"Shao Qian?" Zhang Junping thought for a moment and nodded, "Then let him!"

Shao Qian is Lao Hu's second apprentice. He is over 50 years old this year. He has been hanging around in the antique shop since before the founding of the People's Republic of China. He was an apprentice in Lao Hu's shop and he knows the ropes of the antique shop.

Although I am not very satisfied, there is nothing I can do about choosing a general among the cripples.

"Sister Chen continues to serve as the director of the business development department and is in charge of the business development department and the promotion and sales department.

Do you have suitable candidates for the archives and warehousing department?"

"There is a candidate, but he is not from our company. This person currently works in an archives. He is in his forties and is the chief administrator.

There is no need to say this person’s ability. Due to some special reasons, he was sent to the countryside for several years. When he just came back, his original position was already taken by others, so he could only serve as the chief administrator."

The so-called chief administrator is the chief section member. He enjoys section-level treatment but does not have the rights of a section chief.

There are many such people.

"Okay! Since you think it's appropriate, let's do it! Let's go, let's go to the secretary to report it, and then have a meeting to approve it." Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

Report to the secretary and hold meetings to discuss. This is the procedure.

Although Zhang Junping and the others will not change anything once they have settled down, there are still some procedures that need to be followed.

Zhang Junping led three people out of the office door, and happened to meet Lao Yangtou who came to deliver the drawings.

"Master Zhang, are you going out?"

"Mr. Yang is here!

That's just right. Let's go report later. Let's take a look at the drawings that Mr. Yang brought." Seeing Mr. Yang's head, Zhang Junping simply turned around and returned to the office.

"Master Zhang, these are the drawings of the office building you asked for. They are all here." Old Yangtou took the drawings from the attendant and put them on the coffee table. "These are the drawings of the seventh building."

"Well! Juanzi, make tea for Mr. Yang and use Mingqian Longjing." Zhang Junping explained and started to look at the drawings.

Although Zhang Junping has never studied engineering construction, when he was building a museum in his previous life, he often studied the drawings with engineers.

So, I can generally understand it.

Zhang Junping flipped through it and found that the main body was basically designed according to his own requirements. The appearance blended perfectly with the surrounding buildings, with a total of nine floors above ground and two floors underground.

The appearance looks antique.

But inside, it adopts a modern structure, including the space, which is modern, simple and bright.

What Zhang Junping is most satisfied with is the windows, all of which are floor-to-ceiling windows.

"You guys should take a look too! This is our new office building." After Zhang Junping read it, he handed the drawings to Ye Lihua and Chen Lijun.

He himself picked up the drawings of the Seventh Tower and looked at them.

The so-called Qizilou is because Zhang Junping's newly built Zhiweizhai Restaurant is outside the seven outer city gates. There are seven restaurants in total, so it was jokingly called Qizilou by Zhang Junping.

I meant it as a joke, but ended up calling it out like that.

"Mr. Yang, when building the office building and the seventh building, we need to sign a formal contract, unlike my yard.

Do you think it’s you who signs it, or does it sign in the name of the second construction company?”

“Just sign in the name of the second construction company.

Mr. Zhang, let me introduce to you, this is Yan Jianjun, the manager of the Second Construction Company." Old Yangtou quickly introduced the people around him to Zhang Junping.

Only then did Zhang Junping realize that the person he thought was his follower was actually the manager of the Second Construction Company.

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. Who would have thought that he is the manager of a construction company in this navy blue overalls.

"Sorry, sorry!

What a blind person! What a neglect!" Zhang Junping quickly apologized and asked Yan Jianjun to sit on the sofa.

"Juanzi, make tea for Manager Yan!"

It's no wonder that Zhang Junping misunderstood. Yan Jianjun has been standing behind Lao Yangtou since he came in. Anyone who looked at him thought he was Lao Yangtou's follower or apprentice.

"Master Zhang, you're so polite! I came today mainly to see the world with Mr. Yang." Yan Jianjun was very modest.

Just from the way he dresses, you can tell he is a man of action.

"Manager Yan, if I hand over the office building and the seventh sub-building to you.

How long will it take you to finish?

In other words, does your second construction company have the ability to take on the construction projects of eight buildings at the same time?" Zhang Junping asked directly.

"Master Zhang, our second construction company really can't afford eight buildings.

The main thing is that all eight of your buildings have underground parking lots.

This is the first case in China."

"This is not my first case!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"The building you mentioned doesn't count.

Buildings that I dare not mention cannot be counted.

I’m talking about civil buildings.”

Yan Jianjun is also an interesting person. He actually guessed what Zhang Junping was talking about right away.

"I see!

How many buildings can your company take over?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"Three seats! No more, we really can't eat any more.

However, I can introduce the First Construction Company..."


The Seven Towers are located outside the gates of the seven outer cities and cover several districts.

When you make a living in other people's areas, you must always leave some food for them." Zhang Junping interrupted Yan Jianjun with a smile.

When looking for a construction company, do you still need an introduction?

There is not much work for construction companies in this era. As long as the wind is released, countless people will rush over.

After the founding of New China, in order to carry out urban construction.

Several districts in BJ have established construction teams, and there are more than one.

These construction teams were the predecessors of the First, Second and Third Construction Companies.

In fact, this is not only the case in BJ, but also in all cities across the country.

"Master Zhang has thought carefully, but I am too talkative."

"Manager Yan, there is no need to be so polite.

Also, Mr. Zhang is an honorific title for friends in the world.

We all have serious jobs, you can just call me Manager Zhang."

"Manager Zhang!"

"Manager Yan, I'll leave it to you outside You'an Gate, Guang'an Gate, and Xibian Gate.

You can start organizing the construction force, and we will sign the contract together after the other buildings are finalized."

"Thank you, Manager Zhang. Don't worry, we will definitely get the job done." Yan Jianjun was overjoyed and quickly expressed his stance.

"You're welcome, just do the work well. I will invite professors from the university's architecture department to supervise the work." Zhang Junping said with a smile, and then picked up the drawings.

"Well, you and Mr. Yang have tea first. Wait a moment. I'll take the drawings to the secretary to take a look."

Zhang Junping took the drawings and led Ye Lihua and the others to Wu Xinping's office.

"Master, please take a look. This is the drawing of our office building. See what needs to be modified." Zhang Junping handed the drawing to Wu Xinping.

Wu Xinping didn't understand architecture either, so he didn't look at the construction drawings at the back and directly opened the floor plan at the front.

“The design is good, the layout is very reasonable, and it was designed by a famous artist.”

"This is a drawing I asked the descendant of Shi Lei to design. It is planned and designed according to the royal garden.

After the office building is completed, our office building, the granary, and the garden outside will form a whole.

We can be regarded as working in the royal garden." Zhang Junping joked.

"Haha! How many people can't ask for it to work in such an environment?

I guess Lao Wang would be jealous to death if he saw him."

This chapter has been completed!
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