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Chapter 331 Problems arising from raising funds to build houses

After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he stopped talking and drank tea slowly.

President Liu didn't speak, and drank tea silently, thinking about what Zhang Junping just said.

House mortgages, this type of loan, have been around since ancient times.

However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, all materials, including houses, were owned by the state, so there were no house mortgages.

That's why Mr. Liu said there is no precedent.

But what Zhang Junping said is very tempting. For housing mortgage loans, and the lender's company will also provide loan guarantees, it can be said that the bank does not have any risks.

Installment payment further reduces the risk and cost of using funds.

The problem is still what I just said, there is no precedent.

Next, Zhang Junping and President Liu did not continue the topic, but chatted about some interesting anecdotes.

The lunch ended in a harmonious atmosphere. After seeing off President Liu, Zhang Junping drove directly back to the company.

He knew that President Liu was moved, but the matter was too big and there was no precedent, so President Liu did not dare to give him a direct answer.

We need to go back and think about it and hold a meeting to discuss it.

"Master, the company is in chaos. No one is in the mood to go to work. They are all discussing raising funds to build houses.

Many people even want to go to the city to ask for an explanation."

"Who wants to go to the city to ask for an explanation? Have you written it down?"

"Write it down."

"Well! Write down the name.

Then you go and notify that an all-staff meeting will be held in the training room in half an hour.

Call Zheng Dongmei over."

After Zhang Junping finished explaining, he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

"Manager, are you looking for me?" Zheng Dongmei came to his office after a while.

"The people on this list will be given half a year to find out their mistakes and expel them all from the company." Zhang Junping gave the order straight to the point.

"Why?" Zheng Dongmei glanced at the list of results and said nothing.

She already understood why Zhang Junping fired these people.

These people are the ones who make the most noise at noon and afternoon, and they are the ones who threaten to seek clarification.

Such people are unsettling factors everywhere, so it is understandable that Zhang Junping would expel them.

In fact, even if Zhang Junping didn't say anything, Zheng Dongmei had already written it down in a notebook for these people, but he was not as decisive as Zhang Junping.

Zheng Dongmei's solution is that in the future, these people will not be included in the company's promotion awards.

"I understand!" Zheng Dongmei agreed readily.

Then he talked about the cause of the incident, "Manager, I really need to talk to everyone about raising funds to build a house, otherwise it will really affect our work if we continue to make trouble like this."

"Actually, I just went to resolve this matter in the morning.

Ten to twenty thousand yuan, twenty to thirty thousand yuan, seems quite a lot, as if you will never make so much money in your lifetime.

But, if you think about it carefully, can you really not make so much money?

For those employees who are dispatched by our company, you can call them and ask them if they have any objections to raising funds to build houses.

Also, it sounds like a lot of money.

But is it true that every family can’t raise so much money by asking friends to borrow money or asking relatives to raise money?

I don’t believe it!” Zhang Junping smiled and shook his head.

After listening to Zhang Junping's words, Zheng Dongmei stopped talking. Thinking about it carefully, although her family didn't have so much savings, she still couldn't borrow thirty or forty thousand yuan from her husband, eldest brother, brother-in-law, or her parents' family.


"Buying a house is never a trivial matter. It should be a normal thing to borrow money from relatives and friends to pool money to buy a house.

It's just that everyone is used to the country allocating houses and getting used to it, and they don't want to pay.

That's why there was such a big reaction.

When I first talked about raising funds to build a house, I knew there would be such a reaction." Zhang Jun said confidently.

After chatting with Zheng Dongmei for a while about the house, Zhang Junping stood up and said, "Let's go, I just asked the office comrades to hold a staff meeting. If there is anything, let's talk about it at the meeting."

Zhang Junping took Zheng Dongmei into the training room.

Fortunately, half of the people have gone abroad, otherwise the training room would not be able to accommodate many people.

Zhang Junping sat directly on the podium and looked at the people below.

After waiting for a while, waiting for the voices below to disappear, he spoke.

"I know that everyone has opinions on raising funds to build houses and thinks it is unfair. We used to allocate houses with welfare benefits. Why is it changed to raising funds to build houses when it is your turn?"

I would like to ask, among all of you here, except for the leading cadres above department heads, who of you is sure that you will be allocated a house when building a dormitory building this time?" Zhang Junping's question made everyone speechless.

Except for leading cadres, they have all just joined the company, and some have not even become regular employees yet.

I have just become a full-time employee, and I am even still in the internship period. It is simply wishful thinking to get a house.

I have never heard of an employer allocating houses to people who have just joined the workforce.

It's all about waiting and enduring. If you're lucky, you can wait three to five years and get a house. If you're not lucky, your children will be struggling and haven't been given a house yet.

They have too many neighbors like this.

"Now, I provide you with an opportunity, that is, everyone has the opportunity to live in a spacious new house.

You actually shouted unfair?

I don’t know, where is the unfairness?” Zhang Junping asked in a calm tone.

“Manager, I don’t feel it’s unfair, I just feel that for the price you set, I can only afford a square meter of house with one year’s salary without food or drink.

I really can’t afford it.”

"Haha! It's well said, and the issues considered are also very practical.

I like this, when we have problems, we talk about them and find ways to solve them.

Instead of shouting unfairness at every turn.

We are all adults, so don’t just shout unfairness.

When I held a meeting with the heads of various departments before, I said, how can there be absolute fairness in this world?

Absolute fairness only means absolute unfairness." Zhang Junping smiled and waved his hand, gesturing for the girl who just spoke to sit down.

"Okay, let's not discuss things that are fair or unfair.

Let’s talk about raising funds to build a house next.

Twenty thousand yuan, or even thirty or forty thousand yuan, is a huge amount of money for each of you and each family.

It feels like an unbearable amount of money.

But is this really the case?

Let me give you a not-so-nice example.

If you get a disease, a very serious disease, it will cost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan to cure.

Can you get treatment? Can your parents raise the money?

Think about this carefully."

Zhang Junping's words can be said to go straight to the depths of the soul.


There is no doubt that everything must be cured.

This is your life, how can it be replaced by money?

Zhang Junping waited for a while, then continued: "Our fund-raising to build a house has a real estate certificate, and the property rights of the house belong to you personally.

This kind of house is not just for your generation, but your children and grandchildren will live in it in the future.

Is such a house really expensive at 20,000 yuan?

Also, after you go home, you can try selling your house-purchasing qualifications for a thousand yuan and see if anyone rushes to buy your house-purchasing qualifications." Zhang Junping brought up another topic that struck a chord.

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. Think more about it when you encounter something in the future, and don't make a fuss.

I will think about it carefully when I go back. I will say the same thing again: buy a house voluntarily and never force it.

Before, the registration was only to count the quantity, and it does not mean that you must buy it after signing up.

You can choose not to buy it.

Is there any loss for you?


Because even if it is welfare housing, it is none of your business.

You are not qualified enough to share the welfare housing." Zhang Junping said the truth and let everyone break their guard.

Yes, you don’t have to buy it if you can’t afford it.

Originally, it was impossible for welfare housing to have its own share.

Why are you so excited?

Shouldn't it be those who are leaders who should be excited?

They are the ones who have the biggest losses.

Thinking this way, many people felt relieved instantly.

Zhang Junping did not tell them that the company would provide them with a loan to buy a house or that the company would lend them money to buy a house.

Because Zhang Junping didn't want them to develop the mentality of getting something for nothing.

Grind them first.

"Also! Don't take what I just said about the qualifications for buying a house outside the home seriously.

Let me give you an example. Our company will not sell any qualifications for buying houses. Once discovered, the qualifications for buying houses will be canceled immediately." Zhang Junping walked to the door and stopped again, and said to everyone.

After solving the company's troubles, Zhang Junping drove to the Press and Publication Bureau again.

Sure enough, after Zhang Junping told Cao Xiangqian the price, Cao Xiangqian was a little overwhelmed.

This is not a matter of money, but a different way of thinking about problems.

I am too price-sensitive, and the first thing I think about is that I will never make so much money in my life.

Instead of thinking, how can I make so much money?

"Leader, if others say they can't come up with the thirty or forty thousand yuan, I believe it.

If you say you can't get it out, I won't believe it!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"What? You think I look like a corrupt official? Otherwise, with my salary, how can I get so much money?" Cao Qianqian glared.

"With your salary, naturally you can't afford so much money, but you still have royalties!

I know that you, the leader, write commentaries for major newspapers and magazines all year round, and the famous commentator [Xiang Qianjin] pays a lot of money." Zhang Junping joked.

"You kid, who gave you the news?" Cao Xiangqian laughed.

It is not a secret that he is a commentator on [Moving forward].

Many people in the bureau know it.

In fact, many people in the bureau are contributing articles to major newspapers and magazines, which is not unusual.

The Press and Publication Bureau is originally engaged in cultural work. Although I cannot say that the average cultural level of the Bureau is the first among all units in the country, it is definitely ranked first.

I deal with words all day long, write some articles, and publish them in newspapers and magazines. Is there any problem?

There are no regulations in the country that do not allow them to use their spare time to write prose or poetry, right?

Therefore, it is normal for them to contribute articles to newspapers and magazines.

(End of chapter)

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