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Chapter 339 It is rare to have a day of leisure, and finally return to Beijing

Qiu Wenyan happily took a map and began to plan the route back to Beijing.

It was rare that Qiu Wenyan was so interested, so Zhang Junping let her go and accompanied her to study the route back to Beijing.

"Honey, would you like to go to Panyang Lake?" Qiu Wenyan said coquettishly, holding Zhang Junping's arm.


"I also want to go to Lushan Mountain to see the waterfalls. Today's waterfalls are too small and boring!"


My wife is the oldest, wouldn’t it be better to take a detour to Panyang Lake and Lushan Mountain?


"Honey, you are so kind!" Qiu Wenyan rewarded Zhang Junping with a passionate kiss.

Then continue researching the route.

It wasn't until dinner that Qiu Wenyan ended the route study with unfulfilled interest.

Zhang Junping accompanied him throughout the whole journey. According to Qiu Wenyan's route, they had to walk four or five times longer.

But so what?

My wife is the oldest and my husband loves me the most.

Must be satisfied.

After dinner, Zhang Junping took Qiu Wenyan back to the room.

I originally planned to take a walk to digest food, but Qiu Wenyan complained that her legs hurt, and her legs felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Junping had no choice but to take her back to the room.

As for going to the hospital, there is no need, he is the doctor.

After a period of collection and accumulation, Zhang Junping now has intermediate Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine skills.

Qiu Wenyan's leg pain is very simple. She didn't move much in the past, but today she walked too much, which caused the pain in her legs.

Originally, after a woman becomes pregnant, her uterus enlarges and compresses her lower limbs. This increases the pressure on her lower limbs, which can easily lead to leg pain.

Qiu Wenyan walked so much today, and her blood circulation is poor and accumulated in her lower limbs. Now she just feels swelling and pain. If not treated in time, symptoms of swollen legs will appear tomorrow.

Such a minor ailment cannot help Zhang Junping, who is already equivalent to a master of Chinese medicine.

He put Qiu Wenyan on the bed and took off her clothes. Zhang Junping began to massage her to let the blood circulate and stop accumulating in the lower limbs. The swelling pain would naturally disappear.

As the saying goes, if there is pain, there will be no pain; if there is pain, there will be no pain.

Not only her legs, Zhang Junping gave Qiu Wenyan a full-body massage to relax her muscles, activate blood circulation, and relieve essence and blood stasis.

After the massage, Qiu Wenyan looked between Zhang Junping's legs and giggled unkindly.

Zhang Junping looked innocently at Qiu Wenyan, whose face was rosy and laughing.

"dare you laugh

It’s not all your fault!

Isn't it just a massage? Why do you call it so tempting?"

"I don't want to either! Who made your massage feel so uncomfortable?

It was painful at first, then itchy and numb, and then it felt better.

I feel relaxed all over now, and my legs don’t hurt at all." Qiu Wenyan finally suppressed her laughter and said seriously.

"You don't feel any pain anymore, what should I do?" Zhang Junping said helplessly.

"..." Qiu Wenyan said something silently.

"Really?" Zhang Junping said in surprise.

"Look how beautiful you are!" Qiu Wenyan rolled her eyes at Zhang Junping angrily.


The next day, Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan had breakfast at the guest house, checked out of the room, drove around JDZ, bought some local specialties and put them in the car.

Then go west along the national highway to Panyang Lake.

Panyang Lake spans the three cities of Jiujiang, Shangrao and Nanchang.

Naturally, Zhang Junping and the others couldn't visit all three cities, because Qiu Wenyan wanted to go to Lushan and finally chose Duchang County in Jiujiang.

From JDZ to Duchang County, it is about a hundred kilometers away, but we stopped and stopped along the way. It took us a whole day.

The natural environment in Jiangxi is really good. Although it is not a scenic spot along the way, there are many scenic spots worth seeing.

Zhang Junping also follows Qiu Wenyan's temperament. When he sees something interesting, he will stop and admire it, and then ask Zhang Junping to take some photos of her.

On the way, Zhang Junping encountered several people who blocked cars, but Zhang Junping didn't have time to get out of the car and argue with them.

No matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives.

There are countless incidents of boats capsizing in the gutter.

Every time Zhang Junping encountered such a situation, he would just roll down the glass and shoot a shuttle into the sky with his AK.

Immediately clean.

By the time they drove to Duchang County, it was already evening.

After staying at the county guest house, the two of them went out to find a restaurant and have something to eat.

The meal was not very pleasant, but Zhang Junping carried a gun with him and showed it before the other party got angry.

Under normal circumstances, the other party will retreat obediently.

Under normal circumstances, the only option is to use a gun. Zhang Junping has a gun license and is not afraid of the police.

Fortunately, it was not August 1, 1982, and we did not encounter the same situation, which allowed the two of them to enjoy the delicious food in peace.

After resting for a night, we drove to the shore of Panyang Lake.

Zhang Junping deliberately made a circle around the waters of Laoye Temple.

The Panyang Lake Laoye Temple water area is known as the Bermuda on the lake and the freshwater Devil's Triangle. It is a water area that scares even the local veteran fishermen.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless shipwrecks at the bottom of the lake in Laoye Temple waters.

Zhang Junping did not live enough, and he had no intention of taking Qiu Wenyan on an adventure.

With Qiu Wenyan, Zhang Junping's principle is safety first.

Never go to dangerous places.

We found a safe water area, found a relatively large fishing boat there, and started to tour the lake and enjoy the scenery.

At noon, the two of them enjoyed a meal on the boat, a pure fish stew made by fishermen.

The fish is from Panyang Lake.

The water used is water from Panyang Lake.

Fishermen stew fish, no matter what kind of fish, crucian carp, grass carp, carp, silver carp are stewed in one pot.

The stewed fish has a unique taste, and with the corn pancakes attached to the side of the pot, it's like a pot of fishermen's stew.

Use corn pancakes dipped in fish soup to taste extra sweet.

The two of them played on the boat for four or five hours before going ashore and leaving.

After playing on the boat for more than a long time and having another meal, Zhang Junping gave the fishermen 20 yuan. They were very happy and insisted on giving them another pack of dried whitebait.

Zhang Junping took a look and saw that the dried whitebait was in good condition, so he simply paid to buy all of his dried whitebait.

Then he was asked to go to a neighbor's house and collected a lot.

I spent 200 yuan and bought more than 100 kilograms of dried whitebait.

Stuff it into the trunk of the car.

Dried whitebait is a specialty of Panyang Lake. Dried whitebait is delicious when fried and rolled into pancakes. You can also make soup and drink it. It tastes very delicious.

Moreover, dried whitebait also has a very good dietary tonic effect, which can nourish the lungs, clear away gold, nourish yin, and replenish deficiency and fatigue.

With a trunk full of harvest, Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan drove directly to Lushan City.

Yesterday in Duchang County, it was somewhat unpleasant (I can't say). Who knows if people will cause trouble for them today.

There is no need to find this discomfort.

As the saying goes, safety comes first.

When we arrived in Lushan City, it was already past seven in the evening.

Zhang Junping still chose to stay at the Lushan City Government Guest House.

This is a habit that Zhang Junping developed during his previous business trips. If the connecting unit has a guest house, he will stay in the guest house of the connecting unit. If not, he will stay directly in the city or county guest house.

Because this kind of guest house is safe.

Of course, the accommodation environment in these guest houses is generally very good.

Although some guest houses are branded as guest houses, both in terms of scale and interior decoration, they can meet the standards of star hotels.

The two of them traveled all the way and arrived in BJ City half a month later.

The trunk of BJ's Jeep and the back seat were filled with gifts they bought along the way.

This is because Zhang Junping secretly put a lot of things into the museum space.

Otherwise, you won't be able to compete at all.

Qiu Wenyan didn't think about this at all. She just wanted to buy. When she saw novel things, she just bought them.

Zhang Junping also dotes on her and buys whatever she wants. Anyway, there is no shortage of money.

Even though the two of them had been running around for half a month, Qiu Wenyan didn't show signs of fatigue at all. On the contrary, her face was rosy and her complexion was quite good.

This is of course the result of Zhang Junping. When he was tired, he gave me massages and looked for delicious local delicacies that pregnant women could eat and had a nourishing effect.

Coupled with his frequent moisturizing, it is surprising that Qiu Wenyan's complexion has deteriorated.

Arriving at the door of his home, Zhang Junping stopped the car.

Stopped Qiu Wenyan who wanted to help unload the truck.

"Honey, just go in and have a rest. Leave the job of moving things to your man."

Zhang Junping moved things home again and again.

"Old... Pingzi, we bought these? Why are there so many?" Qiu Wenyan looked at the main room that was almost full, and was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes! These are your trophies, my wife." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Can our jeep fit so much stuff?"

"If you can't let go, you have to let go! My wife is the oldest, and if Jeep dares to be disobedient, I will tear him into pieces." Zhang Junping interrupted and teased.

"Virtue!" Qiu Wenyan glanced at Zhang Junping and stopped worrying about this.

Start by calculating how to distribute the things you bought.

Keep one share for your family, give one share to your brother-in-law, one share to your sister-in-law, and one share to your natal family. Your natal family should also give a share to your sister-in-law’s natal family. Colleagues with whom you have a good relationship must each prepare a share.

Qiu Wenyan was not tired, but Zhang Junping was extremely exhausted. For half a month, he had to work as a driver, a masseur, a photographer, a tour guide and a bodyguard.

Along the way, I encountered too many unspeakable things.

Several times, Zhang Junping almost couldn't hold back and went on a killing spree.

Fortunately, the danger was saved in the end.

Zhang Junping took over his grandfather's rocking music without plastic surgery.

Lying on the rocker very inconspicuously, he was stroking the dogs with one hand. Thirteen hounds of different sizes were petted one by one.

Don't favor one over the other.

The reason there are so many dogs is because my grandpa brought all the hounds from the mountain.

The four old hounds, plus the six that Zhang Jun Pingyuan raised, later gave birth to two more litters.

This was still a lot of giving away. Scarface and his subordinates took away seven or eight puppies, otherwise the house would really become a doghouse.

Because of this matter, my grandma even had a quarrel with my grandpa.

But it was no use. When there was no food to eat, grandpa would rather feed his own rations to the dogs than keep them.

What's more, now, there is no need to stutter.

"Pingzi, Pingzi, get up quickly." Just when Zhang Junping was basking in the sun and about to fall asleep, Qiu Wenyan came over and shook him awake.

This bitch, when she returned to BJ, she would never call her husband again, saying it was awkward.

Just one update today, take a rest tonight.

Will make up for the third update tomorrow.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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